Go outside

>go outside
>only women interested in me are black

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at least some women are interested in yourself

black men are the least desired group of males of all. unless you live in africa, in which case, carry on.


tfw can only pull catgirls

>sitting in the job centre trying to maintain the tragic guy trying his hardest persona
>chav lass starts trying to chat you up

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Statisticly white male black female marriages have a super low divorce rate. If you can deal with being a race traitor and having mixed kids it probably wouldn't be that bad.

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>drive to Houston with bro
>black guy shilling his mixtape to a white girl
>he looks at me and says I need a bitch, and to stop hanging around dudes all day

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You think that's not the fucking dream?

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And it has the added bonus of making polcels seethe? Sold!


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>only girls who were nice to me in my whole adolescence were ones that were older than me

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dunno, when I think of racemixing nowadays this image comes to mind and I burst out laughing

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Nothing gets my dick harder then when I get to report an off-topic.

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>go outside
>only gay people are interested in me.

Nothing gets my dick harder than the jannies inaction

>tfw no black gf to break up with once she falls in love with you

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>crying about off-topic
>actually using the report function
You go beyond the term "newfag".

Been at it all day, bro. They haven't failed yet. They'll come.

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>tfw i know that feel
>but not really
>its just black girls like to hit on me the most

i remember at my last job these 2 coworkers of mine (who were black) asked if i would have a threesome with them... dude, i SKRRRTT so hard out of there... my wheel almost caught fire. proud virgin till this day.

This is the reason why I do this shit. I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't for the thrill of getting my (You) from these people.

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what about blacks with asian?
im a nigger myself and wouldnt mind dating a qt asian grill

>Bigger sample=better

>I was only pretending to be retarded

Honestly, the hero we need. If more people did that, the board would become a better place