From's games are like IPAs...

From's games are like IPAs. The only reason people pretend to like them is because they're trendy and collectively represent "hardcore experiences for hardcore tryhards like myself", not because they're actually fun or mechanically interesting at all. One day you'll all realize this.

Attached: from-software-790x444.jpg (790x444, 14K)

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I disagree because you're a gay nigger

Dark Souls was gayer than kissing boys

Nobody else makes a good mech piloting game in the style I want, even if some of the AC games have loads of bullshit.

Attached: tumblr_p2he78KqQH1vhxng4o1_1280.jpg (893x1253, 364K)

>I cannot empathize with the idea that somebody might like thing, therefore they must be insincere

the telltale call of the brainlet, local man dislikes the idea that people have different opinions therefore those opinions must be illegitimate if they can't be controlled

I like IPAs because I like the intense, hoppy, grapefruit-like flavor.

>beer analogy

Is this how shitters who couldnt git gud COPE?
I feel bad for anyone that cant enjoy fromsoft games.

>pretend to like them
I find your campaign against a game that kicked your ass hilarious. Instead of keeping at it and getting better at the game, you chose to cry, bitch and moan like a retarded toddler.
Keep these threads coming, they're hysterical.

IPAs objectively taste like shit because we're biologically programmed to hate overly bitter flavors, since bitterness was traditionally a chemical reaction to poisonous foods.

I loved Demon's Souls when I had no idea From Soft even existed.

>im cool because i dont like whats cool
fuck off faggot its a good game

this is why I haven't touched them

only betas gets poisoned makes sense why u dont like them soiboi kek

>g-git gud

Proving my point. It's literally the only defense Fromfags can muster because they're incapable of just defending the game by its own merits.

Also, punishing you by forcing you to mindlessly backtrack to an area after you die is not good game design.

>penalties for losing is not good game design
go to bed edmund

No i like them because it's a fun experience

I like them because they are fun. I'm talking about dark souls of course. Not this samurai shit.

>Beer analogies

Alexa play Scatman

>not because they're actually fun or mechanically interesting at all
but user that's the only reason I play them

Attached: csgo is for pros.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

nothing to see here boys, just another babby who couldn't get past chained ogre

video related, it's you, git gud lmao

You don't like going back to the start of a stage in Mario after falling off a cliff?

I think you had to fight your own down syndrome to think of a reason to dislike these games.

git gud

Nah, I genuinely enjoy the lore of their Miyazaki entries. The only way to truly engage with and enjoy the lore though is to play the games and build that relationship with the atmosphere and characters. Plus I enjoy the combat for being slow so I don’t have to just spam nonsense, make my hands hurt, and only win because I am disintegrating my joints.

What? IPAs are like the easiest type of beer to down. Those are like what I drink when work sucked and I just want to chill out for a little and feel less bodily pain because they just pass right through you and you can drink them fast.

If I'm trying to be a tryhard tough boi I usually get a darker heavier beer that, while smooth, feels also very dense.

You literally only say this because you haven't played any of the games and you want to justify missing out.
If you had actually played them, you would know that they provide an excellent sense of adventure and exploration, the difficulty just adds to the immersion because without the sense of danger you wouldn't really be having an adventure.
You sound like my faggot friend who tried to claim that Dragonball Z was mediocre and overrated and when I asked him "why?", he started to stutter a lot and then eventually went silent because SURPRISE he didn't watch the fucking show and was just running his mouth about some hot take he had on something he knew nothing about but still wanted to let people know that his tastes were "superior".

Attached: 1380591829298623.png (585x432, 213K)

IPAs are good one at a time.
If you want to drink more then one other ales are less bitter.
There's a video game metaphor there somewhere.

>that stream
damn its easy to forget just how manchild gamers really are
y'all stopped maturing when g4 went off the air or something. some fathers you'll turn out to be.

>not because they're actually fun

>He doesn't like being challenged.
>He isn't addicted to that rush of satisfaction you get when finally getting gud and beating a boss you've been stuck on.
>He doesn't appreciate niche games with depth and creativity instead of the same 5 shallow games every other company releases clone after clone of with minor differences in box art.
>He doesn't appreciate games that expect you to engage with them and actually put some effort in/work for it to learn them instead of handing you everything like they're a desperate beta and you're the girl friendzoning him.
So these are the people EA make games for. I thought they were a legend. I never thought I'd actually meet one.

Name games with more interesting mechanics then.

Who the fuck wants to drink more than one beer at a time? And do you mean different beers or just dual fisting the same beer?

I could probably drink three IPAs back to back faster than I could drink two stouts at the same time.

literally any game of the year for the past ten years, take your pick fromfag

Game of the year is subjective.

Interactive movies have little to no mechanics, so naturally cross any story-focused games off your list if you have any.

The thing I don't get about their games is who plays video games to not have fun? Like are these people masochistic? Seems like they are all very frustrating experiences.

Challenge is fun.
If there was no challenge then it would just be a mindless draining experience.