Phew, i'm glad that's over!
Phew, i'm glad that's over!
Other urls found in this thread:
His phase 2 animations are some of the best animation work I've ever seen from a game. It looks exactly how I imagine a remote controlled body with no head would move.
>when he puts his head back onto his body so that he can scream
What the hell game is this
what am i meant to even do against the REEEE form? poke for a while then run back while he screams?
dont worry about it, some game for autists to jerk each other off to
Weak to divine confetti like everything else in this game. I think fire crackers still hurt posture alot. But if you party his three big swings on the third he falls over for a bit
*Parry not party
I don't know why but I was able to beat first phase easily and 50% of second phase on my first try, but then on my subsequent, probably hour worth of tries, I had troubles, even at the first phase. Maybe overconfidence?
Punish his jumping attack and belly slide attacks, parry his last thrust of the 4-poke attack. It's the pussy way to do it, but it works.
First time you always play on instinct. All attempts after that are clouded by doubt, too much thought, and trying to anticipate everything
The purple shield will block all of his reeee and let you stick close to him. This also works with the red shield vs Demon of Hatred. Pop the shield and let him land directly on top of you when he does his huge jump AOE attack.
I was really hoping to find him later in the game, either dead or reanimated
I'll give it a try. thanks!
Genuine question but is Yea Forums THIS bad at games? Every boss so far has been a cake walk with clear ways to punish them and clear tactics to beat them
>lady butterfly is weak to side step attack
>chained ogre is just weak as fuck because his attacks are telegraphed as fuck
>genshino is a deflect check
>Ogre is a typical Bloodborne boss where you run around and wait for the clear openings (used a lot of jump attacks and fire crackers), 2nd phase is a little more wild but with even less attacks
Shit is so fucking easy so far and desu, not even that fun. A lot of the bosses feel way to similar where I feel like i'm just standing in the centre of the arena, holding LB and waiting for their attacks so that I can time some deflects. The only memorable boss for me so far is ironically the ape because it resembles closest to a bloodborne boss where you actually have to move around, look for openings and etc.
Game is just tedious desu
i guess i just have a problem with huge size enemies. It was the same with BB. All the human fights were great and made sense, but once it's large i'm too retarded to see what their limbs are up to.
This is my first soulsborne game I've committed to, and do you really expect every person to be good at video games instinctively?
I don't, but I do expect a board of retards who call every game casual at every waking moment to not suck at video games.
Most of Yea Forums is legitimately inhabited by normalfag redditors who have always been rightfully infamous for having an intelligence comparable to melting dog shit.
People wonder why Valve playtesters were so fucking stupid? It's because they were Redditors.
Casual isn't an insult here anymore, trash here unironically defends playing phone games while they prolapse their anus on the toilet.
The reason you can't shit on Reddit as much isn't because mods see it as an overused insult borderlining on spam, it's because Redditors are too stupid to figure out adblock and provide a huge quantity of mindless traffic. Hiro loves r/Yea Forums and wants to nurture cross-populations between Yea Forums and Reddit as much as humanly possible.
More Redditors = more casual faggots who only started playing games because it was trendy for a period and now can't escape Yea Forums because the site is like fly tape for stupid people. These are unironically people who
>buy shit games from shit companies like Bethesda or Ubisoft every single year and will even go out of their way to defend their shitpile
>unironically do not know how to do the most basic tasks and are in the same tier of intelligence as people like Andrew Dobson or Boogie
>think twitter niggermemes and tumblr ironic humor is funny
>complain about RTS games or anything with inventory management and math because "that's all boring stuff!"
The people who had trouble with that fire faggot from Demon's Souls? Those are people who are bad at games. The people who have trouble with Sekiro's shit? Those people are normalfag casuals who literally only buy games because they're popular on twitch.
>muh reddit boogeyman
get over yourself
It's common knowledge that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
I could play again but after saint isshin I dont really want to.
The game goes from fun early, to tedious/battle of attrition later. You go from easy stuff and good pacing, to "rape your face" shit like owl and isshin. Out of nowhere.
Oh? Go beat this 4 phase boss now with 6 pots. Enjoy.
>u dont like reddit so ur wrong!
Nice off-topic post.
>being bad because reddit
>not because 30yr boomer with rsi
Chained Ogre gave me no trouble because of the flame vent.
Lady Butterfly was the first "what the hell is this" moment where I realized that health bars in this game are just a trap, but in truth, what I really consider the boss of that whole sequence is the drunkard before you enter the mansion. That one killed me more times than I care to count, to the point where beating it did not even feel enjoyable.
I'm still not done with the game though, and I don't think corrupted monk had anything "clear" about how to respond to it. Certainly not nearly as clear as Genichiro.
I dunno, I think a lot of the bosses and enemies are genuinely fun to fight. Like ninjas and all variety of samurais. Some of the later bosses are just exceptionally hard and yeah it's like a battle of attrition
game goes from fun, to not fun, very quickly.
the not fun part begins at guardian ape.
If Vinny can do it then you have no excuse; resign yourself to being a slave for the better of mankind because that's where you're going to be in twenty years if they don't just shoot you in the back of the head for being a fat useless cow.
I thought the ape was a lot of fun. Where it starts being too hard just depends on your own personal skill level.
yeah the jumping vacuum grab of death you cant dodge is not fun.
dying to shitty code/hitboxes is not fun.
ohohoho you got em alright
Then you haven't played very many video games.
just run away from him when he leaps in the air. So many people seem to forget that you can run around like speedy gonzales at any time
After you deflect a few sword hits and it staggers him you can spike him with the spear and rip the centipede out of his neck hole for a fuck ton of posture damage.
Not many people do it because they spend the whole game spamming dodge and firecrackers.
PHASE 1 - Circle him and occasionally shower him with fireworks.
PHASE 2 - Don't be afraid to get right up inside of him, just carry pacifying agent and be ready to spring. Also, you're gonna want to jump when he does the slithering moves and sweeps.
>you can spike him with the spear and rip the centipede out of his neck hole for a fuck ton of posture damage.
How does that work?
>lady butterfly is weak to side step attack
Based retard who doesn't know her strat
>chained ogre is just weak as fuck because his attacks are telegraphed as fuck
He also has 2 grapples that can insta-kill early on.
>genshiro is a deflect check
Yes, and?
parry his giant overhead chop (he does it as a finisher if you parry his regular combo) and he will stumble forward, exhausted. You can then use the spear R2-R2 attack to do massive damage to his neck stump
>the game's been a cakewalk!
Okay, upload a non-stop speedrun with no deaths then "uber gamer" faggot.
Exactly as I said, when he is staggered from your deflects his severed neck wound is exposed. Use the spear prosthetic with the double tap not charge, same way you rip the armor of the first bell weilding taro trooper. This pulls the centipede of immortality out of his body for a bit and you can wail on it for a few hits.
It hurts his posture way more than just hitting him with a sword and since deflecting his sword to get him in that stance is easy it takes longer to abuse hit and run or firework tactics. Honestly so many people are making this game tedious for themselves by going for exploits rather than skill. Firecrackers are a crutch with the exception of vs blazing bull.
>You can then use the spear R2-R2 attack to do massive damage to his neck stump
What in tarnation.
Are there a lot of interactions like that? I end up never using the goddamn tools for anything, they feel useless to me, I tried using the axe and the spear for a while but somehow they never feel worth it and I just deflect/R1 things to death.
I feel particularly burned because I spent a long time trying to use the spear to tear off armor plates from the Armored Warrior which seemed like an obvious interaction to exist, only to get fed up and look it up and realize YOU CAN'T.
>giant centipede inside his body
>he slithers like a fucking centipede
i love it, it's totally disgusting.
>I spent a long time trying to use the spear to tear off armor plates from the Armored Warrior which seemed like an obvious interaction to exist, only to get fed up and look it up and realize YOU CAN'T.
I tried that a few times too, but it was obvious it wasn't gonna work from the first attempt. Also the weapon description makes it clear only "poorly fitted" armor is vulnerable to the spear rip, and Armored Warrior is the opposite of poorly fitted.
I use shurikins a lot, hitting people out of the air does incredible damage for very low emblem cost.
Yea, this game has a lot of weird exploitive bullshit that you'd never normally figure out, which is kinda cool, but kinda "fuck off with that horse shit" when you spend 40 minutes fighting a boss and then realize "oh, you could've just the schmoolie tool to mafoolie his magoolie."
prepare for monkey trouble
it's weird, dark souls is usually known for boss fights but in this game, they are the weakest part of the game.
everything good about the game is outside boss battles. the actual boss fights are not "fun".
Well to be fair I beat the Headless ape the first time without knowing it was an option. Wasn't until the second fight when I found out about the spear by chance. You only get to play the game fresh once, so why spoil it with guides. Sometimes I don't approach the fight the ideal way, but I get it done in the end.
Mmmm...I guess you prefer just hitting enemies, running away till your stamina regens, and then repeating the process?
the good = navigating areas, being stealthy at times, or fighting FAIR enemies/minibosses
the bad = every main boss after early game.
Speaking of which, what are some essential tips on defeating headless? There' one in the Ashina Depths in the fog area I've wasted 3 divine confetti on without being able to kill.
Suit yourself, every boss I beat I find myself thinking, "I wish I could do that again right now I bet I'd do it even better".
Early game has by far the weakest bosses, what are you even talking about? Guardian Ape alone is better than all first 4 bosses put together.
I still think the bosses and minibosses are the highlight, but that they're weaker than Souls bosses.
Speaking of which, does ANYBODY enjoy the stealth?
i'd rather walk on broken glass than do the saint fight again.
that isn't fun, that is tedious as fuck and a RNG-fest
>saint does spear thrusts often, you get lots of free posture
>if not, fuck you
>lightning attack = free dmg
>if not, fuck you
Even if you get hit by that every time he uses it, you shouldn't be dying. You have more than enough gourd uses and health by that point to survive 7-8 hits of it, and I sincerely doubt he's even using it that many times aganst you, let alone hitting you with it that many times.
Otherwise, you really shouldn't be getting hit by any of his moves. The scream might drain a bit of health from you, maybe you'll mistime a parry or two, but overall he's a perfectly reasonable boss even IF that grab is OP (which it isn't, so all the more reason he's reasonable).
>tfw had no sippies left so I spent twenty minutes running and chipping away at him for the win
Felt like I shit a solid brick afterwards.
I fucking hate headless, even if you deflect the sword the damage spill over and terror is bonkers. Better off just letting him wiff and then rushing in with divine confetti. I've done 3 and didn't care for them at all. Purple gourd, purple umbrella, confetti, and a sprinkle of luck.
Confetti and sword spam should take him down, purple umbrella spins to hurt his posture is nice, and never let him rip your spleen out.
>game is just tedious
The entire souls borne genre in a nutshell
Isn't it possible to get 2 stealth deathblows on True Corrupted Monk?
Some prosthetics heavily rely on the prosthetic skills, and Axe is one of them. It especially needs midair prosthetics.
I might be wrong, but let me guess - you got the Shuriken dash attack, maybe the midair deflect, and then soon after that you got the Ashina line and grabbed all the deflect bonuses and shit. And if you do that, well, no shit doing deflects and R1s is going to be your path to victory.
But yeah, I really feel like From had a great foundation with the prosthetics that they kind of failed to follow up on. More interactions would have been really fun.
>purple gourd
Where do they sell that one again?
true monk is actually one of the few fights that isn't complete bullshit.
except the third part where you can get stunlocked into terror death if you don't dodge.
The stealth is okay. I wouldn't call it fun. It's satisfying to succeed at it in parts like Hirata Estate near where you get the Flame Vent, with the tons of dogs and dudes. But overall, the stealth just serves as a way to make basic enemies easier.
fucking horriefiing
would have been 20/10 if not for shit and farts
why miyahacki
i know it was that scat fetish fag
>this game is a cakewalk
>zero gourd refills
>1 spirit emblem
>used-up resurrection so he obviously died from Guardian Ape previously
Kek, nice shitpost my man, how angry did the game make you for kicking your ass?
>Had to use every single one of his healing guards
Shitposting at it's finest.
the only tedious one is farmborne
fuck chalice dungeons
who wants to kill the same boss 100 times over for 1 gem
and then do it again for 2 more gems
I just did 1
But at least monk has no retarded grabs or other gimmick shit, or instagib mechanics.
Mibu village vendor IIRC.
Japs find toilet humor insanely funny.
Also, monkeys will literally throw their shit at you.
I want to upgrade my Mikiri Counter, but I don't want to learn the roll.
I run around a lot when I fight, and wouldn't the roll get in the way of transitioning from running to blocking or deflecting?
It's a real shame you can't like disable learnt skills or something.
which are the best 2 tools for the purple upgrade?
You are an actual shitter and STILL do not understand the game's mechanics despite beating it. Just watch one of those no-hit speed runners fight him and realize the amount of openings you aren't punishing. How exactly is it RNG when they can punish everything and you can only punish big shit like the spear stab? The final fight of Sekiro is great and I won't let your cowardly, panicking ass slander it.
i know but still nasty
and the fart was uncalled for
could forgive the shit slinging
I went the Ashina route less for the bonuses [although of course I went after them] and more because I wanted to be as close to a "walk in and slap your shit silly" Black Iron Tarkus as I could, and Ichimonji seemed to fill that niche nicely.
>and the fart was uncalled for
If you hit him a second before or half a second after he does that, you can cancel it and get a decent bump in posture damage.
no the way you win is exploiting the AI
>R1 twice
>isshin always does a special
spear phase:
>just parry
>mikiri the thrust
since enemies have infinite stamina and poise you have to play defensive all the time.
In the very first skill tree there is an upgrade to the mikiri counter.
A requisite to said upgrade is the stealth roll.
>since enemies have infinite stamina and poise you have to play defensive all the time.
Imagine being this retarded.
a lot of people use dark souls 2 as an example of a "bad" game but I can't name one boss in this game better than fume knight, or alonne, and that's just one DLC.
Honestly the phase one animations are pretty good too. That upright run before the rolling grab is awesome
with parries, you have to continually spam R1 to maintain posture and create openings. the dodge in this game sucks dick and is rarely worth using.
>the dodge in this game sucks dick and is rarely worth using.
Gee, it's almost like the game's focus is on you deflecting and not avoiding attacks, since that helps build posture.
>but it regens too fast!
Then damage them. Enemy's with lower health regen posture slower.
Either way, the dodge is actually great if you know how and when to you use it.
>who wants to kill the same boss 100 times over for 1 gem
haha 100 times.. nice joke my dude
so why is every boss a midir-tier damage sponge?
I have to land a billion hits for their health to go down, and I can get 2 hits in max before I am countered. mind you the enemy has infinite poise and never ever stagger, no matter how much you R1.
Was there a more kino bossfight?
First off, if an enemy is doing a sweep, you can punish that by jumping and then pressing jump again to bounce off their head which does a good deal of posture damage.
2, when they're attempting a thrust, you can dodge forward into it and counter them and deal a good deal of posture damage.
3, when you deflect, make sure you are actually deflecting and not simply blocking on accident.
4, you can use the firework tool to get in free hits and lower their health so its easier to damage their posture
5, Sometimes enemies perform moves that deplete posture on their own, like with the big fat guys that carry clubs, they'll occasionally hop on one foot and swing, that depletes their posture, or smash the ground repeatedly, that depletes their posture.
6, you need to search more for openings. A lot of enemies you can get hits in by simply holding dodge to run behind them, since once they lock into their combo, they tend to have a hard time redirecting (depends).
Fountainhead snek ladies get fucked by the sabimaru. Monks get fucked by the fan. Ogres get fucked by the fire. Shield is OP as fuck.
I don't enjoy how battles work in boss fights.
Even isshin. You do the same pattern, over and over and over. parry parry, dodge attack, stab. mikiri his red attack.
Yes, all bosses have patterns but no other souls game has one universal strategy: walk to the boss and parry and r1 spam.
I mean, he's full hp with a full reserrect left and who knows how many pellets. Don't see how his screenshot debunks his claims.
Oh yea, immediately after you deal a deflect, it will sometimes give you a small opening to land in a hit, which does more posture damage than a normal blow. Remember, ONLY moves with a red japanese emblem/character are potentially unblockable. Everything else, with few exceptions, can be blocked or deflected.
>I mean, he's full hp with a full reserrect left
Wow, you mean exactly like I was at the end of Guardian Ape, except even then I had an extra Gourd or two to spare?
Wtf are you talking about Sword Saint is literally the second most fun thing in the game.
I was using my souls "tactics" on butterfly, dodging and attacking. And then I abandoned all that, and just spammed L1. And you know what? It worked.
Why does a game punish me for evading stuff? I literally facerolled the boss by not moving, not dodging, just using L1.
Zero movement, except jumping the unblockable attacks.
Seems like you're projecting your struggles onto him friend. Boss wasn't hard, took me 3 tries just by spacing him and attacking when he had a clear opening. Firecracker also wrecks him.
If you died more than 5 times to that boss, then you kinda just suck, LOL
im getting wrekt by owl 2, help
>Yes, all bosses have patterns but no other souls game has one universal strategy: walk to the boss and parry and r1 spam
Except you clearly can't do that because of certain things. For instance, both Guardian Ape and the Drunkard have poison gas attacks. Lady Butterfly has illusions and uses wires to throw jump on and throw shurikens at you from.
Folding Screen Monkeys itself is more of a puzzle than an actual fight.
never noticed
it's still in the game user kun
sekiro is basically like playing dark souls with a tower shield. you don't need to dodge, just block.
except in this case, blocking helps you kill the boss. (posture)
>Zero movement, except jumping the unblockable attacks.
Sounds like clear bullshit since she regens posture too fast for you to simple deflect all her hits, and would break your guard faster than you would hers, and for her phase two she has homing projectiles that damage you through guard and illusions ontop of that.
it's a minium of 100 times
and who farms that bad for a twink
Chalice dungeons are shit though, you can't deny it. So are gems, for that matter.
Dark souls is easy, so....*shrugs*
owls a piece of shit but a cool character
you need minimal hits. when she spams flurry attacks you get a shitload of posture damage, just for spamming L1.
or, you can sidestep and attack for 1% HP damage. which is better?
>Can't buy Oil anywhere
> NG+
>Do things in order this time instead of checking everything out before Genichiro
>mfw 2Ape
chalice dungeons singlehandedly ruined bloodborne for me
i would have 10x the hours if chalice dungeons didn't exist or at least had guaranteed drops and they removed half of them since there weaker re skins anyway
what dumbfuck thought this farming bs was a good idea?
>complains about the enemies being impossible
>then proceeds to complain about the enemies being too easy
Upload some webm's of yourself, since I'm done talking to a baiting faggot.
blocking does nothing to enemy posture
Did you fight the Shura ending boss?
playing the game like dark souls (dodge/attack) is the wrong way to play
the correct, and best way to beat bosses, is to turtle and spam R1/L1 at all times. regenerating posture as needed.
EXPOSED 2019 SHITTER CAN'T PLAY SEKIRO, MISTAKES BLOCK FOR DEFLECT AND IS CLEARLY A TROLL - *Watch out reaction to noobs playing Sekiro after the credits!*
Yes, if you side with Owl you get the best boss fight.
The correct way to play is to hit shit with everything you got then react accordingly to their deflects, I don't know why you fags take out the fun out of the games you play by playing like lame pieces of shit.
I mean parry spam. Dodging is shit because a parry will build posture which helps you kill bosses. Dodging does nothing.
>and who farms that bad for a twink
Me, I go full autism when I'm gearing a character no matter what level.
I liked them so I'm a bit bias, but I see why most hated them, especially at the start when the co-op was buggy as fuck. I think the problem is the first few depths are just a boring slog, they only get interesting at depth 4. They really should have held them until mid - end game and had them start at depth 4 difficulty.
He's right, the only boss that mandated movement for me was the great ape (ironically closer to a bloodborne boss than Sekiro boss). Outside of many 1 or 2 attacks, literally every boss I beat was beaten by me standing still, tapping LB and wearing their posture down.
>le spam block and deflect and don't attack :D
>obvious troll is obvious
get lost creep
Bloodborne doesn't have the build variety of Dark Souls and lacks replayability as a result, so they just gave you a bunch of extra chores to do to pad out the time you can spend playing it. At least you get to fight a couple good bosses, but most of them suck. I'd rather they spent that development time/money on adding a couple new areas to the main game.
If dodging boosted the posture bar, maybe it would be useful.
But all dodging does is help their bar shrink. A posture adds to the bar, dodges do shit. So the gameplay loop is: spam R1, parry with L1, get a hit in with R1, parry with L1, repeat.
>empty gourd once again
Geez, just admit you're a low-tier bitter-shitter and move on man, it's not hard.
rarely you have things to sidestep. like that, or the wind slashes on the dragon. still, the best strategy is to hug butterfly and let her kill herself with your parries.
The first time I fought the Guardian Ape he didn't throw his shit or fart at all, and his attacks had fewer follow-ups. Then the second time he used his whole moveset.
I don't know if it's a bug, memory leaks, luck, or developer intended.
"alls dodging does is help their bar shrink
>he doesn't know about mikiri counters
lmao'ing at your life
One thing I don't understand is
If the Hirata Estate is a memory, how does the whole pot noble situation work? Later on, you can kill the Great Carp, and he thanks you, but you killed the Great Carp in present day, and the memory was three years prior. Does this mean the Pot Noble can intrude into memories
Posture raising quicker when blocked is the dumbest mechanic and just further encourages that boring as fuck playstyle. They should have had that NG+ feature where you take a little damage on blocks in the base game
It was my 3rd try at him, never got his moves down (didn't need to lol) and I still had near full HP with a full revive left and all of my spirit emblems untouched (never used a single prosthetic ability orfirecracker).
Sorry if he gave you trouble m8, sorry if he took you 20+ tries, you just suck :^)
The best way to beat butterfly is to literally attack her then deflecting her to build posture damage faster, turtling literally doesn't work on several bosses because they recover posture damage too fast if you don't keep the pressure on.
yeah, you abuse that on isshin and other mobs. but that's not evading attacks, that's dashing into it.
but if I turtle and block a special with a parry, I get free R1 hits.
better a parry than relying on the shitty dodge with 0 iframes. also, headless ape does a big smash that gives you lots of free hits if you parry it.
What's funny is I could still beat you in smash ;*o
>0 iframes
Lol, my god, you really are trash aren't you?
I get the feeling that many people only play these games to prove that they are "hardcore", only so they can they that they beat them instead of actually trying to have some fun
the dodge is objectively terrible. it isn't like bloodborne and the range is tiny. why is there no combat art/talent tree upgrade to buff my dodge or jumping?
what was the order?
i did everything before genshiro and i thought i was supposed to
I don't get this. So often can you dodge attacks that are parriable that you can actually then punish way harder with combat arts or prosthetics. This applies to most heavy and overhead attacks, but also many more
bad tryhard
needs to 1shot people that take 20 shots to kill you to win
what the fuck miyahacki
bloodborne was so close to perfect but that farming is a BIG flaw
Yeah. I thought it was weird there was no art to help make it a little more capable.
Go for Genichiro first, you get a lot more dialogue this way too.
>you get a lot more dialogue this way too.
gonna need a quick rundown
and why did genshiro feel harder than the rest then?
heh u mad?
Phase one animations are pretty great too. I just spent ages fighting him on my NG+ Kuro charm bell demon playthrough and I loved every second of getting my ass beat. He looks amazing and is so fucking fun to fight
At least for me, Kuro had more dialogue since he tells you what to do instead of already having half the stuff you needed, and Isshin appeared with his Tengu Mask in the snake shrine place.
Also the Mibu village is considerably harder because it's ful of phantoms.
Time is convoluted in Ashina
They deserved it. Why do people play these games like such pussies?
It's called a plot hole.
It's fucking magic dude. I don't think dudes that live in pots that come from the Divine plane and turn into fish care much about time and space.
Wtf happened here? I never did bloodborne PVP. Why did they all die?
this is by no means a genuine question
Fuck off this game is pure kino and you know it. Stop being contrarian just for the sake of it.
That weapon builds up Frenzy like crazy, which kills you instantly if you get that status ailment.
Are you blind? He hit the ground with his weapon for an aoe blood splatter attack.
The L2 attack of this weapon inflicts Frenzy and will make your brain explode if you aren't equipped well
some fag with that weapon 1 shot me when bloodborne was free a year or so ago
wow i am blind apparently. nvm
mibu was kino
reminded me of upper catherdral ward
>when they swarm you at the house at the dead end across the lake
I read somewhere that the phantoms only show up if you play the game at twilight
>takes forever to kill anything but the basic trash enemies
>die in 2 hits
how do I get in to this game? I hate it.
>takes forever to kill anything but the basic trash enemies
I'm guessing you're focusing on their health bar too much instead of their posture? This game all about getting enemy's posture down, then they don't take too long to kill at all. You need to focus on deflecting attacks and dodging as little as possible.
I had trouble getting into this game at first but at some point the combat clicked and it's really fucking fun.
You can also throw dirt at bosses to completely fuck up their AI. You can also just outheal any bosses damage with rice, candy and other shit.
>if you hesitate as phase 2 initiates he scolds you
>if you move for a kill he praises you
it was very fucking kino
What is the lore explanation for the guardian ape second boss fight?
You already killed him for good once.
Not with the Mortal Blade.
he had a waifu or something
just jump, dodging is pretty much pointless unless you are using it to parry a stab
you didn't sever his immortality
that being said if you kill monkey trouble while you have the mortal blade in the first fight do you have the option to sever immortality or does the game meme you and force you to fight him a second time anyway
>never let him rip your sleen out
I'm sorry to tell you user but he actually is entering the butthole
Fountainhead snakes just get fucked up by everything under the sun user. They die in two hits and drop so much gold and xp it's sad.
I had the blade and I didn't get the choice to server his immortality
I'm talking about the purple ones that shoot lighting, they can offer a challenge. The regular ones are actually harmless.
The purple ones are even easier to fight though because lightning deflection is the most broken shit in the game. Once Isshin started lobbing lightning I knew I'd finished the game.
Did anyone else cheese true monk by just hopping up on to the branch in the second phase and lobbing shit at her?
>why is every boss a midir-tier damage sponge
because you are trying to kill them instead of raping their posture
>the only boss that mandated movement for me was the great ape
Do people not do Demon of Hatred?
demon of hatred you can literally just sit on his nuts and mash attack unless he charges you, where you just need to jump or he tries to kick you which you can parry. His red arm attacks whiff.
If he creates distance you can just walk around with red umbrella up to be invincible
Yes but he mandated you to move. I didn't even use red umbrella. I sat on his nuts and ran right if needed. Used grappling hook every change I had and obviously moved out of his arse slam.
his corpse just disappears you can't sever immortality even with the blade. I put it down to Sekiro not knowing that the ape wasn't dead the first time