Risk of Rain 2
>playing MUL-T, monsoon
>everyone dies but me
>find tele, activate, solo bosses and get to next level
>only one other player stayed
feels fucking bad man
109775240984515293 - join up
Risk of Rain 2
>playing MUL-T, monsoon
>everyone dies but me
>find tele, activate, solo bosses and get to next level
>only one other player stayed
feels fucking bad man
109775240984515293 - join up
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey, fellas looking at console dealings, how do you turn on cheats? I can't seem to make the 0 become a 1.
Crowbars make your glaive rip through shitty fucking swarms of wisps.
Literally every class in this game boils down to
>How much can I stack Syringes/Glasses/Proc effects?
The only exception is Artificer where your primary goal is Alien Heads.
Making my way downtown
Walkin' F A S T
help i accidentally made axolotl market lady mad
what do
(also is there a way to actually kill her? i got teleported out after attacking once)
Why do people leave? Just wait it out until everyone is dead.
dont try to bully the newt
where and when do Gold shrines start appearing?
>30 portals to get clover
this is some fucking bullshit lmao most I got was 23 but after a certain point you just get 1 shot by everything
To the user that asked how to do Naturopath. I merely avoided all the items and went right to the third map. You can ofcourse get items. I just couldn't be bothered.
what a run, and finally i have Merc
>hardlight afterburner
>double headstompers
>three hopoo feathers
You can 1 shot bosses like it's fucking mario bros. No I'm not kidding, even at level 25+ you still one-shot bosses.
you just need to run at them, jump, then blink three times in the air, jump again and then stomp their ass for over 900000 damage
>says I unlocked deicide
>it's not unlocked
>Two gunner turrets spawn next to each other
>Drop both engineer turrets right next to them
It was a fucking shooting gallery
Am I retarded or do you lose coins when you go through portals?
where is the secret chamber in abandoned aqueduct?
this is the fifth fucking time i killed my self with mercs dash
this time i slid of a vagrant with it and the game made me take 500 fall damage
Royal Capacitor is overpowerd
EU West
not to mention how you can use it in walls and the ground and almost kill your self
Easiest way to unlock this item? Any tips?
Yes, you start the new level without gold.
6 PLAYER LIMIT MOD (not sure if works tho)
1. replace files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed
2. start the game with -console -console_detach if you want to host (not sure if this is still needed though)
make sure the others on the server have the mod too. Otherwise you'll regret it. And of course, I'm not responsible if your computer catches fire
This is a test right now, but it would be nice if we could finally get it working
LOBBY ID: 109775240984630949
Black hole item them off a cliff
the fiery/underworld levels have a shitton of ledges. just get them to ~half hp and spook them off anything with a decent drop
wondering where it is as well.
oh, and make sure host types 'sv_maxplayers 6' in the developer console
how do I unlock clover
keep looping until you get one of the starter levels, the crabs will keep spawning and you can easily spook them off the cliff
>new headstompers
Complete 20 levels in one run
Yeah, I'm not enjoying Artificer much. Slow but hits really hard but I'd rather play something with a basic attack instead of two or three attacks rotating. She badly wants Alien Heads and Bandoliers and whenever I open a chest with literally anything else I feel bad because it would be so much better on any of the other characters.
is there a point to obliterating yourself after unlocking the merc? I just did it to end my run because I was tired.
>Warning: The air begins to burn
What did they mean by this?
I just did 23 and didnt get it
Just ask hoppo if it's okay to do.
Hey, since you've been messing with the console, any idea how to turn on cheats? Trying to test out the respawn command to look at the currently unplayable characters.
Before anyone comes in asking.
there's gonna be more burning than 'nam
Closest thing to an actual ending we have.
Ironic, considering you unlocked Merc in RoR1 by beating the game
I've tried to give the mage girl a chance but she fucking sucks unless you get the correct shit 100% of the time. Atleast you can kind of make it far with any of the other characters but the mage you'll struggle after just a couple of loops.
1 slot left
Prepare for wisps and only wisps.
Anyone wanna play RoR1
What's the difference between a blue portal and a celestial portal? They look the same.
Also really disappointed that doing the true respite achievement scenario as mercenary didn't trigger anything new
They literally designed the maps with the intention that people would do shit like this.
Blue is lunar shop, celestial is obliterate yourself
blue portal goes to the funny bazaar
celestial portal goes to balamb garden
>Also really disappointed that doing the true respite achievement scenario as mercenary didn't trigger anything new
Early access.
They have different chatbox messages so you don't get them mixed up.
Is it better to use all of your money to open up chests around the level or save it for the teleporter to get level ups?
>tfw playing with Yea Forums on ror2
>pulling my switch out for ror1
>tabbing out of ror2 into ror1
cheats 1
You wont be able to access the other characters though. You need to mess with the DLLs
Also take note you can leech off of someone else to get to the bazaar
One takes you to a shopkeeper newt that if you give 10 coins to you unlock Artificer the other you platform to a obelisk where you end your run by killing yourself and you get the mercenary
Open up chests. And if you can't get chests then get dones. If you can't get drones, then and only then should you use your remaining gold to level up.
how do i get to that big gold boss
what do you think?
cmon guys
2 more (I hope)
What the fuck is hermit crab?
The little bastard children of the Cremator that shoot rocks.
>it's a "get a decent build and literally run over everything but get insta-killed by a boss cause lmao" episode
>its a rerun
what the fuck? I unlocked naturopath and some other shit but when i check my logs it shows their still locked. what?
What's everyone's favorite class so far?
I was really surprised by how much fun I've had with Mercenary. I didn't think a melee only class would really work that well but holy shit it's like I'm a cyborg ninja fucking slicing and dicing
Any way to unlock items by editing XML file or whatever?
>tfw they can be overloading
You probably don't notice them because they're pussies but they show up later on, they look like little rock spires when partially-submerged.
Whats that chest with the -9:59 timer on it?
>it was right before you reached 20 runs to unlock clover
>play Merc
>cursed with eternal life
>everyone leaves before me
I walk this lonely road...
Yep, I've seen those episodes. Fucking lemurians.
How? An item didn't unlock for me and I feel cucked
The Preon Collector orange item is locked inside of it. It's that BFG the bandit fired in that one preview.
What the fuck was this shrine? It asked me to pay 1 lunar and after paying I had 9 bear plushes and 7 of something else I don't remember that was useless while I lost everything else
Can merc be obtained on any difficulty?
get to level 3 a bit faster and you'll understand
Items are the most important thing
How do I spawn the lunar shop?
Says Invalid Lobby ID.
Oh that's that what they called, I've been calling them chimney bitches this whole time
All of these characters can be obtained on any difficulty.
It's the locked door at the end of the open area. There's two circle buttons hidden in the map, you need to be standing on both at the same time either with a friend or with the engineer and place your turrets. There's two bosses in there.
If it were't for you anons I would've never have discovered this game. This is the best early access game I've played in a long time! So in any case I'm taking lewd simple requests with mage. Shoot your ideas at me.
Shrine of Order
Picks an item of each rarity and turns all your other items of those rarities into one of those items
so you probably had 9 bear plushes, and 7 of a green.
newt altar (well hidden on most maps, costs 1 coin)
or just pray it spawns naturally after a boss kill
buy the game
Now, who drew this?
You or an artist you will tell us?
futa mage banging huntress make it happen
the secret chamber is at the large open section of the map with the hill with the hole in the middle. Down the back of the slope near the out of bounds ropes there's a big gate. You need to find two buttons that look like small discs, they always spawn next to the big brown rocks on the map.
Press both simultaneously (can be done with an engi turret solo) and voila.
Find the newt shire
give a lunar coin before you activate the teleporter
After you charge the teleporter a giant blue portal should appear next to it, go inside that's the lunar bizarre
face sitting
How is multiplayer? Do enemies get more health and damage the more people there are? How is the netcode? Is positioning and hit server side like in Serious Sam or client side like in Killing Floor 2?
last spot
>be merc
>doing good
>suddenly have to fight 2 magma worms and they refuse to separate
>die on contact
how the fuck do I deal with this
us central
I did buy the game you twat.
what file do I edit to unlock items and characters bruhs
my bad
They don't necessarily always spawn near the rocks. I've had them spawn on the outlying edges near tree patches.
they should add more non lunar coin stuff to the newt shop, its a cool addition but lunar coins feel way too rare and are just saved for the artificer early on
>Be on the last level
>think im doing good as I just got done
>Suddenly look up over the distance
>see a magma worm and 2 stone titans
>See the clock
>"I see you"
>Lose run after finding TP to 3 Stone Titan bosses ontop of me and a fuckton of enemies
What do I do in that situation? It's not like I can kite the bosses, and the enemies are spawning on top of me forever and ever, so I just wait it out and hope and pray I can wittle down a boss that has like 50k HP?
just use disposable missile launcher bro :)
dont forget to upload to /aco/ and then link it here so you dont get banned
apparently there's a secret for doing it in monsoon mode
Any tips for Artificer? She seems fun but i'm having a hard time staying alive, especially against magma worms.
embarassing post, dawg, you sound like pajeet on facebook
>730 minutes
The autism
This or armpits, I'm sorry I know I'm weird :(
>Merc with a soldier syringes
Holy shit that was fun as fuck.
yeah mew is also under the truck
Sounds like it could create hilarious loadouts but I'm staying away from that for now, thanks,
Draw MUL-T doing something suggestive to their rebar bolt in front of Huntress and Artificer.
109775240984515293 Na/east
send help
You accept your run is fucked and try to be more efficient (and lucky) next time.
Is anything else in the lunar shop besides the character unlock?
I want to try it after a loop or two sometime but I've had awful luck with it so far.
But yeah, best to stay away unless you're trying for goofy shit
where are they ?
try to get stacks of this, no one talks about how good this is
room for 1 more
>full release wont be ready until next year
i dont think i can handle the wait just to see if Enforcer made the cut
Especially on merc these make the game easy mode.
Flight is pretty obviously great, it's just that it's less important with feathers.
>start: oh this isn't so ba-
>cresting that first platform
Good lord user what worm-god did you piss off?!
Just be faster next time ;)
randomly placed near rocks
both buttons are right by the big rocks you'll see. one of them is near a bridge, and the other is near that crater with the water
Gotta love how the sole reason RoR 2 is in 3D is because images like this exist.
there is no help for that, lad
Its the milky chrysalis and it lets you fly for 15 seconds i dont know why i didnt mention that
Space your abilities out so you can have a constant output of damage. You can usually do (M1 spam - Fully charge M2 - M1 spam - R) and keep a full loop going.
The ice wall lowers the HP threshold for killing an enemy, use it to finish of things like Golems and Beetle Guards faster than usual.
Since she has no movement options built in, your first priority should be to grab speed boosts and jump multipliers. AP Bullets, Alien Head, and Bandolier are all great picks as well, since her damage output can melt almost anything.
because 2 threads for some reason
come on dudes. come play!
does ocular hud work on engineer turrets
>mfw finally got motivation to study art to make huntress lewds
Whats the region, you virgin.
he did along with han-d, enforcer has a win counter in the stats xml with the unlocks
what does it mean when "a blue orb appears"?
post the 3d one
If nothing else Enforcer will always live on in RoR1 and our hearts
tfw no thick huntress and artificer mod
but 2d commando has soul
Someone gimme a lobby
Turns out if you tear up enough shit for long enough, it just keeps spawning boss models at you as if they were normal/elite mobs.
I didn't even get killed by the worms. Or the boss at the teleporter for the level.
I got instagibbed by one of 15 titans or something that it spawned in all at once.
Should be a big obvious portal next to the teleporter. It'll take you to the lunar coin shop for hilarious loot and the Artificer unlock which costs 10 coins.
nice, any other bits of important info discovered?
So is the portal to merc is random or not?
Need to open the Desert door.
Level 7
No random ,happens when you loop
Bandit, Han-d, Chef, Acrid are confirmed, Loader and Miner have references along with Providence, such as an item named Prov_Sword and Prov_Worm
is there a way to force portals?
The final boss of ROR?
Hes waiting for his chance
I found something referencing a paladin, which might be a boss. But other than that there's two other characters referenced in the xml assassin and bomber.
Donate a lunar coin to the newt altar
thanks gamer
now that was one hell of a run.
When a gold orb appears, do I have to search for a gold orb somewhere?
Easy is really easy for the first hour or so
Normal is retardly hard without coop and friends who don't steal shit
Just spent 30 minutes running in circles in the jungle trying to find the teleporter
Game is repetitive as fuck.
Complete the stage and a gold portal will open.
>had so much money that it became negative money
OKAY, Last time I'm going to try this tonight
Testing to see if we can fit 8 players
Hopefully I did good
>Normal is retardly hard
>play robot
>friends keep dying instantly
>have to solo two lava worms on HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>only stay alive because I have 9 fucking fruit charges
>746 minutes on drizzle
what's even the point
NA lobby?
>Just spent 30 minutes running in circles in the jungle trying to find the teleporter
Look for the red particles around the teleporter.
invalid id bro
I did, couldn't find it for the life of me. I found the secret altar thing then jumped into the teleporter bottom but every mob on the map was camping it because I guess they home into the Z axis. Dead by the laser pricks in 1 shot.
>implying that helps anybody when it's on the other side of the map and half buried in a cliff
how different would it be if gearbox didn't showcase it?
maybe about 20% of what it's currently at. people were still hyped for this before gearbox
what's considered an elite boss?
bosses still oneshot you at some point on drizzle
PSA to retards who can't find the teleporter in the swamp:
take the booster to the top of the cliff, i'm sure you know the one
if you can't see the tele sparkles from there, it means it's behind one of the dams
What's funner than getting wiped by every scorching boss?
id love to join but i dont think im ready for monSOON yet
1. replace files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed
2. start the game with -console -console_detach if you want to host (not sure if this is still needed though)
still in testing. might now work.
LOBBY ID: 109775240984702170
>if gearbox didn't showcase it?
I had no idea they did. I was gone all day yesterday and not keeping up with any news, first thing I saw when I loaded up steam was the release and good reviews. bought instantly.
do I need to install that mod for me to join others
6 player lobbies?
host WHEN
engineer sucks solo
how the fuck are you supposed to kill anything when you got shitty fucking balls that just go in a little arc
aim up a little
no, but the game might fuck up when we go past 4
Imagine being both a brainlet and an aimlet.
ill join and see what happens
Honestly the BOGO deal was super big brain and boosted sales immensely, not only is it a good deal for the buyer, it boosts the amount of players due to people giving the game away, serving as free advertising as it appears on top played charts. Whoever came up with that should get a raise.
Learn to aim the arc, use mines like grenades and throw down turrets pray rnjesus you get items that lower skill cooldowns so you spam infinite turrets
i tried to join and it just says invalid id
(i did not install the mod)
this is the best build ive ever gotten
i kill bosses in seconds
is there a leaderboard for longest times?
>being this bad
Engi is the second easiest solo after robutt.
And after a certain point, engi actually breaks the game harder than robutt can.
theres a link to a guy currently at over 12 hours run above
no, unfortunately, even if there was it'd just be cheat engine'd immediately.
I only bought it because of that deal since I know a friend who I was sure would love it, had not played 1 before. Enjoying it a lot so far too.
Are you still open?
>no smart shopper
we're supposed to be. it still doesn't work
fuck magma worms
How does Ocular HUD stack with fuel cell? Like, if I spam it does it multiply the crit bonus or add more time to the timer?
lmao easy mode
Keep trying damn you!
Is there a point to shooting those flying guys avaliable in the nest level? they don't drop any gold or exp, but I can't help but feel like I should do it.
how do you open the console?
Hey guys, just dropping in to let you know that oiled up Hakan is the strongest character in the game.
Gearbox didn't do jackshit. They literally did nothing.
Did you edit the maxplayer count above 4? As well as all maxconnections above 4?
Bandit mod
send firefox com/download/589b0634e0afece7/#wGo0HGBzY4WJy2vIj906rw
mega nz/#!wJkilKbY!GsUIP_8KkBVTBTcIkDqB8ZJtFBvM0gSNff4sNAHOwQk
Anyone unlocked all the items yet?
I literally got 4 of my friends to buy it because of the BOGO deal.
how to unlock sword man please
Obliterate yourself my man
was fighting fire worm when suddenly i slowly rapture with depleting health
what the frick
no way fag
spiral staircase
>Chewing ass and kicking gum as mercenary
>Just die
I know this is literally just Commando with every item on him but I still want it.
Shut up james chen or i'll make you practice tekken combos
Who gets the most out of Extra Magazines? As Engineer I feel like it'd be a waste for me to take them since I already have a stack of 10 on mines.
How does difficulty work once you get to HAHAHAHA?
need one
i want to touch HuntressBody
>decide to play multi pub
>niggers keep rushing teleporter and popping it right off the bat without saying shit to the team
Back to only playing privates or solo
>get ridiculous heal build where nothing can damage me
>pick up some weird beetle thing
oh no
Was that a motherfucking jo.... nah couldn't be right?
yeah, tried all the constants I can find
I think there's an extra one not even in the DLL though. My god, they REALLY dont want people upping the player limit
its all the same and scales with level
I'm fucking devil my cry, I'm untouchab-
>lol fire elite
I just had a run with 4 extra magazines and 2 and that item that gives 2 extra utility uses. I never touched the ground, it was great.
That's what ur supposed to do dummy, you aren't seriously wasting time farming gold to loot the map and then killing the boss and then looting the map AGAIN are you?
that is unironically how you play the game
acceptable times to not rush teleporter: level 1
all other times you need to get your ass in gear
>wasting time
Artificer, the bot, and huntress all love them. Merc and commando are also good with it.
I don't get why fire elites kill me. Why do I simply just die when they are within eye sight
Huntress and artificer are A++++ with backup magazine
>guy rushes teleporter
>snags all 4 items and activates jump to next level before anyone can do anything
When does the poison level in the trailer come out?
Does single player have an ending? I've gone through a million stages and it's just repeats.
Thats what Im fucking talking about, this guy was finding the teleporter on every level and insta triggering it and would always try to take the all the boss drops before jumping.
>tfw you keep cucking engis from fungus
no, not yet, devs say when the game releases, or when its almost done, it will have a true ending
Head cannon it
>In a similar fashion staring at the sun causes you to go blind, fire elites are so hot you catch on fire just from looking at them for too long
>rush teleporter
>difficulty jumps anyways
You can't escape HAHAHAHAH, why try to?
No you're not.
It jumps a set amount each level, time spent on each level is still a significant factor
I see. Then it seems I've been wasting all my time going super fucking fast with MUL-T holy fucking shit I'm so fast I got an achievement for it I love this robot
Nice it works.
M1 has 8 shots of ammo, fires faster when you mash like in RoR1.
M2 is Lights Out, resets CDs and refills ammo on kill
Shift is what you'd expect from Bandit
R is clearly unfinished, fires a small slow fireball straight ahead with no sound effects or anything. Sticks to terrain and burns enemies.
this game sucks
ror 1 is better
adding bandit yourself using dnSpy for tards
load Assembly-CShap.ddl from
>steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed
find RoR2.SurvivorCatalog, right click then Edit Class, copy lines 76-82
make a new line after line 82 & paste the copied data, replace all instances of Commando with Bandit
scroll to line 174 & create a new line add
delete lines 145-153
then save (Ctrl-Shift-S)
launch the game & play bandit.
wow its SHIT
Currently you can delete your existence, which may be more important lore-wise than you think.
>find rusted lock box by chance
>it gives another fucking key
fuck this item
is Bandit fully finished? like model, effects and numbers?
ok but how do i play as HAN-D
i dont get it
having more keys increases the rarity of what you find. 2 and 3 keys is a guaranteed Green/Red item.
OK, here's my last attempt at the 6 player limit mod. YOU'LL NEED THE DLL:
just replace files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain
and join lobby ID: 109775240984747167
please work this time. PLEASE. if it doesnt work this time, ima go to bed. Hope someone else can work on it
If he was fully finished he would most likely be in the game.
Thanks man.
He seems pretty fun, but really underpowered. His M2 is pretty cool for clearing out enemies, but it seems like without a lot of crowbars it'll quickly become useless, and his M1 while it feels good just can't compare in DPS thanks to the reload. His R better be good when finished since a 4 damage dot isn't going to be melting bosses.
ill try to join
I entered a celestial portal and now I'm in space
what do
Kill newt
kill yourself
follow the platforms
Parkour, then give yourself to the obelisk.
Bandit is obviously still a WIP. He's mostly done though because he was being showcased over a year ago
look around the edges
make way to big black rock
obliterate thineself, and embrace the anime
How do I even join multi pubs? I'm sick of playing alone and missing the rooms posted here.
theres no risk of rain folder in risk of rain 2
where do i put the files? there isn't a second folder named risk of rain 2
oh fuck sorry. I'm tired
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed
I just killed myself by falling damage into outer space and nothing happened.
What the fuck did you niggers do?
>I just killed myself by falling damage into outer space and nothing happened.
toasterfag here
can this run on shit computers too?
>he didn't do the jump puzzle
You scrungus
Anyone still playing original risk of rain? I'm waiting for a vidya card to ship but I wanna have funball time
It'd be cool if Bandit's right click increased in power with each enemy in a row so that you could weaken a couple enemies with your left click then finish them with the right click and continue onto stronger enemies before chunking the boss for BIG DAMAGE.
Although that'd probably stop being realistic once the difficulty ramps up.
you deserve it
what does stacking chronobaubles do?
longer slowdown?
>stony boy is charging to zap me
>hit him with a crit from mult's railgun
>stuns him out of it
>no stun relic and didnt use m2
Interesting. Any ideas why this happened?
can people still join
need 2 more
has anyone killed the shopkeeper?
at best I've chunked him for 5% of max hp before he punted me out
have you tried using the relic that shoots homing cursed skulls on heal along with healing shrooms with your turrets?
as long as they remain in the shop they should keep homing so eventually you'd kill him
I've been wanting to play some OG RoR.
how many are in right now
i made those
Ok I'll try it out, I'll get that dll and try to join
Anyone know how to unlock achievements using cheats/editors. I got Deicide but it didn't fucking unlock and I don't want to put up with Monsoon again.
Wait up.
fucking christ theyre thick
us west 1 more
shrine of chance? more like shrine of nothing!
also epic teleporter halfway into a wall
How exactly does engineer's shield work?
Does it just stop enemy projectiles from coming in, or can I drop it on top of a beetle queen so she can't shoot out?
EUuuu any1?
Engineer shield 101:
things can go out
things CAN'T go in
its unbreakable, but it is timed
extra second of slow per item
projectiles go out but can't come in
this applies to your projectiles as well
It blocks all projectiles going in, including ally projectiles.
how do I change my player name? I dont want it to be my steam name
US west with slots open
I don't know if lobby-user is still here put pressing Ctrl+Alt+~ opens console. Maybe this helps?
>Engi can stick mines to other players
thanks hopoo
is it full? I just get booted to main menu.
Will the same thing work for Han-D?
bit past that now though
Can;t join any multiplayer lobby, WHAT THE FUCK SERIOUSLY
>drop an entire pack of mines onto MUL-T
>presses shift
>merc is just space orochi
when is my space raider hoppo? I NEED MY TWO HANDED SPACE AXE
worms and vagrants need a nerf
all the other bosses need buffs
dunestrider is in a good spot
Is there still not a proper matchmaking system?
It's possible somehow, but I'm not a unity wizard so i've got no clue how to actually make it work, but I'll post how in
>current risk of rain thread
when i do figure it out.
>didn't touch the obelisk
Why does Merc have the same damage scaling as everyone else? You'd think a melee character would have some better starting damage.
helps a lot, thank you
last try
same DLL... pls don't join if you don't the DLL
i know I wasted a lot of time so far. I think I forgot to set sv_maxplayers to 6
there is a great matchmaking system you whiner
scorching enemies are the only ones needing nerfs
because he has iframes out the ass
How do you enable cheats? It'll disable progression and achievements but you can bypass with achievement unlock anyways.
cheats 0/1 does nothing
I think all of the Blue items (that have lore currently) imply something about simulations
I'm asking because I didn't know. And that's awesome because I don't have friends.
Unfortunately I don't know what the list of commands are I just found out how to open the console in-game sorry
do NA keys work in SA and vice-versa?
well got console open and changed sv_maxplayers
what now
>dunestrider is in a good spot
No it fucking isn't
built in triple jump + tons of iframes
just don't sit under him and dodge the bowling balls, what's the issue?
well I think I figured out how anyways, I edited my userprofile XMP file and I just add the achievement names
BUT I used the console to find achievement names using viewables list
doesn't keep his ass from getting killed by blazing anything.
the sucky HP thing is fucking stupid
blazing is overpowered, merc's not the issue.
>Whoever came up with that should get a raise.
Assuming it was hopoo himself, hard to get a better position
he has better damage % retard
So you can connect straight to randoms through the game right? No port forwarding shit
IF YOU GET INVALID STEAM ID, can you please open console with ctrl+alt+~ and post what it says? thank you
it shows that cheats uses 0/1 if youre in a singleplayer game but doing cheats 1 and then checking the value it doesn't change. so either hopoo disabled it or there's another command we have to put in that we don't know. if you DO manage to turn it on godmode can be enabled with "god"
i can't play artificer for fucking SHIT
Fire elites are stupid as it is, they're pretty much his only weakness because melee.
Dunestrider is absurdly overtuned if he appears in first loop. His attacks are impossible to dodge without mobility items due to absurd tracking/homing and deal far too much damage.
I've lost more early runs to Dunestrider than any other boss in the game.
Holy shit Captcha has been particularly shitty today.
Shielded units as well. Not that I think having tanky enemies is bad just that shit like Shield Golems end up being as tanky as your random boss unit.
>worms and vagrants need a nerf
But they're easy as fuck.
Hopeful they buff iframes to prevent you from taking DoT damage
I'm gonna try a 6 player lobby. get in.
>circle strafe
>dunestrider can't hit you
wow that was hard...
There's a quickplay that matches you with completely random people, but dealing with the retards in it once is all a sane person can take.
To join private matches like the ones posted here all the time you just copy the number and then you hit the join clipboarded lobby button and you're in.
Vagrants need their big AoE attack made more intuitive. They're fine other than that.
HP steal is in a dumb place right now. They really should make it actually relevant besides just being an annoying black hole mechanic. Maybe nerf it's HP but increase the health steal to be meaningful. It steals 1 HP per tick despite these bosses having potentially 100k+ HP.
Welp, GG boys.
try getting past the first loop in multiplayer. Enjoy dealing with multiple AOE nuke attacks going off at once that instakill you.
>still get blasted because they're explosive projectiles
You need goat hoofs to outspeed them.
Or be a MUL-T shitter.
>tfw you beat quad mountain
>running from a Golem laser pointer
>blast still hits me despite the golem being unable to get a bead on me
Awesome thanks
Worms need a buff imo. They've never actually landed on me/appeared from under me unless I was deliberately walking into their path. Also, they refuse to follow you some places for some reason, which just lets you fire off potshots until they die.
My 3 friends and I are trying to do the 20 waves. What's the optimal team comp for this?
>you need goat hooves
just stand a bit farther away nigga it's not that hard
>have 13 goat hoofs
>strafe at exactly the wrong time and eat a laser from an elite electric golem
>get chunked for 75% of my HP
>get blown back into a hermit crab artillery strike
and all it took was 2 seconds
us east, join if you only do maximum mountains possible
So if you play with 4 people is that 72 items?
invalid :(
1-2 Engineers, 2-3 MUL-Ts.
fuck off shitter
magma needs buff
overpowered worm needs nerf
wisps need nerf
everything else is fine
maybe buff queen
Imp overlord engineer makes magma worm merc look like a fucking joke
what does the gold statue do
"Did not find target to sync message for %some digits%"
And can't connect to multiplayer games
Can it be fixed, hey? Is this a rare problem just for me? No firewalls and other stuff
Never had a problem with the Imps as Engineer. Just stack mines directly beneath you.
mountain only adds +1 item per person per mountain
that's why only 20 dropped
4x4 is 16, plus the ones that were already there bringing it to a total of 20
I love this thicc ass bitch.
well it appears setting sv_maxplayers didn't work either. we'll have to figure out something else.
>do mountain challenge
>get rose bucklers
why is this a green item
And that saves my turrets from being oneshot how?
And you'll notice I said overlord, not regular imps.
Good item on MUL-T.
Game sucks dick. Finally got a gold portal and walked through and was instantly killed. Fuck these fucking retards once the level ends your character needs to be fucking invincible fucking fucks sake. Fucking kike nigger spic retarded fuckers.
pay the price before doing the teleporter and a new portal will appear taking you to a beach. There's a gold golem that can only be hurt if you activate all the corals in the area with money.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to unlock anything currently so there's no reason to do it.
okay this is epic
We both know you're just going to get made fun of for this post, so why even post it?
t. mad cuz bad
>yfw Teddy Bear 3D Printer
Game sucks dick. Finally got a gold portal and walked through and was instantly killed. Fuck these fucking retards once the level ends your character needs to be fucking invincible fucking fucks sake. Fucking kike nigger spic retarded fuckers.
>lens maker glasses stack by 10%
>100% crit rate at 10 stacks
>Tougher times stack by 15%
>not invincible at 7 stacks
It has to have diminishing returns or a cap or something.
put cvarlist in console
Tougher times stacks are multiplicative.
Glass with capacitor is too much fun.
It's multiplicative, retard.
need some backup bois
oh shit
what does that do
Fuck off, you faggots weren't saying shit when Yea Forums was just a giant DMC general, there's STILL DMC threads being made
shows all available commands you can use
start testing em
I got that too, on the desert stage.
Well how the fuck should I know when Lens Maker Glasses are additive
Sorry but this isn't a Smash related thread so please leave the videogames board.
Is that a fucking clover unlock?
need one more les go lads
i don't get it
>get magma worm
>it doesn't hit me that hard
>suddenly it rams up my ass and launches me 10000 feet in the air
>land and die
fuck this shit
Do two glasses leave you at 25% health for quad damage or keep you at 50%?
You need to leave.
they aren't
it keeps halving your health
halves health each time
50, 25, 12.5, etc
what does the long road clover does?
1 risk of rain 2 thread coming up
Multiplicative in what sense? Wouldn't multiplicative mean that at 7 stacks you'd still be invincible? I feel like a brainlet trying to think about this, isn't multiplicative 1.15 * 1.15 * 1.15 etc. but that obviously can't be the case?
Then why am I at 100% crit chance by 10 glasses
>300 replies
0.85 * 0.85 * 0.85
Glasses are additive. The point he's making is that it should be made explicitly clear how these items work. Most people are going to assume things stack additively unless told otherwise.
Ohhhh fuck thanks I feel like a fucking retard for not realizing that. Is there a cap, or can you stack like 20 of them for a ~96% chance to block each time?
The trick is, just like DMC threads, to never ever give up on making threads. The jannies got defeated because people just wouldn't fucking stop making threads about the hype all the time at all times, so you guys can do the same if you have the endurance for it.
no idea if there's a cap, sorry bud
USW Rainstorm
no niggers
the fire tic damage is fucking disgusting, your hp just keeps going down and down, if you arent max hp by lvl 20 you just die from the splash damage+fire proc
nigga just roll
Game's too easy. Yes I play Monsoon. And I say this while not even playing that well, my teammates hoard 20 items each while I still have 5, and it's still no challenge to survive.
you're not fooling me
doesnt that mean you're just getting carried
Because MUL-T is easy mode and it kinda sucks if you picked someone else when someone is just using the OP character and snagging all the lootz.
It's 15% x 15%, so it's then 22.5%, then that's 22.5% x 15%, which is then 33.75%, so on, so forth
Fuck, I want to imagine that there is because I can't see them being a white item and not having a cap, it'd just make no sense. As it stands with no cap and it being white, if you find a 3d printer anywhere after the first few levels you're pretty much guaranteed to shit out enough then to actually become invincible and survive until eternity, imo this shit needs to be made green if it has no cap (at the very least)
Same thing 20 leaf clover did in RoR1, increase item drop rates and item activation rates
that just means you're a useless teammate
It was a white item in RoR1. Although in RoR1 it was the Scarf.
magma worm is easy as merc, I feel like I end up having to solo them constantly and I've almost solo'd them on stage 8 in 4 player mode until I got sniped by a greater wisp when they were down to 5%. You can climb up to the top of their jumps by using your dash along them and then pretty much stay in the air indefinitely with dash, ult, and your sword spin if you have a few backup magazines
does the item printer trade a random item in?
do goat hoofs / red whips / nrg drinks have a stack cap?
just had a run where I found a goat hoof printer as merc and printed out 15 of them, combined with 2-3 red whips and 3-4 nrg drinks, goddamn was that fucking fast. almost too fast to be normally playable, was having difficulty maneuvering around enemies since even my walk speed was fast enough to just fly right by them and taking damage or hitting terrain would send me flying hundreds of feet into the air. can't wait to get back up there again, next time I think I'm gonna try to print more of those though. is there a limit?
random item of same rarity
random item of the same rarity
wulp, I've isolated the problem to this section of code
it only gets worse from here on
USW Rainstorm
no drizzle/monsoon niggers
how do you unlock it?
godspeed user
a true hero dedicated to the cause
>increase item drop rates
items don't drop without artifacts though?
Beat stage 20
What problem? What are you trying to do?
I found the prismatic trial that's currently out the best route to get it, since that map is always in that rotation.
then 5 cycles?
I swear the engineer is fucking madness if you build his turrets right
>get a shit ton of soldier syringes
>get the basic stuff, AP rounds, crit glasses, leeches etc
>stack those babies up
>the turrets are now CIWS
>the teleporter becames a no fly zone
no joke, those things can melt bosses fast, and with the shield you can make them durable enough
What a horrible night to have a sanic
I had about 20 goat hooves from a rebalance and found a syringe printer.
How do you even operate the console? It's not traditional tilde (`), and the float console doesn't give any outputs.
New Mexico
I hope artifacts are their top priority right now, there isn't a single person who continued to play ror1 without sacrifice on once unlocking it because spending more time running around looking for chests than actually playing is fucking stupid
Do risky rainers have as much MOTIVATION as DMCbros?
I guess we'll find out soon enough
I'm 99% sure Hopoo has the cheat cvar disabled entirely. I've tried everything. There are no commands that can turn it on and if you try to force it through the ROR2 config file it ignores it.
Hopoo I know you're here spill the beans already
us east, FUCK fire elites
wait nvm, seems that its something to do with player input
which means they planned support for 4player local coop at some point i imagine
I'm not sure yet
I think you can also put
console_enabled 1;
in the config file to enable it by default and then you can open it with ~
get in retards, if you're not a retard that's ok too
ye good luck, alternatively play on drizzle for an easier, but i'll if know you bitched out and used the easier method
What items should I be focusing on to make Artificer good?
E34 Are you still here
east coast
need 2
any EU friends hosting?
By the way, what you see in this image is me playing as a Great Lemurian.
>but i'll if know you bitched out and used the easier method
playing on drizzle is the other method or what are you talking about?
el bandito
>playing multiplayer with two friends
>playing MUL-T because I wanted to see how op it can get
>get only sustain items, almost no damage items
>one friend leaves, other dies during boss
>15 minutes soloing a boss by sitting above it
>literally can not die
Something tells me playing MUL-T shouldn't be this unfun
Mags, feathers, death trigger items, bears, bandoliers, crit things, ukes. Pretty standard, but you need survivability items more than damage and fire rate items suck dick on her. Alien head and bandolier are probably her best items, and if you find a behemoth you might just be able to shit on the entire game.
>not playing Merc
RoR2 is actually just DMC6 so there should be plenty of overlap in the fanbase
>56 leaf clover
>have to endure 20 fucking stages in a row
>doesn't have it's RoR1 effect
>AND it's a fucking Rare slot item now
Holy fuck, what was Hopoo thinking? This shit needs to be changed back to it's original fucking effect. It can stay at Rare rarity, thats fine, it shouldn't be as easy to get right away as it was, but for how rare Rare shit is in this one and how much of a cunt it is to unlock, it should definitely have the same effect as RoR1.
What classes I want to see.
Nope, It's just easier to get to 20 stages on drizzle than rainstorm or monsoon but i'll know you got your clover from playing on easy mode, dizzle scum
What's it do now?
>Bandit and Enforcer
In the files, Bandit has a model that's been there for a while
this exists
I'm gonna tell you a secret user, just because I like you and I just unlocked the clover.
You can unlock it in 2 loops and half
Tell me your secrets.
Reminder that the devs said that not all data mined content is indicative of future content.
God I hope he gets added in soon, perhaps in the first big update whenever that lands. I'd hate to hack him in myself and get punished somehow.
Increases the chance of items that proc, will proc.
>You picked up energy drink(28)
I'm starting to understand why this game is fun
>Playing Merc well requires that you vary your combos variety between slashes, spinning, dashing, and eviscerate and a similar fashion
to how getting high ranks in DMC requires you to have combo variety
user i think you're one to something, mercenary style ratting when?
I wonder how the sniper will work in RoR2
Huntress gets tracking, will the sniper get a lock-on system of sorts maybe?
oh shit thats pretty cool, but knowing how important is the mobility seems pretty risky imo
hopoo please gib sniper soon
reminder that this is because theres two dummy/prototype characters in there that were probably scrapped early in development and that hes literally already shown footage of bandit/sniper being played
no punishment for doing so, refer to
How should the barb wire be implemented, like a constant ring (frost/nova) or more like a dome? (Engi shit)
>style ranks are all synonyms for rain
Bandit's been there since forever, probably just needs polishing up.
Sniper works better in 3D but having to actually aim down a reticle is a death sentence so i can imagine him being harder to balance
does it work for multiplayer?
Sniper looks to have a charging system of some sort, in that webm there's a small charging thinga round the crosshair and several different damage numbers.
Oh wow. Guess I'll hold off on actively working on that one.
>Cool Mist
>Billowing Rainstorm
>Average Storm
>Storms a'Comin'
>Savage Summer Storm
should work fine, definitely works if all players have the dll
i'm hoping they lean into risk/reward for sniper. Make him the designated boss shredder/problem remove but he needs support otherwise he isn't looping
US West
>horde of many while using preon accumulator
My dick is so hard
So what items really make the Merc shine? I feel like the overall damage output is insanely low in comparison to other classes.
1 slot left
>hit shrine of order
>get this