Have you risked your rain user?
Have you risked your rain user?
What the fuck happened to that all Commando game
how do i mod bandit and han-d into the game
i need my janny robutt
Exactly what I needed!
Where are the plates on Aqueduct? I found one.
Mercenary is fun and all but I want Enforcer or gigantic explosions and bombs everywhere already
The lord appears and he is ANGRY
no wonder this item feels like shit, it's hardcapped by your max health
reminder that Overloading Worm has it's own logbook entry separate from the Magma Worm
this thread was made first though
This was a grueling chore. The Overloading Magma Worm boss on my last Depths especially. It got better after the Soulbound Catalyst though. Reduce equipment cooldown on enemy kill is absurd with the BFG. Now I can stop bothering with Drizzle.
So I'm trying to unlock Bandit and I've got no fucking idea how i'm supposed to add on to the SurvivorCatalog in dnSpy. Anyone feel like explaining what I'm supposed to do?
what does order shrne do?
Fucks up your build, breaks the physics engine, and sends you out of earth's gravitation pull
Bandit isn't in the game yet silly.
It shuffles your items basically just fucks your build up
Picks 2 random items (not just ones you have), then converts all your items into those 2 items.
5x Lens-Maker’s Glasses + Multiple Royal Capacitor = Boss two shotter
I forget you can unlock shit in Drizzle, but it's not as fun so I don't wanna fuck with it.
Sniper WHEN
i did it
they are all the same fun drizzle just takes longer to get there
Any progress on that 6 players mod?
is there a way to cheat unlock achievements, I want to get the bullshit ones that bugged and didn't unlock
What files do I gotta fuck with?
John Wayne where did you go
right here
Which ones? I haven't seen a single achievement completion be buggy so far.
Sniper is cool but where the fuck is my enforcer
>playing artificer for the first time
>actually doing really well
>say fuck it and use a shrine of order
>37 extra mags, 16 old world stealth gadgets, and two Dio's friends
why did i do that shit
Medikit log.
He ded
What are some usual spawn locations for the 10 minute chest in the snow level? I just rushed to get it, since I thought it only had 2 spawn locations, but the chest was at neither. It doesn't matter now, because I ran around like a retard trying to find it and failed, but would like to know for future reference.
He's gone looking for supplies, despite the medical bot's protests.
I got Deicide in-game, FOR SURE and it's not unlocked in my logbook.
Just think of all the nano bombs you'll have
1 slut left
On the top of the peak, at the area below it, sometimes covered by a container with 2 red lights in front of it, and finally in one of the big center containers.
>why did i do that shit
Frankly I don't understand why anyone would ever use the shrine of order.
P-please, I'm on Aqueduct right now and really wanna get that item.
>lost my ukulele stacks because of this
truly hell
is H3AD-5T the most underrated item of all time?
It doesn't seem very fun at all.
Did I miss something? He went out into the wilds to keep fighting to protect the survivors. The med droid was worried but we don't know if he died or if he's out there being rad still.
So is this a sequel, a remake, what it is deepest lore wise?
2 needed
The story is that there was a risk of rain, and in this game there is a risk of rain too.
>playing engi
>tfw used the lunar shrine before going to unlock merc for shits and giggles
>22 red whips
>cue hour of attempting to use all of my bhoping/skiing knowledge and physics to launch myself to the far island
>taking any sort of fall damage, even from going up a slope then running into walkable terrain results in speed loss
>best way was flinging self from stairs on the square scaffolding, then scraping ass on a part of the rock archway in a way that minimize momentum loss, but gives me the height to make it there
>barely make it on one run
>the crates have collision, but not the island
>pic related is my best attempt after that
Providence is back with the power of the Infinity Stones
"You feel a searing *squeak* course through your body"
Providence except this time he's added some depth
monsoon gang when
need 1 more
I bought this game a few hours ago and can't even kill a boss. Give me tips please. I'm pathetic at this game.
Anyone have the link to the Twitch clip where the Hopoo dev (Paul?) talks shit to that fag streamer? I want to share it to a friend.
press buttons
pick up good items, go fast, don't get hit
I do but some shit takes twenty years to kill like the fucking golems and by the time i've killed one another one is lasering my ass
Get items first. Dodge away from stuff that will hurt. Break line of sight from lasers and giant exploding jellyfish.
Play drizzle. If you still can't kill a boss, something is wrong.
east coast
Shoot dudes
Avoid getting hit
Gather items
Buddy up in multiplayer and get carried while you learn the ropes
Don't play monsoon just yet
Many teddy bears and ukuleles
Just for fun. Grinding lunars.
In level 1 I always try to collect as many items as I can before fighting the boss.
Since you're commando, never stop moving, and put as many bullets into him as you can.
Is there a better feeling than getting big as mul-t and melting everything with your ten million missile drones?
How soon should I pop the teleporter then? As soon as I see it or after items?
Get some useful items first, and you can come back for the rest once you slam dunked the boss into a coffin.
Sooner is almost always better than later, but like I said, I always collect as many items as I can before I start the fight.
There is a balance between getting items, and starting the boss fight that can only be learned by playing.
Shoot all your stuff at golems. ALL YOUR STUFF
Get as many items as you think you'll need before fighting, then do your best and get the rest after
idk what this guy's referring to but it sounds entertaining so pls share
>the last line
sooner rather than later. Do focus on getting items as quickly as possible. If you ever hit the point where you say to yourself "I'm taking too long" that means you've waited WAY too long
If you're on your own and don't know the bosses well enough to be confident you can kill them without items, try to get some good items first that will help. Activating it sooner means the next level will be easier, but you have to survive first and foremost.
In multiplayer, go with the flow if they're randos.
Thanks lads, the game is fun for sure but it's throwing me for a loop. I will get good soon.
There is a probability of precipitation
Honestly, best advice is to just keep trying. Just keep moving, and jump a lot.
Also, some bosses are WAY harder than others. That Jellyfish can and will wreck your shit hard if you don't know what you're doing.
the git gud file
>try playing with randoms for once
>40 minutes in and we're only in the 4th area
I think I'll just wait until my friends are online
He put a file in that prevents you from doing just that. You have to delete it first. It's called system32. Once you delete that, the rest is pretty straight forward.
Is this game doable solo? I don't have friends.
My game glitched and didn't give me the 56 leaf clover.
Did anyone find a log book in the bazaar at the bottom of the pit? I fell thru it as my retarded teammates used the portal after I said to wait.
I can't get pass the 2nd level with glow in the darks.
You've gotta take the initiative sometimes. Nothing stopping you from popping a tele charge whenever you want, make everyone else get off their ass and move.
Yes. My internet is crap, so I never take games online, and I have been having a blast.
I did.
What's the logbook for?
For reading, silly.
when will the game fully release
What's reading for?
To get smart, you adorable female human.
So, just bought the game. Why isnt the mouse locked into the window when its in windowed mode. The mouse feels delayed as fuck too.
>on an artificer run where I was sequenced down to fireworks, now have ceremonial dagger and shaped glass
>open a chest/barrel
>entire map is purged
good fucking lord this is like ceremonial dagger in ror1
well Yea Forums is full of fags for anyone who cares
Steam -> userdata -> YOUR ID -> 632360 -> Remote
got my clover thanks hopoo u jew
I want to draw something.
What should I draw?
More of your art?
What value do I edit to make my huntress thiccer like that one user did
>Early access
not him but still funny
anyone like mountain climbing?
Holy shit that was amazing
How do I stop sucking dick at this game? I can tell my team mates hate me.
Don't think, just shoot. If you think, you're dead.
damn fine work lads.
going to take a break for a bit
fucking lol this dev is so based
>saw XQC was streaming it when it came out
>always hated him
>mfw this
never stop moving
kill wisps immediately
kill hermit crabs immediately
dodge/terrain-block golem lasers
git gud
>it was obvious the man was extremely tired
>I can't, MED-E. They're counting on me. You know that.
>Weaving his way between countless sleeping bags and stretchers, he set out into the wilderness again.
>Everyone was counting on him.
Holy shit please tell me that was the real deal
holy fuck
>So beautiful, I do not see
Bandit is fun but wew I definitely do not see him going the distance
>all those drones
How? every time the vagrant shits on all of em all at once
why does this game make my graphics card hit 200'F
We never fought Vagrant, and drones only started to get kicked up near the end.
this can't be real
Fuck I didn't take a picture.
please user im begging ya, what the fuck am I supposed to edit/upload your dll
>The Reminder
Fucking based.
i fucking hate the beetle guard. trying to get the crabs to walk off the edge in the titanic plains and he keeps running over to 'protect' me from them and smashing them to pieces. fucking low iq beetle shits
All good user, we were going at the speed of light.
Where the fuck is the rusty key used
i got there easy with Huntress, you get TP'd back to the main part of the map.
What crabs is that achievement talking about anyway? Do the crabs from RoR1 make a reappearance or something?
>Enforcer becomes the Doomslayer of RoR2
I want this so much, now.
so is HOPPO actually in these threads
Everyone is the doomguy in risk of rain.
the artillery ones
yes and you unlock an item by making them kill themselves because they run away from you
Deadbolt OST>Risk of rain OST>RoR 2 OST
Debate me
They are rich now.
No need for us anymore.
Risk of Rain OST > Deadbolt OST ≥ Risk of Rain 2 OST. If we get something that can beat Coalescence then Risk of Rain 2 might jump higher up.
Oh, those ones. I thought it was those big guys from 1.
>playing merc for the first time
>~30 minutes in find an energy drink 3d printer
>all of my good buffs are gone, just have 14 energy drinks
>have a fucking anime style battle with a magma worm, flying through the air, before burning to death
>tfw we haven't even gotten the full RoR2 soundtrack yet
I still find it crazy that RoR had a cult following on Yea Forums and pretty much only on Yea Forums. We still had threads going right before RoR2 came out. For a niche indie game that came out in 2013.
Is the magma worm meant to get stuck on the first level. I mean I'm not entirely complaining hoppo but uhh it seems wonk
>doing the spin, dashes and R ability on a worm taking off
so would you say that the only thing you knew for real is that there would be blood?
Okay this dev is my favorite now
>Risk of rain had at most 6000 people playing it at once
>2 is on the top selling steam games list
>70k player peak today
Even if only half of them bought the game that's some good shit.
>spend $3k to get the prototype drone
>it gets stuck immediately in the cave level
I won't lie, this was drizzle, but easily the most fun I've had in this game. Merc with lots of items is fucking fun as hell
Can't do it lads. This boomer's reflexes and eyesight have degraded too much. I loved RoR and was looking forward to this but I'm just not good enough at these 3d shooters. I'm going back to OpenTTD, see you guys on the other side.
no way thats real
that better not be drizzle
this game doesn't require any reflexes, you're just bad at videogames
How good is shaped glass? I have enough lunar coins to get three of them as engi. Should I do it?
>use shrine of order
>25 gasoline cans, 18 soldiers syringes
I got it as MUL-T and proceeded to rape face with the rebar cannon + a shit ton of syringes
Okay, so for those who don't know how Order shrine works:
>Use shrine with 14 white items, 5 greens, and 2 reds
>Shrine picks 1 item from each tier
>all of the other items in that tier are now that item
>you now have 14 goat hooves, 5 bands, and 2 brilliant behemoths
>missile launcher stacks don't increase probability anymore
This does not make me a happy Commando.
Haven't played RoR despite seeing it shilled all over this board for years. Thinking of playing this one cause it looks **FUN**. What am I in for?
the robot looks so funny covered in items
going on Yea Forums was basically the only way to get a lobby going and it will still probably be that way, quickplay exist but most randoms are both bad and greedy faggots, the good thing now we don't to direct connect with ips and fuck around with port forwarding so hosting is super easy
>not unlocking the Mage fairly and then immediately afterwards editing your file so you have 100 lunar coins so you can have Glass whenever you want
its like you hate fun
>threads for people to get together and play lobbies late at night
better stay away from it faglord it's not for people like you.
>possibility of modding
>more unity games
what difficulty motherfucker?
what are those things in the lunar store that cost 2 coins? Are they permanent unlocks of buffs I can get later, or immediate ones for the round?
ror2 has a feature for clipboard joining literally to make joining games from Yea Forums easy, it's safe to say hopoo is /ourguy/
Do the mountain shrine and gold portal carry over into the next level if you activate it after killing the boss?
needs one
i gonna put myself in the hospital if i dont stop laughing
it was drizzle. i only ever got to stage 15 in rainstorm.
need one
>tfw 5 medusa bosses
>killed them all playing commando
I really hope this game stays really popular here for a while, these threads are great
>easy mode
>it was drizzle.
Your clover has asterisk in my eyes, till you make to 20 on rainstorm or monsoon
Anyone know what do I do if the game doesn't save my progress? Is this a common issue? I tried looking around but I can't find anything about it
Worst case is every time a new char is released/new boss/new area is set they'll be an up-surge again
Hopefully Hopoo releases that roadmap so I can see when my lad Enforcer is arriving
>Anyone know what do I do if the game doesn't save my progress?
each run is unique there is no progressing. only unlocks.
How do i into thick, also might take some /r/ if I'm in the mood.
What progress? Like your unlocks? You can try editing the xml file
>I really hope this game stays really popular here for a while
The original game continued to have threads for six years.
RoR1 threads were made all the way up to 2's release also make sure to do your part to keep it alive
1 year
yes, I just hope the same happens with this one
But user she has a black leotard
No, I know that
Yeah, my log books and unlocks are gone when I start up the game each time. I can try looking into those xml files though. Shouldve looked around a little more, I found an article about it right after posting
I literally cannot find the teleporter in the 1st level sometimes
I'm having fun but it's rough being retarded
Every time I try quick play I just sit in an endless queue. Is this happening to everyone or is my shit fucked?
I know this feel, sometimes I can't find it for over 15 minutes despite knowing its common places and the orange particle trick
sometimes they are partly underground or mostly inside a wall/object
>two royal capacitors
>3 fuel cells
>i don't even remember how many glasses n crowbars
I am Ramuh.
its a known issue. for some people its flawless and others cant connect at all. seeing as the game doesnt use any ports it could be either an issue with your router or your isp.
what are you supposed to get from beating him
i did it and it didn't seem to do anything
Don't focus on the ground
Try looking for floating red wisps above the ground instead. At the fourth stage it'll be harder to find since the entire stage is red.
Okay where is Miner though. He was my main in the first one and thinking about packboosting in 3d sounds amazing
Nothing. You're playing an early access game.
>unlocking by editing the textifle
you are a fucking faggot.
A single fuel cell with mily chrysalis is enough to reach the island, if it'd let you. You get warped back to mainland.
Depth... of field!
Oh god this is stressful
ok and I get to play bandit and you dont so???
What is the file's name
It's so easy that I'm actually insulted that you're asking that question and I'm not even that guy
>Having a good run as Huntress
>lol triple Wandering Vagrant boss
I feel like single player difficulty scales much better than multiplayer. In multiplayer it feels like the game starts bombarding you with crazy shit way before you're ready for it, even with four people.
>having a good run as engi
>get 3 charges on my shield
>haha I'm invincible
>vagrant floats INTO my shield as it activates the huge ass nuke
Anyway to make this game run better? i'm on lowest settings, and the only resolution it can run well on i can't see shit.
>not tanking the nuke head on out of pure rage and determination
Absolute plebeian.
>70+ minutes run with randos
>everyone got good loots it almost feels immortal
>get into the gold portal
>the map bugged out, only 6 out of 7 switches exist
Fuck this game.
get more hoof
Gentlemen, how do we buff commando?
Scaling definitely feels like it needs tweaking, you see crazier shit at the 20 minute mark than you ever used to in the first game
how to fix currently sub par characters:
make rmb and dash not cancel your running
buff either damage or aoe of arrow rain
give iframes to dodgeroll
give a bigger aoe or make it so the more enemies it hits the bigger it gets
slightly buff the R damage
remove cape so we can see that thicc ass
either give one more charge to lmb or make it so the ignite lasts a long time
Where is the text file located?
>give a bigger aoe or make it so the more enemies it hits the bigger it gets
meant rmb
It would definitely be nice to see how the game is going to grow as more things added, especially if Enforcer is part of that. Hopefully he's not actually dead.
There's nothing wrong with commando though
fucking make his rmb do more, it feels like I'm just throwing a wet noodle
>Hey you cuck, does this still look like a fucking browser game now? No? That's what I thought. Don't talk shit about my game ever again or I'll fucking stick that manbun up your ass to flavor it with the bullshit you spew before force feeding it to you.
That should be in the description on the steam page.
Remove CD on dodge roll
Buff right click
Forever tainted since he'll be doing those runs with clover
us west
Make second skill similar to MUL-T's laser but with stun and kockback
Make ult more special by letting player choose two targets to shoot at. Bonus damage if only one target
Make commando a little girl
Go into the settings, and turn the fps limiter on.
Just make the rmb grow proportional to the damage. Would be both useful and hilarious.
EU any1?
>commando just slapped the heaven piercer onto his pistols
sounds about right, make it happen hoppo
Make the damage drop off less garbage in the early game. He's fine once you have items.
tactical roll needs i-frames or lower cd
everything else is fine fuck off he doesn't need more damage
fake news
there's no file user
Might as well delete his steam account and start fresh and redeem himself
Roll needs i frames back
Remove damage drop off
Game anybody?
how do I get merc, bros?
>Join quickplay
>get forced into obliterating existance
That unlock condition was a mistake
Don't be a fucking pussy
you have to finish a game by surviving to round seven and going through the portal, very easy to grind out real fast on trickle
It's $20 and you can refund it if you don't like poorfag
Obliterate yourself from existence.
Anyone got a spare copy they can fling my way?
Does hosting depend on your internet?
Accept obliteration
sent ;)
he probably was just asking for an online match lmao
chad/10, what class?
I meant "do we have a game up?"
Honestly keep forgetting drizzle is even a mode
Tribes out of ten.
I want to like Engineer but killing anything flying is annoying.
okay... this, is based.
2nd this, I can seem to find the file.
0 quails / 10
I wish the game would remember your settings from the previous game. I hate having to restart because I forgot to click on Monsoon again.
Need one
is there any reason to not play the robot in solo mode
Where is best boi?
It's a minor gripe, but one thing I would really like changed about this game is for the difficulty to stay on whatever you set it between games.
It's monsoon or nothing for me, and a few times after dying I would start another new game right away, but the difficulty is set to whatever medium is called.
Someone in the other thread posted a tard guide to editing the dns
I am fucking crying laughing.
What are the best items for Artificer? I want to make this character do work but it seems I drop off every time.
Where were you when plebbit were faster than Yea Forums.
Huntress. I'm not a waifu fag so I'm upset that she has my most playtime. I need to treat my boy engineer better.
Is this game toaster friendly?
thanks user
I just did a run with black hole cube and fuel cells. Fun as fuck, would be great if you had some extra mags on top to spam your M2
results seem to vary, try buying it and if it doesn't work out just refund
user this footage was posted on Yea Forums hours ago you're the one that's late
does commando suck
Nothing in this game beats the feeling of playing Mercenary for me.
Game sucks dick. Finally got a gold portal and walked through and was instantly killed. Fuck these fucking retards once the level ends your character needs to be fucking invincible fucking fucks sake. Fucking kike nigger spic retarded fuckers.
>reddit post 6 hours ago
>posted on reddit before Yea Forums
no. it's a clusterfuck of enemies that will wreck your framerate
rush movement items first to compensate for no dodge
get some ability items like backup magazine
avoid combat syringes if you can, unless you get an alien head.
all other items like crit, damage procs, survivability, etc. are useful as usual.
how do "rush" an item when drops are completely random
Yea Forums threads don't stay up indefinitely, shocking, i know right?
His M2 is pretty lackluster due to the transition to 3D, but otherwise he's dependent on player skill. If you can't aim then you'd be better off as MUL-T or Huntress.
stack a ton of syringes and damage proc items like missiles and you'll shit on everything
4 guns
do you just forget everything that happened in the previous threads?
how do we unlock bandit for early playing
really wanna try out my boy before he releases
By rushing them when they're not random
It's just good to know what to grab from the ones that offer three and which items to spam a bunch of if you find a printer
no, did you?
are you retarded? we've been posting bandit and hand for the entire day
Best items for Huntress aside from Monster© cans?
>what are multishop terminals
aside from that, another way to rush them though is to focus only on cheap chests since most of Artificer's important items are white tier
there are plenty of choices you can make to influence your item build user. you want to minimize how much RNG affects you
Syringe and spec ofc
>four bandoliers on single player merc run
>spamming BLADESTORM or whatever it's called because it just keeps skipping cooldown
>luck runs out, boss hits me, near death
>no problem, I'll just use my equipment
>remember I switched to HUD
>use my super secret final attack guaranteed to win, gif related
It was a good run.
Extra mags, and bandolier. Pinball wizardry ahead
Better than what it did to me
these items are shit
overloading worm deleted my engi run
he wasn't even a boss
You need to leave
>Easy mode
>Took 60 mins to get there
>Thinking you accomplished anything
Backup mag, Bandolier, Ukulele, Soldier's Syringe, Lensmaker's Glasses, and Primordial Cube. Huntress is all around quite flexible though.
Best run so far, shame it ended by instantly being obliterated by clays all of a sudden, could have easily gone another 20 minutes if not for that
Read the rules. /vg/ is for "long term recurring" threads. This game just came out. It is not long term, it's flavor of the month.
turn his rmb into a large hitscan cylinder, gets everything inside of it
maybe make it his own height in diameter
just a big fucking instant laser
shaped glass
>Huntress is all around quite flexible though.
Noooo, I need more sekiro threads and console warring the smash players cant keep getting away with this stop talking about this new video game that just came out go to vg
How the fuck do I use Huntress?
It feels like she doesnt even do much damage.
>get 10 glasses for guaranteed crits as artificer
>die at like 70% health in a single hit from an elite bull that blindsided me on zone 3
/vg/ is video games
Yea Forums is video game culture
get out newfag
>get boss next to a couple enemies
>throw as many glaives as possible
>collect loot
3d printers are op
Spam right click
any proof?
>it's an episode where retards keep doing mountain challenges
post a video of it right the fuck now
>trying to get 20 levels cleared as merc
>this fucker shows up
>instantly killed
fuck my anus
i love this game
>TFW this is becoming more and more true
>tfw Loader was probably cut
>he doesn't pop a double mountain and allow his superior skill to keep him alive while his teammates flounder and die giving him a mountain of items
It was my buddy not me and none of us where recording
I have now learned to be ready to record at all moments though
I feel bad now for joking about it
It's too real
>he pops the double mountain on level 4
>instagibs him and all his teammates
Trying for a lobby of size 8
My final test before I off myself
Mercenary is even more fun than he was in the first game but I want miner and I want him to rocket boost himself all over the fucking place. Melee worked out way better than I thought it would in 3D.
Where are the switches on the tar desert level? I want to unlock that door.
Also why the fuck does that level have like 3 newt shrines?
Random i think, not very hard to find
can wait for my acid bro
What items for Engie besides fungi, ukulele and banner?
>team is feeling cocky
>pop double mountain
>no boss spawns at all
Maybe if you do the mountain two levels in a row it doesnt work?
Any kind of preset places? I found one, but I ran all over the place and still have to find the second one.
so wait what does the gold shrine do? Does it have a 50 50 chance of fighting golem or the obelisk?
soldier syringe, gas, glasses, wisp.
Its always golem
Obelisk for merc unlock spawns after you complete the teleporter event for stage 7, so loop once and beat the ice level again and there will be a celestial portal to take you there
Do they always spawn?
The fuck do you have to do to unlock extra magazine?
>Double mountain Glacial Ancient Wisps.
It was pretty easy desu.
Hardlight Afterburner on Engi.... Kinda just sat there.
4 people in, can someone tell me what they get when theytry to join
invalid id
fug i just literally gave up because i was an hour in looking for celestial or any shrine and altf4d before hitting the tele
Couple changes I would like for huntress:
Glaive doesn't cancel your sprint
Teleporting doesn't cancel your sprint
Rain of arrows doesn't shoot you up into the air (leaving you stationary and airborne with no momentum)....
and doesn't cancel your sprint. Right now I feel like I need to spend a teleport immediately afterwards to make sure I don't get smacked.
Basically, stop canceling her sprint.
Probably more important than that though, give bosses more hitboxes, kinda like the magma worm.
Laser stone guardians and vagrants require cover to fight effectively, but I can only shoot at the center of their model, meaning that half the time I can see them, but can't shoot them.
wisp and gas. leave syringes and glasses for commando/ other dps.
All you need is fungi,warbanners, and some aoe items.
>leaves a lunar coin behind
>randomly runs in circles doing nothing
>runs under the fuckign jellyfish as it charges its laser and gets hit
Why is reddit so bad at games?
Maybe you'l figure it out tomorrow
Thank you for tryin, didn't work
I'm done
>34 solider syringes
Give huntress backwards and pure sideways dashing.
HUntress is already disiculously mobile. Also has the best AOE damage in the game and a fantastic CC. She hardly needs any buffs.
Commando however needs his iframes back and his photon shot to do more damage or travel faster.
>make huntress literally untouchable/ even more braindead
No thanks
>Rain of arrows doesn't shoot you up into the air (leaving you stationary and airborne with no momentum)....
>not using this to increase mobility
lmao git gud
always for me
most times i've found at least one near the door in the first "area" and the other in the big open "area". most times though, had one with both in the big
Fully charge a teleporter without getting hit.
Flawless challenge - Complete a teleporter event without taking damage
You can just join a multiplayer match and fuck off while your mates beat the boss and charge it, you could be nice and play engie so your turrets that are 95% of your contribution if you care but most people probably wont notice
Or you can be a real lad and have a full stack of engies so theres 100% uptime for the shield and 8 turrets blasting shit
thanks for trying though
do you have to be in the zone or can you let your friendos charge it while you hide on other side of the map?
>played at artifacter and some how didn't get hit on a later tele
The only luck I get in life is video games
She doesn't NEED the buffs, but it won't break her and dammit, it feels like half her kit fights against itself.
She sprints and shoots, I want to sprint forever.
Mercenary feels fantastic chaining all his abilities, they fit just like pieces of a puzzle.
It's of minimal benefit, and isn't helpful at all as you get in later, which is what matters the most.
I did it single player, but seems to say you can fuck off in a corner if you want.
Afterburner on Bandit is dumb as fuck
What does the file taste like?
Can I say I've never liked the unlocking system in RoR? Some stuff was just hidden behind BS challenges I never really felt like attempting. The gameplay loop to keep wanting to come back, it doesn't need unlocks to keep things interesting desu.
For now I'm playing with my own profile and I'll see how far I can get but I'll probably just get a full save when I'm bored.
>want to sprint forever.
You can pretty much already do this. Only need to stop to throw glaive. You can circle strafe enemies. better yet, run straight at them, then use Arrow storm to reposition and loop back through them.
I think all she needs is to be able to sprint while fully strafing. Some people suggest just being able to sprint in all directions which I would be fine with but she only needs to be able to truly sprint sideways to actually have a less awful time avoiding most threats while firing which is the purpose of the design in the first place.
can I cheat lunar coins in?
I want that fucking mage
Yes user, I know how Huntress works.
>dual pistols are cool
>basic soldier mans are cool
>But Commando feels anemic as fuck compared to the robot of fuckening
Do I just need to get gud with Commando or is he just the ""starter lad"" meant to be swapped off? The only characters I have so far are Commando, Huntress, and Robit, so I don't really know who I'd like to use the most by the end, but so far being the death robot seems the best overall.
Also his run animation is silly as fuck
> 1 second apart from each other
>use shrine of order in the abyss or whatever the last area is called
>get a dozen teddy bears
>become effectively invincible
59 seconds user.
>one second
it tastes good, I edited the .dll file using DNS. mega.nz/#!wJkilKbY!GsUIP_8KkBVTBTcIkDqB8ZJtFBvM0gSNff4sNAHOwQk replace the Assembly-CSharp.dll with the file downloaded from this mega link this one and it should work
just do it lmao
the location of the assembly file is
steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed
After picking up 1 rusty key a rusty lockbox is spawned on all future maps for that run. Placement is random and costs nothing to open, but having more keys improves the quality of the item pool it draws from.
Commando is really boring. The transition to 3D really shows how baseline he is. A buff to Photon Shot and the roll will make him better mechanically but he just lacks anything unique or defining. he's forever 'starting boi'.
>Downloading random dlls
same file size as the one in the risk of rain 2 folder. gonna try it out now
I guarantee if they gave his primary fire and piercer fire meatier sounds he'd get more play time. Nobody wants to hear those sewing machine pew pews.
they should of changed it up and gave commando an assault rifle this time around
Call me in the morning and tell me how it went, ok?
>Unlock bandit by doing the same thing you did to unlock the others
>Edit the DNS
I didn't have to edit any dll or anything. What is this shit?
Game 2 is better than 1?
I def think the pistols need flavoring up. Maybe some sort of reload mechanic or something. i dk. And yea, his animations are dull/boring compared to shit like Merc and Huntress.
it didnt work for me so I followed some instructions from the other thread
hes not that great unless you get ukes will of wisps gasolines and lotsa syringes and needles.
If you are not exploding waves upon waves by killing one guy he doesn't feel good.
I cant believe enforcer is fucking dead
yes but 2 isn't finished yet
if you are fine with looping and no final boss then 2 is good for you
works pretty good
doesnt look like theres any animation for the molotov i think is what its suppose to be? just a fire ball. but other then that bandit seems pretty good
You're saying you're successful? Post some in-game screenshots.
R switches between heavy akimbo pistols and ar. Left click AR is 3 round bursts, Pistols is just single shots.
Right click AR is full auto buff to left click with penetration, Pistol is explosive rounds buff.
Switching between guns gives a momentary attack speed boost
There hes fixed
Huh. Look at that.
Good. High damage, roll is useful.
Top tier. Incredible mobility, high damage and great AoE
Good, but reliant on specific items to perform well. Has a lot of trouble in the late game because his turrets start blowing up too fast.
Top tier, even without the crit bug. Can do everything well.
Needs buffs. His damage is a bit low considering he has to put himself more at risk compared to other characters and whirlwind is sort of a dead skill except for maintaining air in the early game.
Needs buffs. She ends up having a lot of trouble because her kit ends up not synergizing well with a lot of items in the game. The charges on her LMB are particularly a big problem, but flamethrower is kind of half-baked and her ice wall is pretty bad.
Is RoR a soulslike?
>Merc with lots of items is fucking fun as hell
Indeed it is.
>died while 3d printed
Totally worth it
the dll above works.
download it and replace for early bandit
Dash, whirlwind, dash, whirlwind, dash, whirlwind.
Thanks for the help user! I finally found it, they were at the same location, the tar waterfall aqueduct thing. One near one of the gateways to the open area and another one near the trees on the right side from the entrance from the open area.
Make wall into a solid but fragile physical object. One that blocks attacks and can be used as a platform of sorts. Also make it placeable on other walls and ceilings.
Can't afford it or else I would be all over this. Will wait for a sale. Hopefully people are still playing it by then.
Here is a pic of the instructions if you want to try them
People still play KF2, and that was in early access for three years.
There's more than one enforcer, my man
I have no friends to play with and I don't get this game. Why did i buy this?
are you supposed to get something from the suicide altar?
people should still be playing it user, it's going to be in early access for about a year or so
as for a copy, you might be able to get it from some resale sites in a few months since not everyone used their BOGO keys
playing solo is fun, every chest belongs to you
it unlocks merc if its the oblivion altar
>play quickplay
>play in Yea Forums lobbies or make Yea Forums lobbies
>play on your own
3 different ways to play user. the game is still pretty fun in single player
Don't remind me
>Coming soon
>Stay tuned
All dead.
how do i find newt altars
im too lazy to start a new run
just want my mage plz
where how
holy based
>do my first level ever
>search the entire level up and down for 25 minutes
>teleporter is nowhere to be found
>click quickplay
>latency for my actions is LITERALLY around 30 seconds
>if I try to open a box it takes 30 seconds
>if I try attacking an enemy other people end up killing it before my damage appears
>double mountain boss and I don't have the chievo yet
>everyone else with their human ping dies, and I have to stand on top of clien side jelly fish heads for 20 minutes as 1/10th of my attacks go through
I'm home, \v\. I refuse to click that button again.
>Needs buffs. She ends up having a lot of trouble because her kit ends up not synergizing well with a lot of items in the game. The charges on her LMB are particularly a big problem, but flamethrower is kind of half-baked and her ice wall is pretty bad.
She's really good. I was holding my own against four Titans after my whole team died thanks to two mag extensions. Full charge stun>snapfreeze>fireballs>full charge stun>repeat. I agree on the flamethrower being a sort of throwaway power, though. MULT-T's minigun achieves the same effect and it can be held indefinitely. I hope they change it to something more unique to her.
Look around the corners of maps and on really high places
I know a statue usually spawns on a cliff on desert level and on a pillar in swamp level
>87 minute run on engi
>1 (one) bustling fungus
god fucking damnit
Next time I do my 20 stage run I'm going to make sure I'm never on the same quadrant as this mother fucker. 10 tedddies doesn't mean shit.
it's enjoyable solo, no need to worry about sharing loot and you can go at your own pace. buying the game outright with no knowledge of it is another story though
use you are head. the spawns are varied and tend to spawn in the same places few places in each map. explore the map a bit, sometimes it helps to get up higher and look down.
I'd argue get one or two SS on engi early on because his bomb charge feels a little too slow otherwise, and it makes his sentries shoot faster, then hand the rest to the others
>play the game for the first time
>can't find something, perhaps because playing the game for the first time
fuck MULT
I had just beaten the snow levels, both teacup bosses, gotten a good build going and my dumbass had to go do the combat arena; only to get wrecked. FUCK
You are not the only one, there are some cases where you cant find the portal, the forums are full of people that are having this problem and the devs adressed this issue in their lates note
>play game once
>don't understand mechanics or how to play
>whine about it on hungarian smoke signal irc
Look for red sparklies in the air, you'll find it easily enough.
>engi run monsoon
>having loads a fun
>guesture of the drowned + soulbound catalyst + disposable misslie launcher
>mfw enything just gets deleted
feels great
stop fucking spawning these every 2 seconds
piercing shot damage multiplies per enemy hit
replace his shitty stun shot with a grenade or something
How hard is mage to unlock
>aim up
>press mouse 2
Three dead wisps. Huntress eats them for money.
US midwest, get in bastards
>piercing shot damage multiplies per enemy hit
I like this. Honestly feels like something that they should've thought of.
cheatengine is a hell of a drug
depends, legit or cheat?
legit it takes time but she's not even worth it imo
lil more base damage so he can actually do something before piling on atgs, ukeleles, behemoths, etc
How hard is hard compared to normal?
>playing engineer
>mfw early afterburner drop
how tho
it's all fun and games until an imp overlord wavedashes into your hugbox
Look at the HP count, its probably a boss
>Only get cube drops and crowdfunders
T-thanks game...
This is now your theme youtube.com
>sharing my experience and looking for help is """""""""""whining""""""""""""
Many thanks, I figured that's what happened after scanning the whole level 4 times.
right click the XML doc to edit
fourth line down is your coins value
save the xml file and boot game. god speed user
It's the salamander, I'm just fucking around, means he is actually killable, maybe, though.
I did manage to get one to shoot somehow, but was stuck in the pod, probably need to change character while ingame
Not a boss, its the newt that hangs out in the lunar bizarre
I did
>not liking the succ box
How do I unlock the merc?
>Go drizzle because fucking 19 levels streak ended by a gay wisp and am mad
>Find a 3d printer of the cells
>Find a drone telephone
>Almost crash the game with 20 instances of the drones
>Find out royal lightning meme has low cooldown and no internal cooldown as well
>Spam q like a madman
>Become god of thunder
Turns out enemies cap at the HAHAHA limit, at least on drizzle.
Been wondering why there's so much begging and blogposting going on around RoR2 but I just realized it's because most RoRfags were probably poorfags that only had hundreds of hours in the original because it was dirt cheap and went on sale every 15 minutes. Get a job you lazy niggers.
do it
>you can stand on the wandering vagrant
not the real hopoo, too blunt. but still funny
a snide remark from hopoo would feel like a dagger
The cube is great for commando (piercing shot), artificer (all her attacks, but especially energy ball and flamethrower), huntress (raining arrows), and mercenary (dash). It's also great if someone else has the BFG. Wombo combo.
you must obliterate yourself
>Play with pals
>11 lunar coins in 2 hours
It's definitely not the worst equipment, especially with fuel cells.But FUCK, I just want to crit the world with merc.
i did and god damn was it hard to do with this build.
But where though
merc feels so ass after unlocking other char
why is this game so fun
i need some brave souls to risk going into the rain
>Break-dancing on top of wandering vagrant with merc
>unlocked everyone else before merc
ancient scepter when?
Is the Wicked Ring in RoR2? I want to get my merc instant critter going from the first game.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the succ box myself. It's good and all, but there is much better.
I just like calling it the succ box.
I don't see the problem here. Enjoy your Sanic speeds + permanent flight.
Lit as fuck, really didn't expect it to work, main downside being that you can't pick anything up.
because it's fun.
7th level aka get to contact point delta on your first loop a big portal will open up next to the teleporter
other than the character unlock, what's the best way to use lunar coins?
being a glass cannon was fun while it lasted
It combos with engi's M2 as well, just activate the succ and then hold M2 into the ball, even better if your sentries are at a vantage point to shoot them
I had like 8 feathers, jumped to the top of the map, then drop kicked a boss, and got the macho achievement. It's pretty good.
>not putting your turrets as close together as possible for OPTIMAL healing
got room for one more
So far the only use the coins have is to unlock a character and get some items
Look at all that fun.
Anybody else seem to be getting a bug where you can't actually see the thing in the bazaar that unlocks Artificer? Happened to me while playing with some buddies, even if I was hosting.
Wound up editing my save for her in the end, but I'm just curious.
Maximum syringes. They affect your turrets.
holy shit that's more hilarious than i expected
and you can pick things up
Anyone want to try multiplayer lobby with this shit?
it happens, had my bro in the server telling me as well as the portal being far off down the depths
What is the gold shrine/portal? I've only seen it once and activated it after the tele had already charged.
a big boss you gotta activate totems to kill
are drones a complete waste of money or it is just me
you don't even need to do half the bullshit in the third post. Just replacing the dll file in your managed folder adds it
>The Reminder
that's cute
but fuck that shit
>has the risk of rain 1 ability icons
why play an unfinished character
Jesus fuck. What floor is that?
Oh boy, there's a lot of shit, seems beginning to get a feel as to how things are formatted
Hopefully the posters realize they're fucking retarded and a menace to actual video game discussion because they can't comprehend people enjoying a game and not talking about politics instead
>early access
why play an unfinished game
because he's f u n
the only things that are unfinished are the icons, move descriptions, and the spell effect of his r. He's fully functional gameplay wise
Healing drones heal you for decent amount and can be pretty clutch sometime, gunner drones take aggro off you which is all very useful at time, so they're alright i wouldn't prioritize them though
Does Commando actually get really fucking good when you're properly geared with proc shit?
Or just passable
just you
the second
it's like risk of rain 1 where commando is just eh
is this an enemy in the game?
hold the fuck up
MUL-T is Commando+
There is no reason to play him after you unlock another character
the big one is nice for the memes but is shit and dies instantly
The distraction can be more than enough late game.
Fuck it
I'm crashing this game
with no survivors
I'm hacking in 999999 Lunar Coins
All you bandit plebs sleeping on the REAL hidden character.
I'm guessing it's a test, it's ID 1 so probably one of the first things they added, this is id 2
you get instabanned for having 6 digits of lunar coins
wasn't RoR born on /agdg/?
well maybe not born but they post there
>huntress wears crit glasses vertically
This FUKIN game mang
What do the skills do?
That's what hell looks like. Now imagine it with funballs.
memes or no
>even the drones are playable
god I can't fucking wait
Ah, okay. Cool to know it isn't just me.
In my experience they're kind of a waste once you get up to I SEE YOU and beyond because they'll start dying so quick, but before then they're pretty helpful. The healing ones especially have saved my ass a couple times.
Plus if you've already grabbed every chest there's no reason not to spend your leftover cash on drones before you leave the level.
How do I get good ? I only manage to loop when playing on easy, I feel like a game journalist.
old news if you would have been reading the dev blogs like the rest of the patricians
all models can wear and use items
I just want to play Miner
>these items this early
memes. it's a team of two guys do you really think they're banning people or even have a ban system in place?
>there's no reason not to spend your leftover cash on drones before you leave the level.
assuming the time you waste going to pick it up is worth it.
It's commando but with 3 dashes and no R
Finally got what I was looking for, ID 5 btw if anyone wants it, was thinking he'd be higher but I guess they made him first?
So maybe I'm confused but how do the engi turrets work? Do you need to be in range of them for them to be powered on or something? Half the time they just face down and don't shoot shit. Also are they 360 or not? I honestly can't tell since they only work like 25% of the time
>host gets red
quickplay blows HOST WHEN
will they make something kino again?
also coalescence is fucking gorgeous
does it work in multi? would only consider it to flex on randoms
no wonder they're fucking invincible
>can't ever survive past loop one on medium difficulty
>either get to many offensive items and become a paper bag in the wind, or get so many defensive items and go insane from my weak damage.
my only solace is that things might get better when I stop saving coins for the character, and can start using them for lunar items.
Her visor(?) is vertical, how else would she wear them?
Not sure, too scared some normie will report me for it
They can wreck shit across the map, or ignore an enemy directly in front of them.
just tell them you're a dev lmao
if you switch last second in a lobby nobody will notice if you leave after getting out of pod
There literally isn't even a report function
Just play as a wisp.
RoR2 is kino but the first soundtrack is leagues better. I think Chris sperged out too much in trying to make it "not risk of rain 1" that he just ended up making it shit instead
There needs to be a better spread of offensive and defensive weapons. I never feel like I'm in control of what I'm doing, and I never have enough items to make good use of the 3d printers when they actually pop up
My friend is getting crash at launch, anyone experience this?
do we have a general?
is it possible to play as the giant drone
if so tell me pls
chef actually best boy
Are lunar items unlocked permanently or can you only get them by paying for them each run?
>spend 10 minutes solo getting enough gold to activate all the beacons
>drop goldman from 25k to 20k hp
>beacons need to be reactivated
well fuck me
Fuck off. Go whine in a smash thread or something.
Interesting, there seems like there's a new character or maybe another test, ID 15, has a rocket launcher and homing rockets, other skills are just commandos but slightly different.
Which one? I'm guessing everything is playable to an extent
You heard me.
it's not bad, I just hope they're holding their kino in reserves for the end boss
I gave myself 99 lunar coins ez
I'm guessing the "friends only" message next to my clipboard means only friends can join the clipboard lobby, is this wrong and if not how do I change it?
So then how is engi considered good? If my main way of dealing damage is on a long CD and doesn't work reliably?
what's a clipboard lobby
They work most of the time. They just tard out sometimes.
Enforcer confirmed, forgot it shows the name of the mob on death, probably should do that with others
Each lobby has a code, if you copy that code the game can automatically read it without you having to paste it somewhere and put you in that lobby.