Left or right?

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the right is an abomination from a flop of a game, and the left is one of the worst characters of an already bland and bad cast compared to previous titles

The left is fake idealistic pervert fantasy from Japan like usual.

The reason is because nobody has sex in japan they are all seething virgins there.

The right is a realistic depiction of a human being so shut up you racist jerk.

For me? The non–incel choice.

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Plenty would cosplay as the left, none would cosplay as the right.

:^ )

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go back to discord, tranny

Homefront The Revolution was so fucking dogshit

Right is a girl?

barely remember the character, the game was so bad and the real end of the protagonist comes in a dlc

played the game and the right comes stright outta tumblr or reddit
like this faggot

The woman on the right makes me feel like the face on her shirt

>The right is a realistic depiction of a human being
I play video games to escape from reality, I don’t wanna have to look at any fucking uggos, I have a mirror if I wanna do that.

Right is a fat, ugly, anti-social fuck who has reason to spend all of her life in front of a computer, and not a cute, fashionable teenager.

She's legitimately a better representation of what a female hacker would look like if realism is what you were aiming for. That being said, the character is absolutely vile.

>ugly junky std ridden bitch

Fuck off forever

right would be a tranny irl

>escapism vs realism

which one is a more realistic hacker female tho


Neither. The only known hacker woman I've known was a tiny 5'1 100lbs brunette that dressed like a librarian and was self conscious about her small boobs.

>Flop of a game
Well, financially, sure, but WD2 was really good

Also, right is actually what females that code look like, but I'd much rather fuck the paper on the left.

fat women being portrayed in vidya games made me a racist: my story

Left is what right thinks they look like.

>the left is from a movie game
>the right is also from a movie game

If you guys want cinematic experiences so bad, why don't you just go to Yea Forums? I don't play games to watch billions of hours of cutscenes.

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>dont wanna look at a fat dog of a woman

Lenni is unironically one of the only good characters in watch dogs 2. Ubisoft seem to have an ever growing problem of creating villians that are way more fleshed out and memorable than their completely flat and unlikable protags and protag allies.

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I legitimately thought that was supposed to be an FtM at first.

genetic defect face

ubisoft is the WWE?

is that charlotte flair?

>movie game
I'm guessing you have never played a Persona game in your life. It alternates between movie and dungeon crawl ya dweeb.

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where is this 6/10 punk ronk semen slurper from

fucking gross it looks like my half sister

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Looks like Leafy.

>none would cosplay as the right.
Intentionally, at least.

Those fucking faces

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>literally 40 hours of cutscenes is fine with persona fans

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That has to be intentional. Just look at the first face.

doesn't change the fact that left is hotter

better than any kojima game


>literally 40 hours of empty sandbox is fine with skyrim fans

There was a time where western tech girls were attractive

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40 hours of cutscene, 40 hours of gameplay, means alternation.

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>these trash games are bad, which excuses Persona being bad because ?????

I don't think you guys thought this through.

*39 hours of grinding with 1 hour of "gameplay"

I can't tell which side you are on with that statement

lol. I side with good gameplay. Which means I'll usually stay away from pretentious hacks like Kojima, lying conmen like Todd, and """""games""""" like Persona.

>racist jerk
But that's you, you're insulting a young Japanese lady while defending an American. You sick racismist.

she's still kinda cute

So not quite Futaba but she's closer since both her and this hacker chick are IMAGINE tier.

Right because she's a hypocritical feminist bitch that treats women like shit and gets BTFO in hilarious fashion. Actual comedy and solid commentary on the community she represents.
Left is another weeb circlejerk fantasy that can do know wrong besides very minor and innocent first world problems.

Skyrim is a bad game
Persona is a bad movie

At least I can play Skyrim

>turn-based RPG combat

Everything is a grind, wow

wasnt right the antagonist?

Why do ugly fucks always hide behind anime faces?

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was this why napalm was created?

>39 hours of watching battle intros, attack animations, and exp screens*

kys normalfag

so...left in a sense then.

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>The right is a realistic depiction of a human being so shut up you racist jerk.
Only if sitting on the couch all day and having someone shit on your head is realistic

My man

Right is fucking vile but that's also kinda the point.
Left isn't amazing but among the actual party members she's better than the rest except Yusuke

You can't beat Sugita. He's just too good.

I miss Lain.
She was the only good depiction of a cute hacker.

Depends entirely on the game. In all honesty the right is what I would expect from a female that was real, no bullshit hacker. No way an attractive woman would do it so it works if realism is desired. Never played either Watch Dogs though so beyonf tbe appearance I know nothing abput the character to personally critique.

Futaba "works" because Persona 5 is just anime bullshit, this 15 year old neet is shown to be a more capable hacker then most of the government so realism was never a factor. The actual problem is Futaba is genuinely an insufferably annoying character.

>The actual problem is Futaba is genuinely an insufferably annoying character
I can accept this criticism as long as you aren't a Makotofag because then that would be downright hypocritical.

Left, next question soiboi.

>another /pol/ gets triggerd thread

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As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.

What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..

I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.

>The right is a realistic depiction of a human being

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>realistic depiction of a human being
why do you gotta lie like that, nigger?

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>As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with
Holy fuck son you are retarded.

You're trying too hard.

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>says the person who fell for bait pasta

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What is that? Smug maple?

Makoto is also a bad character, just for different reasons. All the party members suffer from the typical "jrpg arc" problem. They'll be introduced, you'll become involved in their problems for whatever, they join you, beat the bad guy and have an arc, and then become sidelined for the next character as if the rest of their lice is set.

>the "racist" part didn't clue me in to the ironic shitpost

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Lets just have a Watch Dogs 2 thread

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clara was kind of ok but they decided to kill her off for no real reason

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they're insecure

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>The right is a realistic depiction of a human being
while that may be true, pretty chicks are also real so fuck off with your ugly dyke lesbians

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shut the fuck up nigger

I need a new punching bag for my workouts. Left looks too cute to beat to death.

>The right is a realistic depiction of a human being
Male, human being, yes. Even white women don't look that shit, even though they still look mostly shit looking.
Only objectively correct statement. Why do white American males worship fucking Asians for? Have you seen the way China lives? Is it because of "Caucasian"? Asians hate you piggu gaijin asses too, they aren't your friends.

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At least that's actually interactive retard.

Chinks are ant people but they're still less brainwashed and broken than your average liberal
>This is a rare act of resistance from a white man. We need to find a way to prolong this and encourage white men to apply for all kinds of honors for the gunman, including a Nobel peace prize.

The protags in Watchdogs 2 are stupid. I couldn't finish it. I'm meant to be some cool hacker kid or whatever but I have no problem mowing down cops and guards with guns. Non lethals would have at least fit the theme a bit more.

>la abominacion....

Are game devs seriously trying to say the average woman is this ugly? God damn only people suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome have faces this asymmetrical

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Even if the one on the left had an artificial dick and the one of the right a natural vagina, the answer would be always left.

>The left is fake idealistic pervert fantasy
Why is that a bad thing?
>The right is a realistic depiction of a human being
Why is that a good thing?

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whenever i see threads like these i wish i could see the OP going to japan and watch how disappointed he would be

Every game is basically 40 hours of nothing. Prove me wrong

>I'm bad at games grrrrr that must be the games fault

Right is realistic only if you're an American senpai.

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Right is realistic, left is shopped clearly. She's just as fat as the girl on the right without the power of PS.

Once you realize that deadsec are a bunch of domestic terrorists who intentionally market themselves as hip cool dudes to attract resources and notoriety anarchist revolution, the plot makes a lot more sense.

If you're saying that her name is androgynous then yeah, she's clearly portrayed as being some sort of tranny or dyke in the game. Her actual name is lenor.

Both are unrealistic portrayals. Women aren't hackers lol

>She's just as fat as the girl on the right without the power of PS.

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>cute girls don't exist
Have sex.

What the fuck that is not a realistic depiction, that's a man's body

The character on the right respects women, the left one is disrespectful towards women.

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>benevolent sexism

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>he right is an abomination from a flop of a game,
sold like 3x the amount than the game on the left

have sex

>The right is a realistic depiction of a human being
Trannies are not realistic.

Asian girls have such nice bodies.
Girl on the left should be a baseline for all women. If only Eugenics were a thing.

Shut the fuck up already with your repetitive "le ironic cringe trolling xD"
Back to cunt.

Bro, Futaba is so cute I can't believe it!
And she has such easy to find clothes and her style is so popular that there's a very high chance you find a girl like her in real life.

The fatty

Neither women are shit at codeing

Let's not. The game is shit.

they are both cringe, as are all"hacker" characters

Are you saying no women is better then you?

I know a girl who is very close to the left.
She's underage tho.

does anyone have that twitter post
of the more realistic drawings

>most of Yea Forums: 2/10 ugo fat beta/omega incels
>Yet, they complain about women not always being 10/10 sex godess who are submissive and want to fuck every one of those low quality incels

It seems a tiny bit hypocritical.

That's a dude on the right, not sure who you're trying to fool OP

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Ayy lmao.

In japan right now.
There are many many wholesome couples everywhere you look because of good gender relations and women who don’t think looking good is morally reprehensible.

Sorry user, but that’s what genuinely “nerdy” girls look like. You have to be so ugly you’re rejected from the regular harems that the majority of girls are part of to actual develope niche interests as a woman.

>The right is a realistic depiction of a human being so shut up you racist jerk.
you know there are cute girls out there right? You know I can find you a fucking girl like on the left with ther same body physology right?

Ugly woman !== real woman fucking faggot.