Play dragalia lost

play dragalia lost

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I will if the little sister rabbit girl is playable by now, is she?

>facility events
oh boy another few days worth of not actually playing, just autogrinding
and this game's interpretation of a Simorgh looks pathetic
I'll stick with my mub Leviathan
This is the last day her banner will be up for the next two months I think, she's an extremely powerful Fire Bow limited unit. Your only feasible chance at getting her is to reroll now.

did they remove wyrmprints?

Cute bunny girls are nice, but I'm not sure that they're enough motivation to get invested in a gacha game.

no they doubled down on it because now you can equip two and people are trying to get specific ones now because of it
same rate though, no changes

you literally have 2 hours left on her banner lmao shes a limited time only rotation unit


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It's never worth it to get invested in a gacha game. The reason they're popular in the first place is because most of them are based on and/or crossover with IPs you're ALREADY invested in. They're free to download to fans of the thing will try it out to see this hot new thing with their favorite characters. It's never worth it.

he has two hours and an entire day

>being this mean about simurgh
please leave cutie mommy bubble bird alone bro...

>Time Remaining: 1h 37m 34s

just let it die bro

I will, not rolling a damn thing on this
it's not even a limited banner and if dragalia has taught me anything, it's never to roll on a nonlimited banner because those nonlimited units are just going to cuck you on some actual limited banner, so you might as well save the wyrmite to push past them. For example, my MUB Leviathan was almost entirely from off focus pity breakers, plus a single sunstone. Lily blocked me from getting Christmas Cleo. I use both heavily but I'm glad I didn't bother touching the water banners.

Only because I need whatever loli dragon the FE crossover brings, and then unistall it if it doesn't give what I want

I played near addictively from launch up to the first wind raid event, then I uninstalled cause I was frustrated from the grind and not being able to actually get the non-raid dailys done.

Is Dragalia worth getting back into, especially after all this lost time and tickets.

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Theres been a few QoL upgrades and the grind is definately easier than before. Take that as you will.

yeah they have done a shitton of changes to the QoL of stuff and lowered the grind of events and give better rewards. plus its currently 6 month anniversary event going on they are giving a ton of free shit

I did for about a month. Never again.

>Grindblue developers
>Triple Gacha
No thanks.

6 month anniversary. This is probably the most generous they'll ever be because later they'll really on crossovers and can be stingy

is Mym usable in gameplay yet?

>chocolate bunny
Oh yes!
>gacha shit
Oh no!

FYI It's a FEH cross over.

Attached: dragalia-lost-fire-emblem-heroes.jpg (1152x648, 260K)

no they are going to hold onto her forever and then probably make her be a Gala unit aka limited time rotation

And here is the run down of the future plans

thanks again. will probably fall back into it.

>Fire Sword Marth
>Fire Sword Roy
>Fire Sword Lyn
>Fire Sword Ike
>Fire Sword Lucina
What exactly is the point of the FEH crossover? It's not going to make me play DL.

>Camilla or Hector axe
>Myrrh, Nowi, Fae, young Tiki
>hag Tiki
They have to use a dragon, but aside from the dragons being one of every element the crossover can't bring much because almost no FE Archer is worth their shit

Sounds as stupid as when the game started. Use phones for better things than half-assed video games.

I don't about how many characters they are planning to add, but it would probably be something like:
>Marth or Lucina as a light sword
>Camilla as a dark axe
>Lyn as a wind bow
>Azura as a water lance
>Tiki as the dragon

I stopped playing after the event with the first wind raid boss. Forgot his name, but it was that giant green eagle wizard thing that spawned tornadoes. Lost my account because I forgot to connect it to Nintendo, so it's forever gone for me. Has anything significant been added to the game? Or is it the same as it was back then?

>MUH mobile games arent real games but an iphone has more power than the switch meme

When they remove Wyrmprints, I'll play. Fair trade

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its basically more of the same they just polished everything and made everything less of a grind

I do. I love a mobage I can auto

>I'll show you a flame hotter and brighter than I've shown anyone else, darling.
>You're amazing. No one else has teased this sort of fire out of me.
>I would do anything for you, darling. ...ANYTHING.
>The urge to keep you all to myself builds and builds until...WHOOSH! A fire just erupts from inside me.

What is her fucking problem?

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A Switch has a proper control and actual games. Hardware power doesn't really matter when the interface sucks and 99% of the games are freemium junk.