What was the last game you played to make you feel this way?
What was the last game you played to make you feel this way?
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Sleeping Dogs, plus the DLC.
It made me rage quite a few times but it was a very good game. Nearly 100%'d it.
Sekiro honestly. So good. I didn't like Dark Souls III but loved Demons, I, and Bloodborne. What's that with?
It's truly been awhile. The last time I REALLY felt this was probably VTMB way back when
The Last Of Us unironically
then i guess youre somewhat hyped for the sequel
the one that made me feel it the most tho was Final Fantasy Tactics
Fuck no
The last game that did this for has to be my fucking replay of Okami
How did they do it bros? How can one game have so much unironic soul?
Yeah honestly same. Don't give a fuck if Yea Forums thinks it was a movie despite having the most visceral and tactile gunplay and hand to hand combat ever (except for maybe condemned 2), it was a fucking good movie. Will never forget "I swear" "Okay" and cut to black
The World Ends With You. Best handheld rpg ever.
It's zoomers like you that are the cancer killing videogames
yume nikki
I felt like this throughout my playthrough of RDR2. The ending itself was mostly kinda "eh" though.
I hated the final hours of VTMB so much I was relieved as fuck when it was over. It would have been nice if it could have retained the quality it had during the first 5 hours.
Cope, it's objectively a solid game regardless of how desperate you are to be contrarian
Song of the Deep
The Surge
That opinion here is contrarian, dislike is the normalcy.
Hearts of stone for the witcher 3
Because From burns all their creativity in the first entry of a series. Dark Souls 2 and 3 and just derivative sequels of the first with worse level design and lore, yet marginally better combat in some cases. Demon Souls does it's own thing with level design and plot progression and is more focused. Bloodborne was their entry into fast aggressive gameplay, doubling down on lore and atmosphere which are the cornerstones of SoulsBorne games. Sekiro follows the line of changing the formula enough to be different while still be exceptional.
Last run went really well since I did a few personal goals like no starter, no bag healing in battle, and mostly new members. My general takeaway at the end was not every friend I make will stick around forever, but new bros could be right around the corner as long as I keep looking. Make new experiences and try not to hold on stuck in the past as much.
Felt really satisfied when it was over and the ending song is ludo.
played it for the first time in january.
Uncharted 4
Most Fromsoft games desu.
Life is Strange
Witcher 3
unironically TLOU
These games don't have the best gameplay by any means but they do elicit an emotional response from me
Based and Joelpilled
dragons dogma
I can't remember getting that feeling since MGS3 or Minish Cap on release.
Probably Persona 5
Before that like... Fucking MGS3? Idk
>These games don't have the best gameplay by any means but they do elicit an emotional response from me
Yea Forums rightfully makes fun of movie "games" for not even really being games and people who play "real" games rightfully don't want people who only play movie games to be considered part of the same group as them, but movie games have their place in the market. they can be pretty damn good and enjoyable. just in a way that is more similar to a movie than CSGO.
I just finished AC4 and while some missions are horseshit, the good missions are really fucking fun with the F-22A
It's been a while. Cave Story, probably.
The first one.
Man, from the moment Joel's daughter died I his arms, I knew the game was going to be peak kino the entire way through. It is the only game that had such good storytelling that my wife actually sat through and watched me play from beginning to end. P.S. Fuck that idiot contrarian that responded to you.
For my own contribution, I present to ya'll The Walking Dead Season 1. I hate niggers but Lee is a man I look up to and one I would die for, especially in the game's circumstances. Clem is also my daughter-fu. It made me proud to see her grow up to be so strong. I love this game because it is by far the only game that didn't go out of it's way to shove black stereotypes down your throat or to force SJW bullshit as a story point. And it legit made me tear up like TLoU.
Damn you're one huge niggerfaggot, has to be said.
This is copypasta material
This is one of the most reddit posts I've ever seen on Yea Forums
/pol/ is that way, cucks. Hale Hortler and all that shit.
silent hill & time splitters: future perfect
MGS4 (I played it on big boss hard the first time)