>I don't like turn-based combat
I don't like turn-based combat
Yeah, cause it's boring, you fucking stupid fucking gay fucking fat fucking faggot.
There’s nothing that ruins a game more than turn based combat, kill yourselves nigger
That's a big dong.
>Somebody doesn't like this bad mechanic
>It means they're a zoomer
I unironically love tank controls and think the SNES era is the best era of gaming. Fuck turn based garbage. If I wanted to wait my turn with my cock in my hands, I'd play Dungeons and Dragons or some shit.
turn-based is fun but FVIIR is definitely better off with action
Unironically this. Zoomers are based because they expect high quality, fast paced gameplay with tons of freedom and reject 'cinematic experiences' that pretend to be thoughtful but actually just railroad you and hold your hand, avoiding creative freedom and skill.
>Turn based shit
>Action based good
why does Yea Forums hate FF XV then?
Fortnite requires more brain power than any turn based combat game
it's impossible to die, just down another potion after an attack insta-kills you yet you can still down another full-heal item
you tell me what could be wrong with that, buddy
breath of the waft has the EXACT SAME problem, the "just-eat-to-win-you-stupid-pig" ultra-casualization
>Global Rules
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
> he plays dungeons and dragons with his cock in his hand
t. confirmed faggot lmao yikes bro
Proper TB combat can be good.
IGO/UGO is utter trash.
the right can't meme
Then go back to playing it, zoomer
>left is so bad at memeing that they have to steal the right’s memes/insults
Traditional party turn based combat is pretty boring, Divinity and Darkest Dungeon is good
kek. the majority of fortnite zoomers would ragequit at the matador fight in nocturne.
Just like how you’d rage quit after dying in one game of fortnite?
>Not being a gaychad
>Not even being comfortable enough in your identity to hold your cock around your bros
Low test faggot
nah it’s more like that time I rage quit fucking your mom cause that bitch is really bad at giving head
ironic when pol is the biggest echochamber parrots NPC who needs some neckbeard incel eceleb to tell them what to think
i dont like turn based combat but there are a lot of JRPGs i really want to play. i wish i could get over how much i hate it. wat do
Suck it up, like me. I hate Turn based combat with a passion, but if a game is good, it'll sort itself out.
>dead npc wojak meme for "I don't like turn-based combat"
>the most casual genre in the world
>the genre that inspired Snoy's MovieWalker games
Kek, turn-based more like turn-cringe
>we are le opressed minority victims
just like all the feminists pretending some boogy man is gonna butt fuck you lubeless.