Mods fix it!

>mods fix it!
Is this a legitimate argument?

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Yeah. Dark Souls is unplayable shite without mods.

What's the difference between a mod and a patch?

If a team of developers, on their own time for no pay, make alterations to the game that are optional to download that fix issues, is it a mod, or a patch?

It's a patch because it's official licensed content.

It's a legitimate argument to play the game. It's not a legitimate argument to excuse the devs for not fixing it.

for developers no
for a game yes

Why does it being "official" matter?

It doesn’t matter.

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Because I shouldn't have to resort to 3rd parties to make my game functional. If you want to add more shit that's fine and dandy but there's absolutely no excuse for mods being required for a game to not be dogshit.

because when I pay for a product I expect it to be done and finished following the original build and concept of the creators. Because the creators typically have better tools at their disposal to fix shit in their game without the need for "creative" workarounds from a 3rd party.

But what if the creators wanted it to come out the way it did?

Yes, Grim Fandango is great with the fanmade point and click controls and tank controls were a mistake.

This is the answer. There is no reason no tto play a game that's released as unplayable garbage but turned by mods into a 10/10 experience.
There is plenty of reason to keep the devs accountable for that state though, and say they should do better.

Games with good mods usually officially support modding, where does this fall then?

>Try to talk about cyubeVR
>Does it have Multiplayer
>Does it have mod support
>Doesn't have either yet
>"It's not worth my time then."

Then it came out as a shit game and I'm not wasting any time on it

99% of the time, no, because at the end of the day, if you need to "fix it", then whoever was in charge of the game clearly didnt understand what the fans wanted, and made subpar game, and no matter how many tiny fixes the comunity does, it is most likely fundamentally a broken game.

The 1% is sometimes a small technical issue, most likely due to incompetency, things like the original PC release of souls NEEDED dsfix to be playable, but after that it was smooth sailing.

>But what if the creators wanted it to come out the way it did?

Prove it nigger. If they "wanted" to release it bug ridden and unfinished then there wouldn't be day 1 patches. They wouldn't bother testing it either.

The original argument is about modding to fix a game ie bug fixes, patches, and workarounds. You are comparing apples to oranges and saying its the same thing.

when the entire game is built around modding like Gmod or Rimworld, sure

the fuck are you arguing for?
mods exist, if they're good go fucking get them

If the mods actually fix it, yes. Pirate the game though, if the game is so shit that mods are needed to fix it the devs don't deserve the money.

It doesn't
But you asked for the difference

Yes, but it's still an insult to the devs. It's a massive compliment to the modders and so long as modding the game isn't a massive hassle it can be an argument for a game, just not the devs. So basically it doesn't erase criticism of the vanilla game or devs but it's a factor in the overall quality of a game.

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Cyube user listen, we're all cheering Cyube on and want to see it successful but you need to be realistic. It's hard to compete with Minecraft and 10 years of modding.
Building the game from the ground up full of VR exclusive features would differentiate it enough.

For a game to be successfully modded, it needs foundation first.

Not for me. If a game needs mods to fix it, it's a shit game, period. if the devs didn't care enough to put out a decent product, how am I expected to give a shit about it/want to buy it?

Unfaithful peasant, you're not really cheering it on.
You hardly know the game.

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For the individual, sure, but we shouldn't accept broken games for full price

>What's the difference
One is standard, the other isn't. When I download game X, the patch is now part of the official game. I don't need to go hunting and implement shit myself to have it installed. Don't need to worry about compatibility, etc.

what's wrong with that dog