Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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games don't have to be fun but they do have to be games
Woaw naughty dog are risk takers. Their games can only be enjoyed by serious literature maniac. Tlou2 will be deep
Sony, as always. Obviously they don't know what fun is, which explains why all of their main games have sold like shit outside HZD & Spider-Man. Nintendo is the master of game design & it shows since their first parties gross more money then any other gaming franchise
the kike
Fun is a buzzword though. Everyone experiences "fun" in a different way, not everyone needs to bing bing wahoo to entertain themselves
>High IQ jew who created the most acclaimed games of the decade
>Some dirty mutt who worked for Pizza Hut
gee i dunno
I’m glad that Drukman said this because it’s a trigger for Yea Forums.
Reggie obviously, I don't even like Nintendo shit either
1984 fucking sucks, eat a dick
Why should I care about a game that has nothing to say?
It literally predicted the future morons
Early Naruto was OK.
>which explains why all of their main games have sold like shit outside HZD & Spider-Man.
God of War sold like 10M copies which is more than 90% of Nintendo 1st party this gen
Consider this: they're both an example of horseshoe theory in action.
>Druckmann wants games to be casual hallway simulators because he wants to be "mature" and tell stories (aka appeal to the pretentious hipsters)
>Reggie wants games to be casual hallway simulators because he wants to appeal to braindead casuals who can't even pass a tutorial without using a strategy guide
There's no good or bad guys here. Just degrees of corporate stupidity.
And people in this thread
what went wrong lads?
If you're getting a good blowjob, does it matter what the hooker has to say?
>Society has some issues that the book talks about so it must be a good book
I mean that is a different girl
We're approaching to the wrong dystopia tho.
The would be brave new world and Fahrenheit 451 brainlet
Which is what makes it extra embarrassing when you see Yea Forums posters defending either company.
whoa detective you did it again, holy fuck archive autists are the worst
Nothing about Reggie's quote implies that though. It's just a vague marketing platitude.
shut up OP
It's demonstrated through Nintendo's recent games. Quality wise they are subject to debate, but objectively they were designed to be as easy as possible with very little upward skill curve. The fact that you can't game over in Mario Odyssey, infinite healing in BOTW without consequence, Kirby and Yoshi being walking simulators, you name it.
And it's not even that the base game is easy. It's that multiple fanbases actively despise the concept of putting in a hard mode, even an optional one. Ask a Kirby fan if their games could use a new game + that's a little more challenging, and they'll shriek like banshees, like you just attempted to assassinate Sakurai himself.
Nothing is wrong for either. Nintendo mainly targets kids and I commend Reggie for saying their games don't make shallow political points about How Trump is a Nazi. Kids shouldn't be exposed to crap like that.
I have high amount of respect Druckman though, because he wants to change the industry and it's image from something that only virgin manchildren enjoy to something that can stand toe to toe with film and literature. He wants video games to make that next big step instead of treading that same line it's been on for the past 30 years.
If a game isn't fun, why does it exist? The word game literally implies fun.
*tips fedora*
You wouldn't call the movie Threads fun but that doesn't mean it's not engaging. That's exactly Druckmann's point and only a brainlet or a console warrior shitposter wouldn't get it.
A pile of cow shit can be engaging, what is your point?
The whole fucking point of video games is entertainment you braindead autists it’s not an art form like literature or even film, how is this still being argued months after Reggie said it
>because he wants to change the industry and it's image from something that only virgin manchildren enjoy to something that can stand toe to toe with film and literature
I think you're talking about Kojima there
My point is that saying "we don't use the word fun" doesn't mean "we are not making an enjoyable game".
>post apocalypse
>food is a scarce commodity
>still able to get buff
dropped. That's why nobody's jacked in TWD. Not because jacked people didn't survive, but because keeping muscle takes a lot of upkeep they won't be able to afford in the post-apocalypse.
Kojima is a fucking joke and hasn't been involved with anything genre defining in more than a decade.
Cuckmann ain't gonna change shit, he'll just continue making pseudo games while wishing that he could direct actual movies.
Again, there are people that literally find cow shit enjoyable. Enjoyable is a bigger buzzword than fun. People enjoy having their cocks literally stepped on violently.
>talking about Kojima there
>the dicklet loser who has to put fapbait in order to sell his shit games
Both are wrong. Now fuck off.
I don't know what the fuck are you talking about.
> Official Sales Comparison
> 1. Mario Kart 7 (18 Million) > Uncharted 4 (10.4 Million)
> 2. Pokemon X/Y (16 Million) > Horizon ZD (10 Million)
> 3. Pokemon Sun/Moon (16 Million) > Spider-Man (10 Million)
> 4. Pokemon OMARS (14 Million) > God of War (10 Million)
> 5. NSMB2 (13 Million) > Uncharted Collection (5.7 Million)
For Reference
> All Time Grossing Comparison
> 1. Pokemon (92 Billion) > 1. Gran Turismo (4 Billion)
> 2. Super Mario (36 Billion) > 2. Fate Series (3.3 Billion)
> 3. Wii Series (11 Billion) > 3. Spider-Man (1.6 Billion)
No other Sony Franchise grossed over 1 Billion, so i can't make a fair comparison here.
Kojima, Druckman, there's no difference. Just a bunch of hacks who want to make movies.
> A console spin off series makes more then your entire franchises combined
Damn, Yea Forums BTFO
If a game isn't fun, it's not a good game.
Ok? a couple of Sony 1st party have sold more than most Nintendo 1st party games like ARMS or Kirby
Movies and books are much less interactive media than bimeo gays, they don't have victory or failure states, and outside of turning the page or hitting play there's no audience input into either of them. A game connotes something which requires some significant participation from the audience and generally will produce enjoyment in most who take part, a game also usually has a component of skill development involved either mental or physical, whether that's pattern recognition, reaction time, planning, etc some skill is usually necessary to achieve the victory state. A combination of using the required skills and being rewarded for progress generally results in "fun", games which do not demand the use of a skill, or stop being interactive media and start to bend more towards being a movie where you only rarely click a button to move forward, or which do not have failure and victory states, and don't reward use of skill generally stop being "fun" to people and could even be considered to be slipping away from the fundamental traits that make them video games.
TLDR, a video game should be an interactive skill based experience which rewards development of skills in using game mechanics and result in fun. This doesn't mean all games need to follow the same limited sets of mechanics, or that games can't get across though provoking themes or be filled with complex and mentally stimulating narratives, but if you're un-ironically criticizing games because people say they're fun, you really should stick to pretentious books or movies because your head is deeply lodged in your own ass.
Fun doesn't mean anything.
> Kirby (38 Million Lifetime Sales)
> God of War (27 Million Lifetime Sales)
Try again
The topic was about individual releases though, which in that case im on the right
Son-niggers btfo left and right
>when you have to move the goalposts and you’re still btfo.
Are you talking about yourself?
Kirby has like 100 games over 30 years, GoW only has like 7
>Kirby has been around the early 90's and had tons of games
>God of War has been around since the mid 00's and only had like 6 games total
>only 11 million sales away from surpassing Kirby which could be done with a single sequel
Is scary how Sony IPs are
true blackpill is they were both right
you're the joke. I honestly don't know why zoomers started hating kojima for no reason, butyou should just kys faggot. Kojima made some of the most fun games of the last two decades. he decidedly don't deserve the retarded "ironical" hate from random faggots like you.
The snoyman. Twice.
The fact that sony games like TLOU are only enjoyable on the highest difficulties speak for itself. The games pander to the lowest common denominator and are just plain bad, even more so with that shitastic AI.
it's not supposed to be fun. it's supposed to be gut-wrenching like a real movie. You see, it's an work of art, not a game. It's meant to be "experienced" not played like you play mario or other shit retarded games.
No, it just shows that the cartoon is outdated. Censorship committee is becoming a thing, we are being deprived of information, the truth is being concealed from us(fake news).
it's a game, the only quality it's supposed to have by default is fun. if it doesn't have fun, it's shit. Naughty Dog games are shit. get over it.
>The fact that sony games like TLOU are only enjoyable on the highest difficulties speak for itself.
Meanwhile no matter in what difficulty you play a Nintendo game nowadays you'd still breeze through it since there's no challenge at all
last two decades? he's been making good games since the 80s. that guy is a gaming god. fuck these haters.
I think the timelines are merging.
No ND games are fun. Get over it.
if you are not having fun or a good time after completing something, then why the fuck are you playing?
thats what reggie meant
Based Reggie destroying snoys.
If you're not having fun doing something, why the hell are you doing it? don't tell me you're playing games like you're doing work? WTF?
>dev in the industry who has worked on many universally praised games
>ex-PR guy who used to work for Pizza Hut and has zero idea of how games are made
What Neil Druckmann said was not only taken out of context it was very obviously and purposefully misunderstood. but hell, were in fucking Yea Forums. do you really expect something else?
Both were right to varying degrees. Orwell's vision of an endless war and constantly changing alliances / opponents and always trying to distract you with someone to hate is reality.
This, we're not facing one or the other but both at the same time
>Huge pushes for censorship and banning
>at the same time huge pushes for anti-intellectual or "popcorn tier" entertainment
>Information being deprived from us and molded to fit a narrative
>At the same time pointless information shilled endlessly like Hollywood scandals and the like
>Places like the UK having ads like "We are always watching" or that one about TV licenses
>At the same time its a trivial culture we live in
There is no one or the other. We live in a world where both a Brave New World and 1984 are happening at the same time.
I like to think that they complement each other. I thought about this and I think brave new world is a more cultural and sociological approach. 1984 is more political and is obviously influenced by cold war climate. Both are superb dystopias and both tells us some truths.
She was an expert hunter in the first game. Why wouldn't she be able to feed herself?
> Wii Sports Resort (33 Million Sales)
> God of War Series (27 Million Sales)
One Nintendo game outsold the entire GoW series
That's also true, but it doesn't make your average netflix crowd-pandering sony exclusive any better. They are all about the presentation with zero substance.
A great videogame doesn't need to be fun to be ludo. Im not wrong and you know it.
>teenager girl
>expert hunter
that doesn't compute, sorry.
>They are all about the presentation with zero substance.
So are most games nowadays
>if you are not having fun or a good time after completing something, then why the fuck are you playing?
Your average gamer mistakes the fact he is a shut-in with being intellectual. Most can't handle a book even if their lives depended on it, so video games are the next go-to thing they flock to, only so they can praise the generic hollywood stories these AAA shitfests tell and thus pretend to be "deep".
what the fuck
>Catcher In the Rye
is this a low effort attempt at imitating Quentin
what i found funny is that in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is almost extinct they make the female protagonist a lesbian? it's like they're shoehorning retarded identitarian politics in a retarded videogame...
Name 1 (ONE)
>inb4 a horror game
great horror games are fun
why is the printer lit up
Catcher in the rye in the 50s was for gay jew hollywood screenwriters what the little prince was for top models int he 80s.
Last of us 2 clearly. What is the point of not enjoying something? Why bother forcing yourself to do something you hate? Video games should be fun even if you enjoy it being hard or mind numbingly easy. As long you have a smile at the end or a satisfying emotion then what IS the point?
doesn't really answer the question
Why are you implying the people who play TLOU2 wont have fun?
What im deciphering from OP image is that Drunkman doesn't want his game to be enjoyed and instead be the complete opposite
I don't know why people find unskippable cutscenes masquerading as gameplay because you're holding forward while the characters talk but maybe that's just me
It doesn't answer the question but it gives you some context.
what are you talking about? did you never play a visual novel? or a david cage game?
Different strokes for different folks, I dont see the fun in flying simulators but i wont demonize anyone who find them entertaining
>catcher in the rye
babbies first curse word book
why on Earth would I play terrible games
Not merging, but shifting from one to another spontaneously.
catcher in the rye is probably the most influential book in the last century. It was read by everyone and it's historically the favorite book of hollywood. What Iliad and Odyssey were for the greeks, Catcher in the Rye was for hollywoodian 20th century america.
Flower, Sun and Rain
I still remember when they argued that it's interactive art. Last time an old woman tried to interact with that fresco of jesus it went really well/
That's actually a pretty fair assessment of the situation.
>The whole fucking point of video games is entertainment
I dont find entertainment in Zelda games, guess its not a game then
>visual novels
Not comparable at all. With a VN on repeat playthroughs for extra routes you can skip through to the choices with ease. With those walking segments you can't skip them to get back to the gameplay. Then there's the fact that the story is the only appeal of a visual novel. They have no real gameplay and even they respect the player on extra playthroughs. Something ND games don't do.
that's moronic. so anything you don't find entertaining isn't a game?
That's what that user said, games are supposed to be entertaining if they arent then they are not games
typical egocentric millenial: everything has to be defined by my retarded provincial taste. kys, faggot.
Nintendo because Sony is ALWAYS right and they also ALWAYS win
Too many anime girls, I'm gonna need some more sunlight
yeah, no girl likes a pasty white subhuman. if you aren't tanned in fucking 2019 you're probably a virgin.
t. a real girl.
tits or GTFO