He belongs to Yea Forums groups on steam

>he belongs to Yea Forums groups on steam

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Other urls found in this thread:


I cringe pretty hard at that as well. It’s the type of shit /pol/zoomers do.

>he uses a pepe or wojak avatar

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Honestly if you belong to any groups on steam, participate in a discord server or browse r*ddit for literally any reason, you really need to leave my board.

>my board
fuck off nigger it's mine

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>gets mass invites in 2014
>just accept them all because fuck me

>Yea Forums groups on steam
Is that really a thing? HARD cringe.

I do all of those things.

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reddit has some pretty red pilled conservative boards though

You gonna make me, kid? I've been on Yea Forums since 2006.

I don’t do any of those but I did join a steam group cuz I got invited but I basically don’t do anything about it. I get notifications about game modes starting up on their server and competitions but I just ignore them.

They're basically the new ragefaces, bonus points if they greentext in the game chat. I don't get what people try to accomplish with this, like good for you bro you go on the same website I do. Now kill yourself.

its basicly a good format to quote, since everyone is capable of understanding it.

Only thing new here is you.

How do you know that?
t. 9fag

>In steam groups but they all dead
>do browse reddit but cant browse Yea Forums all day because its the same old shit after a while.

What are you going to do about nigger OP?

Any tips?

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Based ESL subhuman

What about Twitter?

Yeah they're usually degenerate af though. Muslims are that way behind closed doors.

>he greentexts outside Yea Forums

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Twitter is for loli

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>has facebook with name, face, school, job and address
>profile pic of anonymous


>he greentexts

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>Reddit politics
That sounds sustainable.


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Back to Discord, tranny.


>Not greentexting to piss off retards like you

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he has no race

>Yea Forums groups on Facebook

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>site where everyone is anonymous is the entire niche of the site
>public on facebook for your friends and family

Is there a single PUBLIC Steam group even worth joining
Public as in, not a private clique with your irl friends or guild etc

on Facebook, too. don't ask me how I know that

Fuck off idiot you've been doing this for years

Cuppa niche groups, especially ones that do giveaways.

How else will I know when there’s a new 4craft server up?...only happens like once or twice a year and I don’t frequent thia place like I used to

>my board

These tend to have the most insufferable group leaders too.

Attached: cancer.png (705x769, 373K)

>redditor got butthurt

>Be american
>Get shot by angry virgin


That faggot is a falseflagger from 8gag. They're the only ones who call Yea Forums that way.

kill yourself

Peee peeee poooooooo poooooooooooo

Stop breathing

everyone does, these cowards just won't admit it

you're an unbased fuccboi

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This is what the typical incel looks like

holy shit my fucking dick

What a silly dude.

Why are you still here?

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Speak for yourself.

Nothing redpilled about conservatives.