How does it feel to be a Classichad, bros?

How does it feel to be a Classichad, bros?

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3D Sonic is dead, Crash killed it.

I don't erafag, that's how it feels.

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you're still a sonic fan, loser.

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Feels good.

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>no Shadow the Hedgehog here
Well dammit you got me curious user

Based Classichad.

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I typed in Sonic on metacritic and forgot about Shadow. I'll make an updated version with more games.

There are better platformers than just the Sonic series. Move on instead of waiting for nostalgia to deliver.

Of course. But Classic is still the best.

>Dreamcast SA2: 60
I prefer classic too, but don't lie by omission.

sonic was never good

>Shows Dreamcast covers
>Uses Gamecube/XBLA scores

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I'm a little scared that Evening Star is not going to make Mania 2, not gonna lie.

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Mania was an anniversary game. Mania 2 will either happen in 3 years, or never.


>tfw we had a really great favorite sonic game thread the other night with little to no erafagging
>now we get this
guess you can't win 'em all.

What are your hopes for Sonic Mania 2?

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Hopefully all new zones.

I would like to see CD'S time travel mechanic brought back. Like, imagine seeing the future Green Hill Zone

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I want hand drawn sprites. We got Saturn sprites for Mania, GBA sprites for Advance, what if we got something for DS that isn't using 3D technology? Or even better, console 2D game? If Wario could get a handdrawn game, so can Sonic.

This. A Mania 2 will also mean more recreated old levels, and I dout anyone wants that.

They'll either make a follow up with a new gimmick like colors and generations was to unleashed, or never touch this idea again.

I'd prefer the latter

This isn't Sonic Team making this game.
>Inb4 TSR
Bad comparison, since the game still will be good, just a dump motif for the game. At best it's just going to be Advance 4 with Saturn era sprites.

I mean, when people say they want a mania 2, they don't mean recycled levels, they just mean a new classic game by whitehead.

This +more awesome music.

I know, but a direct sequal would need to recreate old levels, it wouldn't be a mania 2 otherwise.

Well in that case, I want a Sonic 5

Feels pretty good. Modernfags seething on the daily at the mere mention of Classic Sonic.

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I didn't know Sonic 2, Adventure 2, Advance 2, or and sequel of the first game literally tied to the second with the same exact shit. Hell both SA2 and Advance 3 reused GHZ and no cares or expected the next game to have a throwback level (which they didn't technically)

This is retarded. If fucking Final Fantasy has no fucking connection between games just because of 5/name convention, why would Sonic? There's literally no example of this happening in the past.

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And how do we know you're not just falseflagging as multiple people? Cause plenty of people the other day mentioned 3 and Mania as being some of their favorites and they're not even classic purists.

There's a difference to having a secret bonus level in a reference than your gimmick being recreating these old levels with a new spin.

If mania were to get a direct sequal, i would expect more old levels because that's what the first one's selling point was.

You're retarded. SA2 contridicts this since the selling point of that game had fishing it in when the sequel doesn't have it anymore. You're dictating a studio bound team as if they are still working under SEGA's rules like they explictly work FOR them, like they were for Mania at the time. Now they aren't. It's like stating Nintendo has full control over how Smash Bros will be each game and not the director himself, which is proven himself each case. You don't understand how business works so stop claiming you do when there's many counter cases against your claims.

I mean ffs by this shit logic Sonic Adventure fails to be a proper Sonic sequel because it didn't have genesis physics identical to that of the genesis games, plus all that other shit that was in the game.

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Fucking based. There's no point

who here /sonicunderground/

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How does it feel to cross post from reddit and twitter fellow underage?

>character is literally named Cunny Rules Everything Around Me, the Rabbit
How did Sonic Team get away with this?

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They didn't. Cream has slowly been phased out over the years.

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Sa1 gimmick was that it had multiple playable character with all different gameplay styles and story perspectives.

Naturally a direct sequal Sa2 would, improved on the gimmick introduced in the first game, which it did.

Heros, the game after sa2 , plays completely differently to its previous two games with it's team gimmick. Because it plays completely different they didn't name it sa3, because that would mean more of the old.

Same with other games like Advanced, Rush, story books, genesis etc.

That's why mania was called mania and not sonic 5or whatever because it's gimmick was to brick back the old, not directly improve on the old games.

Honestly, what kind of new zone ideas can they come up with without recoloring previous zones?

>He seriously don't know what Mania means
Now fuck off with this autist reddit spacing shit. The actual gimmick would be more Phantom Ruby shenanigans, and it really only played a point in Forces because of the "fight against it" mentality. Assuming off course, they actually care enough to do that for the next game. FFS no one even cares if it would be called Mania 2, just "Evening Star Team make classic games plz" is what people want. It's like thinking people ask for Fishing when they ask for Adventure 3.

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Mania was called Mania as a reference to this actually.

New interpretations of old zone themes or underused stage tropes would be nice. Would love a music themed stage, there are nowhere near enough Sonic zones based on that

citation needed

The weird thing about classic Sonic, is that the most thrilling way to play the levels was the find paths that let them end quickly. Zip zoom loop and across the finish line. I can't get too chafed about it, we didn't have save games. I guess a lot of Super Mario Bros was the same way.

All i'm saying is if they do make a sequal with all original zones, don't call it mania 2. Sonic 5 or just something else
entirely would be more fitting.

The references never end do they?

No. Fuck the numbering. That's how Sonic 4 got so much shit even if it was not programmed like ass. It had to compare to 3K just because of that, like SA3 will do and how that will fail spectacularly.

The next game should be Sonic Discovery like Taxman wanted, or something whimsical like that for his games. It should be a NEW Classic timeline, not the point between 3K and Adventure.

I'd be ok with that

>current year
>being a modern moran