I bet 90% of Yea Forums still hasn’t even solo’d this guy yet

I bet 90% of Yea Forums still hasn’t even solo’d this guy yet.

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And your point is?

My point is that most of you kids suck big cock at “hard” games.

Then you should say that, OP.

I beat him solo on my first playthrough with ~20 tries.

I did it SL1. Mid-tier difficulty 2bh.

He not that difficult. One of the multi-enemy bosses would probably make better bait.

>die constantly to Crystal Sage and the shitty spawns spamming bullets at me
>beat this guy in an hour

I think I might be disabled.

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Just a Greed punisher boss, not too hard

Haven't played through DS3 yet. I'll get around to it at some point.

he's really easy if you just put on the ring that gives you extra i-frames on your dodge

I didn't find the dragon stage until NG+, but I beat this guy first try.
Not sure if that made it easier or harder.

Addenum: hardest boss in SL1 was easily Demon Prince, which needed about 30 tries. I wish Gael was twice as hard so I could've just fought him forever.

I think my solo-only run ended at Pontypool.

Gee wiz, this guy sure does have a lot of lightning and rides a dragon, maybe this dragonslayer shield with high lightning defense might ̶h̶e̶l̶p̶ completely trivialize the fight....

I don't even own DS3.

After sekrio real final boss, I think this guy has to be the second coolest from boss.

I beat him 3rd try. never could do midir though

beat him 2nd try, this trash easier than the 1st real boss in sekiro

and people say shields suck in ds3

people say crystal sage is easy but going in without knowing how his patterns work and some of the strategies is suicide

He isn't that hard. Soloing Midir without cheesing is a complete other story.

Heh, nothing personal kid

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gave up trying to get there and quit the game because of the snakes.

i ran DS3 with heaviest armor/heaviest weapons build and in the initial release of the game it made the area impossible becasue there was no poise to break, no stuns to be had, and i didn't have any poise from wearing heavy armor so it was just entirely useless.

dark souls 2 and 3 really fucking suck.

He's just an easier Blue Smelter with a dumb annoying dragon phase

Midir becomes exponentially easier once you realize that it's best to stay right in front of him. You don't even have to roll from a lot of attacks, it's often better just to backpedal.

I beat him easily with high defense. I still can't beat the dragon from the DLC in DS1. Mainly I want his sword and can never get his tail.

Phase 1 is piss easy and Phase 2 can be cheesed by running away to bait the gap closer letting you get 4 attacks in for free every time

He took me a few tries, like ten or something. Since I use very fast pokey and my reaction time sucks I slapped on a crossbow and learned to punish him for ANY distance he gave me. Pretty fun but that gay boring dragon is basically a QTE.

Midir's health pool is the only thing dangerous about him.
He is super easy if you just stand in front of him

Ahh, I left DS1 for like a year because I was intimidated by that. I didn't want to accidentally kill Kalameet and since my sword is more of a rapid-fire type than a giga greatsword I just let it bother me so much I didn't do it.

Then when I worked up the nerve I did it within two tries, no joke. Kalameet really is not so complex by comparison to some later fights in the series, just go in and concentrate on learning spacing, then concentrate on the tail. If it doesn't come off before he's at like 1/5 HP just quit game and do it again. I encourage you to do it, it's damn satisfying when you manage it.

I summoned for every single boss in every souls game. Been using trainer for Sekiro

i gave up on that fight because it was boring

i dont play video games to wait.


Good shout man, at least you're using that time doing something better; complaining on a Korean auction site

I did, but I think I did it around release and just tanked him with some giant fucking shield or something. I'm pretty sure they ended up buffing him or nerfing my strategy, since I didn't feel good about beating him when I did it.

>Dies to rolling+Chaos Vestige spam like 90% of the game's bosses
Once you get beyond the delayed thrusts NK is even less threatening than the snakemen mooks, I probably died more to the axe&chain snakemen than him.

I sure didn't.

How far are you fucking faggot summoner.

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>doesn't understand the game and blames them for it
like pottery

This, the first fifteen I tried it going against my build with no armor for better dodging, thinking he could guard break easily. I put on the armor after a ton of deaths and realized I had the optimal build to fight him from the beginning

took me about 3-4 tries as a pyromancer. honestly the only hard boss in ds3 is twin princes

>mfw I'm farming concords and shackles for stupid trophies
So boring.

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I solo'd him easy
I have never beaten Midir without using the poison-cloud-spell-whatever-it's-called cheese yet

>They haven't beaten Nameless King with a dancepad
I swear to god fucking casuals.

I went into NG+ instead of beating him, hoping the level up advantages I gain in my second run would counteract his increased strength and HP.
Did I make a mistake?

has nothing to do with not understandin git, i made the game harder on purpose. I also didn't upgrade estus the whole game

the configuration i put together couldn't get through the snake area largely because of fatrolls, because of their stupid bullshit through walls from anywhere attacks. just wasn't worth playing

imagine if there was 1 non rushed souls game, wow

who cares, midir takes like 30 minutes without using pestilent mercury

but user the game is like two years old
why didn't you do this ages ago when the only thing you truly needed to farm was whatever it was the silver knights dropped, i can't remember

you could have just grinded levels in NG baka

>dark souls
lmao, if you cant beat him sl1 then you cant beat him

bet you even use weapons faggola
git gud

if you use anything but bare fists and no armor you havent beaten the game

try using a broken porcine shield instead
fists actually do MORE damage than a lot of things

Did it on my sixth try, no shield
He isn't that hard

Using a better weapon just makes the fight shorter
Increased defense, vigor, and estus are the scrub crutches

>even attacking
lmao you're supposed to win by getting the game to crash fucking idiots
>making the fight shorter
>not a scrub crutch

>lengthening the fight by temporarily evading death
>scrub crutch
Actual, unironic autism.

>Was running a pure strength twin Drang Mace build by the time I went up against him
>The fight simply became "watch me stun lock this boss with poise breaks for the entire 2nd phase"
I had a harder time with the 1st phase because of the shit hit box on his dragon/Drake. Ended up using the Guts tier greatsword with heavy infusion for first phase because it's vertical swings made things so much easier. I miss Dark Souls 2 Power Stancing. That was literally the only thing that game did right.

>Transposing the soul into shield instead of the great axe

>taking damage without being punished
>not a scrub crutch

>using the word unironic unironically
>not autistic

>using the DSGA
password-summoning scum

>Not just using a Black Knight Shield with greater magic shield + Lingering Dragoncrest Ring/lightning stoneplate ring for 45 seconds of zero stamina or health loss when hit
It's like you're not even trying to scrub life

Beat him in about 5 tries. I'll never understand why people had trouble against this guy. Even did him in my SL1 playthrough and he was still one of the easier bosses.

I only bought the game 2 months ago on ps4 online store. Playing offline.

I'm not even able to beat Pontiff Sulyvahn

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why to your entire post
but especially playing offline

I'm not paying Sony to use my internet.

why would you play a single player game online

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why do you even have a fucking console
just play it on pc you fucking double-nigger

My PC died last year. It was outdated and I am waiting for new tech to build a new one, plus last year was the worst year ever to build a new PC, prices were retarded.

You are a retard kid.

>try to beat the DLC bosses
>they get btfo by my dex pyromancer
>try them again with my mage and cleric
>get btfo by gail because magic never does decent damage no matter how much shit you equip

the online aspects of Souls are a huge part of what make them special
if you aren't invading and being a helpful sunbro you basically aren't even playing the game
I'm not the one grinding in an outdated game to earn e-peen points that literally no one, not even you, will remember or care about.

>the online aspects of Souls are a huge part of what make them special
They really aren't. The messages and bloodstains are far more important than stupid invasions.

which are still online content you dipshit
the weird pseudo-MMO part is what makes Souls special

The online is small feature only morons think is special. They are single player action rpgs.

your mistake was using anything but great heavy soul arrow