From Software went way over the line with this game, I'm glad they're getting backlash from all corners of the video game community.
From Software went way over the line with this game...
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I had a lot of fun with this game, I don't understand what people are so mad about.
They’re not, OP is baiting. The game is critically acclaimed if you look anywhere but Yea Forums
>getting backlash
Here, pretty much exclusively
Yeah it was a bad move to release this so close after KH3 and DMCV which are both fantastic action games. Sekiro just falls short on all aspects when compared to those two.
It is a good game.
Probably kotaku
Try not sucking at the game
So its worth getting? I found dark souls and bloodborne frustrating at times, but manageable. This game looks amazing, but insanely difficult.
He is right
I honestly can’t believe I used to think Yea Forums was better at videogames than other parts of the internet.
This game was a big wake up call for me. I need to get off this land of despair and failure.
>but insanely difficult
It is because you have to play it one way, no play style variety whatsoever. It's basically a glorified rhythm game.
That doesn't really make a game good or bad. No one said you have to play a game any way you want for it to be good
No but it makes it difficult, not everyone has the reaction time for parrying.
it's objectively the worst fromsoft game to date.
yes, I enjoyed dark souls 2 more. which by the way, gets a lot of shit but had a lot of pve content.
>yes, I enjoyed dark souls 2 more
Well no one needs to listen to this opinion
The worst ones are the fags that trash the pretend "git gud stigma"
I don't believe this. You just need to spend time with the game, it is not like this is some bullet hell with 100 things coming at you at 50 miles an hour.
DS2 had some good bosses, minus the recycled smelter demon and gank squad.
You mean souls-esque game
From has a bunch of games, lots are kinda bad, like AC Nexus
Fucking lords of the fallen had some good bosses, it did not justify the whole game though
Zoomers dont know about those. That dudes first souls games was probably DS2
>buys difficult game from devs notorious for making difficult games
>complains game is too hard
opinion auto discarded
>This game looks amazing, but insanely difficult.
It's a pretty good game, but no so difficult unless you're terminally retarded like most of Yea Forums.
The game is VERY close to being an actual metroidvania in the sense that you have a very strongly defined core toolset and a dedicated array of hard counters.
Unfortunately, most people in here are too stupid to understand this and will tell you the game is a parryfest rhythm minigame, but it's really not.
If you found Soulsborne to be frustrating then Sekiro would probably be worse since you can't grind your way outta this, you have to understand how to use your tools.
Don't listen to this shill, either you parry or you die.