Why do you prefer eastern games?
Why do you prefer eastern games?
I don't. Asian languages sound and are annoying as fuck.
I can fap to them.
Asians look like shit without make-up.
I prefer how Japs don't shave down there, plus their pubes are hot.
>tfw I like asians but I hate their languages
2nd/3rd gen it is
how can i get a japanese girlfriend bros?
I don't. eastern games usually have tighter game mechanics, and I'd suffer through the shitty music, writing, and artstyles for it, but 99.9% of the time it's used on shit I have no interest in
>tfw you will never fuck something that looks THAT pure
Please be a guy
I don't
Nips can't code netcode and suck at collision detection.
>asians trying to be white
sensible chuckle
That reminds me, where did all the good looking girls on tinder go? Why are all girls on tinder ugly as fuck and dikey now? Every single one has tattoos and piercings and look half diseased and half drunk with their mouths open and sneering at the camera in an obnoxious way. There used to be relatively simple and cute and shy girls there that I could swipe right on. Nowadays it takes me like an hour to get to the end of my daily swipe limit because I swipe left on 99% of these ugmos.
Wrong as fuck retarded. Japanese is a beautiful language. It's Chinese and Korean that are ugly. Japanese is like singing.
spbpunironically cringe, you have to go back
t. Weebcel
>Japanese is like singing
be white
Fuck off weebcel
>goes to service designed for quick hook ups
>surprised when all the women look like sluts
what did you expect user?
now you don't need to pay attention to ops stupid thread
no offense, but i feel like tinder is shit and only used by disgusting self absorved assholes. i don't think most of those cute shy girls would be using it
>Every single one has tattoos and piercings and look half diseased and half drunk with their mouths open and sneering at the camera in an obnoxious way
i agree. i like feminine looking girls but saying this nowadays is a bit """problematic"""
>this wh*Teboi delusion
fucking lmao
Holy shit. My fucking sides are in orbit.
They are simply better.
Japanese sounds great.
That's just the state of modern white women in the anglosphere. Japanese girls on Tinder here in Japan are still cute.
sorry, my bad, hoshino saori
lmao this weebcel delusion
Some languages/dialects/whateverarbitrarydistinctionyouwanttomake of Chinese sound pretty nice. Most regional variants of Japanese are pretty inoffensive. Korean is truly fucking awful though.
>this is what weebcels actually believe
why do i find a asian gf with good teeth?
Now I can fap in peace.
how many hours did she spend in front of a mirror to add make-up and how many hours did it take for her to use photoshop?
People always make fun of weebs by exaggerating shit like
but they were right all along. Weebs really are retarded. I hope you visit Japan one day and kill yourself after the disillusionment sets in
t. Weebcel
I don't, but Eastern stuff offers more variety so I end up having more of those just to have different kinds of games instead of just lots of shooters.
I'm not sure if I should count Slav games as Eastern, because they really have a different feel than your standard western games.
This is going to sound edgy as fuck, but I think I finally understand the male impulse to rape.
I look at her and feel two things at once:
1. Utter disgust with her personality and full knowledge she's a horrible person who I would gladly throw in the gutter
2. Sexual attraction
The only clear reaction to that combination of feelings is rape. It satisfies both the lust and the rejection of her humanity
bawk bawk wa beep boop des
Literally robot language
>being this much of a failure that you became a weebcel English Teacher in Nipland
lmao, I'm currently waiting to fuck these 2 bitches while you're just coping about wh*Teboi insecurities lmao
>Asian languages sound and are annoying as fuck
>speaks English
The irony on this board sometimes
i'm technically white according to US census.
what's next?
I can confirm this, I only play Persona games.
>this is what wh*Toid virgins actually believe
I live in Japan it's not perfect just like any other. country but I like it here and so do tons of people. Never got disillusioned. Became more of a weeb having moved here. I definitely enjoy my life more then you do getting triggered hard over people liking Japan.
I'm crying
Nah, you're just a psycho. The average fag doesn't want to kill random cute girls just because they saw a picture of them.
Be a real white.
he said rape
>Be a real white.
what's a real white?
I just like how I can't understand what they're saying and a lot of the time it sounds cute as fuck.
Japanese is unironically the best language in the world. It’s stoic and beautiful and can say something incredibly verbose and complex in very short and simple phrases that sometimes simply utilize intonations of grunts as words themselves (which is why Japanese dubs are preferred in basically all speedruns of games).
cringe wh*Teboi fantasies lmao
>coping this hard
You don't. Unless Korean.
>be white
>statistically more likely to be a school shooter, serial killer or rapist
>statistically more likely to be a soiboy, cuck, degenerate furfag/tranny/autist or whatever
>statistically more likely to have Jewish ancestry (pretty much guaranteed really)
>less intelligent than Asians
>physically inferior to blacks
>no culture aside from scam religions
Might be moving to Japan to teach soon, bros
How do I survive and/or fuck schoolgirls
Stop pretending to be black you seething anglo cuck.
>samefagging this hard
Seeing as she's Chinese, she'd probably fuck you for a month if you paid escort pricing anyways. No need for respect.
Funny that you mention samefagging
>my wh*Te weebcel ass is on FIRE
act like an anime character and always carry a katana. girls love it.
>implying you're not just changing IPs
kek, keep trying lmao
Sure thing anglo cuck
I like sexy games with cool plot ideas and no identity politics
nice thread user.
I don't have a preference based on east vs west. I just play games that I find fun regardless of origin. I know that playing games for fun is weird concept.
>tfw been living in Japan for years but never watch anime and play almost exclusively western games
I'm a 5'4 Asian-American incel and I want to FUCK her!!!!!! Me want fuck!!!!!!
I guarantee you that a Jap wrote this and not a weeb.
unironically based and redpilled
shut up elliot
Post JAV webms pls
Why does white incels always have yellow fever
Grew up in the 90s and the vidya market was mostly dominated by eastern devs.
I didn't go without playing some western classics, though. Fallout 1 and Half-Life are still some of my favorites, but my western experience was always relegated to sports games and pc titles. I always preferred playing on console and handheld, however.
I dunno' what to say other than "I like them because that's what I personally grew up with and slightly gravitated more towards"?
Fast forward to today and I still play as much of a mix as I can, but nothing really scratches the itch as much as eastern games do for me. Not much too it really. To each their own.
And if I've said it before, I'll say it again: life is short, take as much time to play as much as you can.
I want fuck!!! Me want fuck with cosplay girl!!!
Stop seething and samefagging, anglo cuck.
Bimbos are hot!
P4 has a gay character in the main cast, a girl that's dress as a boy to command more respect, and a bear-boifu that dresses as a girl.
Lmao. Fucking weebcel
They can't get white girls cuz we fuckin them like ya know who it iz
Because they're the only remant of my beloved hobby that social justice cancer has yet to infect. They still consistently feel like fucking video games instead of movies or propaganda platforms.
rangeban all weebcels when
>u r a whitoid xDD
>asians r smarter xDD btw cant innovate and must steal
fuck off chink
You really buttblasted an anglo with this comment. Most of these replies are the same person. You can tell which ones they are from the diction and also the fact that they’re around one minute apart
I don't know japs seem to be pushing transgender guys pretty hard
Yeah, kinda obvious but I'm not giving him the (you)s.
why do asians pretend to be niggers and why are they obsessed with BBC porn?
Because western developers only make movies now.
based and redpilled
>Still samefagging after being called out
Kanji isn't gay and if you still think that you haven't played the game or managed to make it through a fucking 70 hour JRPG without understanding the simple as fuck meaning behind it.
gj brosef
PS: send kawaii nipponese waifu
>these replies
Some underage just found out about airplane mode.
Traps are gay
Better than making books
Literally an alien, retard EOP.
Actually based. Chinese is hideous. Korean is alright
your choice of image seems to conflict with that statement
What the FUCK is going on in this thread? Why are you all pretending to be black and saying incel over and over again? Why are you doing this? This is the worst thread on Yea Forums right now why are you all so triggered?
>110 posts
>51 IP
Someone is samefagging hard and it's too stupid to make it subtle.
>Average number of posts per ip is 2
>There are several back and forth conversations happening in the thread
Are you fucking retarded?
That's pretty normal. You expect everyone to just make one post?
Kanji's sexuality is left ambiguous on purpose, so you can't say for sure either way. Also didn't they plan to have gay relationships but ended up removing them? I think audio is still left in the game files.
Tenda is in this thread spamming his nonsense.
Damn, Japan sure loves white people, huh.
Asians are literally mentally ill
The same reason they have trap fetishes because of desensitization from pornography.
Do I even want to know who this faggot is?
big think
>all that makeup, Photoshop and plastic surgery and the gooks are still ugly
Lmao insect race
Post the original.of the idols
Mentally ill r/hapa poster that seethes at white guys liking asian women.
case in point
Asian girls are not attractive
White culture > jap crap
Explains their stupidity in respecting elders
pick one
you're complaining about some hapa boogeyman when you're the cancer that gives birth to hapas with your insect fever
>mentally ill hapafag spamming blacked porn
>mentally ill hapafag shitting on his own kind
must suck to be a mystery meat mutt
Asians steal, rob and scam elders all the time. The largest crimes in Asian countries are committed by young Asians against their elders.
Take the yellowpill, anons
Anglos spazzing because they’re not the centre of attention and false flagging like the slimy jews they are
hapa and insect race is the lowest denominator
Take the yellow thing lads
I wish I had a gf like that
Your average incel with yellow fever looks like this
Let it sink in for a minute or two.
I want to be atago-nee-san's little spoon!
Ok? And how is that related to the original post? There's no identity politics. Quite the contrary. We don't know if Kanji is gay or not, because it doesn't fucking matter, that's not what defines him as a person and that's the entire point of his dungeon. Naoto accepts that she doesn't need to be a "boy" to do what she loves, because social constructions don't define who you are. Teddie is the most stupid of your examples because he dresses like a girl as a literal joke. If this game actually had identity politics, Kanji wouldn't stop talking about how he is gay and Naoto would be a tranny
give me your best javs bros
her front teeth is about to stick out and kill someone
why do insects have fucked up teeth?
I really hope nobody takes seriously that shit about the "yellow pill".
Cute socks!
Shoo shoo roastie, your kind has no power here
None of this matters because none of you are getting girlfriends anyway.
Begone thot
>bottom: hundred layers of make-up and selective pictures
neck yourself incel
I honestly hope you're gay or jealous roastie
> Shoo shoo roastie, your kind has no power here
I love Japanese games, not eastern games. Korean and Chinese games tend to be awful. The Japanese however are a very artistic people and their workmanship can be breathtaking, even in the realm of video games.
Overall though, I think I prefer western games. Nothing really beats a good FPS or RTS / 4X for me, and Japan doesn't touch those genres.
>all the triggered trannys replying
Actually true desu
>have cute chinese gf with these exact same mannerisms
We've been together for a year and it still makes my heart melt to see her get excited about something like this. I doubt I'll ever date someone raised outside of East Asia again
aya kawasaki is a gift to mankind
You know, before it was called down syndrome, it was originally called mongolian idiocy. And the people afflicted by it, were called mongoloid idiots. Because it was noted how the features resembled those of the mongoloid ethnic groups.
It was later realized that perhaps naming the retard disease after a race of people could be construed as racist. So they stopped doing that.
So the fact that over a century later, this moron thinks he cracked the code on the Asian race, and you reposted it with such confidence, is hilariously pitiful. Because you are so fucking retarded.
yellow fever aside, girls with big cheeks are really cute.
Still no power
Is that guy supposed to be ugly?
Does she do actual JAV or is she just a gravure model
half of them were made by the same person, who was stupid enough to use the exact same slur.
They always make me want to touch their cheeks.
Yeah but look at them after plastic surgery.
she's gravure only. lewds are better than nudes anyway
How does it feel to be part of an insect race that look and act like people with retarded mental problems?
Soul. I also grew up playing Japanese stuff so as a result have always naturally been more drawn to them.
Based and yellow pilled, user. You hold on to her, you hear?
I know plenty of good looking and cool hapas. This one is just a sad jealous sap.
>lewds are better than nudes anyway
I agree in concept, but gravure videos are always like 99% uninteresting shit and then like 20 seconds of something good.
very so, you'd understand if you weren't asian
This but unironically.
Chinese sounds absolutely awful shou ching chong shit while Korean is like bootleg jap
>roasties want sexual freedom
ayy yo replace white with black in that first one dawg we win that one too
huh... it all comes together.
I've always known that mongoloid meant retard, and that doctors used to think that downs syndrome people were somehow related to asians, and that mongolians were asians, but I never realized that's why mongoloid meant retard.
damn. i'm learning.
>tfw no Asian gf
but i dont lmao
I have yellow fever because I'm an incel and I can't get laid
>If this game actually had identity politics, Kanji wouldn't stop talking about how he is gay and Naoto would be a tranny
By the standard of constantly talking about being gay or having a full transgender character. What games have actually done this?
>All the seething r*dditors saying weebcel
oh please, have you seen japanese kids and women talk, its such a gross sounding language if you have a high pitched voice
t.jap amerifat
>used brush in photoshop to hide the moles on her gook body
two nukes weren't enough to kill these insects for good
You tried.
>I never realized that's why mongoloid meant retard.
probably because asians are retarded
>when roasties dug their own grave
Now this is a JAV thread
Literally every girl on the planet does this shit when whoring themselves out on the internet
>gooks do it so everyone is also doing it
cope harder
>tfw no barangay protecting, dalampasigan strolling, araw bathing, palengke shopping, paniki chomping, upuan sitting, kapalungan going, kidlat seeing, kalayaan fighting, mata straining, isda skinning, pelikula watching, diyaryo reading, kawal honoring, tubig drinking, salamin shattering, eleksyon voting, kape brewing, mukha cleaning, daliri fracturing, kuko biting, tsinelas snapping, lamesa wiping, sapatos breaking, kotse fixing, itlog cracking, ilong blowing, ube chopping, puso racing, damit wearing, kumot weaving, puwit slapping, paa rubbing, buhok combing, ulo scratching, simbahan attending, parol hanging, kamay washing, tuko calling, jeepney driving, kanin picking, manok chasing, tinikling dancing, tiyanak finding, aswang hunting, kabayo riding, carabao herding, baboy wrestling, duwende stomping, lechon roasting, lumpia cooking, pancit making, sinigang eating, forest loving, Yea Forums posting, qtp2t filipina gf
Why even live?
what is it with beta incels putting asian girls on such a pedestal when they would want "chad" even more than white roasties?
>this pose is impossible to do
i wish i never saw that guy's naked attempt
yosuke is the one that would have been gay if they kept those in. Kanji was unchanged.
I'm white but i identify as a retard
Lucky for you they aren't hard to find. Due to low demand.
Nice tits
they arent masculine enough to trigger whites by posting asians so they try to post nigs instead even though ir porn is one of the least popular genres
They are fun.
I dont find most western games fun, especially these days. During 5th and 6th gen the west still had some nice things being made.
Yeah I'm sure all those western tinder whores are totally honest about their looks, user
>broke: everyone is jealous of their gender's top tier genomes
>woke: everyone would offer their bodies to chad
seething roasties ITT
Let’s see your face, cutie
western games are just webm bait at this point
>that fucking face
Why is the incel with yellow fever assuming everyone is a "roastie"?
do you think there are actually white girls coming to Yea Forums mad that a shut incel has yellow fever? how delusional are you kek
>no culture
How to spot a retard. Our culture’s all around you and allows you to live as you do. Otherwise you’d be in a mud hut with aids.
I dont see why it would be impossible
Would just have to find the right variables between physical location in relation to the mirror, finger location, and phones distance /location from finger
>that asian girl
I don't, I prefer video games.
West and East all have their vices. For the East, it's Squaresoft. For the West it's Square-Enix.
Cancer is cancer.
On a semi-related note, why can't Asia write? I don't mean literally, like why can the Asian subspecies historically not write fiction or tell stories properly? I can't think of a single notable, historical author or work of fiction (or work in general, outside of history).
What the fuck is wrong with those slit-eyed shits? Are they legitimately soulless? It's like all of their attempts are that of an alien trying to glean what it is to be human. Shit is baffling.
And despite all that they're absolutely obsessed with making moviegames. I mean fuck the closest the West comes (ignoring straight up walking sims) are games like TLOU, which still have a decent amount of fucking gameplay (and decent multiplayer) and human characters, despite the unoriginal/predictable story and setting.
Meanwhile Final fucking Fantasy is still going relatively strong, despite the nonexistent individual input in the quote unquote gameplay.
Goddamn, fuck Square. What a shitshow. That sinkhole can't come quick enough.
I don't because I'm not a retard. They make great action games but I prefer western first/third-person shooters and western RPGs are just miles ahead of JRPGs in terms of gameplay.
>lusting after nip women
Why do roasties feel the need to put down Asian women?
theres nothing wrong with wanting chad
Holy shit, it's been a while since I've seen this copypasta
>those hips
yes please
Is that a cosplay?
I need a link, I want to buy it.
>be white
>statistically more likely to be a school shooter, serial killer or rapist
user do you even read before you post?
>asian "men"
When did Yea Forums turn into r9k and pol even in pseudo porn threads? You could atleast discuss cute girls before without the bullshit.
Fuck, kill yourselves already.
is it time
of course
Because western games is all about style but no substance, cinematic microtransactions focused
Also, Asian women are perfection
I don't, my wife is japanese and I prefer her without pubic hair.
Whites invented the computer, the microchip, the internet, and video games. They are responsible for all cultural offspring that has come from these things and their later iterations.
Why do you, an incel, assume everyone is a roastie?
You are despicable and an abomination. Why do you care enough to delude yourself?
Korean and Japanese are fine. Chinese just sounds like you are being insulted all the time.
>dodging the question
go back
>proceeds to fuck a SEA monkey, not even an east asian
How come every time I click back to the catalog there's a new offtopic thread with 300 posts? Didn't we just get new janitors?
I want atago to dress me like a girl and rape me!
Well looking into this was a big waste of time.
The cosplayers are all over 18, by your own admission. So nothing there.
MikuruAsahi is actually a shemale porn performer for a professional label.Nothing there.
camilzf is just a retweet account that retweets all kinds of content. And that particular post is just from a normal tiktok video. Nothing there.
The little girl he posted, was the one cosplaying Harley Quinn. Which is a public photo that I think her father(?) posted online himself. That's not indicative of a "hoard."
You just put this guy's information out for no good reason.
You get booted off the team if you do your job.
I took the yellow pill
post boats you want to call mommy
seething pedo
Insects can't be cute girls
>Asian women are perfection
If you're into insects with down syndrome faces, sure
Insects and incels are delusional. News at 11.
They're better in every way.
>Asian women are perfection
>posts a mexican
Why you, a dumb roastie, come all the way to post on Yea Forums and still somehow think you are any better?
mexican is not a race you retard
Only incels have yellow fever and it's fucking hilarious how you have the nerve to say "dodging question" when you cant explain why you think everyone is a roastie.
Do everyone a favor and buy a plane ticket to some Asian shithole with your parents money and don't leave their rice field.
>intentional logic fallacy
le ebin xD
>Post an attractive picture of a white woman that obviously has make up..
Wow, nice two pounds of caked on make-up.
>Post an attractive picture of an Asian woman that obviously has make up..
Why does this happen? If you incels are going to complain about make-up, at least be consistent.
Hey this is my webm
Are you front teeth guy?
But Hispanic is you dumb bitch.
Asian women > White women > Black women > Latina women
don't you have a self to kill, 40%?
What those poor girls did to you?
Nah I just save girls that are nice to look at
Bottom left, bottom right, and middle right are all cute.
Sure after starting a billion wars and delaying the progress of every other country
The Japanese have already surpassed whiteys despite the fact
I'm so sick of hearing chinese at my uni it's fucking driving me insane. ugly chinese dogs all over the place and not a single jap in sight. chinese people smell like shit too because they don't know how to wipe their fucking ass, I just leave the class if one sits next to me.
eastern games died with the dreamcast
end of story
the whitoid is proud of scoring 1s, not surprising.
What is surprising is how you are not dead from opiod abuse or diseases from fucking dogs.
then say hispanic you mentally disabled nigger
the dudes i know who go to asia to look for sex are always hooking up with random chicks or going to massage parlors, this doesn't make much sense
Looks like Max Caulfield, wearing Rachael Amber's clothes.
persona 6
I don't like ugly white people, either.
That's because white girls use makeup to hide their flaws, while Asian girls use makeup to highlight their beauty.
God, I just want a qt oneesan sister to worship and obey. Is that so much to ask?
Look at her lips. Oh no no no no, how the fuck do you mess up applying make-up that badly?
From the thumbnail I thought she was going to do the floss
>unironically posting a cuck to prove your point
lmao, you realize that theres a video of her riding a black cock while a white dude waits to fuck her and her ugly bf is probably filming it right?
B-but you just posted a Latina girl!
winnie the pooh
No, it's not. I've never heard that word outside of the United States.
you can't even see her face in that video
the whitoid is proud of only having 50+ percent of child rapes.
Meanwhile, actual humans don't register at all on charts.
this but with turkish people, my math teacher would constantly stain the whole class with the smell of dry shit whenever he was around, how is it possible for people of any culture at all to not wipe their asses, especially in this day and age? Why would anyone want to have that disgusting stank up their asshole staining the whole place?
> The cosplayers are all over 18
They're barely 18, you dumb ESL nigger. "All over 18" implies they are several years older than 18 which they are not.
> normal tiktok video. Nothing there.
There's nothing normal about watching videos of underage girls and reposting their stuff in chatrooms.
> That's not indicative of a "hoard."
Actually, it is.
You are clearly a pedo too. The fact you think it is normal to look at tiktok videos by underage girls is proof enough.
you just know.
holy fucking shit, name?
A number of those girls are cute. What is this image supposed to prove?
Nice high-lighting of beauty.
You can see she failed badly in making her lips appear bigger.
>lower percentage than that of their proportion of the population
This kind of backfires...
take your meds user
I feel like top left could be cute if she changed her hairstyle and didn't make that face.
>everyone who doesn't have yellow fever is a dumb roastie :(((
cope harder incel, and stop dodging the question
People like you get off by lying to themselves. Face the facts it isnt her
Per capita.
In all seriousness, why do Asians have small dicks?
Have you ever seen a woman's lips without lipstick before?
You realised that down syndrome is a definable condition easily noted by a copied chromosome? How stupid do you have to be to think a whole ethnic group somehow descended from mentally retarded people without there being chromosomal evidence and with east Asians having some of the highest average IQ on the planet?
not the guy you're responding to, but lol
How can the ugliest race that tries to look and emulate white traits be superior to whites?
I have to disagree there.
All the blood goes to their brains instead,
They don't. Even Japan's average is higher than america. Everyone knows white dicklets are the smallest
18 isn't underage no matter how much you try to stretch it
Yes, most women's lips are thin. She fucked up her make-up because she over-contoured in trying to make her lips appear bigger. Bigger lips are generally seen as attractive.
>he has all these pictures saved
>Its da white men's fault
Two nukes weren't enough on your insect race
>They don't
Reminder, whites are not human. They fuck dogs, consort with Jews to shackle the poor whites to endless Zionist wars for sexual thrills.
They are literally like some unthinking drone like creation meant to serve higher races.
>no no gwai lo! is no her! ping pong wing chung do lao bing tu! *gets cucked by a 4/10 white guy*
Bigger lips are only seen as attractive by people with abysmal taste.
So how do I get an Asian gf 10/10
like that?
I'm Latino but tall and pale enough to pass for a White, not ugly, probably beyond average in nipland.
>304 replies
>118 posters
>half the images are evidently from the same collection
I smell roast beef
there goes the thread
Chils pornography, child rape and child sex is barely illegal in Asian countries
Kill yourself
Get a tiny dick
>delaying the progress of every other country
And how did they manage that?
yeah bro white girls are SEETHING that you have yellow fever bro
I just want to be an outlet for a nee-san's frustrations!
18 year old asians with prepubescent bodies is underage no matter how much you try to stretch it
>Posts a Mexican
Not usually into Asians, but holy shit those tits.
Actually, if you want to be technical, you're 18 for only the day of your birth. Beyond that day, you're over 18, if only a fraction so. That's why kids say "I'm 10 and a half!" Because they're older than 10, technically. And that time matters to them.
Well, being over 18, is any day beyond your day of birth. So there.
>There's nothing normal about watching videos of underage girls and reposting their stuff in chatrooms.
It's not truly known how old the girl in the tiktok is. Maybe she's underage, maybe she isn't. The video was posted on a twitter without information. And that particular twitter doesn't only serve underage material. It seems to be rather indiscriminate. So, it's not as though he sought out the material. He just happened across it, I suppose. And then he thought it was cute, and posted it for everyone to see.
>Actually, it is.
One photo doesn't make a hoard.
>tfw not white
Same shit different day. People are getting tired of these threads.
Wait a second, is this one of those softcore only girls?
>18 years old
This alone means you are wrong by all possible accounts and no amount of whining will change that, but you can continue staying delusional if you want, schizo, no one's stopping you
>"All over 18" implies they are several years older than 18 which they are not.
the fuck? it just implies they are older than 18, where are you pulling this 'several years' shit from?
How can you say they're prepubescent, when they're over 18? That's just what their 18 year old bodies look like.
So I have to look like Johnny Winter, then? I'll see what I can do.
Yes, I still want to breed her
>be asian
>half of your women dont want you
>somehow spamming black/white ir porn on Yea Forums will remedy this
jesus fucking christ you don't have to type that much bullshit to admit you're a pedophile
stay away from kids, delusional degenerate, you remind me of the creep that used to take pictures of girls in my high school with frequent visits to thailand and other asian shitholes
Lmao, fucking bugs all look the same
she looks pretty good
Japanese is a beautiful language. Those who oppose are contrarian faggots.
What the fuck is the point if there's no actual sex. FUCK.
Sauce on this semen demon?
nice try (((jamal)))
> A number of those girls are cute
Yellow fever is a mental illness that falls under delusional and paranoia.
> All the blood goes to their brains instead,
Why have you made zero innovations then?
>Child pornography
Loli drawings don't count as child porn to anyone who isn't a schizo
>child rape and child sex
Based on what statistics? Anyway you're wrong
She also has a ton of make-up on and is wearing a wig.
Stop being fooled.
Can you imagine being such a worthless whitoid incel that you spend all day everday injecting race bait into every thread on every board, then getting BTFO so hard that you later decide to kill minorities in a spree shooting to make up for your internet losses?
What even keeps you 'people' alive? Why haven't your parents cut you off?
Since this thread went to shit can you start posting actual JAV? Something with nakadashi would be greatly appreciated
Amazing webms user.
I'm genuinely curious to know how you look like
Who is she? I need a sauce.
Do you know why sex or any sexual activity(sexy photos would fall into this category) with children is illegal? It's because they can't legally give consent, not becuase of how they look. They're not developed and mature enough to decide for themselves and for very young people it could be easy to manipulate them into it.
Child-like bodies have absolutely fucking nothing to do with it. An 18 year old that looks like a child is 100% legal. A 14 year old that looks like a 20year-old is 100% illegal.
A man of refined taste in the sea of shit that is this thread. I wish you luck senpai.
I honestly cant tell if this poster is an asian in denial, a roastie, or a white cuck
What do I do to live in japan?
I know I'll be a second class citizen. I'll clean toilets for the rest of my days and wont say a word.I wont destroy their gene pool, I'll by a robot sex doll and keep my mouth shut. I dont want to be in the west.
Breast milk is unironically disgusting and only looks good in 2D
Sometimes I just want to look at a hot girl without the obscenity of commercial sex involved
Post JAV webms since mods seen to give a fuck
personally, being superior in every measurable way to an asian male is what keeps me going
t. paranoid schizo
you don't recognize anri?
this is also her
>Small Dick Bodybuilders Posse
(They) likely abandoned their parents after taking their money and now live rent free in their basements
They're not redditors they're non-jap asians
Asian women are actually more likely to have the kind of figure I like, and they're shorter which is also a plus to me. But even if you find the cutest Asian girl, they're overwhelmingly likely to have discolored nips/vag, and no matter how cute they are face-on, they all look like dogshit in profile with their frypan flat faces.
Asians have a high IQ because you choose selectively trained people for it.
If Asians had high IQ, you wouldn't constantly cheat and eat rice every fucking day. You also wouldn't steal from other people.
> How stupid do you have to be to think a whole ethnic group somehow descended from mentally retarded people without there being chromosomal evidence
How stupid do you have to be to not realize it is detected and it's been planted into your DNA due to thousands of years of inbreding from your ancestors side?
Gravure >>> Pornography
Solo is one thing, softcore is another thing entirely. Softcore is shit. SHIT.
If you can't appreciate the female form, without nudity or sex, then you need to back off the porn.
This would maybe be a sound argument if women mentally matured past the age of 11.
It's fucking worse in 2D it looks like piss.
how can western women even hope to compete
Teases without pay-off are absolutely no fun.
tick tock tick tock :)
t. literal seething roastie
> I smell roast beef
It's the white women haunting you in these Yea Forums threads :(
It's just like high school :(
They keep making fun of you!
There's no other explanation, my "non" delusional incel.
I mean when I was in my early 20s that was the case, now I just want to come home from work and watch a cute girl in a swimsuit without having the pressure to wank off
not fucking video games
tranny jannys do your fucking job for once
ill fap to jav like a madman but asian faces are just so shit tier most of the time, they look like children with down syndrome. ill stick to my totomi mozawa bulbul ass molester jav where i just see her butthole tyvm
Wow, you don't have to burn that hard.
Try and make a petition to change the law and make women officially adults at 11 while keeping men at 18. Really, the "mental age" doesn't matter legally. We've basically settled on 18 as a "good enough" number and that's very unlikely to change.
>reddit spacing
Back to r/the Donald you go!
>american indian
Appreciating their beauty, is the pay off. Their makeup is perfect, their outfit is perfect. They're beautiful, soft, bouncy dolls.
Not everything is about getting your nut.
confirmed you got bullied by asian girls
>The racial diversity of Connecticut is split between 77.1% Caucasian, 10.4% African American, 4.9% Other Race, 3% Two or more Races, 4.3% Asian, and .002% Native.
Comparing these numbers to your graph, that means Blacks and Hispanics are much more likely to be a rapist. If you leave a child in a room with a single person from each race, expect the Mexican to be the most likely to get friendly with that child.
I blame the massive surge of trannies and anxiety afflicted tennagers for this
tranny janny is probably shitposting in this thread right now
18 year olds don't have a prepubescent-like body, you fucking retarded pedo
go back to ESL classes and ask your teacher
Eyes forward. Don't want you to hit the wall without noticing it first.
>watching another man fuck girls you find attractive is pay off
Pornography is the ultimate form of cuckoldry
I used to really like western games in the 90s and 2000s.
then western devs went to shit hard.
its all shit gameplay with garbage self censorship and other modern faggotry now. absolutely no fun.
I used to play stuff like jedi knight and thought how amazing the future for games like that would be. my first pc game was command and conquer.
this doesnt include seppuku though
This just makes you sound like a 40 year old man who has trouble getting off.
You're telling me if she was in front of you, doing all this sexy shit, you'd be fine with not touching her, and not fucking her? That's pathetic. Again, foreplay and teases leading up to a grand finale is one thing. Getting teased and then blue balled is another entirely.
What is that and how are you so familiar with it and when are you going back, gook?
Why would I do that, instead of trying to revert the laws to those that made perfect sense for hundreds of years and made both sexes happier; i.e. that women are never adults, and you can legally fuck them when they enter puberty like biology dictates. Age of Consent for the vast majority of America's existence was 10 for girls. It should be again.
This threads only saving grace is the gravure being posted. Post more
>18 year olds don't have a prepubescent-like body
Yes they do. I'm looking at them. They've been on the planet 18 years at least. They've gone through puberty. And the aftermath is a cute petite body of an adult.
Lobi is mexican though.
>What is solo.
Try again.
>She doesn't look like what I think an 18 year old should look like, therefore she is not 18 despite being born 18 years ago.
perfect logic
How do you save the white race and white video games, if you are celibate?
theres more make up on top breh, plus some extra layers of cocaine
I'm sorry your language is objectively terrible, chink.
Better luck on the next genetic lottery.
>not watching pov with a silent male
your brain literally doesnt know the difference between porn and actual sex user
it is now
good one. Maybe I'll steal that for use in another thread later
Great comeback Laura
Sorry Chad said he won't fuck you because your pussy is too loose
based and languagepilled
I started watching gravure stuff when I was around 19. At that time, I was averaging at least 2 jerk sessions a day. I'd watch hardcore porn. But then I'd also watch gravure. Because I'm not a fucking caveman, who only thinks about rutting and spreading his seed, I can actually just appreciate a good looking woman.
>not doing VR porn
Your no gravure taste is still shit though
The pubes were edited in. Shes wearing underwear
Why does she even race to hide herself again when she's got that huge nasty bush? It's not like you can see anything.
To their credit, at least they don't kill themselves at
Clever edit. You can see the slight wobble, and sudden disappearance before the skirt comes completely down.
Why is it people like Anri look like a 10 when not fucking someone then look like a 6 when they are?
Hey samefag. Schizo doesn't mean schizophrenic, it means someone who is anti social, which is something most of you pedophiles fall under. And no, disliking pedophiles have nothing to do with paranoia.
>Be Black
>Cousin is a super weeb where he views Japan as paradise and knows the history plus speaks Japanese
>goes to Japan, find a jap qt and have two kids
>Want to do the same now
This is gonna be tough as fuck, I don't even know how he did it but I guess I gotta learn Japanese before going full weeb
kys incel
This but the same level of unironic. Chinese and Korean are absolutely fucking disgusting languages. Lots of people say American English is really awful and harsh to listen to, but fucking Chinese and Korean are the worst.
What vidya game lets me romance a white woman as a goat and vice versa?
Why doesn't soundcloud, a site dedicated purely to audio, have a fucking volume control?
Can i get a time line? How long was he in japan for
>It's not truly known how old the girl in the tiktok is.
Not an argument. You have an obsession with girls that look underage. Stop trying to sugar coat it.
>One photo doesn't make a hoard.
Yeah I'm sure whoever made that collage is going to paste every single fucking uploaded image by that user. You are fucking retarded.
If you can't get a japanese gf, you could always try a korean one.
I thought asians hated black people? Idk my only experience with that is that one tyler the creator vine
>schizo(phrenic) doesn't mean schizophrenic
here's your (You) my friend
Jesus Ive seen threads about actual video games get more moderation than this horribly offtopic thread.
These are our new janitors?
Ai shinozaki
autist on /s/ has had a general alive for a year on there for her
why are you so fucking retarded user?
>fish eye len camera
hahahahahahah the inferiority complex among you insects is surreal
Holy shit you're mental. Seek help.
This T B H. White roasties and trannies SEETHING
jesus fuck
Desperate for that green card
this is why you dont skip leg day
Jesus Ive seen threads about actual video games get more moderation than this horribly offtopic thread.
These are our new janitors??
God bless that autist
That a lot of make up
Ok user we get it, you are a pedophile
Great comeback, user! You get an A for effort because you clearly had to stop and think for a little bit to come up with that one. But you're still wrong, and that reply doesn't make you any less retarded and delusional.
hnnnnnng imagine deep frying that in batter
Not too interested after seeing it's only softcore. I'm not some cuckold who lets himself be blueballed constantly.
She's latina you dumb weeb incel
Rocky mountain oysters aren't half bad actually
People do that with bull testicles
Huh, so it is associated with anti social disorder. But hang on, *majority* of the matches link the term to schizophrenia. So actually, it's both.
The paranoid part comes from you believing people are something, based on no evidence. Everything in that image is debunked. Save the Harley Quinn image, which can be explained away.
So you really have no reason to believe he's a pedo. And you have no reason to believe I'm a pedo. Yet you think we're all pedos. You're paranoid.
Thats not what cuckold means
>I'm not some cuckold who lets himself be blueballed constantly
nigger you're retarded
Breaking news: women look pretty fucking weird without makeup.
She looks like she has stubble
I meant in the embed. Why are you so retarded that you browse the site without the extension?
Every other embed has volume control. Soundcloud doesn't.
They drink a lot and there is a lot of reservation corruption. The elders keep the casino or mismanage it so the reservations end up as shitty places, which in turn makes everyone depressed.
That what your dick looks like now, tranny?
Asians are not that "white" in person
I've been to Japan and everyone that's not a white foreigner is some shade of brown
Japanese know how to make good games, be it platformer or RPG. They have better character design philosophy, and designs in general. High fantasy is better than garbage western fantasy.
>makeup magically makes your eyes wider
It took him like two years to know Japanese but he was always a full weeb, he just loved Japan like that.
After learning Japanese, he took a trip to Japan, a chick was impressed by his japanese and liked his goofy and funny personality, they date and gets work from the chick's father, after that, he decides to ditch America and live in Japan to marry her.
Eh, I'm not interested with the Korean culture like that
Wrongo on that one, they're just xenophobic, I think my cousin got lucky because he just has so much respect for the japanese culture and learned their language
They're living in Japan though