What are examples of modern games that manage to do sprite graphics that look appealing and not a low effort "callback"...

What are examples of modern games that manage to do sprite graphics that look appealing and not a low effort "callback". Mercenary Kings and Scott Pilgrim are a good example of what I mean.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm looking for heart forth alicia and eastward. They look promising, but they haven't shown updates in a while.

Fuck, forgot the pic.

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Peni is cute

I'm going to park my penis in peni parker !

Freedom Planet to an extent

peni just LOOOVES adolf-kun and HATES niggers

I would argue that iconoclasts achieved this

wtf is this anyway, an anime movie made by marvel and marketed in japan

Is the spiderman movie worth watching?

Only if you promise not to pirate it.

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I rented it on Youtube. Am I retarded?

risk of rain isnt exactly high-effort, metal slug-tier art or anything but it's appealing and looks well done

Is that a yes? Or a no?

Just avoid all spoilers for the next 2 hours

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How many parks can peni parker's penis park on if peni parker could park her penis at any parks?

Um... 1?

can't believe peni is a fookin leaf

I prefer gwen

I thought that was a chicken outfit

Freedom Planet 1 had terrible pixel art. Especially the backgrounds. Planet 2 is much better.

Owlboy did a good job on that dept, but the rest of the game is pretty boring.

Literally just finished watching it. Pretty good, actually. Watch it while high for an even crazier trip.

's breddy gud, but they pretty much expect you to be familiar with all the characters to begin with. This is not at all like the 00's Amazing Spider-Man in animation form.

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I have a thing for Asian-Canadians. I feel like them being -Canadians hamper the bitchiness/golddigger attribute more than compared to Asian-Americans.

Risk of Rain

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Into the Breach

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Those are some bayonetta-approved 6 ft legs.

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No pantsu

best superhero movie in over a decade

You are if you hang around this thread and get spoiled

No they don't. Hell, the running joke was that they all had similar backstories upon their introduction. As long a you know that Radiation + Spider = Spider-[Man/Girl/Ham], you were set. The only one they introduced was Miles.

I'd watch the JP dub just for megumi


Who would in a naked fight between Chicken-chan and Peni?

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Nitrome's games, like Bomb Chicken.

Is fucking your opposite gender counterpart incest or masturbation

I like how the movie animated her like a badly dubbed anime character. Like I'm pretty sure she is lip synced to the Japanese script not the English one.

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This is a question Peter Parker has had to ask himself many, many times

>Hell, the running joke was that they all had similar backstories upon their introduction
>No they don't
Think about these two sentences harder. Also, none of the villains got any intro at all besides Kingpin.

Peni is stronger than the average human and has her spider-sense.
Based Nitromefag. They should release their old flash games for phones instead of what they published.

she's so fucking cute I cant stand it

>Peni's pussy rubbing up against Miles's thigh
>they both know because of spider sense

Peni has Spidey Powers? I thought it was all in her mech pilot skills

Only her spider-sense and some strength.

Where do I watch this movie? I wanted to go see it in theatres but my dad said he wanted to wait for Captain Marvel instead so we went and watched that and it was ok but I still really wanna watch this movie. Where can I watch it, preferably not rental or digital "own".

It's mostly western styled, it's just one character who is an ebin anime reference xd
DC are the ones who actually make anime

Yeah not gonna lie, I had no fucking idea who Prowler was. He's kind of a B-Lister among Spidey Villians, when most of Spidey's rogue gallery are already B-Listers.

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It's on redbox

spider bit her and that basically lets her control the mech sp//dr

Local Target, best buy or walmart

He appears in Homecoming


I haven't watched an MCU movie since like Ragnarok

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>Yea Forums and /pol/ wanted this movie to bomb
Fucking why it was great and much better than the shitty Captian Marvel movie

benis barker :DDD

Nigga Homecoming came before dat

Nah, they just went with the anime mouth flaps.

>wacky le anime memd character is actually great and super cute
How did they do it?

I had to google that, so I doubt that's an option.

Becuase she's not really Le wacky its just an art design to show how different the universes were.

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It's not good enough to buy and it's not on Netflix / Hulu etc. ?

/pol/ being retarded as usual cause Miles is black+hispanic. Dunno why Yea Forums would tho.
Fucking love the movie myself, favorite of the past 10 years desu.

Amazon video shoudl have it

>everyone on a board acts unanimously
I hate dumb niggers like you. No (You) for you, lurk more, faggot.

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wait, Marvel's pandering to lolicons now? that's pretty based of them, I thought they were going full SJW

Elevate has to be the best ending credits song used in a comic movie

I mean Spider-Ham is literally le wacky so random but even he kind of comes off kind of sincere

>I don't know what a general consensus is
Dumb faggo

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They're all convinced that Miles and Gwen have a very strong very drawn out relationship together because of an article that said they'd focus more on their romance in the next movie.

>knew who shocker was because memes before knowing prowler

It's not on netflix or hulu BECAUSE it's good enough to buy

As a hispanic person I hate this fucking meme so much

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I wish, but she's not nearly this lewd in the movie unfortunately.

Weird trivia: Peni Parker was originally an Evangelion reference created by the singer of My Chemical Romance. I dunno why the moe-ified her but I'm not complaining.

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>I don't know what a general consensus is Dumb faggo
Oh there's a consensus now? On an anonymous imageboard? Please, show me where it is. Other than your ass, that is. You're missing the fucking point of chans. It's not a fucking reddit, it's a place to share opinions freely. lurk the fuck more.

Sony made it and you'll still think this movie is sjw anyway user
His mother is of Hispanic origin

>Marvel's pandering to lolicons now?
We're the future.

What, is he not or something?


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100% of his story was about being black, both the comics and the movie. Did you watch the movie? You sound like you don't know what you're talking about.

They knew what artists were going to do once they put a little anime girl in their movie. They at the very least were aware of the possibility but the absolute madmen actually did it.

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Peni parker is the most basic bitch anime design Ive ever seen but that bit where she slapped the Dude with the Robo arm was very entertaining and visually striking

Ralph 2 was fucking lame. Doesn't even compare. I didn't hate it but it was nothing special.

Didn't his mother speak Spanish in the movie?

They fucking wish, Ralph 2 was solid 5.5/10

>Oh there's a consensus now? On an anonymous imageboard?
Yes, there's a reason Yea Forums has a nickname Yea Forumsmblr because it became filled with tumblr-tier shit.

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It felt like Ralph and Vanellope were fucking in the beginning

Yes but ignore that
>100% of his story was about being black, both the comics and the movie
In the comics yes but the movie no. Just say you hate niggers and the movie and move on.

It's a mcguffin

>100% of his story was about being black, both the comics and the movie. >Did you watch the movie?
Did you? Because it's obvious you haven't.

His story was actually about being the New Spiderman after witnessing Peter be fucking murdered.

Hell, I would take a racial story, that has something to say and think about at least. Not this fucking bland piece of bread with legs and a spider suit.
The movies certainly made him likable though, as well as the prowler. God, the Prowlers design was fucking amazing in that movie

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>I dunno why the moe-ified her
They probably did it to have more distinct art-styles. OG Peni art-style looked too similar to the other characters', so they gave her an anime style to make her stand out more.
That or Sony just tried to pander to weebs.

What kind of pizza is she bringing?


It's a shame too because the first movie was fantastic

This kind of pizza youtu.be/lpvT-Fciu-4

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Just because you ignore the posts doesn't mean they're not there. I saw a ton of faggots like you at Yea Forums bitching about it exactly just like you are doing right now. Quit pushing your dumb projection.

>pizza time

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It's good but man it took me a while to get used to the animation and visual style that were apparently supposed to make it look like a comic book. It looks like it has half as many frames as it should and all the backgrounds look like an old 3D movie when you aren't wearing the glasses.

I masturbated to her today :^)

Who should handle the inevitable Peni anime?

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>Quit pushing your dumb projection.
I'm not pushing anything faggot and the fact you're getting mad for litterally no reason is fucking pitiful. Go ahead and tell me Yea Forums and /pol/ didn't have a fucking fit when Miles was introduced as the MC.

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>TFW she'll never be your daughter

As long as they're good at lewding her up I don't really care who does it.

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I've yet to see any artist give her shimapan. Quite surprised I know she wears spats in the movie, but she's japanese surely she has at least one pair


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While I'd like that to an extent, good dads don't slam their daughters daily.

But will we actually get it?
Plus you'd be dead

only the best dads do

That too

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If you don't fuck your daughter then you need a lesson from Marry

I'll forever hate the washed out colors the 3D models did to pokemon.

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Yo just a heads up for you niggas who want to play the Scott Pilgram game again. Go to /t/ and find the video game thread, click the google doc in the OP and search for it on the list of torrents. There should be a 360 version you can dl but you need to go get the emulator to play it. Also i'm voting Terraria for good pixel graphics.

I prefer comic peni but movie peni is also good

Ion Maiden

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While spats are actually canon, I still prefer these instead.

How retarded is Gamefreak that they can't translate basic color consistency from 2d to 3d?

It always feels like watching the special Olympics when Gamefreak releases these 3d games.

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Mary Jane

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Loli Peni is CUTE!


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I just want to hug her, user. Honest to goodness :(

She's also very funny! And sexy

>side tie



You wont fucking believe this but Snape kills Dumbledore at the end of the book

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Asian-Canadians are very quiet (female) or very chill (male).
Back when I was in high school one of my friends was this Korean immigrant. The first thing I said to him was a joke about how he was Kim Jong-Il's son and one of his favourite phrases was "Dumb fucking white people".
Avoid Chinese-Canadian's though, fucking cunts.

stop lewding noir's daughterwife

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worst worthless character in the film.
You've got to be a special kind of terrible to job to the worst possible version of the fucking scorpion.

Silver Link, Madhouse, 3Hz, Toei (if they can loan a few of their Purikyua staff).

If a sequel happens I’d like to see the comic design of the Sp//dr appear in some capacity. It may be an Eva unit ripoff but it’s still pretty cool.

Great style for sure but it's not the greatest movie on the planet

Not every movie can be Mononoke Hime

Can we post sprites ffs? Fuck the pedophiles, just post the dame content.

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Definitely worth a watch. Story is simple but fun and the visuals are incredible.

It's solid. Worth watching for a decent Miles origin story, Peter Parker's everything, neat mix of animation styles, Lord and Miller humor, Prowler, Prowler's elephantine theme.

She's there to pull in the chan crowd. She did her job.


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Sorry for not posting vidya sprites. I only have random comfy gifs.

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This gives me Card Saga Wars flashbacks... Goddammit.

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He's a literal looney tunes-tier spider-man character. It's part of his charm.

Pokemon should go back to sprites.

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Sonic Mania, despite the Sonic Team forcing the dev team to add Green Hill Zone again.

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I fucking love that style.

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I'm sure the SJWs will eventually cater to those people soon enough.

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I don't know how but Sony somehow made me like motherfucking Miles Morales. He was such a dweeb but I just couldn't help but chuckle at his awkwardness. The way he just goes "....Hey" is absolutely fucking hysterical.

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>I can hear it the second I see it
Damn comfy

you sound like a newfag


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How? I'm just saying I straight up enjoyed the way Sony handled Miles.


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Haven’t played it yet but Owlboy’s visuals look pretty good

One of those
>what did he mean by this

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>that texture
Do female spidermen shoot web from their vagina?

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you can rent shit on youtube?

I love Africa and every remix of it youtube.com/watch?v=h7GI6Kr_aag

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Watching it was the must fun I had watching a superhero film since fucking Iron man

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That's pretty damn comfy

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>Scott Pilgrim
Also what's with all the shilling for this game recently? Are they bringing it back? Is there a new movie coming out? Come out with it already, marketer.

Not being written by a comicbook writer past his prime certainly helps.

Why does 2D environments looks so kino brothers?

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Did she shot web?

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Oddly enough, yes. Here's some free ones youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHPTxTxtC0ibVZrT2_WKWUl2SAxsKuKwx

can also rent tv shows for like $1.99 per episode

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>It looks like it has half as many frames as it should
get into animation more and understand that more frames does not equal better animation. it's about how principles and techniques are used and Spiderverse does it perfectly.

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This is lit as hell

literally Soul and Soul-less: the Picture

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And now some low-poly

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And that's all from my part. Have a nice day/night.

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Wait, no. That text was supposed to be in other post.

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How did they make peni sexycute but also a strong character?

Now this is my last post for real.
Have a good day/night.

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It goes to show that she has a limit to how much she can take before she loses it. The way she used a part of her own robot as a weapon was surprising. She really loved that thing.

What's this from?

Look at the url at the bottom
It's a cute fanmade Roll model.

We would, user.

I actually think you're both right. It seems to me that what they're doing with these high budget sjw-leaning movies is that they start from a formula that's heavily inspired by sjw talking points, while simultaneously being aware that they can't reveal their powerlevel so they don't lose the normies so they sand the whole thing down and tone down how obvious it is until it's only noticible if you're aware of the unfiltered rhetoric. It drives me crazy because I watch these movies and they make me wonder if I'm the crazy one not being able to unsee the sjw stuff while at the same time objectively admitting that it's not overtly obvious, thus making me doubt if both detractors and defenders are projecting or if it's legit. So far I'd wager it is.

Also, Iconoclasts has a pretty neet look although I enjoyed the look of that game way more than I did the gameplay.

How the hell is Spiderverse an SJW movie in any way shape or form?

As I was saying it's so subtle that I can't even prove its existence, but there are two telling things I can recall. First is that Miles' whole arc about his atittude towards the private school and his deal about expectations had some similarity to what black racial guys seem to be talking about with being exluced from "white society" and stuff. Second is that Gwen is noticeably more flawless than the other main characters which is a common feminist storywriting thing. I vaguely recall there being a ton of vaguely sjw-reminiscent single lines in the film but I can't be assed to look them up. Also it's not a big secret that the people making it are pretty SJW so it's not that wild of a claim.

Still enjoyed it tho.

You sound really paranoid

I think you mean Peter Porker

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>We never got a Mach Rider sequel that looked like this with improved gameplay

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How is it not? The film revolves around a black Spiderman.

So because the guy is black it automatically makes it an SJW movie?

Damn, Klansman must be taken literally then

Left: soul
Right: soulless

>It felt like Ralph and Vanellope were fucking in the beginning
im so glad im not the only one that thought this. i tried explaining it to my friends and all thought i was crazy

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I don't need to study animation to know that it looks like choppy shit.


I never watched it in the picture house, when is it out on disc?

>What are examples of modern games that manage to do sprite graphics that look appealing and not a low effort "callback".

La Mulana 2?

I'm going to watch this movie just for her


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Peni Parker is cute. CUTE!

Attached: peni parker.webm (1920x796, 931K)

Not that user, but that's fucking retarded logic. You don't need to know these character's beforehand if they explicitly tell you who they are in the film itself.

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>eats chips while chewing gum


Keep posting Peni.

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They're not chips, the snacks are tiny and donut-shaped, it's either cereals or candy. Cereals don't mix with bubblegum either but I guess candy could be fine. It could be the gum that comes in ring shape for some reason. I vaguely remember that we see in another scene that her cockpit is filled with candy.

Why'd Sony allow a sexy little girl like Peni in the movie?

I guess they wanted to go the classic Walt Disney route.
"That is one sexy little girl"

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the only thing that prevents me from watching this movie its the animation going like 10fps, should I watch it anyway?

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Why is she blushing?

I know I am just for this cute fucking loli
so when i fap to her i can know her personality


Doesn't want to let her skirt flip down.

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NO user

I know exactly what you mean. It’s probably not stuff that would even register to me if I wasn’t on Yea Forums regularly, and even noticing it makes me feel a lot like the hypersensitive sjws who see shit that isn’t there, but just on the opposite side.

I mean the main character is halfblack halflatino and his uncle was browing what looked like a gay dating site and the romantic interest is white which makes them an interracial couple, AND there’s that one joke about checking your assumptions, and Gwen is a ‘strong female character’ in the flawless sense.

It’s all leftist normalization, but I don’t really give a shit about it besides the fact that just noticing it’s there takes me out of the movie a bit. I don’t care if there’s an interracial couple or a gay dude. The only one I have a problem with is Gwen cause it’s the only one that feels like shoddy writing.

I kind of wish I could just turn off my brain and not notice or think about this shit.

>download spiderverse
>not sure when I'll get around to watch it so I just skim through it
>Peni and Noir are only introduced halfway in
>have barely any scenes
>most of the screentime goes to the nigger teenager
Don't know if I should even bother. I don't even like capeshit.

Very nice pic.

>Peni Parker

whoever green lighted this name knew what they were going for.

>I kind of wish I could just turn off my brain and not notice or think about this shit.
Not that user you're talking to but me too
But its hard when its shoved down your throat

>most of the screentime goes to the protagonist
What a twist.
I suggest you put the movie down before you trigger yourself into an aneurysm if you're really this triggered by one (1) dude's skin color.

>thinking alicia will ever come out


It’s worth watching for the visuals and presentation.

Strange that there's a spider verse thread right now because I just watched it for the first time yesterday. I bought it on Blu-Ray and honestly it was way worth it. Literally one of the best Marvel movies I've ever seen

Peni Parker is cute, but Gwen is cooler.

Seriously, that movie had nothing of the soul the original did except for like, bits and pieces within the last half hour. 5.5 is generous, I'd say barely 4/10

Haha I'm also black and love interracial :)

This is max retardation, her hat is a flower. I think in Japan they even call her "hana-chan" which I believe translates to something like flower bitch

I don't fucking care about skin color, it just so happens that most black characters are designed to look like shit and act like shit. It's the case here.

Pissed peni looks cute. Have more?

Why so bloomy?

God, we'll finally get fucking webms.

>Cereals don't mix with bubblegum

Considering how popular Peni became, they will make a sequel focusing on her, ruining her at he same time

>ruining her at he same time
How would you do it, Yea Forums?

Give her an adult boyfriend?

Forest of the Blue Skin

one of my most favorite movies released last year. Artstyle is gorgerous and the story is fun.

the movie had no fucking soul compared to the first one. Its like they didnt even try.

I liked it but it disappointed me that they kind of drop the video game thing halfway through and stick with the shitty candy world

She barely has any personality in the movie nor does she say much.
It felt like a cameo character in a fighting game.

They can basically do anything with her in a hypothetical movie (although I feel she's a better fit for a 3D TV show for a young audience).

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It's one of better Spider Movies. This movie and Alita i really enjoyed this year.
Also Love, Death & Robots show.

Give her a same age girlfriend.

fuck them for making peni parker so fucking cute

peni hehe

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>one time a western loli doesn't need to be fixed in fanart by changing the style completely
>someone still does it and ruins it instead

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King of Fighters XIII. What a masterpiece! Such a shame they had save money and make it polygons in XIV

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Top tier capeshit. I didn't even care that the MC was a nigger. Biggest downside is that there isn't much Peni.

>I thought they were going full SJW
You're surprised the degenerates support degeneracy?

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The animation's only like that in the slow scenes. When the action picks up it gets smoother.

As entertaining as the super-charged psycho loli aspect was in the anime, I hope they focus one Tanya completely misunderstanding her fellow soldiers and vice versa if there ever is a S2

Attached: 73553169_p0.jpg (2000x2828, 557K)

First movie
>everyone has a place where they belong, even though it may not feel like it at first

Second movie
>lol fuck that, do whatever you want, fuck responsibility YAAAS QUEEN SLAAAAAAY

Ralph 2 was shit

Pretty good all things considered. Good art-style, managed to not get sucked into the "muh black characters" schtick, treats the viewer more like an adult and doesn't give shitloads of backstory and explain every single character to death

The Mummy Demastered.
A movie tie-in Metroidvania that is better than most troids and vanias, made by the Shantae devs.

Attached: mummy-demastered-1496943818847_1280w.jpg (1280x720, 252K)

sprites are a waste of time, 3d is easier and looks better

Attached: spritesvs3d.png (2559x720, 2.49M)


Skullgirls, as always



Left looks better tho

>You're surprised the degenerates support degeneracy?
wtf i love sjw now

No the fuck it doesn't. You know damn well Bloodstained looks better than any metroidvania


Attached: ss_85357666a8bba1e116dd74b4573939b8f5fae0ef.1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 753K)

It doesn't even look as good as Luna Nights

Attached: ccd5fa7a607f94ce4d65ede1cee4288ea6e999a8.gif (640x360, 813K)

Are you fucking kidding me?

Attached: bloodstained-ritual-of-the-night.jpg (1920x1080, 590K)

God Bloodstained looks like generic ass

It looks okay, but Miriam there doesn't even look like she exists in the same dimension as that bench, even ignoring the fact she's clipping through it.

Attached: 3bcf1caf8fc80b0bcaf0601aa6b859c8.gif (500x476, 117K)

How? It looks better than sotn and any other castlevania did.

Attached: Bloodstained-Ritual-Of-The-Night.png (1916x1055, 2.9M)

Look at all the detail though. Shanoa and that scene you posted looks like some old snes shit.

That looks awful. It might look better if the dev had any idea of art direction. The MC looks like she is just floating on top of a static picture, and everything in the background looks like its all at the same depth

Also its implying I can move downwards, towards the camera with those stairs - is that a thing or just more dumb design?

The shading, lighting and shadows make no sense at all. If it weren't for that, it might look better.

what a worthless lolicon bait character

no you cant move down, its not a beat em up. it adds depth to the environments, why would an entire castle be hallways?

>implying IGA has no sense of art direction


this looks absolutely terrible, the colors are all washed up and its all ether red or grey, you can see the lack of anti aliasing and the character doesn't even blend in properly

compared to sotn and the ds castlevania games it looks worlds better

>compared to a game from 20 years ago with limited tech and a shitty game on a shitty system it looks worlds better

ok retard

Then why is the game in 2d if it's obvious the world is supposed to be a 3d space?
No it doesn't, the biggest problem with bloodstained is that the character doesn't look like she actually exists in the world. She literally just looks like an image of a different artstyle they pasted ontop of the world. Their weird 3d/2.5d graphic style for the environment also clashes hard with the perspective they are going for, it doesn't feel like you are only supposed to be moving in a 2d plane.

It's not that they're retarded. They just became self aware and don't put in effort anymore.
>Put in effort
>Games are highly praised and sell tens of millions of copies. Tiny neckbeard minority complain about *thing*

>Put in bare minimum effort
>Games are still highly praised, still sell tens of millions of copies, and tiny neckbeard minority still complain about *thing*

Now if you've been making the games for over 20 years, what would you do? It's pretty obvious Game Freak doesn't want to make Pokemon games anymore, but for very obvious reason continue to do so. If you've noticed, Game Freak has made more non-Pokemon games within the past 6 years than they have during the first 15 years they've started making Pokemon games.

it's called selfcest
which also happens to be the genre of my favorite doujin (pic related)

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