Other urls found in this thread:
Somebody pls carry me to Merc. i want to let it rip
Yes, the devs are almost definitely withholding content to prevent people from getting burnt out of the game before it's even out of EA and refunding it . If they add a shitton of content on release or at least a reasonable drip leading up to and post-release then refunds are a lot less likely. If I'm wrong the game is DOA
I can literally AFK and mash my Item until it kills everything and spawns a billion daggers to kill the rest of the map. However Im close to one shot
So is there no reason to do the combat shrines aside from gathering money/experience/fun?
When will it come back guys?
>janitor bot gameplay
They're making sure it actually works properly and doesn't play like shit before releasing it. That's why there's collectively only like 3 bugs in the game as of now
>is there no reason to activate something that spawns more enemies other than being able to kill more enemies?
New to this shit, is there any etiquette for loot/items when playing with randoms? Somehow I always end up being the one with less shit.
Just doin a test to see if I successfully raised player cap, pls join
That's correct, but don't undervalue that. It's super easy money and helps you get off the map quick
don't think I'm beating this run anytime soon.
I wish i had shadowplay recording; I had so many on hit and on death items that I was autobombing through levels. I ended up getting oneshot in midair while I was trying to dodge an overloading worm.
I have no feathers or cape and am at the jump puzzle, i'm very nervous.
I'll concede that both are correct
what's your favorite change from RoR to RoR2?
>Mercenary isn't fucked by attack speed anymore. Instead of reducing the I-frames like in RoR, getting attack speed adds more attacks to Eviscerate since you're now invincible for a fixed duration during the skill
I heard his kit's apparently a tiny bit different from RoR1 last thread. What changes are there?
I'll carry you through a babby drizzle game if you like user
first come first serve
if someone is opening or waiting next to a chest don't be an asshole and take their shit
i made some fuckin art for you thirsty silly boys uwu
>invalid lobby id
his hammer looks too small
>mercenary theme
Real talk though, you never knew true untouchable unless you had this.
Imagine if it was in game right now with current Engineer
Very nice user
How is engy unlocked?
Any ancient wizards willing to tell the secret of using bandit?
Started playing recently too, don't be a dick with loot, if someone opens a chest, don't take what's in it, and split the boss loot fairly, if there are 4 items, take 1, if there are more or someone is dead or doesn't want one then take more than one.
In terms of having less loot, don't camp chests and wait for enemies to come to you, find them, make money and return, your teammates won't have taken what you had your eye on while you were away, hunt for gold, hunt for loot, repeat.
This is kind of unrelated but I just picked up the first game because I needed something to play on a flight. I usually die on the third map. How should I play the first few levels? Should I farm or just focus on finding the teleporter as soon as possible?
Items on turrets they're so much fun.
Just found out, the command console _did_ work... it just outputs to a hidden text file.
To see the log, go to %APPDATA%\LocalLow\Hopoo Games, LLC\Risk of Rain 2
it's called output_log.txt
if anyone's interested in helping me get this shit working, join the lobby... hopefully for the last time
we might finally get 6 players... for real
icicles is more or less the same but harder to stack since its a red
You can fall and it just sends you to start
Nothing but damage to spam skills.
Does anyone have a picture of a salamander shrine? I heard you can use them to open portals.
My hotwife huntress...
The shit is happening here
Is this game out or am I being rused
Bros, what if they don't add Acrid back in?
I'm more surprised they didn't bring back the Scepter.
>he missed the last 50+ threads
says invalid for me
thicc mod NEVER EVER, creator is a fag who didn't share
Why did Hopoo give Huntress a big ass?
ur the big dumb, lviving under that rock and all.
it's out, been out for a while, you missed the buy one get one free deal.
Oh shit, godspeed
I will be very upset, but not entirely surprised.
immediately call up my bank and refute the transaction. Acrid needs to come back. Even if it means the moveset is altered for 3d
yes it is in early access you slowpoke
Spoke with the devs at PAX someone with me in line asked and the dev was happy to tell them they were working on him. I got a much less enthusiastic “hint” when I asked about the Miner though.
Still sad about about.
I've already accepted that miner will never come back. He was fucking awful in the first game and 3D won't save him.
I bet he'll be in, our god is an awesome god. They also have all the funding they need to do anything they want and since they sold it as 3D RoR it'll be at least 1-1 parity and more.
looks too much like some shitty oc spamming tripfags waifu. no thank you.
Do you get paid to be this dumb?
Look for "SurvivorCatalog"
Is there a proper end
Or just obliterating yoursef
>you get teleported back right before reaching the island on winter level by jumping on the containers
wtf hoppo
his almost range on the first game why wont they add him
Shoot, why didn't you call me
Not this guy I'm trying to increase the limit too,
Pls join, this is just a test
Killing yourself is the only hard end right now.
Yeah but it's only minimum wage
Just looping through 4 levels over and over until you die, or obliterating yourself after 7 levels.
Have you tried entering cheats before sv_maxplayers?
is it true that the risk of rain devs came from Yea Forums?
just like in life
no, /vg/
thanks user, actually worked. the warbanner 2x stack in this prisma trial lets me do the cheese strat of making sure all of my level ups occur next to the tele so they all overlap.
>han-d doesn't punch things anymore
Invalid lobby ID friend
AGDG on /vg/
/vg/ I think.
They started in the game dev threads on /vg/.
if i remember right hopoo is a regular on /agdg/
/agdg/, /vg/ so somewhat yee
Is it shit though?
>Dio also applies to turrets
>If you put a third turret down, the first one dies, but the games considers that you killed it
>if you have the ghost mask it would make a ghost turret
>if you have enough mushrooms it never fucking dies
Engineer is so fucking bullshit.
The endgame just becomes to run to the teleport, plop your two turrets, activate the teleport, plop shield and drift around till your immortal turrets kill everything.
Then in the clusterfuck something touches you and goes trough your 20 teddy bears and you explode.
I fucked up the ID somehow
Trying for 6 players, (Just a test)
Miner is similar to mercenary to I wouldn't be too surprised if he was cut. A mobility-centric character doesn't translate well into 3D
"sv_cheats" is not a recognized ConCommand or ConVar.
yup. clipboard lobby was clearly made with Yea Forums in mind
is there any more footage of other unfinished characters?
hopoo said on their blog that they've played in some RoR Yea Forums lobbies so 100% the clipboard feature is for Yea Forums
For the user trying to get 6 players working, download dnspy then open Risk of Rain 2_Data\ManagedAssembly-CSharp.dll (don't forget to backup the file) and then search for maxpalyers for example
Didn't hopoo give free copies before.
invalid id
It's a great feature!
Gettting invalid ID again, do we have to set it too?
Still don't work. Maybe enabling the console prevents you from hosting somehow?
ok but how do i play bandit
How are you supposed to enter the numbers? Where?
Would 6 players only increase the limit or naturally scale enemy spawns/loot spawns to accompany the change?
Not him, so...
So there's a hard setting that controls the max?
So there's no easy way around it?
yeah we got to 4 and then it didn't work. but this might work. How does the scaling work?
highlight, copy, then click clipboard lobby in mp menu
When some unity wizard makes a comprehensive guide I suppose.
How is the netplay? I live across the globe from my friends who want me to play this with them. Does anyone know how unbearable or tolerable it would actually be to do that?
Oh okay
So it just wasn't working then
Look for SurvivorCatalog, add a new RegisterSurvivor
Also modify idealSurvivorOrder
Don't know, didn't look it up
probably in development, since all the characters aren't implemented i feel it would be annoying to have it
>ror devs are /vg/ posters
>team of only a few people
>know how to partner with big names while maintaining full control of their product
>game is actually fun because they were never out for money and designed it with fun in mind
Never give up user. You CAN change things
I will never have this much fun on any other class
what if they make the non-returning characters bosses?
Any east coast lobbies?
I'm using jetbrain dotpeek which is essential the same thing I think, but searching takes forever. Might try dnspy, thanks.
what the fuck do I need to modify to achieve this
i suck but the game is fun, is enemy health increased in multiplayer? it feels like it
Any midwest or east servers?
I would love to come join you guys and take all the items and rush teleports
When is this becoming a general?
can i get an F for my amazing run with 300% speed
find a good party on Yea Forums for hunter, get your ass carried to hell.
I love Huntress!
give me a dadgum western server
How is it? I'm a bit skeptical since they decided to go 2D to 3D and it doesn't always work out.
no idea its been more than 8 thread already dont know why the mods havent shit the bed over it yet
i think there already is a general
I found a 3D printer with Lens-Maker Glasses, should I just turn everything I got into them?
if it being the 4th most played game on steam right now doesn't tell you then I'm not sure what will
If you're too bad to make it through 7 stages on a ranged character I can't imagine you doing well with mercenary.
could've kept playing but i let the overloading worm kill me cause i wanted to do other stuff with friends
idk what i did when to make myself so invincible/killing machine but i think it was the behemoth
they're probably busy playing ror2
They're too busy playing Risk of Rain 2
its amazing
just get 10 of them, anything after is unneccesasary
DMC was way more prominent on release, it's still getting threads
If you like Risk of Rain 1, you will enjoy Risk of Rain 2
Better than the first game.
>tfw me and my friends have been playing this all day
Video games, man.
I swear I've seen this somewhere before, is that from symphogear or something?
should i play singleplayer for lunar coins?
*my friends and i
It's one of the rare cases where the transition worked out perfectly fine if not perfectly. Commando is kinda wonky
Get it on steam and try it out for an hour or two and if you don't like it get a refund.
Easily one of the greatest 2d to 3d transitions I've ever seen and I'm an old fucking boomer.
Is this like dark souls?
Thanks friend I hope I can figure this out
>20 stages in a row
How long would this realistically take? I'm trying to get all the challenges done, but anything past an hour I just get antsy and want a new run, even if I'm not dying. I made it to 14 or 15 stages around 90 minutes, do I really need to play for 2 hours+ to get this?
>can maybe get past 1st portal 1/10 times on normal difficulty
>breeze past almost everything in easy
So... do solo people play on Easy or are you guys actually playing on hard? The HP of bosses is so fucking high solo they take forever to kill on normal.
dont worry some dipshit ERPers will come along and ruin everything for everybody forever
or some retard will make a bad OP
>be Merc
>get Berzeker's Pauldrons
>stack leech seeds and ukes
Ah so each gives 10% crit? Thanks for informing me.
>ending at 70 minutes
you didn't even get to the fun part though
>Artificer before Mercenary
you had a good set of items before, but behemoth scales it all up and that's where you started to hit good mode
you should've kept playing until stage 20 though so that you can unlock clover
US east lobby faggots
2 open
I hope they add the RoR 1 soundtrack into the game
Play pubs as MUL-T and just steal coins.
No, it's actually fun.
the huntress is garbage please someone convince me otherwise
share boss drops
>jellyfish world
>full of damage sponge jelly fish
>activate portal to get the fuck out of here as soon as possible
Great game
Somone gift me this game
I do so much better solo then in multiplayer what the fuck, I want to play with others but I never get to the same level of juice as I do solo
I'll eventually post a complete guide or even upload the hacked dll, but I need to get some sleep
that happened to me last game lol which is why i asked
Check the log book, all the statistics for all the items are listed within.
You could say it's the dark souls of games.
ignore the deleted post, yeah it's symphogear. had it next to my QUALITY images
Is there a guide for unlocking every item?
Luck of the draw man.
Who here /bored/ after 10 hours?
We're gonna make it
>Play Merc
>nothing but wisps spawn
is the game doing this on purpose?
just git gud
unless you play artificer or something I don't see how you can even die at all on the first level
get backup mags and a blackhole
Also if i'm not mistaken it's really easy to cheat, so if every normie could play bandit and buff himself multiplayer would become shit
RoR2 is a good game, but if you tried to "objectively" compare the two, RoR1 is better.
Just dash at em,
She scales well with literally every item and can handle flying enemies unlike merc and engineer who need to use long cooldown skills or risk being in long cooldown.
Not to mention DAT ASS.
those are fun to kill as merc
Anyone want to play RoR1
i fucking suck as artificer but goat as engineer or merc
This is one of my biggest complaints: not being able to tell which is the teleport boss outside of shooting and checking the heatlh bar.
this isnt a problem user, eviscerate them then dash at the others. Low enough CDs to deal with a lot of them
so you just go till you die? no final boss? is there gonna be a story mode? what is the point if there is no end? i don't mind endless mode but give us rewards or something for making it oh-so far, and more stage variety
We can't really compare, since it's unfinished. However so far that will be the verdict, the changes here have potential.
I love getting Wisps as Merc. Fucking chain dash into those niggers. Literally feels like I'm playing a 3D Sonic game.
>rejuvenation rack
holy shit
>sequel releases after all these years
>it's fun, meets expectations and more
>Yea Forums threads are cozy and don't feed into toxicity
We're home, bros...
early access btw
Get in here, nerds.
why do they always make you start out as commando?
guy's a boring cunt.
Someone make a thing I want to play with people
allow me to ascend with you fellow swordbro
Merc is literally the quickest to kill wisps with what the fuck how are you this bad
Full I assume? Says invalid
Is the sentient meat hook any good or is it just a meme tier item?
>it's been like 6 years since it came out but for some reason I still remember that it had a shot of some turks(?) shedding tears of joy
The human brain is wack
It's a video game staple to start as an easy to play all rounder.
man i had to stop there so i could unlock merc
and i sure did, those energy drinks and red whips are amazing
hopoo PLEASE let us hide the ui this game could have such cool screenshots
It feels like it needs to yank enemies further to be any good. That said, probably decent on anybody who attacks a lot like MUL-T or Engi
Honestly, the game made much more sense in 2D and I think 3D is a huge limiting factor for character/item design.
I love this game (RoR2) a lot, but I can never see it becoming an "objectively" better game. I can, however, see it becoming a much, much more popular game due to the popularity of FPS games.
New season this summer, and if the last season is anything to go by it will be fucking awful
how do i usue the 2 for 1? it said i could do it by today 12PM pacific time but i dont see an option to
they look like sad blue rocks, like a large slumped-over pile of toothpaste
hey for that 6 player slot thing, do i have to do anything special to JOIN one of those lobbies?
> overloading magma worm x2 as soon as i enter level 23
> spotify started playing this as soon as i saw them
HOW THE FUCK DO I GET TO MERCENARY AREA? Just went through 4 loops on easy and didn't see one portal.. thought I would just need to get to 7th portal so did easy to unlock it... nothing
I think I got it this time
Test lobby for 6 players,
Just a test
>2 out of 4 remaining characters are Bandit and Han-D
>Sniper is highly likely just because he'd be 10x more functional in 3-D.
What are your bets on the final character? I'd be surprised if they didnt at least try Acrid with how much of a fan fav he is.
early access
Any Aussie lads hosting?
>mfw last stage of RoR 2 will have an underwhelming song in comparison to RoR 1's Coalescence
>mfw fighting Punished Providence and the song is just a remix of his old theme
mfw after killing his 2nd phase it seems like its finally over but his secret 3rd phase starts and an amped up remix of Coalescence that's metal as fuck starts to play
Blue-purplish rocks, about as tall as player characters. Costs one lunar, opens up portal to the bazaar at teleport after boss.
When I had it, i didn't notice it really working at all but that might be because I was playing as Merc.
its after the boss on level 7
thats because 12pm pacific was 8 hours ago
>I can, however, see it becoming a much, much more popular game due to the popularity of FPS games.
Also the online is much better.
*7th teleporter.. no portal ever appeared
Someone gift me this game
invalid ID, so i guess you're full
When did you buy it? Remember that 12PM is afternoon, not midnight.
isn't merc guaranteed once you loop back to the snow level
This looks like a NMS Starbound hybrid, and I suppose Binding of Isaac for being roguelike-esque.?
can you get unlocks with easy mode?
Enforcer, the medkit references is enough for me, also, do you think we will be getting more characters after release?
fuck me i bought it 30 minutes or so after it ending
how did you get it wrong on all accounts?
fuck oh well
It won't be better until glass and command and funballs and no player limit are added
Just died at 17 stages, took 105 minutes with getting every chest. I bet you can rush it in about an hour and a half.
That too. One of RoR1's worst qualities was poor online and very buggy online. But I still think RoR1 is better overall even with friends.
It's like Dark Souls.
I was on level 7, beat the boss, no portal appeared.
Complete the 7th stage, enter the portal
get far until you see a special portal
sent ;)
Didn't work, ignore this post
No Enforcer no buy.
Also sad to hear Miner has a slim chance of returning.
I just realized why we can't get more than 4 players
it's a hard limit coded into the steamworks lobby
to get aroud it, we'd need to patch the executable... meaning we might as well get as many players as we can
Play till the game tells you that a celestial orb appeared at the start of the level.
Finish level and take portal.
Is Loader in the game or no?
okay here's how you do that (with no spoilers):
Merc's portal has only ever appeared on the snow level for me.
once more into the breach lads
randomly when it says ... a celestial orb appears
how do u know about it if u dont want spoilers idiot....
>it will be fucking awful
They really need to trim the proverbial fat, you can't maintain a cohesive show when you keep trying to give like 8 different main characters enough screentime of their own
tfw i did this but the game teleported me back to the ground before i could take a screenshot
fucking love quails on merc
fuck me i want to play this game so bad
we're getting somewhere i think
>load into cave
>no floor
Enforcer would be surprising, but they're somehow making Han-D work, so I guess anything is possible.
Seriously how the fuck will Han-D even deal with flying enemies.
ror2 soundtrack its not very good, cant compare to ror1 soundtrack, anyone shares my opinion?
Hopoo giveth and Hopoo taketh. Despite the game working fine yesterday I can no longer click on anything due to my cursor not staying in the window. I've tried all the suggestions and now it seems my only option is to wait for the patch on Monday. I hope you guys have fun.
it's a hardcoded limit unfortunately
see totalMaxPlayers in SteamworksLobbyManager
>get to the snow level
>clear out everything and start heading to the teleporter
>run by some weird looking containers
>an enemy attacks them
>get blown into the 9th dimension and have -1000 hp
on drizzle because im a scrub
you can probably do it a bit faster if you rush, but you should probably only rush a little in the beginning. after you reach HAHAHA its better to take your time and spend your cash
its ok but i agree the first soundtrack was definitely better.
Put it to 8, 10 for safe keeping while putting max players to 8
I think the soundtrack is great but RoR 1's is one of the best fucking OSTs ever made, so it's pretty stiff competition. Also this game's soundtrack isn't actually finished yet, fyi.
I don't think I'd call RoR2's OST "not very good," I like it a lot
I just think RoR1 knocked it outta the park so far it's hard to beat.
I definitely wouldn't say it's bad but I do prefer the original a little more. Double Fucking Rainbow 2.0 when
>tfw made it to merc
Aw yis.
Engineer is broken as fuck.
title screen song is a banger, the rest doesn't compare to risky 1 but that's not to say that the soundtrack is bad just the the first one was amazing
>but they're somehow making Han-D work
Didn't Han-D have a fucking grappling hook? Or was that the Miner?
enforcer is also in, if you check your user stats xml it's tracking wins for enforcer, theres also a character referred to as hauler so it might be loader, but there's also two who are completely new, assassin and bomber.
rip I was looking under RoR2.Networking
20 players seems like a good number
new lobby pls
Lets go bros
that was loader.
Honestly, hopoo might add more players anyway.
4 is a good testing ground to catch any possible networking bugs.
The dude should make it not restricted to Steam along for online if he's going for that.
Anything more than 4 players was unfun and shit in ROR1.
Music's not fully implemented yet, but as others have said RoR1 has one of the best soundtracks ever written, so of course it'll be hard to have lightning strike twice for Chris.
chris is still working on music, and im pretty sure hes stated that he might even change existing songs a bit
i do like the first game's soundtrack a lot more though, so it would be cool if we could have that in-game
mom said it was my turn on the xbox
>invalid lobby id
she looks way better normally. fuckin plebs always pull this shit
That definitely goes over the 4 unlockables left then.
Wonder whats the plan with that.
that means it's full
it's physically impossible to make it to the second loop
First run as engi
>spend 6 years working on a game
>don't release it in a complete state
asking the real questions
Every time I feel like there's a chance, a Blazing or Overloaded Horde of Many arrives to crush my dreams
maybe for you, chump
how doe the prismatic challenge work? how do you complete one? i see there's an unlock requiring you to complete a prismatic run
they made another game in between ror1 and this one
1 is great
2 is... not bad but really forgettable, almost boring
I will always rank RoR2 higher than RoR solely because of an actual functioning online mode
Also, its EA, shit's not finished yet
did you also struggle with sekiro?
Local Merc before he faces death
How do I open the search function in dnspy?
>mfw bombers R calls in a cruise missile
my life would be complete
teach me oh wise one
top right
it feels so god when you stack attack speed and crit on those turrets
>Hunter's assets in 3D
Wait, really, you're not shitting me? He's coming? AAAHHH
So what did I unlock by completing the prismatic challange? My logbook is completely cluttered because I have never checked it.
only way to balance MUL-T is to put an overheat system into the nailgun. That way you have to switch between weapons and dont stick with one
Nerfing its damage is just plain retarded
>Shit ton of bullet sponges late runs
How do i damage more? I have no control over what drops I get
>literally just two guys made RoR1 and made new, free content for it for three years
>meanwhile the same two guys made another game, Deadbolt
>still basically two guys started RoR2 in late 2016, released as early access 2.5 years later, full release planned for 2020
Sounds about right user. You have the big retard. These two fuckers have insane work ethic.
any lobbies up?
I'm really hoping for sniper, he was fun in ror1 but he should be real good in 3d
us central
Temper your expectations, user
I would assume the devs are attempting to implement every character from RoR1, just to see which ones translate the best.
it's on the menu
you just clear two stages as fast as you can
get better drops
kite and kill the things that matter (for example: shitstain elite greater wisps)
get your money and items on the run
find teleporter asap and activate it
Anyone else do autistic shit with merc like use a M1 between each dash? or even a full 3 hit combo when you get enough attack speed to do it without dropping your extra dashes?
jesus christ dude try reading literally any amount of text first
take advantage of 3-d printers, if you get one with a soldiers syringe use it
Dont forget, this is their first 3-D game and they clearly put a shit ton of effort to translating the gameplay of RoR1 to 3-D
sekiro is pretty brutal, nerd
it was a good idea to do that cause it immediately got hackers topping the ranks
> huntress
> extra mag 3d-printer
Have any of you had a round where the teleporter was just impossible to find? I just had to end a round 40 minutes in because I swear it was inside a wall or something
pic related
I am not retarded user, I know that. I'm refering to the logbook, I saw an Item that could be unlocked by completing the prismatic run but I forgot which spot it was and I am not wondering how it looks and what it does.
he was also very unpopular, i played him more than any other character by far, p much to the point of mastery but it was rare anyone else did
get in fuccbois
east coast
ban all sniperfaggots
>sits on top of the map and snipes shit while everyone else is in the red circle
>lightning can't strike twice
Have you even heard the Deadbolt soundtrack? I'd honestly say it's better than ror 1's.
if it's not restricted to steam it will be pirated to shit
damn, instantly filled
new host when
extra mag is fucking busted on some classes, i don't understand why it's a white. huntress, mul-t and merc benefit from it so much
Yeah happened to me more times than I can count
Thanks user.
they already confirmed they are working on sniper
i never played him much but he was always cool and deserves a spot
i'm just wondering if they might add some dlc after the official release given the sales
how many?
im doing that but it just takes forever, its stopped being fun after 40 minutes, or somewhere around that time frame
why don't you host, user?
I only searched for like 20 minutes before I died.
They really need to address that quickly.
>he never played sniper in RoR1
Nobody played him like a sitting duck unless they were shit, they learned how to time their reloads in midair to maximize their dps and stay constantly mobile. Sniper in RoR2 needs to happen.
Who /Boruto's Granddad/ here?
Nope. I just get as high as possible then look for fireflies. Takes a mintue or less, depending on items.
yeah i just hold m1 almost constantly, maximizing damage isn't entirely autism
Do the two items that are unlocked with the desert secret have the same proc? It feels like they always proc at the same time together whenever you have them both
literally never had it happen because I'm not a blind cunt like 90% of Yea Forums
>That guy in Prismatic with a negative time
I bet it's legit
as many as you need to shoot fast enough, take like 7 if you can spare the loot.
So content quantity aside, which game do you think is better, this or the first?
at least 10
>tfw even if they nerf mult he'll still be my favorite simply because of how versatile he is
>extra mag and ukelele build is aoe hell
>full crowbar and armor piercing rounds to one shot bosses with charge
>full crit auto build
>full attack speed sniper build
>build where you stack the extra item use
3 times and all of them are right before I could unlock merc. Fucking hell I might as well cheat the character in
A couple times. The fact that it is such a commonly reported thing though is something they definitely have to improve.
Consolefellas, according to my friend, the devs discussed how they were programming the game, and how they actually can play as the enemies in order to test them. They said they could let players use it, but they didn't think it would be fun. Can we use the console to do this?
Glass + Command + Funballs 1 > 2 > Regular 1
Gameplay wise, this one, so far at least. The first wins out in every other category for me. It's also my favorite game ever.
I'll make my judgement when its finished. comparing an early access game to a complete game is full-blown retarded
how do i edit in lunar coins
not yet, 11 hours in
still not convinced you guys aren't just missing the red particles
I had this issue but found out why
The "particles" are hidden under those golem rubbles. Double-check them, they have the same color as the teleporter
imagine if AAA devs made games like this instead of pumping out cinematic experience after cinematic experience and filling it with mtx
>becoming invincible by stage 3 is somehow more fun than either game vanilla
Stop playing on drizzle and you'll have more than you'll ever use.
this aint ror1 retard
ror2 is in 3d if you haven't noticed and that means you can aim instead of jumping and timing your shot
what should I set for primarycolor when adding bandit with dnspy?
24 hours in
every person ive seen that can find the tele doesnt know how to spot the particles
I'm 16 hours in and I experienced this once. I thought people were just being retards until it happened to me. I had 10x Goat Hooves on the small first map (forget the name), couldn't find shit for 20 minutes. I've memorized all of the areas teleporters can spawn on that specific level and looked beyond even those areas, found nothing.
shit doesnt taken 5 minutes to kill in normal
I literally can't do 20 stages I've been trying for like 4 hours
What's the best song on the soundtrack and why is it Hydrophobia?
> bandit with glass + shit ton of syringes
it's still REALLY hard to see with that
I can tell you never played because only faggots pick items that make them invincible
>imagine if rich faggots who only care about money sank a shitload of time and money into a passion project with literally no promise of success which stirred active concern in the hearts of even their most loyal of fans
it'll never happen user. based hopoo took a risk beyond risks making this game, can't expect devs to go balls out insane like this all of the time
Can someone explain to me why Yea Forums gets boners over this game?
I have no idea what it's about. Someone give me a quick overview.
I'm 20 hours in and never couldn't find the tele, but I believe it. one time I spawned into a map underground so I don't doubt the tp could do the same.
Very fun game with a VERY fun online. Give it a try!
looter shooter made by a /vg/ friend with SOUL and FUN
350 hours actually, and nearly everyone picked up 2 infusions at the start before stacking clovers for infinite items
guess it's not done yet. but I would bet money on it being a secret at some point.
You kill things and watch your numbers go up and oh fucking god it's a triple overloading magma worm spawn we're all gonna die
it's really simple and explaining it through text doesn't give it justice
the fun of getting items each level can't be described it has to be experienced firsthand even watching it won't work
literally 6 people in the d*scord im in were like "i didn't think this game would be fun but once i played it you were right it's good"
How do I unfuck this when adding bandit, also please respond to
A friend of mine had graphical glitches where some meshes/geometry would simply not be rendered and would be invisible ; teleporter was one of 'em.
> no wheel of fate or whatever its called to spawn treasure chests like in 1
i miss it
overhyped trash
i drew huntress ass
What's the highest stack of an item you have gotten so far?
the first RoR is a challenging 2d run n gun arena roguelike thing with lots of unlockables, terrific aesthetics, music, art, lore, it can get balls to the walls cuhrazy, it just has a lot going for it. And you can play with others online.
RoR 2 is everything one could want from a sequel
>Picking up infusions
you are a turbo faggot then. I have 300 hours and all the games I played with Yea Forums we have rules: no infusion, no dagger, and stacking alien heads is suspect.
>nearly everyone picked up 2 infusions at the start
Not him, but essentially every Yea Forums risk of rain guide specifically says not to pick infusion and you'll full of shit.
i've seen it spawn underwater and half in a rock before so if it does both you'll never find it
Because Yea Forums likes to play games and RoR2 has actual gameplay unlike most of the newer stuff.
Get in bros
God's work, user
>ror1 made by two guys who apparently posted on /vg/
>fun as fuck, great multiplayer, soundtrack and atmosphere kick ass
>Yea Forums loves it and makes threads to create lobbies for it; devs confirmed that they have played with Yea Forumsros in one of the many dedicated ror1 breads
>ror2 is the same as the first but in 3d
so between the game's actual quality and the brownie points the devs have accrued, it's not wonder we're boners for this shit
>I wasted a lunar coin for this
I want a refund
There have been a couple times it was almost completely underground for me, but enough to activate it. This last time, I couldn't even find any particles. It was on that swamp map
no casuals
>play easy mode once for fun
>get far enough that fun balls sometimes appear
I think it's a bug though because they don't seem to do damage.
>you already have 10
>item rules
Why are you people such faggots. Just play without command and take whatever drops.
You didn't waste shit. Go buy that crystal next to the newt
>that fucking face
I had to do it
Nice damage control fag
>playing as the enemies in order to test them.
this is a pretty cool idea
gives them character i suppose
those are experience points you mong
those are exp
what are the essential items for
get in nerds
US East
Trying to figure Merc out
mult has about 9 different viable builds
what's the best way to deal with a level?
right now me and my friends rush the portal, then we loot, figuring we're gonna get money anyway during the boss battle, so we might as well get money while progressing tele.
is this stupid? should we loot first, then do boss?
>some faggot actually voted drizzle
>kill boss
>Oh boy, time to spend all that cash
>faggot picked up will o' the wisp (3)
>faggot 2 picked up will o' the wisp
Yep, that's an insta-leave.
Is there a pirate link anywhere? Wanna try this.
try not to spend more than 4 or so minutes on a level
not me mate, i didn't play with Yea Forums as much as people on the server list site. your rules make command less lame but i still feel it's only fun every once in a while and the rules sound a bit annoying
also you can still get OP stacking healing/shield items and frost runes and shit with glass on
you're doing it right, with the exception of the first stage or two. the tele fight won't net you much cash in until the third stage or so, so you actually wanna kill some shit and grab a chest or two before activating the tele
i think a little bit of looting pre teleporter is good but you shouldnt waste too much time after finding the tele
Something to take care of trash mobs so you don't have to divert your attention from big targets.
What do these tongue stones do you can active with a Lunar coin?
>pirating a $20 game the world unanimously agrees is good
>54 sodas
christ, just sprinting probably fucking launches you
How to build mercenary? What items reduce cooldowns?
>don't think for yourself just buy things
I made it through 7 stages on MANdo but I only unlocked Huntress. Do you have to unlock that whore first or did I get gypped?
The multiplayer for this has lost it's fun for me, it's basically just like single player except you have less items
anyone know if stacks cap like they used to? syringes capped at 7 in ror1 iirc
Last slot
get it while its hot
Did you go into the blue portal?
Only blue portal I saw was in level 2 and it took me to the lunar bazaar. But it was only my third run, so I haven't got gud yet.
>Game is in early access
>pretty much completed entirely
It will be more fun when we get artifacts to make it a wild ride. But I agree, it becomes too easy and then you lose to a stray crit projectile you didn't see coming.
be decent plz
I can never find a game where the other players don't spend 10 minutes on each level before activating the teleporter
Syringes do not cap and I don't think anything does.
Honestly the item distribution is pretty skewed toward movement speed and damage instead of health right now.
it doesnt even have an ending
Loot - Tele - Loot the rest
The best way to gauge this is if you have lots of gold after looting the level. Optimal run is when you can't use the last gold shrine charges.
just in case you don't know, and don't read.every time to connect with a dash it instantly recharge it up to 3 dash
>devs are from /vg/
>know exactly how much Yea Forums and /vg/ complain about games
>release game with almost no bugs
so what the fuck do I do against flaming/overloading bosses as mercenary?
>inb4 die
I'm sure some of your have beaten them before, how did you do it?
>spawn in red level
>instantly deleted by elder lemurian
Every time.
What the fuck am I looking for
speaking of infusions, when we get command, will they be acceptable now given the nerfs?
really the only item I see getting banned at the moment is that one red item that is unironically a bad item
wat? what's risky about making a game about gameplay? those always sell well.
weird, i find i get more survivability items than dps increases
Stages loop after 4. No ending. 4 of the characters still locked. Lot of the items are still unavailable. Most of the music is missing. Lot of lore still has to be written. We're still a long way away. We're just fortunate that Hopoo knows how to release an EA game that is actually fun.
>tfw I don't even know what the fuck is going on anymore
god damn when did Yea Forums get so dumb and blind
I know this feel, or when you're shooting and running backwards and one just snowplows you from behind
The point of early access is to have games that are in a playable state so that people can play-test them to see if there are bugs and to offer feedback, so i'm not really sure what point you're trying to make.
Never touch the ground near them.
Lead small enemies near them and blow them up with slash dash if you have AoE items.
RUN THE FUCK AWAY if you get hit at any point.
Is it the Southern Cross?
>tfw playing mercenary with youtube.com
>5x leech seed, 20 syringes, 5 lens and 2 masks merc
>Metal gear rising 2 rererevengeance
>Can't die
>Difficulty keeps ramping up
>Game rewards me with 90 consecutive slugs, nothing to increase survival nor damage
>Die to funny pot of succ
Holy fucking shit merc with 20 syringes is fucking fast.
Providence fight is gonna be kino in 3D
>double healing with 2 aoe heal sentries and 5 drones
holy shit
only died because the game summoned 3 beetle queens and the game started glitching with the amount of stuff on screen, some enemies just wasn't even showing anymore
ha! That's actually pretty funny.
ez fix would be even just a slight discoloration
>spending all your money and 3 years of your life chasing a sequel to what might have been lightning in a bottle the first time, and might not even be technically possible.
I'm proud of these guys for what they've achieved, with unity no less. I just had an absolutely chaotic 100 minute run and it ran flawlessly. The game is tight. I think it even runs better than the original, although that was gamemaker so I guess they've got experience unjanking things
Found the blue portal in level 2. is this the one that will get me Merc?
its teleporter sparkles
game is fun with your friends
stack fungi. they a re great. each one increases the healing and the aoe.
with 10 or so fungi their radius an healing is so bigthat you cannot die unless you get oneshot. i tanked 3 overloading magmaworms with 8 fungi.
>one red item that is unironically a bad item
wake of vultures?
Gets you the artifacter but you need 10 moon coins
how does tough times stacking work? is it possible to just become immune to damage with them
Generally (kek) they give it a few days while it's new because people are going to make threads due to newness either way. After the initial few days of hype wears off, then it moves into General territory. It's an unwritten rule, but the few cool mods/jannies abide by it and understand how this shit works.
which one takes me to Merc?
it should say "a celestial orb appears"
you have to loop before it will appear
Multiple Bustling Fungus with Turrets is great. This game is going to be insane if they add Command artifact
If they don't add Enforcer they better add some mega explosion guy
I never played RoR1 because 2d and the sprite style didn't appeal to me. I got RoR2 and I've been having a blast with it so far, if that tells you anything.
>tfw engineer with Nkuhana's Opinion, and numerous stacks of Medkits and Fungi
if you don't have it yet, that shit shoots out high damage homing skulls every time you get healed
it gets even crazier with that lunar item that doubles your healing ticks
Level 7 with the"obliterate yourself from existence"
>12 alien heads
was very fun holding down all my keys
i had this and it did nothing for me, what the hell?
Yeah that's about right.
It'll specify a "celestial" portal, instead of a blue one.
Does the heal field on your turrets heal you? That'd mean you'd be getting 3 heal fields at once.
how do I fight the hidden boss that can 1 shot? forgot his name
Bruh is that the multi-leaf clover
multiplicative. 16 stacks is ~1% chance to get hit
5 is ~24%
10 is ~5.6%
>N'Kuhana's Opinion with leech seed and that item that heals on crit
that's weird, it fires when I sit still and let fungi heal me
if you stack them close enough then they'll all heal each other.
yes. you can stick them close together and they heal each other too. and when you stand still you heal them too. it all is additive.