Do you think game developers balance games for casuals?
Do you think game developers balance games for casuals?
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I think we should reconquer the Roman Empire
That would imply casuals cannot be skilled/good at the game. That would be incorrect.
>Beat a pro team stack
>INSTANTLY start justifying their loss with "I-i-if we were on LAN we'd win!"
SO delicious
based negro carrying the flag of truth
The objective is to reach as many people as possible. So, yes, you always focus in the lower common denominator.
Game developers should encourage griefing mechanics so only the strongest survive, and then the servers are just a Mad Max scenario of people who like your game the best.
>game isn't balanced for casuals
>no players
>no fun
pick one. that's every game that isn't "casual"
>theater mode is dead
I swear they did it so that nobody could record how shitty the spawns are.
What language is he speaking?
History also says he will die in a driveby shooting or become a slave lmao
Why would you bop a smurf?
go back to jail lexplorer
Someone who understands games based nigger
There's a balance to hit
Scrubs gonna scrub and there's nothing you can do that's going to make the average casual interested in a real competitive experience
But you do need to have it be accessible enough that the right new players will stick with the game, otherwise it stagnates and dies
The best way to do this isn't by changing the game mechanically, but building a smooth curve of tutorials and structured pve to introduce the player to all the mechanics they're going to need and make sure they at least understand the rules even if they aren't able to implement that understanding. Yeah most players are still going to quit after they get steamrolled by the first player that actually knows what they're doing, but if you give them the ability to see the path they can take from having no idea what to do to being that guy that kicked their shit in you'll make it easier for people that can handle it to break past the entry barrier, without sacrificing the depth of the game that makes it worth putting in the work in the first place.
Of course that's not how you sell 5 million copies of a game plus lootboxes, so most big publishers/devs are going to focus on obfuscating skill as hard as possible and separating losses from personal performance wherever possible.
Guarantee Riot gave up on their fighting game project when they realized no matter how easy they made the game scrubs can't handle a 1v1 loss where the only thing they can blame is the fact that their opponent was better than them.
carthago delenda est for good measure
man, what a garbage game
You can't defend noobs but you can still accomodate them so the game changes will be percieved as meaningful. Elitism and only focusing on the meta-game for the 0.5% will kill your game when nobody is interested in joining anymore
Poe and warframe dems both commented on this recently - tutorials and handholding make zero difference to early game retention, "the right kind of player" doesnt need help
Warframe and PoE aren't competitive games
The barrier to entry in them isn't "can you put up with being shit long enough to get good" but "can you stand the grind long enough to get to endgame, which is more grind"
Tutorials suck and nobody wants to use them except for nerds
That's why you make the pve stuff perform similar tasks
Mission Modes in fighting games that go
>Block this mixup 5 times by option selecting the fast low and slow high
are not particularly fun, but they're more entertaining and a lot more effective than one text box that says
>block overheads high and lows low
name one series that gained or retained fans at a higher rate by dumbing itself down
Pro focus is why Blitz in siege blows ass, fuck profaggots
People who smurf are scum
I wish Siege didn't have a single fucking shield user. Just obnoxious to play against.
>you try to change game mechanics to save them, you ruin your game
which games did this
Smash Brothers
>Eurobeat intensifies
Overwatch springs to mind
>Inb4 "you cant ruin what was always shit"
The point is, over tuning is bad for competitive games
Ubisoft dev reporting in.
I have seen playtest report that would make your blood curd. For those who don't know the Montreal studio has a a playtest lab that round up people to playtest every single game in production. In all the project I've been involved with, if a single person out of all the playtesters couldn't figure out a feature, that feature gets fixed, and that usually means it will get cut.
I'm dead serious,
Dota 2
I'm a dev at a smaller studio, I've seen the same thing first hand. I've had to scrap a week of work last week because of a playtester not being able to figure out how to do something extremely trivial.
Playtesters are important, but I think my studio at least listens to them much too often.
choppers were such a great vehicle
What game?
>agrees with his point and even goes so far as to say he's an alright guy
>still insults him
fuck faggots who support jewbisoft*
> but building a smooth curve of tutorials and structured pve to introduce the player to all the mechanics
That is a bullshit, no amount of tutorials can prepare new player for competitive play, where a lot of players understand game better than devs. PvE to prepare for PvP is ridiculous in any game.
when did halobabs get the idea they were welcome?
i'm an indie dev and i've watched people play my game
i had to put a timer on the tutorial text to stop people from mashing through it because they'd mash, not understand the controls, then complain
you lose faith in the human race if you watch other people play your game
you mean the series that sells gangbusters no matter what and whose most recent game sold more than ever despite intentionally catering harder to the competitive community than any other entry?
newfag lurk more
It's like they just grab people off the streets to test their games, it's fucking atrocious.
tekken is downright autistic and is very alive
dota/lol have very steep learning curves, till you know what every ability of 100 heroes does you arent even finished learning the pieces, let alone began learning the game, and they are both very popular
People that smurf are losers.
But the circumstances are completely different now than before. Saying that is either completely ignoring the circumstances and context of drivebys or occurrences of slavery, but no relevant context has changed from then until now to protect bads from being bad. Chances are, it will never change; that's the nature of competition and games. If it's possible to change that, I'd be very interested in how that would be accomplished. As for changing game mechanics to save them, you seem like a low enough IQ user to enjoy fighting games, so this video might help educate you or something. That is assuming you aren't just a gigantic faggot that immediately entrenches in his beliefs the second he's opposed - and you probably are - but here you go anyway
>There's a balance to hit
I'd agree that the balance exists if the opposite ever happened, that is to say that you've managed to 'overcorrect' the problem. It hasn't happened yet so there's no reason to believe it's even possible.
Playtests have taught me that if you need a tutorial, it's too complicated for the studio I work at. Literally has to be pick up and play or it'll be cut. I'm trapped forever making casual games I guess.
Can you really be proud of catering to retards that are incapable of basic problem solving?
I've been here for 5 years now there's no need to insult someone if you're gonna agree to their point it's just bad business
Lmao shut the fuck up Bum Tickley
Jesus Christ user hang in there. I can't believe though that they'd waste so much fucking time and resources just because one single special ed playtester can't use their brain.
You know an easy way to fix this? Don't tie stats to profiles.
Get rid of matchmaking, put back server lists in games.
If people want to fuck around they'll choose the custom/fun/casual servers, if people wanna go at it seriously they'll choose the "serious" servers/practice or play locally. People won't have reason to "smurf" if there was no matchmaking algorithm or shit tied to an account showing how much you do or don't suck at the game. You'll have people playing for fun and people playing to get better without the stress of modern day metastat bullshit.
He isn't entirely wrong, but thinks too narrowly.
Why smurfing and good players raping news in casual are so rampant in overwatch? It is not a fundamental law of a universe, people just dont feel personal impact on outcome when playing with equals, so they go where they can get said feeling. Why people farm casual? Because their designated mode is not rewarding and don't give feeling of progression.
Game also ignores "middle class" - players who are good, but not aiming for pro cyber sport top ranked. There is no place or content for them, so the choice is to to find some fun(go bully newbs/casuals).
Absolutely, devs balance games and it's not like this moron is saying the opposite it's just never going to stop people with average skills to attempt to gatekeep and keep new players from getting into the game
>History doesn't lie!
and yet they never learn, there has never been a single fucking good game with level scaling and yet developers continually try and fucking do it, every single game that has this system fucking sucks like fallout 76 and anthem.
>valve playtesters
>we could have red and blue mercs in mvm
>retards started shooting their teammates because they have different colors
>this fucking tard that went in circles for several minutes in half-life 2 because he didn't thought about taking one different turn
how dense you have to be
>tfw the player who ran that flag in that video is dead
but then how will they sell skins?
Explain the red and blue mercs thing in MvM. I'm sure I would shoot a stray shot toward the dude with a different color now and again but not sure if that's what you mean.
I honestly think Overwatch was in sort of the right direction but still sucks ass. You can tie skins and aesthetics to profiles, but have that be the only thing. Make everything else old school with server lists, no stats, etc.
poster 1 was sarcastic but poster 2 was serious: $60 games shouldn't have skin MTX at all
Literal 2 iq retards would shoot only at different colors rather than the robots.
>That would be incorrect.
Why? People who are identified as "casuals" typically don't play the game. Therefore, they won't be skilled at the game relative to the players that are not casual. Ergo, Casuals suck at the game would be a correct statement.
Holy shit. I feel games would be much better if catered toward the core audience. But it would be a much smaller market unfortunately.
The black man is not wrong look at Overwatch even made characters just for noobs and it can't keep top 20 views on twitch without OWL rerun views.
How do you know he himself isn't black and using nigger in the same way that white boys use bro?
>Cause he didn't say nigga
Nigga, that's a white boy idea, that there's a difference between nigger and nigga. Black people know better than that, you should too.
In trailer you could see both teams as defenders, but people clinched to the idea of "red defends and blue attacks" theme so hard they had to change it. Valve even wanted to make robots as grey team. Now you have people who are mentally retarded enough to not recognize that you are shooting up robots (fucking theme of the mode, man vs machine) instead of humans but they fucking still would target humans. So valve went back to red vs blue thing.
Not him but that would mean it is a GENERALLY correct statement, not an absolutely correct statement. If you play a game casually you are not doomed by a universal law to never be good at it. Depending on the game, you certainly can be good at it while playing casually due to lack of depth and breadths - barring your own mental capacity, of course. The first game that comes to mind is Overwatch. There is a low depth and low breadth of knowledge and mechanics to learn about the game to be armed with what you need to be good at it.
Man i've never played a game with so many cancer metas.
I find it so fucking baffling that people clung to the idea of shooting at colors, not fundamentally different entities. That is the most NPC fucking thing I've ever heard of.
this never happened
He better have bought a lottery ticket that night.
>Not him but that would mean it is a GENERALLY correct statement, not an absolutely correct statement.
No, it is an absolutely correct statement. People who play casually or who have the casual state of mind, aka those identified as casuals, don't get good at the game like people who play it seriously or professionals. Even if you tried to account for the "magic talent gene" syndrome, if they don't put in the practice, they still will not be skilled at the game as much as professionals.
Even if you ignored this point, language should quickly convey the majority rather than make accounts for minority situations. We say "Humans have one heart" as an absolute statement, but there are people born with 2 or 3 hearts that have been documents. There is no need to account for such extremities.
>you certainly can be good at it while playing casually due to lack of depth and breadths
See, the thing is though, it's relative to those who are professional or even just simply not casual. You cannot be good at something if there are a majority of players that vastly outplay you, even if you can technically handle the game quite well, as the skill check is relative to its own playerbase.
I think the real problem here though is you're accounting for "someone not playing for money" as casual, rather than what Yea Forums generally means when they say a casual gamer, which is someone who is not serious or very interested in gaming as a hobby in general, which is why I say people identified as casuals rather than just casual players.
The odds of being good at a game you rarely play are insanely low. Even in your OW example, knowing when to do something and team communication are the most important aspects of the game, which isn't just something you can feel your way through in 1 game when you play decent people. Beyond that the measure of "good" is also up in the air. 2 games that turbo casuals always claim to be good at are mario kart and smash bros, which in reality they are usually terrible at. People way too often mistake not being laughably bad or semi-competent for being good
Reported to your boss for posting on an alt-right hate forum
>destroy Carthage
>2000 years later Italy is flooded with Africans
Maybe Trudeau was right?
Devs dont care. Smurfing makes them more money and people already paid their game so who cares if it's ruined now?
This is a matchmaking problem. Private servers can moderate their community themselves and although Badmins and mod abuse can be a problem the user experience of playing games in a favorite server is much higher than matchmaking. So yes, is right on the money.
The very concept of "bot farming" is directly linked to progression elements. If every player is on equal ground with no non-gameplay rewards for player actions farming wouldn't exist.
Shit, really? Who was he?
>you try to change the mechanics to save them, you ruin your game
Making shit easier off closes the gap of skill to where morons abuse it and you can't tell if the player legitimately understands what their doing or not.
Making things like short-hopping easier instead of learning to lightly press the button, being able Smash attack out of a dash instead having to stop to release a to Smash attack or learn to Pivot, the 'Parry' instead of the previous Perfect Shielding - where hitting shield right as the attack hits you so you can Perfect Shield on-coming attacks instead of having to release the shield to "Parry", and the Dash Dancing being extremely easy on any character but really unconventional so everyone just does it after a KO as a form of taunting.
Things don't have to be complicated like Melee where you have to press the L/R button every time you land with an attack so you have less lag, but shit like Pivoting in Sm4sh was great and allowed the gap to widen, now I'm stuck in dash animation every time so I can't make micro spaces if someone is just spamming a move so I can properly punish it. Doesn't help that it has so much input lag and god awful buffer system. Fuck Ultimate, man... To answer your question OP, yeah they do.
>good players learn the game and either plateau and get bored or get tired of losing to better players
>they go shit on new players to feel alive again
>new players think the skill ceiling is ramped up due to good players shitting on them and stop playing
There's no way to fix it aside from taking away ranks and putting in clusterfuck matchmaking
some sort of ebonics nerd mashup I like to call Nedgro
>crossing the road in china
>AC Origins and Odyssey gutted of all stealth mechanics because of gross mismanagement by idiots who know nothing about video games
>BG&E2 is set to be as bad or worse than Anthem from what we've seen of the "combat" and likely a bunch of other mechanics will suck too because Ubisoft hates our guts and is still on a hopeless mission to cater to the masses who really, really, genuinely would rather hang back and watch some Netflix and play the odd 20 hour AAA cinematic experience every two to three months
Thanks for sharing Ubidev user. I know it's a long shot, but do devs really have absolutely no power to change things for the better? Sure they've got probably got 1500 people ready to take your job but if you self-organize covertly and cleverly there has to be something you can do together without risking your jebs. Or has the industry passed a point of no return?