Post your age and favorite video game genre, I'm curious. Include favorite titles if you're inclined

Post your age and favorite video game genre, I'm curious. Include favorite titles if you're inclined.

56, Grand Strategy, Hearts of Iron III

Attached: luigi.jpg (1199x710, 82K)

18, Battle Royales, Fortnite

58, Pokémon Red

20, Simcade racing, MW05, FH4

Do you kids not even reading the fucking rules anymore?

Oh boy


22, turn-based RPG, FFV

in 20 years the current boomers will unironically be this age and the underaged will think they're joking. the real joke is that there isn't one

fps because i'm not a weeb or fag
but my favorite game is bloodborne.

>or fag
out of curiosity, what do you see as the gay choice

mobas, mmos and nearly everything nintendo

>I-I'm not g-gay guys
I can smell your closet homosexuality through internet.

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i'm not saying fag as in homosexual, i'm completely fine with anyone's sexuality. i'm saying fag as in "absolute cunt who plays non-games and thinks it's video games".
an example would be people playing league of legends. or an adult playing animal crossing. anyone with a switch. you know what i mean.

34, rpg, xenogears witcher3 nhl12 FF4

i mean this guy
he's a fag
not gay, probably, and if he was that would be fine. but he's still a loser that probably likes 9gag

24, simracing.

Attached: Spyro-8.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

27, Strategy, heroes of might and magic III

Favorite Fightan: UNIST, 3S, CvS2, and VSAV
Favorite Vidya Otherwise: God Hand, Yakuza 0, and Resi 4

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mid 20's
arcade twin stick shooters

Attached: capsule_616x353.jpg (616x353, 93K)

this one gets an oofa doofa from me my dude. be better

6 months, text based rpgs from Japan

Couldn't pick one, have 3.

Devil May Cry 3, Bayonetta 2

Dodonpachi, Gradius 3

Survival Horror
Resident Evil (2002), Silent Hill 3


Action Aventure.