>Assassin’s Creed 3 is in the 3rd best entry in the series
>Anyone who disagrees deserves to be gassed
Assassin’s Creed 3 is in the 3rd best entry in the series
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The mission structure sucks ass, and is the most disgustingly linear shit I've ever seen in any open world game. It's seriously 4 hours before you even get the outfit on the box.
Is that the fucking native american one? Shit game.
the first bit where you play as his father is unironically the best part of the game
>I want to kill charles lee because he killed my family!
>it was actually your allies
>I gonna blame Lee regardless! LEEEEEEEE!
Jesus fucking christ this piece of shit game. The intro was so fucking long and so fucking boring. It takes 3 or 4 godamn hpurs to be in your assassins gear. And then the game is still trash. Such a shame 2 and Brotherhood were the only good ones. Brotherhood had god tier multiplayer that they fucked up in revelations.
>inb4 black waa good
No faggot. Its been shit
3 butchered the Desmond storyline, what the fuck was that ending?
You mean only, right?
>3rd best entry
>Assassin's Creed
>Assassin's Creed II
>Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
>Assassin's Creed Revelations
>Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
>Assassin's Creed Syndicate
>Assassin's Creed Origins
>Assassin's Creed Odyssey
>8 better assassin's creed games
sorry op. the numbers just don't add up. mathematically possible for ACIII to be third best. keep trying though. one day you'll get addition
Yeah ac3 is pretty bad
worst game due to tower defense bullshit. unity is decent after fixes thanks to actually being able to plan out your assassination. rogue is also better than 3.
There is only one good assassin's creed game and it's 2.
Black flag gets a honorable mention for showing promise, but the worst part about it being that it is an AC game and has to jump through all the AC hoops at some point.
>the first bit where you play as his father is unironically the only part of the game
I have fond memories of AC3 since it was the game that made me stop caring about the whole franchise. That feeling of no caring at all is so liberating.
I have only played two AC games: Black Flag and Odyssey. I never wanted to play that gay modern day matrix conspiracy ancient aliens bullshit, I just wanted to have fun in historical times video games.
I received Black Flag and the PS4 as a Christmas gift. I didn't want a PS4, and I certainly didn't want Black Flag. After playing Black Flag I said to myself I'd never play another Ass Creed game ever again.
I got a few other games for PS4, like Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank reboot, LEGO Jurassic World, and it convinced me that the PS4 was good.
Then I got Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and after 135 hours playing it, I think it might be the best game I've ever played, or at least the best open world action rpg I've ever played. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually looking forward to the next game as long as they keep the present day bits to an absolute minimum like they did with ACO, where it was like 15-20 minutes total out of the entire game.
the tower defense stuff sucked, but I didn't have any trouble with it and it was over quick.
you're right about rogue and unity though.
Why do people think this series is any fun? Especially the nostalgia fags who says assassin's creed 1&2 is good. The gameplay is a lot more fucking boring than what I remembered and everything is so fucking slow. Not to mention the story has always been meh to mediocre. Is it a big fucking meme or do people just like jerking off to this shit series like as if was ever good to begin with?
I remember when this first came out and everyone was shitting about it.
The missions sucked and 90% of the setting was boring ass trees in the woods.
>not even a reddit copypasta
holy fucking shit
seriously, it's amusing for a bit, but i played black flag and i was bored of the combat and ship stuff by the end
>Oddysey being anything but average
Holy hell no
its just a personal subjective opinion, Im not telling you its superior to whatever you like
though its definitely better than new vegas, which is the second best rpg ive ever played
>person on Yea Forums has opinions you disagree with
#wow#whoa fuck you post kassandras
maybe you should try witcher 3 and dragon age inquisition, they sound right up your alley.
combat and movement in the witcher 3 is ass
I like Witcher, but its combat system is awkward (wow real original opinion there I'm sure nobody's ever mentioned that before), and really detracts from the fun in my opinion.
I don't want to play Tranny Age Nigsquisition.
Odyssey is unironically god-tier but redditors who watch too much quarter pounder will hate it.
Main quest story sucked balls and the drumpf jokes were out of place though desu. Kleon isn't even orange.
Why is 3 hated?
It and the handheld games I skipped. Looking at picking up up the remaster though as I've really liked the recent ones.
>First 6 sequences are all tutorial missions
>Frontier is empty as fuck
>Boston and NY feel tiny
>The entire crafting/trading system
>Conner's voice is too fucking dry and boring to listen to
>Ridiculous amount of cutscenes and walking segments
>Homestead missions
>Hunting is pointless
>Horses get stuck on the smallest things
>Counter icon is inconsistent
>Haytham is objectively the best character in the game but he barely gets any screentime after the first 3 sequences
It's shit, far worse than I remembered.
Awful, awful game.
Whole thing was an experiment of different elements they improved on in later titles, but it lead to everything being too easy, too awkward, and too boring.
And the injin lad main character was fucking AWFUL.
>drumpf jokes
All they did was have Kleon say "Make Athens Great Again!", not exactly the most #RESISTDRUMPF#IMWITHHER political agenda, which, while topical, was actually an historical quote the real Kleon said, at least according to Aristophanes. Really, the most SJW shit in ACO was the fact that literally nobody commented on the fact that Kassandra was a woman. I'm willing to suspend my disbelief on a female warrior mercenary, that's not totally implausible, but the fact that she faces NO sexism whatsoever in ancient fucking Greece of all places? That's too much to swallow. Still enjoyed the game.
Ass Creed 3 is the game that ruined the franchise for me.
ACO's combat is barely any deeper than Witcher, mate.
the mission design is just total shit. dealing with musket enemies is not fun. it completely fucked up the desmond story.
but mostly the mission design is total shit.
This game is so good looking FUCK
What did he mean by this?
No, you participated in a whole play called "The Orange Ape" about Kleon, which was fucking gay as fuck. Other than that, loved the game though. Ending sucked.
Assassins Creed 3 tried lots of new things like crafting, bonus objectives for missions and scoring system to incentivize replays, naval combat, homesteading, and fort assaults.
It also had some really good new fluid animations that continue to be used on AC games to this day, the muskets were great to use, and the open world/nature oriented maps opened up the potential of the AC series to go beyond the scope of just ancient cities but also explore forests and jungles (which they did in later sequels). I think AC3 gets an unnecessarily bad rap. Sequels like Rogue, Syndicate, and Brotherhood are all worse in my mind than AC3 because they were generic and repetitive sequels that didn’t try anything new. AC3 was the most ambitious, and the only issue with it was that it tried too many new things at once and wasn’t able to develop them fully, but the fact that it tried is to be respected.
user, that's an actual real honest to goodness play Aristophanes wrote called The Knights, which has survived to the present day.
>Ubisoft said Kassandra is the "canon" protagonist
>The overwhelming majority played as Alexios
I don't get it, Yea Forums. I thought gamers wanted strong, female protagonists?
you're right about that, but it sucked because while they tried all this new stuff it was all over the map and it didn't know what it wanted to be, and while 4 and the others might not have tried anything new they worked on perfecting what was already there, the ship missions were a boring slog in 3 but a fun self standing part of 4
>Odyssey is unironically god-tier
the series is in the dumpster now, they do nothing but copy whatever's popular. unity was the last good "traditional" game with focus on social stealth, black flag and rogue were mainly good for pirate stuff.
>no mention of an orange ape
>make all females ugly
>make all males attractive
>get surprised when people prefer to play as males
I call bullshit, when this game was released, everyone was bitching about Alexios being an ugly manbunned fag with an annoying stupid voice and said they'd be playing the cute girl, and I can confirm the truth that Alexios was an ugly manbunned fag with an annoying stupid voice, and I consequently played the cute girl
ACO doesn't have a dumb automated parry gambit system
Please be good en.wikipedia.org
>any ass in ass creed being the best game you've played
That's just sad, you really need to play more games buddy.
its a multiplayer shipcombat game. It's basically for honor but with ships instead of knights and samurai
>Paphlagonian [Cleon] is a monstrous giant (74–9), a snoring sorcerer (103), a mountain torrent (137), a hook-footed eagle (197), garlic pickle (199), a mud-stirrer (306), a fisherman watching for shoals of fish (313), a butchered pig (375–81), a bee browsing blooms of corruption (403), a dog-headed ape (416), a storm by sea and land (430–40), a giant hurling crags (626–29), a storm surge at sea (691–93), a thieving nurse (716–18), a fishermen hunting eels (864–67), a boiling pot (919–22), a lion fighting gnats (1037–8), a dogfox (1067), a beggar (182–3) and finally a sausage seller in the city gates (1397).
Instead, Skull & Bone's story will be told over the course of many months and years. Ubisoft is increasingly focusing on the games-as-a-service model, so it's no big surprise that Skull & Bones would take this approach as well.
still not orange. it was clearly a drumpf joke
Who the fuck are you quoting? Only and absolute retard would say 3 is good.
Just like for honor and it's season systems. Too bad nobody cared to stick around.
I said possibly, not necessarily definitely. I have many competing games for favorite from across nearly every genre, except racing.
I’m so happy people are bashing this shitty game now, people defended it in 2012 but it was unacceptable.
What purpose does the tweet serve? It has fuck all to do with videogames and sure as shit isn't even attacking men or male characters. She even admits that historically that was a male-only event. Is she a writer at UbiSoft?
>it's a tailing mission
Describes about 75% of Black Flag.
>AC3 was one of the shittiest games I've ever played
>AC4 was one of the most fun games I've ever played
Ubisoft work in mysterious ways.
terrible game
God forbid they poke fun at the god emperor
>AC4 was one of the most fun games I've ever played
It was fun for a couple hours until the novelty of being a pirate wore off. The rest of the game was pure shit.
It's literally the only part of the game. There are no other parts.
If you fucking laugh that hard at stephen colbert jokes, good for you. I don't like it in my Ancient Greece game that much. Also wasn't fond of the big black dyke being the pirate leader but at least it was funny.
I voted for Trump and it is by far the least offensive game I've played this gen outside of Spyro remasters
Am I the only one that looked liked Orgins more than Odysee??
Spyro teaches children to be ethno-nationalists and is a racist exercise in hatred. Spyro should be banned nationwide for its heinous influence on the youth; did you not even read the manifesto of the monster who commited genocide against innocent muslims in NZ?
>can't spell
>can't type a proper sentence
>likes ass creed: we wuz kangz
Checks out
I tried 4 but it was the same shit as 3 all over again. It opened with a tailing mission and I turned it off 30 minutes later.
Don’t bully our foreign posters
oh I forgot about the black pirate bitch
now SHE was fucking annoying
I wish I killed that bitch
I wonder if its even possible to kill her or if it wont let you because shes a questgiver
I’m sure all the AC games suck but I bet this journigger just hates it cause le redface
I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you or try to bash your head in
that's something I also wished the game gave you a bit more control over. It's annoying to me that it sets up this open ended nation leader assassination system which is so much fucking fun imo only to have it unusable in half of the zones. Guess it's still great for endgame fuckery but I hope next time they decide to not have those two things conflict as much.
Again, despite the shitty Drumpf joke that just annoyed me and the black bitch, the journey was a lot of fun. The plot as a whole kind of sucks but where it takes you is really fun.
also, despite that black bitch, it was really cool the nuance that ubi treated slavery with. I think there were a couple slaves throughout the game who wanted to be slaves.
>doesn't like Xena Warrior Princess
yeah okay fag
I rather liked the plot, I loved the "hunt down the conspiracy members and kill them to unlock clues of new members" mechanic I hope they do something similar in the next game
Yeah they did, there were several times that popped up, twice on Euboea. I forget the other one, but the multi-quest plotline on Euboea with that slave Agapios fighting that "Dagger" conspiracy was fucking based.
I loved the plot in the first half and loved the filler shit like competing in the olympics. Last half felt rushed and the good ending felt bizarre. If I ever new game plus it I will make sure to get the worst possible ending so it's more of a greek tragedy.
Play Origins because it's way better than the grindy spamfest called Odyssey
It's fun to walk around in authentic historical settings. There's no other historical games with so many settings and time periods out there other than strategy games. Nothing you can really explore in.
Also, Any time they shove in modern day BS or ancient Alien BS is the part I hate.
Sorry I don't want to play as a nigger :^)
At least, not unless Ubisoft makes the next Assassin's Creed set in the Old West and I get to play as Bass Reeves or Danny Glover's character in Silverado
Bayek is egyptian. Not black. Believe me when I say he is a much, MUCH better character than Kassandra.
Also, There are only like 3 black people in the game. 2 of which are villains who try to kill you. Ubisoft thankfully didn't fall for the WeWuz meme.
>Hoemstead Missions
Literally the only thing I enjoyed in this shit game
Actually seeing Connor resemble like a real human being instead of a plank of wood was enjoyable, and it was nice to see how the homestead changed over time and how all the little stories were connected.
It's purely nostalgia. I adored 2 in high school and replayed it this year and it was just like you said. Slow, inventive, boring mission structure, dead open world, shit story
But did it have SOUL
>Sorry I don't want to play as a nigger :^)
since you are already playing one as IRL
Still blows my mind they didn't even replace it with anyrhing.
The conspiracy shit was fine in the first 2 games but personally I'm glad they're getting rid of it because I never bought the games to play as some random modern day asshole, I bought them to play in historical settings and have sword fights
Revelations is my favorite gameplay give or take the tower defence minigame and I hate that it's expansion pack size.
It would have been for the best.