Video game remake when

video game remake when

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D is to pretty for normies.

Fromsoft should just ape its style like they do with a lot of manga. Except Bloodborne is already pretty close to vampire shit.

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D had a game!?

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God I miss 80s-90s anime

What does the D stand for ?

unironicly Dante

Dirty David

When Fromsoft makes a not-Vampire Hunter D

Yes for PS1 but it was really fucking bad, borderline unplayable even


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Castlevania already fills that role.

Considering he is Dracula's son, probably Dracula II or something.

Bloodlust was released in 2001 you poser.

There's not enough good vampire vidya, you can count them on a single hand.

Attached: vampire hunter.webm (868x480, 2.61M)

The tower music was great though

he's also a weakass dhampir

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>First Vamp Hunter D was just weird post apoc Earth where monsters took over
>Had basic monsters like Vamps, Werewolves, Zombies and Ghouls, but rather standard otherwise
>Bloodlust adds weird shit like Desert Rays and mutants
Shoulda just stuck to the traditional monsters

that's because vampires are gay af

in the books the brothers used to take turns raping their sister
yeah even the crippled psychic one

it stands for dhampyr you brainlets, fuck's sake. I'm pretty sure it explains this at some point but even then it's already obvious

Close enough. Bloodtlust still had the stylization of 90's era anime.

why are all anime protags such gary stu faggots?

The first one had tons of crazy shit including giant flying jellyfish.

resetera back at it again with the unreleated reality check

if bloodlust came out in the 80's theyd have that part in there

no the original had all sorts of weird monsters too

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vampire hunter is not for normies

>that ending where D brought flowers to his friends funreal and her grand daughter asked who he was

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The fuck is s dhampir

ACSHUALLY that's madhouse's trademarked character design style
you look at all their in-house shit it has the same kind of character design style or maybe just the same character designer?

Half human half vampire.

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Doesn’t that completely fuck with the character motivations and relationships? If that’s true cutting it out only improved the story

half vamp half humang
dracula had human fever

Half human/half vampire. Their powers are suppressed in the sun, but they're still undead and hunted.

the novel story was a bit different in that regard


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the song that plays at the end makes me emotional

>tfw the bluray release is super fucked up

Is Meier /fa/?

I prefer the anime then, that sounds needlessly edgy

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God I dont remember this shit

Also, what the fuck was the hand thing D had, it seemed random as fuck

every character in that movie is /fa/

strangely almost every single one of the novel stories has a twist concerning rape or molestation some for no reason at all

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>i prefer X over Y despite never experiencing Y
You're retarded.

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it's his pal that makes sure he can literally never lose

>liked the movie as a kid
>see the novels in a store one day years later in like 2011, didn't even know it was based on these
>the writing is like if all the prose was From Software dialogue

good lord what the fuck did they mean by this, I can't tell if it's just horribly mistranslated or the author is a schizophrenic 16 year old on

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the only other anime from the 80s 90s worht watching featuring vampires is vampire wars

VHD is one of the best animes ever. Why is modern anime so full of faggot nonsense and bullshit drawn on computers?

I feel like we are living in the worst timeline. Just like the games it is all geared towards nigger loving faggots

it's a parasite too

I haven't read all the novels (or even most), but there's one about a sea town and some gem(?) or something. It was really good.

the one where he crosses a desert is great too

D can't lose anyway.
>oh i'm stuck in a weird pocket dimension huh?
>i'll just run at the speed of light to break through no big deal lol
>oh here's this crazy monster that's beaten literally an infinite amount of enemies
>i'll just kill it in one hit LOL

if you ask that question in Yea Forums they are gonna laugh at you while posting screenshots of Violet Evergarden cuz they are a bunch of faggots

literally, darth nihilus.

It was still random as shit
>Hi I'm D, hybrid between Dracula and a Human.
>I've got a face in my hand for some reason
Hoo boy, you're in for some disappointment user

Novels also have aliens from space.

>when the vampires battle literal interdimensional aliums

nigger loving faggots spend money on that kind of shit

>violet evergarden
>female protagonist

Why the fuck is Yea Forums so bad bros?

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Bloodlust is such a good movie. Series doesnt get the respect it deserves.
A new game would be damn nice.
I picture it God of War(2018) style with no visible load screens and beautiful scenery.

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>female protagonist moeshit
what did Yea Forums mean by this

don't know, Yea Forums is full of shit taste

Man you are going to hate what I have to tell ya user


If it played like 3D Castlevania (no, not those 3D Castlevanias) it’d be pretty rad.

weak ass beta nerds thinking that liking that shit will make ho's like them
similar to bronies

>the space aliens invade and during their war create a space alien religion for the sole purpose of having holy items to fight vampires with but fail to get more than 20% of their population to adopt the religion
What the fuck are these books?

>I picture it God of War(2018) style with no visible load screens and beautiful scenery.
fuck off with your cinematic garbo

They're creative. If you don't like that then stick with Harry Potter or whatever normie shit kids are into these days.

Wasn't insulting it bub. Try being a bit less oversensitive and easily buttflustered.

Sorry, I just wanted to shitpost about the books and bring up more stupid shit like the time D became intangible.

>Needing to experience pinapple pizza to prove that you love pepperoni pizza more.

anime will never look this good again

Damn shame.

It’s a real shame.
Computer animation is so soulless in comparison.

Yes, that's exactly how it works. Anything else is the mentality of a child.

both, the novels are pulpy horror but the translation didn't help any

It gets worse. Theyre making another VHD iteration called Resurrection. Its CG animation

Someone post the mega with all the novels im willing to put up with the awful translation

Just use the goddess dude.

Redline looked great

Minowa, Amano I have failed you...

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>/fit/ likes gantz
is it because of muscle rider?


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i dunno what that is, spoonfeed me please

technically started 15, but whatever
everytime I watch this opening, I'm reminded of some amv a guy made with stairway to heaven

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what would it play like, Yea Forums?

I always get chills watching this. Especially considering they were actually in love the whole time and the whole thing was a misunderstanding orchestrated by Carmilla

Like vid related

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Chaythe is such a great and eerie designed castle, i get the chills just from seeing it.

best waifu

Youre welcome Yea Forums

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not as mediocre as I remember

Man this castle....this castle is something else. I have never seen a vampire castle like this one in any vampire film or game. First time I saw it in the movie I was stunned at its size and unreal architecture. Not to mention when they got inside it and I was able to see the interior.
Seriously, a vampire "lair" like this should only belong to some kind of vampire god, a powerful alpha and omega of their race. The place seems chaotic inside and its interior and atmosphere are totally supernatural. I don't remember well, but was Carmilla truly that powerful to deserve a place like this?

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>Year 12,000
>Christians still exist

Carmilla wasnt powerful, per say, but rather, she was manipulative.

Its been a long time, but weren't the vampires in D basically exactly that, to the point they were dying out through ennui. Actually, why were the vampires disappearing?

it's been centuries since the wars devastated the planet
it's even explained that common knowledge about vampires and how to kill them as well as other things pertaining to "modern tech" were bred out of humans in order to subjugate them
in other words vampires had been reigning over the ruined earth for a very long time; long enough for extremely decadent shit like that castle to be built with the high-tech that existed prior to the apocalypse
this is all just going off the movies too

Where is this from?

Probably has to do with the solar radiation in the atmosphere after the atomic bombs burned most of it away. Thats why Dracula was performing hybrid experiments in the books anyways

it's from the animatrix
madhouse did a short animation for the anthology