Western development teams can't make attr–

Attached: DANA.jpg (666x666, 379K)

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Dana is an interesting deconstruction of Alyx Vance.

who bitch dis is

Just mod it 4head

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What game is this lmao, I swear I beat whatever this is


Homefront the revolution


north korea invasion simulator

go on. finish your sentence.


Shit so it is. Best part of it was the two timesplitters 2 levels

looks like brianna wu

It's a solid game despite the Hellish dev cycle.

best part of the game worth it on sale

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I'm convinced the IP is cursed
>Sequel literally nobody asked for
>Killed Kaos outright
>Large contributor the other being UDraw to THQ going under
>Once Crytek bought the IP, they had nothing but financial problems, almost outright facing bankruptcy
>Game finally releases, buggy mess that barely works, gets slammed by every review outlet
And despite all that the developers still worked their asses off to improve it to an at-least playable state months after release.

What the fuck has Dambuster even been doing since Revolution came out? Someone found that the whole TS2 game was in the Revolution files, so there's hope for that HD port. Maybe?

She looks like the ugly skeleton bitch for The expanse

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You gayfag

Never mind the first game being unwanted from announcement till release. No clue what they're working on, but I trust them. They've proven to be a solid team with the post–release work and DLC episodes.

I wanna motorboat her cunt piercings


No way, sorry. I have a friend who works at DB and according to him they are working on a sci-fi spinoff from fucking Dead Island. I wish I was joking.

>Dead Island
Talk about a dead franchise no one wants.

To elaborate further on this, they have become the bargain bin dev in the eyes of Deep Silver. I reckon they wont be alive for many more years.

>that entire channel

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Tell me about it, I could hardly believe him. Apparently DB wanted to work on an original IP, something like a 50s space cowboy thing but Deep Silver shut that down and handed them the Dead Island ip to copy.

>going from the cursed Homefront IP to the almost as equally cursed Dead Island
Friendly reminder that a lot of Dambuster guys are ex-Free Radical and they got fucked over their entire career. They can't catch a break.

The fact that The Revolution is good on any level should be enough. We're talking one of the worst development cycles in the history of the medium.

Shit like this is why I wouldn't want to work on games.

These are the guys that were going to blow our fucking minds with battlefront 3. Guess they never really recovered from that early 2000s industry crash.

She looks like a human-rat hybrid.

Also, for anyone wondering: The Revolution's got solid online co–op. I played that shit start to finish with faggots I found online.

Fun was had. Huge waste of time, though. Shit was dead on arrival.

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Nah. That's Pandemic.


user's not joking. The fuck is going on with this channel??? Kek


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You wanna repeat that, incel?

Free radical were doing number 3. But they were way too ambitious by the sounds of it. Lucas arts said they went way over budget

She looks like Veruca James.

This is the first FPS game where i literally stopped playing and just uninstalled. The idea is good, the graphics are pretty good, but i just couldn't keep playing it, there was just something severely wrong with it.