If Capcom decided to make an animal kingdom fighting game with prehistoric kingdom DLC, should it be a 2D or 3D fighting game?
And who would you main?
If Capcom decided to make an animal kingdom fighting game with prehistoric kingdom DLC, should it be a 2D or 3D fighting game?
And who would you main?
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the elephant, what a stupid fucking pic
2D, and i would only spectate and place bets
Bloody Roar is the best you'll get, deal with it
The fuck is an elephant going to do against a bear or wolves? Or even a snake?
Elephants are sturdy sure but they can't fight for shit.
Are you for real dumbass? An elephant is basically five tons of muscle and those tusks aren't for show. Africa is full of successful pack hunters and even they don't fuck with full grown elephants.
Elephants are god tier, besides humans they have no natural predator.
Probably just trample them. The wolves could take down the bear and the constrictor but probably not an elephant. Constrictor might be able to take down the bear but to many wolves and elephant is too big. Doesn't help that bears are pussies.
anything it fucking wants?
the only thing that can do anything against an elephant is toxins
Elephant. Easy.
Snake and wolves literally can't do anything to the Elephant. Even if they can break his hide, it will never be deep enough to cause actual damage. They are more likely to tire out and get killed, if it doesn't trample, gore or bodyslam them to death.
Bear might be able to cause better damage, but it would lack the agility to NOT get smashed with literal tons of death.
That's a badass snake. Has science explained why we don't have fuckhuge animals anymore?
less trees and big plants means less oxygen
>has science explained why we don't have fuckhuge animals anymore
Blue whales are the largest animals to have ever existed as far as we know. Reasons are highly varied for each time period, including mass extinction events, climate change, being unable to compete with more prolific species, hunted by prehistoric humans, and of course evolution.
>Even if they can break his hide
Constrictors don't kill by biting things to death. The question is; is a 1 ton titanoboa large and powerful enough to constrict an elephant? I mean it's basically 1 ton of VERY agile and powerful muscle. Anacondas have killed cows and shit. Don't underestimate a 1 ton snake, that thing would be a fucking monster.
Do you know how wolves hunt? They are endurance hunters meaning that they stalk their preys and tire them out before they moving in as a safety measure. They want their prey to be weak and tired so they would never go against an elephant directly. So actually wolves should be END
Elephants are the strongest (if not THE strongest) metal known to man. Duh.
Says the dead man as he walks up to an elephant.
Frankly speaking I hadn't actually seen the close up on that pic. Didn't realize it was a giant 1 ton snake.
Still, I don't think it can hold down an elephant. An elephant is not a cow. It is a lot of muscle and they are wild animals with a real fucking temper.
Hell, I think it would gore the snake before it could do anything. A snake that big would not be able to dodge a charge.
If they're so strong why dont we make planes out of them?
Who says we don't? Wake up sheeple.
Do you even play Souls? Stamina is totally different than endurance
>Capcom fightans in current year
the elephant obviously anyone who says otherwise is a brainlet
fucking trample it you retard
>woooow only took ten of you to kill me
elephants are the chads of the land based animal kingdom
the inevitable penguin "joke" character
Do people not understand how fucking dangerous elephants are.
Elephant might be like 4th or 5th on the animal tier list, behind only Humans, Orcas, and Dolphins. Nothing fucks with them. They're OP enough to stop a charging hippo.
You wot? Elephants are so fucking gigantic that most toxins won't do jack shit to them. Very few living beings have enough toxin in them to take down an elephant. Pretty much only humans can kill an elephant.
outta my way hippo fucking shits
Is it possible to befriend the elephant? Love the elephant? Be loved by the elephant?
Fuck the elephant?
Just how far can humans go in their relationship with elephants?
Imagine the thud that made, fuck
>Less atmospheric oxygen
>Killed by humans for food
>Outhunted by humans
>Climate change between stupidly hot and cold-as-balls, along with the really slow evolution rate of larger animals, means that often times they don't have time to adapt before they get wiped out
>Outcompeted by smaller animals (Great Whites killed off the Megalodon, for example).
Often times the smaller creature comes out on top. Nature works in mysterious ways.
zoomer begone
>Takes out a young elephant in a 30v1
So lions are the niggers of the animal world, got it.
Elephants can fuck shit up if they want.
realistically, is there any land animal who has a winning match-up against a blood-lusted elephant?
Impossible with elephant, possible with dolphins. Dolphins understand consent, and form social bonds with humans.
human, maybe some super poisonous animal like a king cobra
>implying Capcom would make a fighting game that isn't Street Fighter or Marvel
Humans, dipshit. There's not a single being on this planet that can stand up to humans. It's why we're the rulers of this planet. Even our hominid ancestors would BTFO anything in their paths. The only animal that could've possibly usurped us, the Neanderthals, are fucking DEAD.
excluding humans
probably not, no
i don't think there's any animal that could break the hide of an elephant 1v1
of crocodiles had venom maybe, but if that was the case they'd be the most broken animals on the planet
>dolphins understand consent
Dolphins are notoriously rapey. During mating season a group 2 or 3 male dolphins will continuously gangrape a female for literal weeks and beat her with their flippers if she tries to resist
Dolphins are rapists though.
Try befriending one and they'll drag you to their rape cave and gangrape your drowned corpse.
The elephant lost its tusks.
Yes, they also rape, but so do humans. Dolphins, like humans, will usually try to get consent first. Hell, they're the only animal still alive today that you can have consensual sex with, because they're the only other ones who understand the concept.
An individual human isn't going to do shit 1v1 to an elephant in a cage you fucking smartass.
Humans need specialized equipment to fight an elephant. In a raw 1v1 with no items we'd be fucked.
Judging by Capcom's record, the Wolf would likely be pretty good. Not top tier, but easy to use and effective.
The elephant charging is the worst possible move it could make. Constrictors are perfectly fine with launching themselves at charging prey. They don't need to hold their prey down. They just strangle it while it stands.
That said, the snake loses effortlessly to anything else.
the wolves are in pack, why wouldn't the human have his huntinig gear and be labelled int?
Have you ever played a (real) Monster Hunter game?
Diablos is 85% real.
t. manlet
I don't think the king cobra can even get through the hide to inject the venom, and even if it can, an elephant is too big. The damn snake might not even have enough poison in it.
You never said 1v1, no items, or in a cage.
Just a reminder that gladiatorial beast fights resulted in gladiator victory close to 100% of the time. Just one human could defeat lions, bears, wolves, you name it. And that's before guns existed.
Blame Disney. Dumbo was a shit movie.
I get your point, but this snake would be too big to dodge with its body. The tusks of an elephant aren't for show. It would gore the snake.
Nothing aside from humans with tools. The hippo can bite through the bones of a lion or anything else it runs across, but an elephant can easily knock them over or impale them with their tusks. There's a reason why most places leave elephants alone.
>they're the only animal still alive today that you can have consensual sex with
We had this faggot thread yesterday
Hello newfriend.
dont be stupid now user
niggers dont hunt
they are berry pickers.
Everybody who says human to this is a dumbass.
The only reason you say human is because you're assuming that the human has guns, but guns are not part of their natrual skillset. If you give a monkey a gun and teach him how to use it it would be just as effectve. this is NATRUAL SKILL ONLY
>all these people underestimating grizzly bears
grizzly would easily win and would absolutely fuck up a slow, awkward elephant.
I'm talking about how they only fight in groups and pick on weaker targets.
Africans chased things down until their prey dropped due to exhaustion.
They hunted. They just followed game better than most white men could. Some of them still can.
>squeezes prey to death
Humans created guns, numbnuts. And no, monkeys would not be effective with guns.
Besides, humans killed elephants and mammoths long before we made those tools. There are STILL elephants today who get bodied by emaciated dumb niggers equipped only with spears.
Why does he hate cars so much?
just like humans
they track the prey as a pack, chase it til it tires and then move in as a coordinated group
doggos truly are mans best fren
>the only animal still alive today that you can have consensual sex with, because they're the only other ones who understand the concept.
Bonobos fuck for fun as well
Nigga, not even a polar bear or short-faced bear would win against an elephant.
Ok, fair. You can take whatever you can make into the fight.
Humans have changed the natural order by now.
Anything that wants to be the top dog in the food chain needs to argue with a couple grams of lead.
They didn't fuck with us even back when all we had were glowy or pointy sticks.
>Africans chased things down until their prey dropped due to exhaustion
just say they hunt boars and small animals user
while africans are hunting pigs the white man was hunting mammoths to extinction
are you fucking retarded
grizzly bears weigh like 1/20th of an african elephant. we're talking 600lbs to over 10,000.
yeah and that is stupid
they are not fighting they are hunting, a hunt so big the male had to take charge
you want a lion fighting, killing for fun and not to eat?
try this
poo in loo souls game when
>behind only Humans
If you're counting humans with weapons shouldn't you count ants and wasps as swarms in the top 5 too? They're pretty unstopable.
>Capcom animal fighting game
If we're including cryptids, then Sasquatch is bound to be top tier.
>Bonobos fuck for fun as well
Reminds me of that one chapter of Murenase! Shiiton-Gakuen where Jin has to protect his crush from getting dyke'd by a female bonobo.
i believe it's a 1v1 scenario
Even without weapons humans would still be the dominant life form on this planet. Besides, nothing that gets bodied by this goofy looking motherfucker can be top tier.
Elephant obviously wins. You ever see one rampage? They would obliterate the others easily
just have the special cinematic finish be the rest of the group atacking
>nothing that gets bodied by this goofy looking motherfucker can be top tier.
They're pretty much one of the few things that can body them, though mate
i would take a open world tokyo jungle instead of a fighting game
>Even without weapons humans would still be the dominant life form on this planet
>Extreme endurance, fastest long-term runners on the planet
>Ability to throw
>One of the strongest animals on the planet, easily in the top 20 of currently living land mammals
>Smart enough to form battle tactics
Even if you somehow took away humanity's ability to craft weapons, we'd still be #1.
no fire? no problem
jus rub sum stiks
>dump everything into intimidate skill
Actually trolling. An elephant could kill 50 unarmed adult humans and probably not even get hurt while doing it.
Without any weapons what the fuck would we do against a single lion. Literally.
Oh my fuck. And the guy was just filming it all?
3D, but like Soul Calibur, not Tekken.
Anaconda would make a 10/10 grappler. Wolves could have a summoning gimmick
Impossible. The chinese have been farming them for more than a century.
50 unarmed humans could BTFO any creature on this planet. Even if you caught them unawares, just using a random rock you find nearby is enough.
1v1? Probably die, but that really does depend, too.
I don't even like elephants, but they beat each of the others in their own categories. Stronger than bear, social like wolves, and their trunks allows them to use tools better than the snake ever could.
Yeah. That's pretty impressive.
>stand your ground
>survive panic
>but also survive big angry cat
You're missing polar bears the apex land carnivore.
Can you really blame someone for not messing with a natural killing machine when given the choice?
What the fuck could anybody possibly do
May as well document
Polar Bears are actually kind of shit. That's why their numbers are so few. They get bodied by the real apex predators of their biome, the orcas and walruses.
this is like that dark souls 2 rat boss
that's pretty crazy, I knew elphants were strong but I didn't know they were that strong, I thought more of them trampling
anyway my thought it elphant goes for snake and kills it, bear fights wolves and elphant kills the winner of that fight
The snake and the elephant.
The snake slides through the bars and fucks off while the elephant trampled everything else.
Imagine the noise
>dude lmao if you take the greatest strength of an animal away it....
if humans aren't allowed to bring tools (weapons) than the commensurate fight would be against a 100-150 lb elephant
What the fuck happened to his skull?
India is a goddamned mess. I'm starting to believe that maybe the British were right.
they can pull huge trees out of the ground with just their trunks
Not without weapons you literal retard.
Those are some really tall beagles.
that's his scalp hanging from the bit of flesh still connected to it
>implying they used weapons
Brainlet is too good for you.
Are you actually dumb? Do you have no idea how thick some animal hides are? A human hitting an elephant with a rock isn't going to do shit.
Maybe if every single one of the 50 humans were built like The Rock and those were some pretty impressive rocks, MAYBE.
>ah yes us 50 chinamen will now punch this elephant to death
i bet that worked a treat
I'm pretty sure weapons were invented because most animals around our size were too formidable for us to fight, mate. Without them we'd still be their bitches.
>chinamen will
lmao you're stupid
>animals are dangerous
>that means imperialism is good
How the fuck do you think we hunted the mammoth you dipshit? There are tribes in Malaysian Archipelago that hunt whales with knives and spears. Have you ANY idea how much damage a thrown rock can do? A professional baseball player swings a bat with enough force to shatter bone, and that's just a stick. Now imagine if it was a fucking stone. That's how humans have managed to kill everything from the giant ground sloth, to whales, to bears, to elephants, to the woolly mammoth.
cavemen were not your average new york manlet s(o)y tea drinker
>football field size cage
I imagine they would all just fuck off to their own corners and starve to death.
>Extreme endurance, fastest long-term runners on the planet
>Ability to throw
monkeys and gorillaz
>One of the strongest animals on the planet, easily in the top 20 of currently living land mammals
Still behind bears, elephants and 1 ton constrictors.
>Smart enough to form battle tactics
literally any pack carnivore
I see, you're 8.
Weapons made things easier. Humans actually didn't invent weapons, they were invented ~2.8 - 3.2 million years ago by our hominid ancestors, who were much smaller and weaker than we are. Granted, they were pretty much just sharpened rocks, but even they were capable of killing large ungulates.
Well its easier to grow big for aquatic life.
And as for blue whales and others they exploited the most abundant source of food in the planet.
Ace Combat: Water Wings.
I keep seeing people in these threads claiming things like "Humans are one of the strongest animals on the planet" and "Humans are stronger than Chimpanzees."
Where is the evidence for this? I've tried looking it up but I've found nothing. And isn't it commonly known that Chimps are typically superior to Humans since they're built for climbing?
mate you spend your entire life being raised to throw stones you gonna end up a mean boulder tossing shit wrecker
projectiles are the most op shit in nature
Look around you.
Chimps have better big muscle control giving them better strength, but humans have better fast/small muscle control giving us more dexterity. A chimp can rip your arm off, but you could beat one a thumb wrestling match.
>me in the back
are you 12?
try punching an elephant
enjoy your broken bones you mongoloid
Primates are usually shit at fighting other kinds of animals.
don't have the endurance humans do. We're literally #1 at endurance running. Horses cannot run like humans do. Take, for example, the Incans, whose postal system was manned by people who would relay run messages many miles at a time, and was far faster than any other postal system in the world that required horses. Or the marathon race. How the fuck do you think we caught and domesticated horses in the first place? We ran their asses down.
>Monkeys are gorillaz
Monkeys, no. Gorillas, sort of, but they can't throw so much as toss. They throw about as well as a little girl. Bonobos and chimps are close, but not even they can throw as precisely or powerfully as humans.
>Still behind bears, elephants, and 1 ton constrictors
Sure, but we have numbers on them.
>Literally any pack carnivore
None of which hunt as effectively as humans. Native Americans, for example, hunted bison by herding them off cliffs and picking up remains. That's how humans hunt. We're still the most intelligent beings on the planet, and the ONLY animals on this planet that even compare to humans in tactics and group formations are dolphins and orcas, and surprise surprise, they're pretty much uncontested in their realms as well.
Chimpanzees easily have us beat on raw strength. We're better swimmers than them, though.
chimps (and most other monkeys), bite, they don't punch
I don't see anyone saying humans are stronger than chimps physically. We're still in the top 20 physically strongest currently living animals. Most of our competition went extinct by our hands.
>"Humans are one of the strongest animals on the planet
only a retard would claim this. humans just have the advantage in intelligence and being able to run longer distances than pretty much anything else because they sweat
>bro if an out of shape office worker cant do it then no human can do it
fuck off
the internet is for humans only
humans have the ability to strangle a lot of animals
even without tool use (sticks and rocks are still weapons and tools), we would still be decent, not even close to the best though
but the only thing that makes us as strong as we are is the tool use, and it's dumb to deny it
Rocks can do fuckshit against rough hides and thick fur. Unless its a boulder dropped from a cliff.
Humans were collectively prey until they invented pointy sticks.
>Malaysian Archipelago that hunt whales with knives and spears
You're talking shit. Whaling was bought to the pacific by Europeans.
nigga you dumb.
Nah that's because all land carnivores can't compete with an orca. But when it comes to land carnivores like lions, wolves, tigers, grizzly bears etc the polar bear is king.
Also while technically an orca can and does eat polar bears adult polar bears have no natural predators and occasionally polar bears do actively hunt walruses killing the young and at times challenging the adults.
>He thinks aliens don't browse Yea Forums right under his nose
>are fucking dead
Let me tell you about the jews, user
>strangle a lot of animals
Unless you're strangling a mice, that's risking suicidal injury. And given the size of the Fauna humans hunted, that's a very stupid thing to say.
Do you have any idea the time effort it would take to strangle a medium sized animal?
fucking dinosaurs.
You're retarded, the exception to human's high intelligence, it seems.
bro what about that movie on bak or whatever
birds are so fucking cool
>polar bear is king
Solitary Hunters are shit tier. They often put themselves in great risk when they have to take on large prey and expend a lot of energy hunting smaller ones.
Painted dogs are the top tier land predator. They have the highest success rate of any pack animals and dabs on lions and hyenas.
>You're talking shit. Whaling was bought to the pacific by Europeans.
>Rocks can do fuckshit against rough hides and thick fur
You're retarded. Rocks are one of the easiest ways to kill a honey badger. And no, humans were never collective prey. EVER. You have no idea what you're talking about. The only thing that predated on humans collectively are other human collectives.
you can tame one
>tfw not matter how hard I lift I will never reach even a fraction of the strength an elephant has
They’re so fucking amazing bros It’s just not fair
There were. Lots of them, but they're all dead now. Before anybody start to bitch, don't forget that pic related killed triceratopses
I made a friend today.
I love how obvious it is that you're talking out of your ass.
more like scavenged corpses while grooming its feathers and honking
Weaponized Kizuna AIs
But they live in a biome with no land, only ice floating on water. Orcas are pretty much the giant sand worms from doom in that biome. Anything that isn't at least 30 feet from all bodies of water is susceptible to getting Orca'd.
And yeah, polar bears can sometimes 1v1 a walrus (sometimes), walruses are almost never alone. Remember, pinnipeds evolved from bears, so walruses and polar bears are more closely related than you'd think. Walruses are closer to bears than they are to any other non-pinniped mammal.
It was nice meeting you user.
Elephants, hippos, or rhinos? I can't decide which would be the best END.
Also why tf is an animal with NO LIMBS DEX? You'd think the minimal requirement would be opposable thumbs.
>humans are in the top 20 physically strongest animals
what the fuck
>any whale
>great white sharks
>giant squid
>wild boars
not even counting that most of those animals have like 3-5 different subspecies
humans killed those animals using tools, traps and social groups not by strength.
Why would the humans be intentionally gimped without weapons for these fights when their entire skillset revolves around using them? It'd be like if a snake wasn't allowed to use its venom.
Mathematical brainlet.
Sounds lime they have you beat in both STR and INT. DEX and CHA too.
I already browse /pol/ daily, you don't need to tell me.
Besides, Asians have the highest concentration of Neanderthal in them. Having met a Turk in real life, I'm inclined to believe it.
Well, I could make a spear.
Why does the hand look so fucked up already?
How the fuck do you think lions and wolves hunt? They literally choke out their prey. Also, humans are the only animals that can punch, and punching an animal in the snout will 9/10 times cause them to flee. It's how you can live a shark attack.
This can never be proved and you know it, nigga.
without tools, strangulation and snapping the neck is our only real option
punching can only go so far, and humans don't have the claws or teeth to kill
Well, user's dead.
Just like how you can never prove you got laid you incel.
You have to imagine a human is fighting for his life in these situations, activating our deep primate mode. A young human male in this situation would beat half of these animals. There were ancient Greek wrestlers that defeated lions bare-handed, it's pretty well documented too.
didn't know joe rogan posted here, cool
An entire pack of wolves could easily kill the boa and the bear. The boa first once they get hungry enough, then the bear. The bear may hunt some of the wolves but if the entire pack attacks the bear, the bear will lose.
They can't take down the elephant though, it's too big and tough, and there aren't any weak points for them to exploit.. But eventually the elephant would tire from starvation and the wolves will have eaten the other two, and they'll be able to eat its eyeballs, tail, and soft parts while it sleeps, It will eventually die and be torn apart by the wolves.
Honestly having a whole pack of wolves is just bullshit. Maybe if it were 3 or 4 wolves it'd be fair. Social animals are OP.
What an asshole.
>Sounds lime they have you beat in both STR and INT. DEX and CHA too.
>Sounds lime they have you beat
>Sounds lime
Grammatical brainlet
> It's how you can live a shark attack.
that's a myth actually, it won't do shit.
My finger skipped.
are you fucking retard? elephants take out packs of lions and rampage small towns a elephant fuck every other animal on land besides a human with a good gun
i love bears and wolves but fuck
Elephant>Bear>Wolves>>anaconda assuming it's not a titanaboa but even if it was i'd just remove 1 >
Jamie, can you pull that up? Yeah, yeah, the one with the hairless chimp, thanks. Can... can uh..., can we get that up here?
>an unarmed human would be able to beat half those animals
fuck off, and even if they could it would be by going for their eyes or strangling them or something not by raw strength.
elepehants would even fuck over t rexes
same size when you count irl and not fiction but sturdier build and not bird lizzards
how many wolves are in the pack?
>A young human male in this situation would beat half of these animals
Okay, pal. sure
How are you typing this, armlet?
>humans are so op user needs to put arbitrary rules on how they can kill their opponents
haha get fucked loser
>The only thing that predated on humans collectively are other human collectives
What a dumb fucking article. Yeah traditional, it started when the whaling industry extended the breath of the Pacific.
Europeans brought whaling specially to the Polynesian and Austronesian isle in the pacific the locals adopted it effortlessly low technology techniques for the meat and oil trade.
The only sure whalers in the Asian regions was the Japanese and the Chinese.
We didn't start out in the top, Humans and other homonid's were preyed upon by various canines and big cats.
>Rocks are one of the easiest ways to kill a honey badger0
so you're just defaulting to small animals now? What about the agile deers and other giant fauna that people had to tackle? Rocks do jackshit. A sling and some pebbles is more effective than a cumbersome rock. Which invented quite early in human history.
Educate yourself you ignorant tard.
>it's pretty well documented too.
Show it to us.
i hiker just strangled a puma to death a few weeks ago and he was fine
that leopard is just a bit stronger
humans are god tier stop being bitches
>Largest ones are around 13 feet tall, 24,000 lbs
>15 - 20 feet tall, 13,000 to 32,000 lbs
Nigga, a T-rex is to an elephant as an elephant is to us in height.
the original post was claiming humans were "top 20 in strength"
>those hands
yeah i'd like to see a chimp punch something to death
what a bully
I love you obvious the hurt coming out of your ignorant ass.
Spinofags are everywhere
Can we post some animal kino in this thread?
Killing is just that great a show of strength.
I know you like being humble and imagine the wild animals of our planet are strong and noble, but the reality is that WE are the pinnacle of evolution. Accept it and move on.
actually a bare handed human can
just jump on it's back and claw out it's eyes and it'll get really weak and you could wait it out and it would die
Elephants would be freekills for large carnivorous dinosaurs.
To be fair, it was an 80 pound juvenile. Still incredible. Still glad the guy survived. But not comparable to a lion or, in this case, a leopard attacking a middle aged dude in an alley
well, the thing is, wolves and cats are big, but they're very light and not very dense.
a human might THINK they can't with that matchup, but if you actually got into it humans are a fair match.
not against bears tho, only real men can fight bears.
whales and elephants are pretty big
and bears
because of our cognitive abilities and tool use not raw strength you condescending cocksucker.
nobody denies that a human could kill any animal though
again literally nobody denied this
>The way he just accepts it
I never said they invented it, numb nuts, just that they did it, with primitive tech, too.
>We didn't start out at the top
We did, actually. Humans didn't appear until about 300,000 years ago, by which time hominids were already the dominant family on the planet. Our ancestors were using tools long before humans existed.
Educate yourself.
>wolves and cats are big, but they're very light and not very dense
Wild predatory animals have dense muscles compositions, big cats especially. Now a well built strong man can choke a cougar or a lone wolf, but anything bigger is suicide.
humans are actually stronger than apes
apes are a meme
also he meant pound for pound
humans are god tier
humans are straight out stronger than kangakrro chimps and boars
Wasn't the puma just a cub tho ? At least i'm pretty sure it wasn't an adult.
i mean by weight, the average wolf or puma is like 150lbs.
not insane to assume that a human could mess it up in a grapple.
but yeah, any 2v1 against a human is a dead human.
>nigger trap
>elepehants would even fuck over t rexes
What? Tyrannousaurus rex is 15-20 feet tall, the largest elephant in history was only 13 feet tall. T-rexes are 40 feet long. And they fucking hunted animals that were
Its leg muscles were larger than any animal that exists today.
It preyed on dinosaurs that had fucking armor.
Its jaw could bite down at a force of 12,800 psi. It could mince that elephant's skull in one bite.
Don't even imply an elephant could survive in this beast's vicinity let alone defeat it. Shit, even an entire herd of elephants could do little but flee in terror or hope its incredibly keen senses miss one of them trying to ram it.
Humans are apes, retard.
if you go pound for pound then you have to start including all the insects and shit that can lift ten times their own weight and humans still get btfo
it was almost an adult
90-115 pounds if i recall while an adult would average 130
hiker so chances are it was an average skinny guy that leapord would be 2x that puma tops
>And they fucking hunted animals that were
abnormally large compared to today's
>We did
Homo Sapiens Sapiens didn't pop out of the ground, you utter retard.
We got there through thousands of years of evolution and even when we were "on top" "humans" were still predated upon. Do you even have a functioning cognitive brain you complete dumbass? Do you understand that fucking video?
Go back to school you utterly pitiful pea-brained mongoloid.
Kangaroo I can understand, they're awkward as fuck.
Boars; hmm, we would probably win but die from an infection afterwards.
Chimp? Fuck no, my dude. They have intense upper body strength, which we sacrificed for stamina in our evolution. How do you imagine that fight would go down?
>pound for pound
Stupid meme. By that logic beetles and ants BTFO everyone which makes no sense.
Elephants wouldn't know what to do agains a carnivore that large. They would probably avoid it.
T-rexes on the other hand were hunting shit about as big as an elephant. Maybe even bigger.
ummm Tokyo Jungle sweetie....
those are memes a trex tops out at 15ft and 20-24000 pounds
the the tusks are perfect for goring a rex
an elephant is better for killing than a triceratops which sometimes have rex a run for it's money
I mean
An elephant could probably fuck over a rex by ramming either of its legs, but thats implying the rex wouldn't simply turn around and bite it. Still, height isn't everything. There are skeletal remains of rexes suffering critical injuries from based anky
>boss can OHK you
insects are overated and can only do that since there so small
>bird does dempsey roll
fuck i want to come back as a bird
They rip and tear things to death, they mostly flail.
>Lifting strength using techniques is the same as battle strength
No one ever said otherwise. Even without tools, our intelligence makes us superior. Dolphins, our nearest equivalent, don't even use tools other than sponges and rocks, and they BTFO sharks and seals with just advanced tactics.
chimps are small and skinny but muscled arms
a average or even low end powerlifter would murder a chimp
>How do you imagine that fight would go down?
Chimp leaps at human and tries to bite it or something, human just grabs the little shit and throws it.
They're pretty small animals. Yeah they've mauled the fuck out of people before but those are cases of people not being prepared, not fighting back, or being women/old people incapable of doing so. Let's not pretend chimps are magic creatures or something, they're way smaller than humans so they're just weaker. It's like expecting a fighter in a lower weight class to have an advantage, be realistic.
i'm not the one that brought up the pound for pound meme
This looks like a fucking pepsi commercial holy shit kek
That's what we're saying. Dinosaurs were just fucking overpowered when it comes to battling. Elephants just wouldn't stand much of a chance.
>big fat constrictor snake that supposedly hunted giant crocodiles is dex
>people thinking the wolf pack won't pussy out when just one of them gets constricted or killed
humans have very high battle strength to
>American """"education"""
The most 50 humans with rocks could do to an elephant is gouge out it's eyes. And I'm pretty sure the majority would get maimed just to accomplish that.
The argument was about humans topping other predators by raw strength.
We didn't get to the top by raw strength. Did you even read thread?
what is cha?
>>Ability to throw
>monkeys and gorillaz
You're absolutely retarded. Apes have a body structure unbalanced for throwing. Short legs and long arms do not make for a good throw.
>Smart enough to form battle tactics
>literally any pack carnivore
Yeah, I like the part where pack carnivores go to war and use strategy.
Its a well known fact that Heavy is a shaved bear that hates people.
no there overated
and an elephants tusks are in the perfect angle to gouge the rexs throat and face and keep it's head at bay
hard to bite the elephant when you have tusks through your throat or jaws
What battle strength is a chimp going to use? They can't punch or kick, dipshit. An unarmed MMA fighter would BTFO a chimp.
Musical ability, like "cha cha cha"
Wolves are known to howl in harmony
humans that have no mercy at all do shit like that to
There are hunting techniques that relied on throwing rocks. But it requires the animal to be trapped in small area and the rock throwers be in an elevated area.
It would take a long time to kill and the animal is more likely to die from panic and exhaustion.
yeah this has to be bait
You realize this thing hunted animals with maces on their tails, face spikes, and literal plate armor, and reguarly devoured them?
The elephant isn't even close to equipped to attack a t-rex dude, forget it. The question isn't "who would win", the question is more "can the elephant survive?"
(And the answer is no)
A herd of elephants would definitely BTFO a t-rex. Nigger, it'd only take 2 - 3 elephants to beat a t-rex. You're underestimating how much damage an elephant's charge could do. Elephants are also faster than the t-rex, which could be outrun by humans.
uh, no. This isn't Dragon Ball Z numbnuts. We have adrenaline, but it has its limits. That's why there are still people to this day getting killed by shit like bears. You don't think they were fighting for their lives too? There are certain things you can try, like poking a bear's eyes out, but you have to get really fucking lucky. The smartest thing anyone can do is run.
>90-115 pounds if i recall while an adult would average 130
Tha's still quite a great weight difference with a fully grown man.
humans are top 20
Elephants were weapons of war. My money is on them.
Is the snake poisonous?
You are underestimating the Rex's ability to just bite the fuck out of it, you idiot
But they weren't humans. Why would I consider them "us"? They're not us, just like this, one of our ancestors, isn't us.
Chimps and gorillas have really dense muscles and can use it to its full potential. They can rip limbs from sockets and their bite is lethal.
a powerlifter bara could fuck up a lion
if you had gorillas roiding and training for strength competitions regularly i'm sure one would top that
>People actually believe this
The chimp would just spazz out and start to bite the nigga. He'd just be screaming while the chimp is ripping his face off are you retarded?
Yeah, but not instinctively. Chimping out is all they do all the time.
well i mean a leopard is like 140-170
they're not though. pretty much every whale is stronger than a human, most bears, tigers, elephants, oxes, horses etc.
Elephants are utter cowards though. They only take a stand when they are cornered. They would flee and scatter at a predator that big.
so are some other uwu
I mean theoretically the human could climb on top of the elephant and be safe but he still couldn't do shit once up there without a blade.
punching and kicking are terrible for fighting to the death though. You want to bite and scratch the enemy's eyes out, not bruise them or knock them out. The chimps and gorillas are built to do this, humans on the other hand are not because we have tools that do it better. (that's why this is a retarded argument anyway)
No one ever said we got to the top by raw strength, either. It's one of our best facets, yes, but not our only facet. We have amazing endurance, group tactics, the ability to wield projectiles, a ridiculously strong (for the size of our mouth) bite, and enough bacteria in our mouths to create a fatal infection, much like how a komodo dragon does.
only counts for non insects
it's a theory
humans and apes are separate
3 humans with rocks would murk any animal you retard
people hunted mammoths with rocks all the time
you mean like Primal Rage?
>"what is a fast animal"
>"snakes strike pretty fast"
>"okay I'll just google what the biggest snake ever was and we finally have our dex"
All boas kill their prey by constricting them. In general the decision to go with "large" animals has fucked this whole concept. Elephants have't developed any particular means of enduring damage, they're literally just big. It would be like putting a human in an list with a house cat and calling the human endurance. So considering an elephant is 10x the weight of the largest grizzlies, that snake is non venomous, and wolves wouldn't even be able to bear it's skin, the elephants could fight everything at once and win without more than a few minor scratches.
>only counts if we exclude the people who would btfo humans with my meme restriction
nice try faggot
monkeys are the most overated animal ever
people actually think a gorrilla could kill a lion or even damage a fucking grizzly
it's small black bear or jaguar tier at best
>it's a theory
No it isn't dumbass. We are classified as apes. look it up.
humans will never be topped
humans could set up a fatal trap for the elephant. its like the batman question...yeah without prep time he sucks but give him enough time he beats anybody.
probably could kill a lion honestly lions are fucking pussies. not a tiger though
It's not just what you can lift. Gorillas have far denser bone structures than humans. So even if the MMA fighter can deadlift more, his skeletal structure is no match for a gorilla's. There are various factors. Why do you think no human has ever beaten one in hand to hand combat?
>being this condescending of a retard
During the last of the Evolutionary lines they are. Even mid range homonids are more us than apes.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens(modern humans) appeared nearly +40,000 years ago, and even then are often hunted by predators. Animal fatalities was one of the most common fatal occurrences for them.
To the point that even today fear of the descendants of those animals are instinctive.
Jack Horner pls go and take your retarded hypothesis with you, the Triceratops horns and frills with healed over bite marks matching T-Rex teeth clearly indicate attempts at active predation.
People are severely underestimating humans.
Kek, yeah okay
>t-rex walks over near a herd of 3 elephants
>they feel the vibrations in the earth, lose their shit and immediately run away because they're prey animals
>t-rex just stalks them for miles and miles
>they get tired and can't flee anymore
>t-rex attacks
>they all flee, eventually one is too slow and gets caught
>t-rex can now bite its thigh, its leg, whatever it can wrap its jaws around and destroy its ability to move
Even in your fantasy world where the elephants are sentient and would decide to mount an offensive against the t-rex or something, all they'd have are awkward lumbering charges that put them in the t-rex's range. And a single bite is death.
So yeah, if these elephants with the intelligence of humans who used teamwork to pin the t-rex down and charge it, yeah, they could win. But that's not what elephants are like.
it has 2 big tusks in front of it's face
t rex hunted nothing like that a elephant would win 7/10
>inb4 trike
horns not compatible
Yes, but humans can also use their impressive strength with any nearby rock to straight up maim the gorilla or chimp. We can also use our muscles to their "full" potential. Did you not see that pic? Humans can get absurdly powerful.
Yeah, but you don't, so it's a moot point.
You don't think a human would start spazzing out in that situation as well? What's wrong with you?
>Punching and kicking are terrible for fighting to the death though
There was a dude sent to jail in Russia recently for OHKO'ing another roided out muscle-head with a single punch. Human skulls are tough as shit, too. You could use the same to BTFO a gorilla or a chimp. I'm no expert on their skulls, but I highly doubt they're so much more resilient than a human's skull that you couldn't win by smacking them in the weakest parts of their skull.
A power-lifter would have their stomachs torn open before they can get a choke hold.
>it's a theory
>humans and apes are separate
>Yeah, but you don't, so it's a moot point.
how is it a moot point? there's probably gorillas that could lift more than any human weightlifter but because the sample size of powerlifting gorillas is so small it's not documented
Elephants during mating season would give 0 shits and would just slam into the t-rex, killing it instantly.
those gorrilla claims are always bloated
it's 2-4x tops an average human and mainly do to weight difference
Again, you fucking dumbass.
The topic was about whether or not humanity reached the peak by utter strength.
Read nigger, read.
no they can't
gorrillas bodies are meant for pulling and flailing
they could't lift shit compared to a powerlifter
Gorillas don't have the intelligence nor the drive to train to become as strong as humans can.
woah.... tusks.....
You realize elephant tusks are mainly used for digging, right? They're not fucking serrated blades or something. They're not even really dangerous, the danger in an elephant charge is the massive animal hurtling towards you at 15mph.
looks like a small framed manlet steroid nigger
what i said stands
>killing it instantly
The thing isn't made out of paper, retard. It's fucking 4 tons of muscle with an absurd bite force
No it wasn't, retard. I'm the one who started this argument. You dipshit misanthropes are getting BTFO in this thread and trying to shift goalposts constantly.
I think he's just splitting hairs between ape/hominid/primate
elephants aren't cowards at all
male elephants are actually very aggressive
and intelligent so they would never scatter
They had a top speed of 12 MPH because their bones were too brittle to support running any faster.
not countings different types of whales etc
only whales in general
Humans that hormones that sends signals to the brain and muscles to stop exertion to avoid tissue damage.
Chimps and Gorillas have a lower amount of those hormones. That combined with their denser muscle structure makes for impressive feats of endurance and strength, that takes them almost no effort while a human needs to apply a lot of effort just to even do the same feats.
Have a human and a chimp dangle from a bar, the chimp would be there for hours.
>ywn scratch a hippo tummy
humans are cheating faggots all they can do is use cheap moves and bullshit cheese
>tfw you're a human supremacist
They have 0 experience against a carnivore that could kill them 1v1 though. We don't know how they would react.
>And no, humans were never collective prey.
Depends what you mean by humans, do you feel human history is only 50,000~ years old? 315,000 years old or more? The further back you go the smaller and weaker we were, we were prey throughout most our ape history. Our innate fear of snakes, spiders and many of our instincts come from our adaptations to being hunted. After all Rome was not built in a day.
That's an asian elephant, a.k.a. the virgin manlet of elephants. African elephants are significantly stronger and more aggressive.
How dumb do you think an elephant is
>le dinosaur can beat elephants
not this one you fucking glorified oversized birds
You're the goalposting mongoloid that keeps stating that an unarmed human can effectively take on large predatory animals.
You started the argument and from the start you are utterly wrong.
not a even decent iq human
he would know how to guard his neck and stomach
>t. animal
Not our fault you were too stupid to play the meta, now get ready to be turned into Chinese Boner Pills.
Now imagine them facing a predator larger than them.
nobody cares what faggot nerds say or think
think for yourself
We had this thread yesterday.
You guys know there are other boards for therse threads right? THis is what /an/ is for it's just not as popular as Yea Forums.
You do know that Elephants fully grown can weight from 6,000 to 13,000 lbs right?
They can sit on the others and kill them.
>tfw bacteria main
get fucked FOTM human shitters
and they he has bleeding mangled arms.
If elephants were all extinct they'd probably say the same about them. If bees were all extinct they'd probably classify it as a non-flying insect. A t-rex wouldn't break apart from running that's retarded.
Godzilla will be beaten by King Kong in the next movie
*blocks your path*
Godzilla's over 300 feet tall
Kong's only 100
My cut off date as around 200k - 300k years ago, when anatomically modern humans first appeared in the fossil record. And by then, we were already top dog because of our ancestors.
Humans were 100% the supreme species on the planet even only 50,000 years ago.
Kong is an adolescent
kong is still growing. he will btfo godzilla because mammals are the master race
about the same was as with another angry elephant i suppose
>prey animal
no there aren't
they have no predators
I admit. This one may be too much for t-rexes.
But we still have sauropods, get fucked
are elephants spine really high up? with a rock or something they may be able to damage it
Snake > Bear
Wolves > Snake
Elephant > Wolves, Bear, Snake
Yeah and he grows up to 150 feet now
You don't just double in size
You don't have much knowledge of apex herbivores, do you user?
When you start doing shit with herds like elephants their bull goes fucking to TOWN on your ass, its why alot of people die to elephants yearly even though there's not a whole lot of them left.
And don't even get started on the unholy nightmares that are hippos or water bison.
eh all those at once would hurt the elephant pretty bad
grizzlies knock mooses heads off occasionally
an elephant can strike in a multitude of angle and a sauropod have no chance to react
>a fictional supermassive ape fighting a radioactive 300 ft lizard because i don't think that's logical
>The smartest thing anyone can do is run.
lmao that's pants on head retarded, literally the dumbest thing you can do.
>tfw no giant flying beetles the size of cars like there was during the age of dinosaurs
Can you imagine a giant flying living tank with pincers coming at you
>elephant evolves tusks for combat
>can use them
>wolves evolve pack mentality for combat
>can use it
>snake evolves venom for combat
>can use it
>human evolves tool use, teamwork capability, etc etc. for combat
>No atomic breath
at best a lion and tiger are equal
at fighting 1v1 an lion would win 6/10
any big cat would fuck up a gorrilla
>opposable thumbs
>Humans make giant fucking Gun for Kong
>Kong proceeds to blow godzilla's brains out with 10 ton Slugs
he can live with that
didn't say he would win withought a scratch
and some nice thick clothing could make a big difference
>any big cat would fuck up a gorrilla
Imagine actually believing this. You haven't researched it well enough, dipshit.
its never recommended to run if a bear is after you because it will always outrun you
King Kong, beating the skullcrawler will become the alpha in the island, with nothing to keep him in check he grows up to the size of 240 feet
it's still tinier compared to Gojira but he makes up by having that mammalian muscle
[/spoiler] Godzilla will be nerfed by having some bullshit about losing his atomic breath so that's how he lost [/spoiler]
>You don't think a human would start spazzing out in that situation as well? What's wrong with you?
nigga do you really think a human's bite got shit on a gorilla's?
fucking numales
i bet this people are terrified of shitbulls
Keep distance. Lions are fast but humans have endurance. Live off their kills. Be a constant presence, but never too close. Stalk them. Let them know you're there. Years later when the lion is old and sickly and abandoned by his pride, now you can approach. He will likely not even attack you, now too weak and too used to your presence. Sit down with him and watch the stars. Give him the rest he deserves.
>no cute Tsundere godzilla girl
>Sensitive about her height
Nigger I don't know what the hell an elephant could do against a bulky sauropod like the apatosaurus or literal living mountains like the Argentiggersaurus or the Mamenchi. Those whip tails were some of the most powerful weapons in the animal kingdom
>elephant falls over
>fucking dies as it breaks its own ribs and legs from the fall
bird boned giant chickens
would get fucked by based elephants
>at best a lion and tiger are equal
>average weight of a lion around 420 lbs
>average weight of a tiger around 600 lbs
lions also hunt in packs whereas tigers are solo hunters. simba would get BTFO 1v1
Why not just give him a gun at that point?
No? Lol.
a alpha elephant would rape an entire nigger town
hippos are the most terriying animal
minus things like centipedes and wasps
I always find it hilarious that the best advice for a bear attack, is to lie down and hope not to die.
whip tails are still limited, elephants are smart enough to calculate threats and formulate tactics
their tusk can penetrate any sauropodian skin and their skull is thick enough to ram and break their shins
We haven't achieved apex predator status for nothing
>I won't argue with you, I'll just send the rest of my retarded article and reference memes
Samefagging won't save you.
>Lion: I fucked and hunted all i can
>what the fuck have you done with your life?
The snake obviously slithers out of the cage alive.
How dumb must one be to use a cage with a snake.
Charge it. It may be armored, but MassXvelocity still will fuck them up by the sheer bulk trampling them.
The elephant may die but it'll be a mutual kill and elephants 100% fucking okay with that-- These things have rammed TRAINS and taken them out, without a thought to their survival.
high iq humans know how to turn that off
it's called retard strength
all wild animals have it by default though
almost most wild animals are already close to peak condition because they need to be constantly surviving
fuck apes and numales that like them
Nice ms paint edit
I've never seen a more obviously photoshopped image.
Final boss is a Canadian goose.
Have you been anywhere near those fuckers? They instant aggro and will fuck all of your shit up. They’re made up of pure anger
the peak bench you can get withought damgeing or severe strain is around 750
much more for different lifts
What the fuck even are viruses anyway?
>not made of cells
>smallest being known by man
>look like a fucking crystal robot
Are they even alive? Are they some sort of artificial humanslayer plague created by ayys or something?
Centipedes are friendly.
Look at it giving a mouse a hug.
>Humans were 100% the supreme species on the planet even only 50,000 years ago.
>even only 50,000 years ago.
>only 50,000 years ago.
Yes but this is because a 50,000 year old human is equivalent to you and me i.e that's the time humans exhibited behavioral modernity.
serrated blades suck
tusks are perfect for impaling a rex
>high iq humans
>retard strength
fuck off Yautja.
>giant pointy tusks attached to a goliath aren't dangerous
walk on them retard.
>bear isn't as strong as an elephant, can't crush it either so it just gets run over
>wolf bite force ain't got shit on hyenas, elephant runs them over or outright ignores them
>giant snake is a constrictor, not venomous, actually a worse match up than your typical viper
How about those giant ass crocodiles that lived with the dinosaurs
An elephant will stomp a bear. However the pack of wolves may beat the elephant.
They are quite fragile.
predators where pussies
they just snipe the actual good warrios while being invisible and hiding like cowards
>OP only lists land animals
>no sea or air
Strongest in each? i think so.
Hunting with superior technology is pussy enough.
Anyone who doesn't main Otter, Mongoose, or Bear is a fucking faggot or a deadbeat.
best animals are dogs because there the most human
elephants run Africa. the only thing capable of killing them are humans, so no bear, or wolves gonna do shit to it.
Chimps cant swim at all FYI. If you ever get into a fight with a chimp, walk into some water and let that fucker drown trying to come after you. He'll die in the water or stand on the beach getting angry.
the incelephant
ah yes the deadlift, the most useful battle strategy
dude just avoid it's trunk or tank some hits
Just a bunch of proteins replicating themselves by any means necessary.
That's what we are, only more complicated.
I used Puush to post that directly from Yea Forums.
Get trolled, retard. Made you waste your time, lmao.
eye goughe and strangle by ramming your arm down it's throat
or pick up and small rock or sticks and ram down it's throat
ez clap
But what if you had to fight an Elehant/Orca mutant hybrid?
not even the most terrifying sea monsters
They're the most human alright.
they really do have africa shaped ears
how in the hell
Yeah the world changed. Please educate yourself rather than have speds on 4channel give you half assed replies faggot.
>lovecraft rep gets in
You might lose the hand before you even manage to get to the uvula.
Going for the eyes the best strategy. Then you rape it to establish dominance.
It's okay. I got to relive the >look at the tabs meme one last time before Yea Forums is lost to the hordes of R*dditors.
is that a real commercial?
why are there so few huge land animals now? all the dinos and old mammals were massive but now humans are bigger than most excluding equines, elephants, etc
Elephant can kill all of those by STEPPING on them for fucks sake.
VR with micro transactions and the game stays online all the time
Wouldn't a rhino or hippo kill a phant?
height doesn't mean much
width and durabilty plus weight does
Yeap but it's from either Taiwan or china.
Please don't post this embarrassment of our species. For fuck's sake we took a perfectly good dog and ruined it, literally destroyed its body and made it ill and dysfunctional for the memes
Imagine if a bunch of aliens did something like this to a lineage of humans. Bred their bodies to be weak and fragile, bred their faces to be deformed to the point that it can't even breathe properly.
Like something AM would do.
Oxygen is not as thick as it was millions of years ago. It’s also why we don’t have bugs as big as cars.
My dude, you are so fucking retarded
they would still win
and a rex was the same size
not bigger
What the fuck? Who would be willing to subject a live mammal to this in captivity?
Alright, I'll give you that, Maybe they do stand a chance against stuff like apatosaurus, but I just can't see it beating shit like pic related. It could most definitely just crush elephant-tier animals with just one of its legs.
>having a weak immune system
It's vermin
>No Items
>Human vs Elephant
>Final Destination
Article is still bullshit
>Snake > Bear
It's not biting the rat, it's actually mating with it. It was an attempt to create centipede-rat hybrids. The experiments failed though and all it produced was the guinea pig, a longer sort of rodent. Hence why the word "guinea pig" is a byword for something being experimented on.
A gorilla doesnt even work out and they can lift that much. Imagine if we got a gorilla working out to get him jacked, and them trained him how to fight. He would be unstoppable.
the onions run vs the chad fight to the death
Post more animals getting killed by Centipedes.
iight niggas, get ready. I’ve activated my trump card. What now?
Aren't there people who get offended by these?
males are more 550 and fight all day instead of hunting
tigers just hunt
and that maine is really useful
The gorilla is only strong out of rage of having 1 inch dicks.
well one of us is clearly lying
Dung pies everywhere
because then the human would end it instantly
gorrillas are not really agressive and they have paper skin like humans but not the inntellgentce
That's only from the standpoint of the Rex not moving at all. Being a bi-ped it could swing around and bite quite easily.
It took fucking 30 to kill 1 SMALL elephant.
And it was enough food to feed them for a week.
Holy fuck
Elephant still wins; there used to be problems in certain reserves with pack of young male epehants killing hippos and rhinos for fun.
I'm disturbed by it a bit.
But the absolute tards like PETA would reee to high heavens.
a humans bite varies from 150-375 psi
a gorrillas says 1200 but thats seems bs high
more like 700
"Oh shit nigga"
Do they know the Chinese do this to literally to every living dog in their country? If they are lucky anyway since they love to boil live dogs to death. Nuke China.
>there are people in this thread that genuinely believe that mma fighter can throw hands at bears and shit
0 faith in humanity
cmon guys were all homo sapiens. fuck.
best is the pick up a rock or good stick and hope it backs off
A pack of wolves usually back down to a single bear, a elephant would trample a bear and the titanoboa could snap the legs of an elephant with its tremendous pressure
Did you have a stroke motherfucker
He'll start throwing rocks at you.
>Disturbed by it
he aint me
im the one that said giant chickens
stop lying
1 inch dick is all you need to feel good and get off. Females pleasure doesnt matter.
this kills the pug
Not too different from bodybuilders after all.
Don’t give them attention man they’re just out for (you)s
yeah kinda
i forgot to blink and drink water today
based, also aren't gorillas the ones where the females fuck each other with their clits and have female only orgies or something? maybe that was bonobos, i don't remember
centipedes and wasps should be purged
useless demonic creatures mosquitoes to
user are you okay?
The supreme pachyderm gentleman
They won't even feel it. No wonder the female apes wanted human dick.
>that thing
>being able to kick
even if it could it would at most stagger the elephant a bit
and the elephant is perfect range for a chest stab or throat stab
>Elephants are sturdy sure but they can't fight for shit.
Stupid people like this are why the death rate to Hippos is so high
Moneys on the big fuck off snake but I'd be cheering for the elephant
Trunkbros are pretty cool dudes and pretty fucking smart
It takes very little to convince me that imperialism was good.
>horns not compatible
I wish we had a board to discuss animals and dumb shit. /fa/ comes close.
I want to fuck an elephant
I said crush. Like stomping.
Pic related
Also, Murenase Shiiton-Gakuen threads on Yea Forums. Those are always fun, especially when Sloth or Koala is involved.
At first glance it seems the tiger would win but as many illigal fights have shown the lion usually wins. Lions are just better at fighting other big cats. Its in their blood
Neanderthals where just slightly different wildman humans
Elephant is true to the Endurance no doubt, so it would be damn near impossible for the others to fuck it up
Elephants are classified as having near human intelligence
It could be capable of interspecial lust
>Shitters think the elephant loses
i doubt it when elephants ram trees with them and max speed and there fine
I bet banging one of those elephants the right way would make them make elephant sounds like you wouldn’t believe. Those loud brassy trumpet blows from their nose as you bust out the sweet surrender in them
>Murenase Shiiton-Gakuen
i can see a big bear hurting a elphant bad but that's it
maybe if it was super smart and could climb on the side of it
and a viper couldn't pierce elephant skin
i doubt an anaconda even could
>/fa/ comes close
Well let's take a look at that guy's list
Obviously body bees/wasps/etc as we made them our bitch effectively
>Orcas and Dolphins
body bees because bees can't even harm either of them.
My joke got ruined :(
Go watch the video in the thread where the elephant tosses a car around with his tusks sperg
It's alive, nigga. We're at chapter 67 out of 70 currently.
what a badass, look at em throw that stick
do spherm whales ever fight orcas or great whites?
and why are there 2 different megaladons in that pic?
also kek at people that claim megs where larger than 20meters
Imagine being so gay it actually turns you into a complete braindead retard.
Well seeing as humans have much smaller cocks than elephants I'd assume it'd sound more like
somewhat and depends how you do it
but being invisbale and sniping just straight up is
he wouldn't even melee fight billy
the pussy stabbed him in the back despite being 7.5 and like 400 pounds and having armor
>do spherm whales ever fight orcas or great whites?
pretty sure no, there's not really a reason for them to fight (not even over food since they eat different stuff)/they live in different climates, maybe sharks or orcas would attack whales if they were desperately hungry I guess
i'm far from an expert but feel free to correct me
How do you know the size of elephant cocks? Actually nevermind.
>Humans body a swarm of wasps
If by "body" you mean running and screaming, yeah, It's pretty obvious.
>my wife's reaction to this video is "take that, patriarchy!"
just hunt with spears
can pull off a lot of kills
>sprays bug repellent
Is it weird I want to fuck the giant wolf girl?
See, these charts always make me laugh at people who freak out about megaladons if they were still around.
its like, Nigger, we got sperm whales RIGHT NOW that are literally the biggest sea monster in history and dwarfed megs, and you're asking "what if" a smaller predator than we have NOW was still around?
Dachunds are the best small dog
Kangals and Ovcharka are the best big bois
touche you ugly nigger.
King Cobras have bitten/killed elephants before dude.
>Actually nevermind.
It's better off not asking.
Ape and monkeys are actually shit tier throwers. They have very poor aim and their body is not made for it.
The best they can do is sling something and hope they got a good angle
I almost ran over one. So I stopped and made sure he could make it across the street only for a car to purposely run it over. God I hate people.
No. All the girls in Murenase are designed to be fuckable.
Lest you forget, the lionesses are all amazonian waifus, the shit-eating koala has F-cup tiddies, and even one-offs like the dolphin girls or elephant girls are adorable.
eh same thing but with sharp teeth to boot
just shoot it
If I fuck the sloth will it die?
they would get ganged and murdered by orcas or out competed by smaller predators
Sperm whales aren't really a predator
>gay sex with hats on
How many shots would it take to kill a bear? With a revolver? Is there a website with such information?
maybe if your an armlet
It's alright. Chapter 58 shows that she just comes back to life regularly after dying. She gets to meet her house-rat friend in heaven before coming back, so she's cool with it.
>All these cats going to the gym oh no no no
Oh said they're born this way...
the bear would put up a decent fight
>Those tabs
Fake as fuck but still great
>Is it bad to use a dildo on a hams
>How to bury a hamster
a elephant would murk 5 hippos or rhinos at the same time
those are cool to though
Dude, it's not a giant water balloon. Obviously the muscles on that thing were fucking monstruous to support all that weight.
Yea nah:
the fuck, was it a nigger or gook? i get pissed when people do shit like that
i park in the road and get out to move turtles and the like
i would have been infurated
absolute chad
a strike in the eys maybe? that's the only way i can see it
cobras can't bite through thick work pants
>sperm whales aren't predators
>Litearlly the primary predator of giant squids
double tap between the eyes get pretty much anything
Fuckkkkkk that’s hot
A white woman old woman. Don't have many black people or gooks here. Prob like 10 at most.
how could something with such small leg girth support all that weight
super big weiglifters have legs like half that size
depends on where you hit it.
In the body you're basically fucked because of all the fat and insulation it has and the amount of adrenaline those things get when angry, it'll take a while for them to die.
You'd pretty much have to get lucky and somehow get the shots straight into its brain to outright mess up its ability to control its limbs to kill it before it could get to you, or get lucky and have one of its big bones shatter from the bullet.
They have 22 inch dicks and usually drag swimmers with their dicks and drown them for no fucking reason.
gorrillas work out all the time
always climbing around
there already close to peak
and you can't train a monkey to fight
at best maybe flail around a little less
Would a .50 BMG fuck it up?
Let’s not forget square-cubed law
so are hyenas
also niggers are animals
Absolutely incredibly based
Fucking YUM!!! My fatass self would love to go out this way
look at the elephants face
where is it's herd?
What are youu talking about? The thing is a stubby pillar of muscle. If they were any stubbier the fucker wouldn't be able to move.
Bruh, females are the ones that hunt. Males are lazy as shit
I understand that the risks hitting it are a long shot because of it having a small hit box as a snake. However in a cage match like OP said with a snake with that much surface area, the elephant is bound to trample it in multiple areas. Hypothetically even as the snake it taking it down it then has a full grown elephant fall onto one of the small parts of its body. It WILL be pinned and it WILL suffer massive internal bleeding and damage to organs. The snake doesn’t take this. At most it ends in a draw with them killing each other.
At most.
who was in the wrong here?
Elephants are absolute assholes to other animals
a greco wrestler or grappler etc
humans where apex even before tech
Problem is in a no items cage match it doesn’t work
Humans have superior brains and the ability to use tools.
Hand to hand a naked itemless human doesn’t stand a chance.
its a .50 BMG, yeah, it definitely would.
they literally can't do anything better than aryans
T. sheltered upper middle class zoomer