Literally the Melee of Pokemon games. Prove me wrong. protip: you can't

Literally the Melee of Pokemon games. Prove me wrong. protip: you can't

Attached: pkmn.jpg (336x239, 26K)



both got a 7 rating, they're overrated games.

I would fuck Lugia

Yeah I can, melee is fast, the pokemon GC games are slower than molasses.

define what you mean by "the melee of pokemon" first

kill youself


Fuck off faggot.

gold/silver is the melee of pokemon in every single way you fucking faggot

>reusing all the stadium models
Lazier than GF

Erease yourself from the threads of history and leap out of this space and time continuum.

This game was only AIDS because you only get one opportunity to catch each Pokémon and you literally have to just be lucky enough that you can get them to

Im sure there was another way to get them later if not just rebattling the trainer right away

I actually just bought a memory card and XD so I'll get back into both of them soon.
>Which johto starter should I pick in Colosseum?
>Which Eeveelution should I pick in XD?

I’m pretty sure you can’t just rebattle them, and if you could it was probably too far down the story for me to ever care enough to try.

The only johto starter that isnt trash is totodile

Or just your favorites and make the games harder like I do

I usually go with cyndaquil for johto starter so this will be different. I'll try to remember Vaporeon as well.

Some trainers allowed daily rebattles, any "enemy" trainer though you had to finish the game. XD fixed this by having Mirror B as a roaming NPC who used shadow pokemon you missed

Back to with you.

This shit was never funny

yeah dude that's just not funny. just choose what's easiest and deal with it faggot.

They're the worst fucking games in the series actually

Where's Pokemon ROFL, you stupid redditor?


Was there any real benefit to purifying Shadow Pokemon? I managed to muscle my way through most of the game cause the shadow moves were so OP.