AW thread
Advance Wars thread
I keep hearing people talk about this game. But honestly, I don't think it's even real. I mean have any of you actually seen a copy?.
If it was real it would totally have a pre-order bonus at GameStop. All actual video games have preorder, bonuses. The best ones have season passes.
>Indirect unit
I miss it.
you use the same basic unit composition with every character in aw1, 2, and ds
R O L L, T A N K S, R O L L
The real question is how did a Missile unit manage to hit something and be useful for once. Unless this is a campaign battle then ofc it had a purpose but still
I used to play this every day against this kid named Carl in my math class. Shit was cash. Love the art style.
Why aren't there any ROM hacks of Advance Wars like Pokemon?
Niche series with small fanbase. Everyone grew up and moved on with their lives, went to FE or WG
*ruins your game*
Dual Strike was GOAT
day of ruin was the best gameplay
DS was broken as fuck but that made it hella fun
>putting +luck +super luck on Nell
>critting mega tanks with infantry
the skills patch is even more broken fun since you can double the luck skills and combo it with a skill that gives you first strike on counter
>AW1 has the armies come together to stomp black hole in a 3 on 1
>AW2 does the same 3 on 1 style battle only this time Sturm has some proper shit around his fortress with fucking dozens of bases and airports at his disposal
>Dual strike is "lmao you versus a bunch of flubber and Bolt has two fucking bases total"
I know its a stupid gripe but the final mission in dual strike really doesn't feel as climactic as it should. Wouldn't the final battle in a game centered around the Allied nations have a 4 player match? Why is Bolt so underfunded? Why isn't the Grand bolt guarded with more shit?
They got lazy with final maps after AW1 honestly and just went the route of empty field/clusterfuck of lasers and cannons while enemy has free deployment
how do i stop the pain?
>not liking based flubber
they are weak to basic infantry and you can kill them for hella EXP
FUCK the dark crystal mission though, you know the one.
Learn how to romhack
Play multiplayer
leave Yea Forums and be a productive member of society
Nigga what ?
AWDS had the bright idea to tie the skills you attach to characters with an EXP mechanic gained from any non PVP mode.
Yes, you grind like mad for each character to use skills you already got
Fuck. This game man. My brother used to be all over it on Gameboy Advance, I was too much of a kid to know how to play it tho. I remember sometimes when we had no power and me, he and my sister would play the vs mode. I would always choose Andy. Why do I feel old even though I'm 18
Now THIS is a decent fucking final mission-esque map
For some reason I completely forgot about this, thanks user.
As someone who has AW2, AWDS, and DoR, is it still worth it to play AW1?
Post em, faggots.
it's a bit simpler but yes
Yeah, it's campaign and war room still hold up great since they made sure to carefully playtest each one since it was made as testing grounds for turn based strategies being viable in the US
Have a wallpaper, my nigs
no days of ruin, you suck
your numbers mean nothing to me
My shithole town never got it in stock so I just pirated it.
Fuck yes it is. The level design is solid with a ton of fun missions and it has a lot of hidden and alternate routes depending on how you finish missions, what COs you deploy etc. Only real bummer is that the AI still cheats FOW, but other than that its great.
Advance Wars 1 is the best in the series
Max is the best CO.
it just gets worse, user. I turned 22 today, don't spend ALL your time on the computer. Keep those social bonds going with your friends from school.
There are wtf? I have on my PC and had my little brother and sister play them too
Name 50
I will, hope you have a good life fren
Public Service Announcement: someone made an English ROM hack in the last year or so for Super Famicom Wars. If you consider yourself a veteran wars player, you should definitely look into obtaining it, it's both fun and very different from it's advance counterpart.
The three biggest differences are:
1) no concept of first strike
2) units can only be made at the HQ and bases surrounding the HQ
3) no CO powers
1+2 make the fights very long, but also can turn easier if your chain of supply gets broken. Also the final map (Shark Straight) is probably my second favorite campaign in the entire Wars series.
>no co powers
I believe only the range is gaimped but the damage output is still baseline.
i dont see the problem
Tried it, got bored when PVP became stalemate for the 3rd game
It looks charming though and the animations are even better than AW1
What happened to Olaf between AW1 and AW2, character wise
he became slightly less cold and more of a lovable oaf
Always felt like he became cold but loveable oaf in AW2 while in AW1 he was just a bumbling idiot
It would be a complete 180 on his personality but I guess he got some character development from realizing his fuckup with Sturm in AW1
Opinion: Swapping Colin with Andy and making the former the protagonist would have greatly improved the series.
as a character? Colin fit the 'rookie becoming his own CO' thing better than Andy while Andy was kinda just there aside from one or two moments like 'What's an airport'
power wise? you gotta nerf his broken power until maybe endgame story-wise, like his own army decides to trust his potential more despite overwhelming odds
Maybe you could have power of money being locked away until a certain part of the campaign for lore reasons.
You could have Colin looking up to max and Sami, feeling frustrated because he is a rookie who has no unique talent that sets him apart. Eventually he grows to accept who he is and Power of money is unlocked, where he uses his wealth to shit all over Sturm. He being a rich kid would also explain why Sturm would clone him to do evil shit, he would have a public life and would stand out more on the news for graduating at such early age.
As for Andy he even works as a blue collar worker worker for Olaf's Stalin esque figure.
You forgot the biggest one:
4) There's no story.
Hey Yea Forums, do we still care about doing multiplayer matches on Mednafen?
play it
There’s never really been a story in Advance Wars until Days of Ruin. And even then, that was mostly just a basic coming-of-age story
They should have gone with a full blown alien invasion where all the units pack much stronger tech and are not just counterparts of the game's units. Go full war of the worlds.
The feature I missed the most in 2 were the animated portraits.
I would agree if black bomb shit didnt exist
But the games did start having a story starting with GBA. The games before then don't have anything at all.
They were sorta heading in that direction as Black Hole faction was pretty alien in design, like the space helmets, space meteor & Sturm in general. Maybe different planets providing different materials or CO powers if they ever bother going that route assuming another Wars game actually is made
Man, Sephiroth's CO Power was outrageous
Why do this to me
>Advance Wars 3
>slight timeskip happened
>black hole returns and the four factions must fight once more
>aliens use mind control technology to make them infight
>this means CO factions breaking apart
>a few COs manage to regain their senses and form a ragtag team
>first half of the game involves beating the many COs and them joining you
>eventually you make your way to the moon where you fight the aliens
I can see it
might as well add to it
>Black Hole/Aliens made a space colony including one on the Moon
>somewhere in the plot they're making a giant laser cannon pointed at Earth
>fight your way reclaiming land, resources & lab plans from Black Hole
>eventually unlock units like mechs catered to each nation or CO like varied range, defense or power
>oh and at some point the finale is that Sturm or the main villain decides to drop the colony or laser cannon on Earth in a suicide attempt to wipe everything out
>and its a limited turn/timed & evacuate all units to this one spot map
What is this and is it good.
I like the idea of dropping the colony but the evacuation process sounds a bit overkill. The games aren't exactly well know for giving a damn about whenever or not units die
Wargroove is great.
Nell is best girl and best CO.
Fuck you.
Most people had Misty as their tomboy first love, I had Sami.
it's a couple of AW styled campaign maps which leads from Mitt's campaign to Mitt vs Obama.
It's pretty good gameplay wise and uses actual quotes instead of custom dialogue
in that case, assign a special escort unit containing the CO so that you can't just sacrifice most of your army without risking a game over by having your CO killed due to being unprotected or something, the trade off being that units near the CO get a power boost or special properties. Hard mode is that each CO is in a different spot in the map and have to re-group in one area before continuing to the end of the map. Each spot of the map is a test to see if you know how to use the CO's powers/traits to your advantage
this one's actually not too bad
the game is forgiving enough that you can lose units on the first tag power and the turn limit is generous as well
orange star to just secure the silos and then bait black hole
blue moon holds the bridge and secures the top silo
green earth to take the factory (obviously), rush the bottom factory with a small group to cover it with a tank or AA and then take the middle
easiest way to get power is to just take lots of artillery along the east wall and then use jake's COP
never played wargroove but great taste in COs
so you're a zoomer?
I was born in '94. What year were you born in?
I tried setting up Mednafen but I always encounter errors when I try to join a server. Why
[B] Copters.