Do you think fan service improves a game or is it just useless filler?

Do you think fan service improves a game or is it just useless filler?

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As a lad who wanks often, lewd fanservice is inoffensive at best but can easily drag the overall tone down if it's just shoved in there
Proper fanservice can only improve the experience though, because anyone not in on it won't even notice

post some pics with fan service

But SRW uses both.

Do you think posting this thread everyday improves the board or is it just useless filler?

That girl on top has anger issues.

every game can be improved with fanservice

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When the girls power up, they go almost naked

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If a game that's good without the fanservice has fanservice it isn't an issue with me
any game that is reliant on the fanservice is irredeemable trash, unless it's a literal porn game that's supposed to rely on it

And that's a good thing!

>any game that is reliant on the fanservice is irredeemable trash

Depends if the game is good or not. But in general good games with fan service are kino.

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don't forget Senran Kagura

I can assure you that OP's game is good.

How did this get past SNOY?

it's still relatively tame compared to most other anime games

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Aye but you play the average SRW for the latter kind don't you, without the cross-series interaction you've just got a basic SRPG. Endless Frontier is the only one I know that's heavy on the lewd but that game would have been great either way

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And that's what made it good. A healthy amount of fanservice that isn't over the top yet still shows cute girls as nature intended.

>Healthy amount.
There's barely any lewd content, user. Hell, there is barely any violent content despite their entire premise either. I am still mad.

Making video games is difficult and expensive, Compile obviously can't afford to make more than a couple dozen CGs or have actual depictions of gore like the text claims there is.

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cool... more derq thread

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who /breeder/ here

Who are you breeding with?

>or have actual depictions of gore like the text claims there is
You do know that gore gets heavily cut down in Japan for games right?

Why is it so good? Though they could have toned it down with the constant game over choices.

All they had to do was try harder though. The very first cutscene in the game is nothing but text, voices and a 3D model falling to the ground, but it is legitimately well done. Sets the tone for the story well, but it never really pays off afterwards.

90% of the bad ends that I came across after that were literally just 3-5 sentences at best without much imagination. Literally choose your own adventure "The giant ants crawl towards you, and eat you. The end." levels of bad.
Hell, all the massive twists at the end get nothing but blood splatter effects and hand waving text, including the reveal about the fate of a certain character.

That being said, there are still really good ones to be found in the game and overall it was worth buying. I'm not that negative.

>90% of the bad ends that I came across after that were literally just 3-5 sentences at best without much imagination. Literally choose your own adventure "The giant ants crawl towards you, and eat you. The end." levels of bad.

This so much. More than half of the endings felt so lazy that I wonder what even the point of including them was.

personally, i cant play it yet so seeing threads like these makes me happy.
also, shilling compa will get more money for quality games

Useless filler at best most of the time. I still generally enjoy it.

In all honesty the game is at most 6/10. Gameplay itself was okay at best and the story is incredibly lackluster. Music is surprisingly bad for a JRPG and there's only a handful of CGs. I came expecting a Corpse Party-tier thriller and left with disappointment.

>Scenario writer breathes this kind of fucked up shit
>New battle system that fixes a number of complaints against Nep's system making the battle system stand out in a very good way. TriAct+Knockbug is right up there as far as JRPG battle systems go
>Game feels more like an adventure than just going into a dungeon, doing a thing then fucking off elsewhere as you constantly move forwards, towards your goal.
>Event CGs focussed more on the death than the fanservice elements

Too much fanservice is shit. If every female character dresses like a slut you get desensitized to it. Do have to do it slowly, bit by bit. Have your main girl dress in a regular oufit and then 20 hours into the game show her bathing but everything is covered with steam. 30 hours in show her in a bikini. 60 hours in finally go full out show a sexy CG where she's almost completely nude. That's the patrician way.

>Tfw would have bought it but they gave me the game for free
>tfw the beta doesn't even come with the dlc

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that's what break mode is for

>TriAct+Knockbug is right up there as far as JRPG battle systems go
The hacks are also breddy gud.


There's barely any fan service in Death End besides the glitch mode, some cg art, and the swimsuits. Otherwise it's on the lower end for fanservice in Compile Heart games, and also the darkest game they made.

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>>Event CGs focussed more on the death than the fanservice elements

some are more fucked up than others

the only decent hack I have found useful near the end of the game was Billiards since some enemies take a lot of damage when getting sucked into a hole. Which is good because some chapter 11 enemies are fucking damage sponges

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IRIS was one hell of a fight. Three (3) forms and they take damage like bosses in Korean MMOs.

They literally had Corpse Party's scenario writer on board. You knew what you were getting before you started the game.

I haven't gotten that far but some of the random dudes felt like sponges.

On a side note, I hate how the only physical Sun element attacker (Al) has shitty gimmicks for her attacks

Arata's hacks was a mixbag for me. I only used the summons since the enemy
AI always attacked them and was free HP and SP. It wasn't until I got the code that ups corruption by 50% I used that shit all the time to spam glitch mode especially since lategame the sun-moon-star triangle damage effects start to really matter on hard.

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Go grind in the previous dungeons. I had all my characters at level 95+ by the time I got to her.

shina best girl

I really think I was underleveled for that fight because the moment I saw "demise" it was a instant fucking wipeout.

I will actually go out of my way to not buy the game and call it shit.

fanservice is the ultimate pleb filter. it keeps plebs out of the fanbase that would otherwise drag it down.

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wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions


That's not Celica

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Is neptunia rebirth on steam worth playing

but you're both wrong.

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no nepshit is worth playing

You guys must clearly be making a mistake

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That's from cyber sleuth
I've platinumed this game on my Vita

Is hackers something something worth it?

Yo-ho yo-ho
Near the hooks I'll never go

Why do I find soft, big, feminine breasts so appealing, Yea Forums?

You're a straight male.


shit, my people are hardly in the 70s and I am playing on Hard.

I did my first playthrough on normal and fought field mobs as usual.

Yes. If you loved CS, you will adore HM.
Leave the worm alone, she's MY wife.

I wonder

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Braided hair also makes me want to marry a girl if you combine it with big breasts

do you still stand by that statement?

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I like it when I have to work for it like in that video of the guy trying to look up Rorona's skirt by going out of bounds
Asuna is the author's self insert unironically

I fapped to Asuna many times years ago

Best physical attacker right there it seems. Despite having shit scaling for it, she tends to do by far the most physical damage for me.

>SAO is mostly shit
>but the games are actually pretty good
>and Asuna is retarded but cute

Just started playing but I already want to just fuck all the girls in derq
>Literally no fanart
What the fuck, is non-nep CH really this unpopular?

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Reminder that SAO girls are legitimately great and it's only the extreme friendship and Kirito that ruin them.

>fapping to asuna
imagine having taste this SHIT

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The fanservice has to be effective and catered to me via huge breasts and slutty outfits. If that's the case, the game in question is absolutely kino.

>Rorona's skirt
This guy understands the true meaning behind panty shots in games. You work for it, you find it, then you have the proudest most powerful fap that makes you feel fulfilled as its not just panties you're seeing but the time, effort and numerous attempts all culminating in a success that you feel proud to accomplish such a task.
>Spend hours trying to get CM3d2 to work and then work with mods
>Spend more hours trying to fix some issues
>Finally get it working
>Create IF
>Fap vigourously as she blows me and I fuck her to orgasm
>Cum the hardest I've ever cum before.
Reward faps are best faps.


>but the games are actually pretty good
Alicization Lycoris looks interesting even with no custom character to our knowledge.

Does it matter if straight line shots are close or far? I can't tell if it effects damage.

>Alicization Lycoris
Day-one pre FUCKING order. And here I thought my PS4 pro would be relegated to blu-ray player forever. Between Death End Request, Shin Sakura Taisen, and Lycoris it's safe to say it's still the place to play.

>Not playing Death End re;Quest on PC right now

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>Rorona's skirt
this is what it's like to have patrician taste

is it even out yet? last time i checked there was a steam preorder page.

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It isn't out yet, but beta testers can already play it.

Just skip the anime and play the games. You'll enjoy the franchise better that way.

dat tongue lick

Neptunia is already niche as fuck. Now take a CH game that isn't Neptunia and do the math yourself.


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I want to die in those boobs

useless bait shit for underage faggots.
its only there to distract the player from the fact that it lags any kind of quality apart from it.

thats right
thats what peak performance looks like

I tend to agree, though I have been enjoying Alicization and except for certain parts GGO arc was pretty fun which is why GGO Alternative was even better but yeah, the games have done a solid job more so than the anime and are far more worthwhile. The raw amount of content in HR alone is crazy. I love it.

So will neps be DLC?

As soft as heaven itself.

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Nope, you only get Ripuka as a DLC member.

She has a blind spot right in front of her, beyond that I don't think it does.

>Asuna in first season is pretty much on a similar level to Kirito
>midway through, and through every follow-up season, gets demoted to not being able to handle anything outside of housework anymore without Kirito
What did they meme by this

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Why was Arata such a little bitch about getting pet by a cute girl with big tits?

She's basically a lewd puppeteer controlling a robot that comes into the battle and shoots the shit out of everything, with a superiority complex. It fits
Also nice to see midriffbros get thrown a bone once in a while, rest of the cast are titty monsters (based cowboy larping MC not withstanding) then you get this

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>lisbeth makes her move on kirito.jpg

He's Japanese

elves are for bullying

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yes, hacker's memory is definitely worth it. more digimon + more battle modes + more nokia, what's not to like?

SAO broke her

I personally think it's pointless because i'd rather just go look at porn if I want to see titties. scantily clad does nothing for me, and 99% of the time it takes away from the game itself. Senran kagura is an excellent example. mediocre musou game, inoffensive, but every time you use a special move, or get hit too much, or hit someone ELSE too much, there's a fucking cutscene with a transformation. it's stupid as shit and detracts from the overall experience heavily.

Kawahara needs her to be sidelined since otherwise she can solve problems with Kirito meaning the new girl each arc is pointless. Mother's Rosario shows what happens when she gets to be the leading lady and it's her back to her Aincrad arc tier levels while Kibo is sidelined.
>Tfw arc after Alicization has Liz and Silica get some time as leading ladies without Kirito
It's a good feel lads. A very good feel.

I wish there were more people like you.

With your dick

Rebirth 3 is. Or 2.

You can turn those off with ease and the game becomes that much smoother.
>do that in Bullet Girls
>No cut-in means you can use the recoil of sniper rifles to hit two clothing sections one after the other before the enemy hits the ground.
or my favorite thing in BG Phantasia
>Play as Aki, partner is Remi.
>Line up a shot and fire 3 rockets at an enemy
>Watch it fly up with each hit
>Remi shoots her rocket
>it goes higher
>Fire last rocket and launch enemy backwards
The combos and crazy shit you can do without cut-ins is amazing. Turn it off and you get a better game.

Is this Hollow Fragment? Never watched SAO but I was totally down for singleplayer MMO, especially in-setting, and I was having a grand time until my visits back to town turned into long VN segments about craving my Kirito cock despite not actually being Kirito the rest of the time

>I don't like to see nice things and would rather see bland shit.
Gotta go back to resetera.

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>Is this Hollow Fragment?
Yeah, you can tell with the characters in their original SAO outfits. If the outfits are different, it's Hollow Realization.

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What exactly was the point of Lily's skirt getting yanked up by the hook if we don't even get to see her butt?

Based sony erasing that kind of degeneracy from video gaymes.

I still haven't finished Hollow Realisation because of that same reason. I want to finish for Premiere and her voice lines, but I just don't have the energy to deal with Kirito bullshit anymore.

any more would be too racy for SNOY

Cant tell how often that shit chracter distracted me from the actual dialogue.
theres like no fucking point of her being dressed that way, its just fucking distracting

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Fanservice doesnt matter in this equation, its literally inoffensive, what matters is the form being delivered, let me give an example

>lewd alternate or main costume
It doesnt fuck with the game's flow, literally just eye candy, harmless, and can look nice

>lewd cutscene for the sake of itself
You are taking the player's control away just to show me an animation that makes me want to go fap, absolutely worthless

>ACTUAL STORY cutscene, but has some lewd imagery in it
Harmless, we needed that cutscene for the story sake, the extra eye candy at worst might ruin the mood if handled poorly, but that is hardly the case.

>Super animation has lewd stuff
No problem, its the super attack, you want some BANG with it, being lewd has its own charm.

>super animation is too long with lewd stuff
You can see the problem.

A shitty game will never be shitty because of the fanservice stuff and a good game will never be good because of it unless its a porn game. I particularly like it but in truth it adds or takes nothing from a game objectively.

But we got to see Clea's butt.

I honestly thought the fourth wall breaks in this game was pretty cool

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how do you get the text/format for an image like this?

>mfw you are the death god

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>in the party
>go to a transition you're not supposed to cross i.e the red line that invisible walls you
>Ara ara, boys are so curious~

Always assumed she had the typical animu girl voice from screenshots but having played it, my god. Her jap voice is pure milf material

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what did she find?


Adventure and probably a crazy cult

me on the right


Why did Arata tell her about her cleavage instead of doing what any sane straight man would and keep looking at it?

>if you made Arata find out the truth early you get 3-5 lines of text before being swamped with nothing but DEATH text
don't know why but that was really memorable

He's Japanese. Also a virgin.

Fanservice can improve an already good game. It cannot save a bad game.

me on the bottom

Do you think he got to eat Ninomiya's puss after they all got out?

Why is she so cute?

Fanservice is only good when done well.
A lot of games just throw it left and right and it becomes a nuisance instead of a "service".
Good examples of fanservice to me would be free lewd costumes like swimsuits you can equip and play the game with, optional lewd custcene that you had to work for by leveling up a characters relationship system, or when its actually tied to gameplay like clothes being ripped apart after taking damage.
Overall I would say just leave the fanservice as a optional feature for those who want to see it.

if it's hard to get upskirts, but those upskirts are detailed, I'm in

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Don't care if the game is actually good. If fanservice is all the game has going for it though, then it can fuck off. Read a doujin, play a H-game or watch a hentai instead.

Kamidori Alchemy Meister and Sengoku Rance, two actual porn games are better than most of the kusoge fanservice jrpgs that are shat out these days.

then just go play your game. no need to be a pissy piece of shit if others like this game, jezz...

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Kamidori was structured so well around the crafting it's ridiculous, you can even get lewds hours earlier than you're meant to through the onsen you can construct (recipe only available at a tile of one of the maps) and it's not out of place at all


I think the way to improve the game is to fuck the fans up the ass and make the game's characters look like shit.