Can't wait to kill her

Can't wait to kill her

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women and minorities will all be made unkillable


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>unique face model for one NPC
yeah nah bethy doesn't jive that way nah


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Then mods will change it after 1 day

this is why we have console commands

Can't wait to pump her full of cum once sex mods inevitably come out!

This will turn out horribly and Bethesda will use it as an excuse to shut down all modding and only allow approved paid mods.

How nice. I wonder if she'll tell us stories of her adventures in skyrim.

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>facial scanners will make her look even older
You can see it in the pic here ffs
Facial scanners are a meme.

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God, I hope it has decapitations like Skyrim
I want to chop off her head, and use it as decoration for my home


She's not going to be around when it comes out, is she?

they scanned her in because there's no way she'll still be alive when they finish the next one

Why do you think they announced this so early?

Why is she bald?

hahahaha... thats not funny anymore

Toad Howard and Bethesda killed TES. Now we’re watching them desecrate it’s corpse.

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It was my first thought upon hearing it. I'm subbed to her Youtube channel and I quite like her let's plays. She's a nice lady.

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Elderscrolls VI won't have modding fyi

when she dies she will die with a smile on her face, with thoughts that as much as she can't be remembered by her husband, she will be in the thoughts of gamers, as they are cumming to her wrinkly anus being fucked by argonians.

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what did ronald reagan ever do to deserve to be immortalized in the sequel to skyrims

bethesda is too incompetent to add anti modding features without us reverse engineering it just look at there games

life expectancy for healthy enough people is like 75-85 years old. I don't think she'll be around to play Elder Scrolls VI :(

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My ancestors are smiling on me, imperials.

Bethesda heavily supporting modding is why their games have a modding community to begin with, no one will bother with it if they don't at least release the creation kit.

>source: my ass

This is cute.

god quiet is so fucking hot

What's a minority in ES though?

It's not like this is a new thing. Numerous gods for example are named after playtesters and fans of the series.

not true considering they have an established modding community already and we already know that they are using a heavily updated and modified creation engine for the game engine again so it shouldn't be to hard to reverse engineer something a modular as the creation engine is

Non-Nords. The primary plot of TES VI: Redguard will focus on the Swordsinger main character defending his homeland from Stormcloak Nordic-Nationalists who were exiled from Skyrim.

They are not white men, which you can kill them anytime. :^)

I need her in SFM and VRchat.

>implying that's the worst thing that's going to happen to her character

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Worse... she'll be in a Bethesda game!

White men are literally cancer and deserve to be killed.

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It's just the awkward period of artists still getting used to the technology, Capcom already improved massively compared to MonHun, in DMC5 the only face model that got JUSTED was Trish's. And while i haven't followed anything concerning Death Stranding, from what i remember in the trailers, Norma Reedus, Mad whateversel, and Del Toro looked pretty on point.
As for Bioware, well, you can't expect anything from them.

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want puck dick in thaat

They have been nailing it for years now. L.A Noire is a prime example, it looks just as good as many games today.

why are the men all so much hotter than the women?

Well, they have sex with other men. That's why

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Essential NPC.

Mods will be posted behind a paywall where Bethesda takes 45%, Steam gets 30%, and the modder gets the remaining 25% so that nobody on the consumer end really benefits.

Well i didn't really follow what was the deal with L.A Noire, but from the little stuff that is on my brain, i would say that it is an outlier, i remember they made a very big deal about the facial animation, so i would assume that they brought in outside professionals to work on that, like artists that had done that kind of stuff for movies, and one thing that i remember looking janky about L.A Noire was that the face animations and the body animations looked a bit "disjointed" i guess. Where as now, facial motion capture is becoming commonplace in videogames so we are seeing the moment where videogame artists are making the transition. But like i said i don't really know much about L.A Noire, so i could be talking completely out of my ass, if i am disregard anything i said.

Thats because you're gay user

To be fair, while that is shitty for the consumer, you gotta admit that would be a big plus for modders, as long as modders are still allowed to upload their mods to external sites for free, in which case the best case scenario would be that "mandatory" mods would be free to allow both consumers and other modders to easily use them, while stuff like cosmetic mods, or extra weapon mods and stuff like that can be put behind the paywall. That said, i'm a modder, so i'm obviously biased

Disregarding the obvious, that you are a huge faggot. It's possible, and i'm blindly assuming here, that it's cheaper to get super hot male models than super hot female models, it's probably "cheap" to pay some hot handsome guy to be a face model, while it's probably more expensive to find and pay a super hot female model to be one.

nice meme

>Getting 25 cents on the dollar is a big win for modders
Yeah and mandatory unpaid overtime is a big win for the game devs that work at Bethesda.

No it fucking isn't. The paywall means fewer people acquire and appreciate your work, and the pathetic payout to the modder means it's not worth charging for it either. It's just Steam and Bethesda exploiting their userbase by turning them into zero risk independent contractors who have no leverage in their contract.

Not to mention that in DMC5 the dudes have way more screen time than the women so naturally more budget would go to them.

Porn mods where?

And who the hell will fix the game?

I don't know how anybody lives to be that old without killing themselves decades before. I'm only in my 20s and I'm already slowly losing my mind. Time and aging is absolutely horrifying and it seems like suicide is the only alternative, which I'll probably have to resort to.

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You say that, but certain modders now make a living from doing that with Warframe's tennogen, and i believe some have actually been hired by Digital Extremes, the cut there for modders is 30%, and i believe tennogen cosmetics are like 5 bucks(i personally haven't actually made anything for Warframe, and i also haven't bought any tennogen stuff so i'm unsure about the price). But, if the cut is 25%-30% with Bethesda, cosnidering how many normies would rush to buy "Skyrim 2: The skyrimming", i think maybe you're being quick to jump the gun, however, i think it's also likely that i'm being quick to jump the gun as well, it's too early to tell.

You only think youth is important when you have it. The older you get the more you will desperately cling to life.

The suicide rate is even higher in middle-aged people.

Middle-aged MEN. The reason is pretty much never "Because I'm getting old." Most of the time it's financial ruin and/or ostracization from family.

user, I...

based and grannypilled

I feel bad for any white kids in her class.

Men over 65 are the most likely to do it, then the next oldest age group of men, 40-64. Risk of suicide does increase with age.

Her videos are top tier comfy.

Wrong. It peaks at middle-aged, i.e. mid 30s to mid 40s. A 60 year old is less likely to kill themselves than a 40 year old. An 80 year old is less likely to kill themselves than a 60 year old.

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There’s nothing wrong with this besides the fact that she won’t live to see it.

Redguards and Dark Elves

Fuck you nigger Quiet is a nice looking lady

>Certain modders make a living on a 25% cut
Yeah, and certain people on Youtube now make a living by opening toy boxes and pretending they still have enough soul left to care what's inside it, but that doesn't mean it's a booming industry full of opportunities. It just means a couple people can make it out of the thousands in the market, and the company rakes in more money than they do for the work.

baka another home of sexual

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B&RP, how do i upvote?

They had the focus of facial capture being their main thing since it was a detective game,combat came second,it still holds up and the expenses of the tech plus rockstar being rockstar got bondi bankrupt and shut down,im probably wrong about some of this so correct me if so