It's a term only a virgin could come up with. Get laid and accept that Bloodborne is a Souls game in everything but title. It's not necessary to make up such a retarded sounding name for people to realize you're talking about Bloodborne too.

It's a fucking insufferable term that makes us all look bad

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Then come up with a better term faggot

Now that we have Sekiro I guess we could go back to just saying "Souls"

t. Assblasted Londofag still mad that Yharnamchads have unseated them for best Soulsborne game.

How about Souls? Souls-style? If you need "Bourne" tacked on at the end to tell you that you're allowed to also discuss Bloodborne with Souls Games you're a turbo brainlet

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I soulsborne, we should soulsborne using the soulsborne "Soulsborne" and soulsborne up with a soulsborne one.


Too bad Japanchads then unseated them. So now we're stuck with Soulsbronekiro

Soulsborne is a legit term and I'll use it as I see fit.

Too late, nigger, everyone is referring the series as Soulsborne. Get used to it, it's the new metroidvania.


Fucking your mom is a legit term and I'll use it as I see fit

Soulsbournekiro is the term now. Get with the times grandpa.

Get off your computer right now. You have to get laid before the damage becomes irreversible.


OP here, unironically better than Soulsborne, has a sort of silly whimsical charm to it

Whereas Soulsborne sounds like a medical term for infected, contagious dickcheese

more like soulskiroborne

>only a virgin
stop reading there


literal autism

>not calling them Fieldslike

lmao this virgin hasn't got laid so he's uptight as fuck about what people say

have sex, it'll loosen you up a bit

Nothing tops Dark souls 1 you gaytard


you're a faggot, I like bloodborne the most out of all the From games since demons souls but bloodborne is the same shit with a few tweaks.

sekiro is legit very different though, people saying that game is a "soulsbornekiro" or whatever are retarded. it has a lot of From hallmarks obviously but it has so many changes as to be unrecognizable (and shitty imo tbqhwyf)

Except that sekiro is absolutely nothing like any of the souls games or bloodborne except they were made by fromsoft.

>INB4 sekiro is difficult

BorneSouls since Bloodborne its the better game

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Since Sekiro is out, i will officially call the "skrrt"

What's a souls game


I like this one


The fucking state of redditniggers

Speaking of people who need to get laid. Imagine the reaction when people hear this lardass trying to pull his "baste" shit IRL.

have sex.

Darkiroborne is the official name now.

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Metroidvania :^)

That only barely applies to DaS1

To be fair, it still has the whole "people can't die and that's a bad thing" plot.

has a nice ring to it, don't ya think?

You’re gone so far on the fuckin Reddit scale that you did a 360 and became Facebook

>sex-cuck fearing wizard powers.

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