Fire Emblem thread

FE thread

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What about it?

this the lp thread

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remake this game
yay or nay?

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>That line
Jesus fuck whats wrong with him?

Fuck I gotta replay this. And I beat it a year ago

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His parents were made into mincemeat in the fucking desert by this asshole

Roy about to kill valter with his silver sword while Geoffrey and Maribelle watch

I can't think of much FE moments where shit gets serious that made me care

Reminder to respect your elders

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How can you retards like Fire Emblem? It's easily the worst Nintendo IP

Anyone remember Yea Forums plays FE7/TLP back in like summer 2016? What ever happened to the guy who did those threads? I think his name was Nigger-Tomo or whatever?

Nigger has been back the last week or so, doing another playthrough of Tacthack

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you just missed him yesterday when he got shitfaced drunk trying to tactics again

t. Gharnef, Medeus, Hardin, Duma, Arvis, Zephiel, Nergal, Lyon, Iduun, Ashnard, Gangrel, Validar, Grima, Garon, and Anankos

Nice to hear, its amazing how tacthack is finished now. I remember when it was just a beta

Is it worth a playthrough? I'm a sucker for GBA fire emblem animations but most romhack stories are trash

Being the worst of a very good group does not make it bad.

I heard good things about it, but I've yet to try it myself despite having downloaded the latest version (all chapters finished but not all supports iirc)

It's story isn't as bad as I thought it'd be for a romhack. It's not edgy at all and has a fair bit of good worldbuilding. Support convos are still being worked on iirc but most of the characterzation from the story, talk convos and boss convos do it justice

its one of the more competent romhacks I've seen as far as the writing goes, but that isn't really saying much

Is the GBA era peak Fire Emblem?

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For attack animations yes. For gameplay, pathetically no.

Do you really need to post this in every thread? Does it not get tiresome

I assume they will eventually get around to remaking all the pre-awakening games following the success of SoV. Lookin forward to them too because I'm too picky/autistic/neurotic for fan translations and I'm itching to try the older titles

A fe4 remake would be a huge but worthwhile endeavor. I'm absolutely in favor of splitting up chapters too

Hagen was rad, I really liked him even if his stats belong in a toilet. He was one of my first units I spend feathers getting to 5-star just cuz I always thought he was cool

Ah fuck the gif is real good

So what's the deal with Hardin? Is there a good reason he turned evil or is it just some generic "corrupted by a dragon" nonsense

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Certainly peak of my nostalgia

When mario and zelda exist?

theres a few of these, but I don't have all of them

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They would have to I think, no real way around it. Not sure how they'd be able to handle the multiple generations without upsetting people

"Some nerd" ahahaha

You're chilling in the castle when this guy crabwalks up and kidnaps your princess's ass. What do you do?

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What are the best 3 games?

>fe5 0% growths warpless full recruitment
>fe6 0% growths ranked
>fe7 0% growths ranked
Which of these is most fun? Prefer to play ironman or at least make reliable tactics.

Nyna cucked him over Camus and Gharnef disguised himself as a merchant and sold him the darksphere which doesn't make someone automatically evil but instead amplifies any existing negative feeling in their heart in exchange for power


Bring a killer bow instead of an iron bow

play FE7 negative growths

FE5 since it's less restrictive than FE7 rankings while less vague than FE6 rankings

anyone looking forward to Three Houses? so far it just gives me Trails of Cold Steel vibes

Tell me Yea Forums
Who is Shanty Pete

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The best pirate ever, obviously. There's a reason why pirates not even in the same universe reference him.

how embarassing

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One of the higher beings in the FE universe, patron saint of axes and god of critical rolls

>finally meet shanty pete
>he's a dragon

sorry for potato quality, only one I could find of Nedata

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I don't think that can be beaten without resetting.
I really hate using low success rate tactics in FE, I feel like your goal should be to make the best plan possible and if I still lose with the optimal tactic that kills my motivation to keep playing.

Shanty D. Pete

What do you think about FE12's rankings?

FE12 rankings are handed to you like candy, I think the threshold is like, no one dies and 400+ turns is an A so you have to turtle around 20 turns a map to even be worried about not meeting the turn requirement
Honestly never cared for the official FE rankings and instead prefer LTC rankings FE5 and berwick saga rankings are cool though

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Here, this one doesn't have that weird palate.

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Shanty sneed

I thought that said "Filename thread" for a moment.

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Nigger playthroughs suck though. Fucker can't even get through CQ because it's too hard for him.

Are you familiar with LTC runs, then? If so, can you explain how you account for RNG in your tactics and can you give me a turncount to aim for if I do a FE6 0% growths run?

ISIS wants to hear your pitch for a new Fire Emblem game. What is it like?

Sure, but most of the fun is watching him fuck up more than was thought possible

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Oh come on.

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Focus 100% effort on story and characters, half-ass everything else

Yay but only if they fix the Kagashit jank

Doga will choke this point.

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Damn you are completely right

Fire Emblem: The Legend of Shanty Pete WHEN?

A game where Captain Shanty Pete and his motley pirate crew participate in some grand war and end up defeating an ancient evil at the end? Would be the best Fire Emblem game, no question

>that one time he got Naesala killed
>that one user who pinpointed the exact map and enemy who'd kill him

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No one can ever agree


Nah, that’s Smash Bros. easy.

I wasn't there, was it a crossbow in the desert or something?


Maybe it's good with proper context but any time a heroic character is turned evil because of some shitty mcguffin I immediately lose interest

No one seemed to mention the main theme is out for three houses:

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Yea I'm hoping they do some good shit with the school setting, trying to not dwell on how awful it could be and I'm genuinely looking forward to having a new FE game to play thru

Game fully inspired by the ancient Greco-Roman era with classes based off all the types of gladiators/soldiers out there, more ballista-type stuff with many Roman marvels of engineering, the gods having a presence in the game, etc.

but that's old news

Next mythic hero for FEH confirmed

Crossbow in the desert
Rightmost out of the three of them

Prequel to 7 starring eliwoods dad, major recruitable units exclude elliwoods mom, lyn's dad, Hecters brother and Fargus. Brendan Reed and Marquess Darren also play major roles

Yeah, with the proper context and the build up from FE1/FE11 and the Kaga notes, it makes for great characterization for both Gharnef and Hardin but it does sound real dumb/lazy w/o the context like you said

Seething fighting game fan

not even mangs fell for that

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If FE has worldbuilding as great as Trails that would be a major step up.

I want some fucking elephant calvalry, setting is less I.portant to me than elephants

FE1, 2 and 3 and all the early artwork surrounding them were inspired by the era.
Some of the sprites like the soldier/archer/ballista and characters like marth/caeda/ogma are examples

It sure does

more guns and technology
more customizable weapons to give to units

>tower of valni grinding

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I never understood people's gripe with guns/technology in JRPGs/SRPGs
The "why use guns when magic exist" argument doesn't work when FE magic is confirmed to be not a gift and something anyone can do if they're willing to learn. That and you could say the same thing for swords, axes, lances, bows, etc

>sends Tibarn in to fight the dragon king
>Tibarn dies

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>Haar dying not once but twice in 2-E

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fuck it, Conquest PMU
Pick my Corrin + 12 units (no kids)
Any class is fine so fuck my shit up

its probably preference or bias, but i want more than swords, bows and tomes like crossbows or ballista only units with more armor types if you dont want to go too far with guns

+Skill -Mag Diviner Corrin

If anything, FE never stagnates from typical medieval europe era. Hoshido was a breath of fresh air for once
Just give us anything I'll even take the FE IN SPACE concept awakening almost used

Hero Charlotte

After CQ, I'd take any setting just to see how ridiculous and stupid they can go with it. Like the Victorian Era mixed with who the fuck knows

>Haar dying
Does not compute

play it

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I would if it was translated. Having hexagonal grids makes it better than FE and TRS by default

It's a shame that I can't find any gifs/webms of the animations online. They're so good and hold up well for a PS2 game


Wyvern Lord Camilla

Are buddy/marriage seal classes allowed?
If so, Dark Knight Xander. Pretty sure he can get it from Leo and Nyx.
Otherwise go Malig Knight Xander.

post em Yea Forums

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see yourself out

I can't find the actual FE version that has every single class pls no bully

Speaking only for myself it's just pure preference/aesthetics. Tho I would mind some super old school flintlocks or soemthing


Is Chapter 21 of Binding Blade the most reinforcement heavy map in the game?
Because it fucking feels like it.

Gatcha senpai

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It's been two years. It's time to get over it. It's a fire emblem game whether you like it or not

There's nothing to get over. It is, was, and always will be gacha garbage.

Swordmaster Owain.

and mangs managed to get haar killed!

Sniper Mozu

Master of Arms Kaze.

I would if it were translated. Looks fun.

Here, you filthy secondary.

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And it will continue to be mentioned in every fire emblem thread well into the foreseeable future

the beauty of 4channel is that you can hide and ignore gachatards