When is FROM finally going to go back to DS1 progression, with no teleporting and great distance between checkpoints? The sense of adventure you get from DS1's first half is undoubtedly its greatest strength over other titles. The ability to teleport at the start of every other game makes the world feel so much smaller and lacking for consequences.
When is FROM finally going to go back to DS1 progression, with no teleporting and great distance between checkpoints...
Motherfucker fuck you. I'll bite your nose off and spit it back in your mouth.
>great distance between checkpoints
From can't fix your nostalgia goggles. Other than those BS checkpoints of beating a boss then having a checkpoint to start the new area, checkpoints are actually similarly separated in the games.
Never. Sekiro was the final nail in the complete casualization of their games. Between lightning fast movement, spiderman mechanics, respawn mid-fight, and infinite homeward bones, this game is meant for the ps4 generation who hates gameplay
Nigger, Sekiro is harder than DaS1. DaS1 is piss easy.
Never. And that's why they'll never make a game as good a Dark Souls again.
>casualized game manages to be harder and removes online handholding for the bosses you can't beat
>can literally respawn mid boss-battle
Yikes. I knew you fags were casuals, but I didn't know it was candy crush levels
Based nostalgia poster.
DS3 and Sekiro checkpoints are unquestionably a lot more common than DS1 bonfires.
Sekiro is the hardest game yet, numbnuts.
sekiro is literally harder than pretty much all the other games except maybe some parts of dark souls 2, it has a bunch of shit design aspects but that doesn't make it casual. the main benefit of homeward bones in souls is so that miracle builds have an advantage over other classes who use bones, otherwise it's pointless. sekiro just gets the homeward miracle, who cares
DS1 bonfires are less common because you can reuse the old ones once you unlock the shortcut because you know, actual level design instead of linear corridor faggotry
>can literally respawn
A single respawn doesn't change difficulty. It just allows you 1 more mistake, which you tend to get less of in Sekiro since you take a ton more damage than in DaS on average. Also you can't invest in health to overcome this issue like you can in DaS either. Someone needs to learn how to use their brain and analyze a situation before they open their mouth.
obvious bait posting but nothing is as casual as going full havels in DS1 and just jerking off while you facetank the boss
>can literally co-op, which makes boss AI shit itself
>a retard doesn't even need to min max, just stack poise and you'll plough through the game
Already named two casual shitter mechanics in the game that trivializes everything. What now, soulskeks?
based and psychopilled
>unquestionably a lot more common than DS1 bonfires
>start DaS
>first 2 bonfires are literally 5 seconds away from each other
Again, DaS3's just seems inflated because the obligatory boss then new area bonfire. They don't fuck with gameplay any more than they do with DaS.
so we're just going to pretend the second half of the game wasn't a heaping pile of shit or what
>very specific build that people might never discover
>infinite stamina, infinite spiderman ropes, free respawns, auto stealth kills, and infinite homeward bones
I'm not a nostalgia goggle boomer. DaS1 had a lot of shit bosses, was blatantly unfinished in the 2nd half, and was too easy overall (primarily due to poise). But the feel of adventure and consequence you get from its level design is next to none. For someone who prefers taking it slow, being tactical, being cautious, it's great. Sekiro is fun, but we've had 3 games in a row designed to be "fast and aggressive." I want another slow burn.
>scrubs grinding and summoning 3 buttbuddies to gangbang bosses so they can go on Yea Forums and leddit to say that dark souls was easy
>he thinks min maxing is required to facetank everything
Zoomer brainlets on twitch don't even know what poise is and they stack poise by wearing full Havel and a UGS, facetanking artorias like it's nothing.
Managing posture in Sekiro is vastly harder than managing stamina in a high END build, backstab fishing trivialized enemies far more than stealth kills do, and nobody has *ever* run out of Homeward Bones, ever.
>Managing posture in Sekiro is vastly harder than managing stamina in a high END build
Pumping endurance does take a lot of the thought out of the game, but in Sekiro you don't even have to pay attention to your own posture because you barely ever get punished for it breaking.
>very specific build that people might never discover
>ignoring the other 5 million builds that can be used to trivialize the game
Are you just shit at DaS or what?
this but unironically
>posture breaks
>before can recover the enemy does a hit taking 1/2 or more of my health
Are you playing a different game than me, or are you throwing in weak enemies into this? If you know what it is like to get posture broken by weak enemies then you have a totally different issue that you need to deal with...
That happens sometimes but usually an attack powerful enough break your posture has recovery time so they just don't hit you anyway.
he obviously hasn't played the game
Don't worry user, I agree with you about the exploration. I find myself rushing from idol to idol in Sekiro just to unlock them so I can warp back to them later. I just can't help myself. I don't feel the sense of exploration like I did in DaS1 but I do prefer it to BB at least.
Centipede attacks you like 12 times back to back. Even reflecting your posture goes up and can break pretty quickly and then you are punished with 1-4 hits straight away.
Dark Souls is FINISHED you stupid shit.
Long run ups to bosses is just annoying. Having one secret bonfire (or equivalent) near every boss to shorten the run would be a nice bonus for exploration.
>tfw Genichiro the 2 or 3rd boss feels more difficult than just about every boss in the DaS series
How fucked am I?
Genichiro was Kos-tier for me, and Owl is even harder, with the final boss being even harder according to Yea Forums. I'm getting the hang of Owl and can see myself winning in the next 3 hours, but I don't think I can handle another difficulty spike.