Why does GameFAQs have better taste than Yea Forums?
Why does GameFAQs have better taste than Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>kingdom hearts 3 higher than devil may cry 5
>better taste
It’s not hard to have better taste than Yea Forums. It would be alarming if someone didn’t.
How is that different taste from Yea Forums? Other than no more heroes getting a few votes it''s more or less the same
No argument with Re2, Sekiro or DMC5.
That place is full of faggots
That board is literally a shithole though 99% shitposting fanboys trolling each other's boards lol
KH3 is trash lmao
>Kingdom Sharts in second
Dear lord, that's embarrassing.
As much as I love fromsoft I'm actually surprised to see sekiro above dmc5.
This series was always shit I don't know why so many faggots like it.
>What The Hell Was That!?™ Hearts 3
>Over Sekiro or DMC5
I'm a massive KHfag but even I know this is factually wrong. The Osaka team really screwed up, Attraction Commands broke the game entirely and the ending was rushed and ruined the entire game. Maybe #2 with the Final Mix DLC and even then that's a big maybe.
>Kingdom Hearts
>Anthem getting votes at all
>Anthem 100
>Jump Force 88
>Ace Combat 7 not on the list
Any of those game can be played on Switch?
GameFAQs's tastes fascinate me on some level.
>88 people unironically voted for jump force
>better taste than Yea Forums
We may be a bunch of jaded, degenerate faggots, but at least we have standards and some pride left.
>kh3 over dmc5
>Hates KH3
>Because lol it's cringe XD. Dunkey is based XD
>Hates KH3 because it's mechanically inferior
yes 2 of them, perhaps 3
>RE2 winning
Good. It's far and away the best game this year.
>three houses
the shit will probably make fates look in comparison
Im honestly surprised of how well it turned out
>brings up an eceleb out of nowhere to mock people hating kh3
>but then praises someone actually posting an eceleb to justify hating kh3
Truly baffling post.
Wow thats actually pretty based, Nice.
Jap games going to destroy all the GARBAGE WESTERN games!!! YES finally Japan is making a comeback! check the picture, that is literally the soul of most of western gaming companies and devs
Plays games and complains
>gamefaqs, 8ch Yea Forums
Plays games, pays for them and complains
>reddit, normalfags
Doesn't play games, doesn't pay for them, complains and think they are the victim
>4channel Yea Forums, resetera, journos
>anthem is actually considered
Some people should have their access to the internet revoked.
>An entire site of 25+ year old man babies endlessly whining about the good ol' days of gaming.
It's literally Yea Forums.
GameCucks also voted Sony as having the best E3 as well or something like that anyway. Full of retards.
weabshit has always been big there so it's no surprise they're looking forward to fire emblem. Weird to see MK11 that high up though and no pokemon on the list
>Because lol it's cringe XD. Dunkey is based XD
No you faggot I hate it because the series was always shit compared to everything around it. The combat was made for retards that hated using even a remote amount of brain power. The story was shit and generally I don't give a fucking shit about story. The characters were bland as shit and felt like sora was a naruto clone and I hate that faggot too. Half of the game was OMG LOOK DISNEY CHARACTERS!!?! It was the first game I hated as a child and was actually pissed when I was gifted the 2nd one.
It's probably Barry ban evading since he loves to suck the dick of random e-celebs who happen to hate KH3
>RE2 first place
>KH3 second
never mind
Like here's that different right?
Yes, it is. Game specific threads are actually good here. Boards on gamefaqs are 99% trolling the dmc5 board over for example is basically DmC fans vs DMC fans troll post, and the rest of it, character bashing threads. Gamefaqs is trash for actual discussion.
Unironically vesperia
Damn the salt in this thread is palpable lmao
people have taste here
but 80% of all the posts are shitpost & bait
I end up on there occasionally looking for solutions to problems I might be having with a game and 90% of the posts end up being pant-shittingly retarded with maybe one helpful post. At least here it's just people being assholes in that case and not people going basically going "dunno lol but I just thought I'd post anyways" like, fuck off then don't bother.
nope, not after the reddit invasion of 2016. The 2018 best games of all time vote is a joke even compared to gamefaqs
>a remake of a 20+ year old game is top contender for game of the year
That’s how you know this year has been a pretty shitty year for video games in general.
>game specific threads are actually good here
imagine coming to Yea Forums to do anything other than shitpost
the threads you think are "good" actually are just faggot redditors jerking each other off for liking the same thing.
kill yourself. this is a shitposting board. video games are for literal mouth breathing retards. media discussion is inherently a waste of time and totally devoid of any value.
GameFaqs has always been based, this is nothing new
>people troll and shitpost there
>people troll and shitpost here
Honestly user
>tfw voted for Jump Force so Anthem can be at the bottom
DMC V is better
>prime trilogy in the top 10
>prime 2 lowest
not based
>botw in the top ten of everything
>resident evil 4 not in the top 5
>mother 3 in the top 20
>metroid prime 3 at the number 7 best video game of all time
that isn't based, that's cringe
RE4 isn't even the best resident evil game, pleb
i meant anything not everything jfk
botw sucks nutsacks
>people voting for jump force or anthem
> RE4 fag has shit taste
literally the only games I've played that came out in 2019 so far are Travis Strikes Again and Baba is You. TSA is really fucking good and Baba is probably good but I'm too retarded to be good at it.
Resident Evil is supreme shit taste
Holy shit DMCucks unrefutedly BTFO. What a bunch of fucking losers!
>DMC 5
I'm not seeing the problem here.
The PS4 and Switch were the only consoles with a post-E3 bounce, so I guess they're right, Xniggie.
In no aspect
lmao, fuck chucklefish.
>kh3 that high
>Not a single western game above 5 %
>the dmc5 board over for example is basically DmC fans vs DMC fans troll post
bro can you please link me to some of those threads? I want to see those DmCfaggots tears please man I need them
But i thought Yea Forums told me that everyone hated Wind Waker & loved Twilight Princess?
It's literally Devil May Crybabies refusing to admit 5 lifted shit from DmC
that's cool but I'm not interested in that though. I want to see the whining of the DmC side
How can anybody vote for Anthem?
Except that's not what it is. It's literally a one-sided bitch fit.
>best game of 2019 is a fucking remake
Looks about right.
>kekdom hearts 3 above DMC 5/Sekiro
proof gamefaqs is full of didney manchildren
New games on suicide watch
just give me a link or a general direction man. Just like a needle in a haystack, I'm sure I can find at least one DmCapologist having a crisis over the loss of his game. I just want to see it since there are no DmC fans on Yea Forums
I like DmC, I just don't talk about it because I don't want to be shitposted to oblivion.
Where do you go for online discussion?
You should see the amount of unironic shills and faggots willing to die for a company/game. If you can't see people here doing it for the luls, (you)'s and having a fun time then of course you won't see a difference.
Same. I like it more than 4 but the fanbase is putrid. There's a reason it's on the pentagram of shitty fanbases.
>Ace Combat not on the list
>KH3 higher than DMC5
>KH3 is even higher than Sekiro
At least RE2 is a worthy number 1, but fuck those retards.
thank you!
Not much ironic fanboyism
This desu
Aside from Anthem I like all those games on the list to a degree. Not a bad year for vidya, except BioWare
Who plays games and doesn't complain?
>Why is this feature complete 40+ hour game higher then my 4 hour long sandbag simulator BAWWWWWWWWW
Cringe. Why do DMC faggots think they're some holy grail of video games?
>AC7 not even on the list
It's not the best, but it's better than Anthem, Division, Wargroove and Jump Force at least.
Is it? It used to be all kids. I thought they all grew up and migrated. I did, and so did all the friends I made on GaemFAQs back in the day.
>Ace Combat not on the list
boring ass radio chatter sprinkled on top of a mediocre arcade game with some nice music once in a while does not qualify
>feature complete
lmoa the delusion
Any faults the game may have will be fixed with Final Mix. But even the base game destroys DMCV
>better taste
DMC fans are annoying. They've been building their annoyingness since DMC4 bombed enough to make Capcom create a shitty reboot. Now the 5th game finally came out, and all that douchiness and annoyingness is released on Yea Forums.
>Boring simulator game for plane fags that no one has heard of
Fuck off with this garbage.
Seething XV-fag
weebs are going to weeb. I'm surprised it's not in first.
>AC7 doesn't qualify
>But Jump Force and Anthem does
>Calling AC a simulator
The quickest way to tell you haven't played it.
It's a complete game, people only meme about it being incomplete because they are newfags and think that shit that was in the Final Mix editions should be on the vanilla release of kh3 too.
XV being literally unfinished also helps enhance the meme.
About as much as a Rogue Squadron game.
Exactly, thanks for proving me right. The worst part is the fanbase adores Matt, the SJW libtard producer that pushed for censorship.
haha needs more kh threads on Yea Forums haha
Should this be updated with Vergil phasing in and out of Gilver, Nelo, V, and Urizen?
There's literally 4 separate DMC threads on the front page. You toddlers can't even use the site properly, no wonder you adore a casual shitfest like that.
user, it's time to move on.
why do KHfags think 3 is a masterpiece????
>can't even outsell a remake of an ancient PS1 game
Because it's all they have. Waiting 15 years for a cunting sequel and watching each spin-off be worse than the closest thing you have to a masterpiece in KH2 has to be devastating.
nope. there's only 1 thread.
>KH3 released in the same week as REmake2 and sold more than it AND DMCV combined
>KH2 on PS2 released on the same month as RE4 and outsold it by a large margin
>KH1 released on the same month as REmake in Japan and outsold it easily
>Mikami eternally buttblasted, to the point he said he hates KH and it doesn't deserve its sales nor a full price
>Capcom shills butthurt all over the internet because a disney game outsold their 10 hour long corridor walking juggling simulator
>Capcom shills butthurt all over the internet because a disney game outsold their 15 hour long rehashed corridor walking TPS
Based Nomura.
RE2 is easily the best game of the year. It has none of "those" parts that are a chore to play through, unlike V's levels and the entirety of the Big Hero Six world.
Who cares if its a simulator or not, it's fucking boring trash unless your a plane nerd even then theres probably much better games to play when it can't even nail realism.
Resident Evil 2 really wasn't that good and Sekiro is far better.
march 31, 2019...i am forgotten....
I wouldn't call V's levels a chore. The character's just too limited and overpowered. Anyway, RE2 is amazing as well. I tend to lean more towards DMC5 personally, though. Sekiro's a competitor as well, though. All three are so good. Can't believe it's only April.
See, the fact you even "lean more towards DMC5" leads me to rule your taste as irrelevant and illogical. DMC5 is nowhere close to RE2. It's like comparing Andy Dalton to Tom Brady.
Why do most BRs die so fast, and why is Fortnite the exception?
>Yea Forums often complains about DMCfags
>Play DMC5 for the first time
>Like it a lot
>Check out the threads
>The most fun I've had posting on Yea Forums in a long time
>Genuinely enjoy the passion for a long awaited sequel, even if I wasn't there for the wait
I don't get it. KH3 got their sequel and tons of spin-offs on the way. Why do they feel the need to shit on DMC?
>Tons of new players who have never played an AC game loved it
>Most people are brought into it by the music and enjoy it
>Tons of people like the games without caring about the planes that much
I know it's nu-Yea Forums, but playing a game before talking about it should be a thing.
> Why do they feel the need to shit on DMC?
It's the opposite as this thread proves, dmc shills are mad that the majority of casuals preferred KH3 over DMCV so they sperg out and make every thread shit.
Why do DMC fags feel the need to shit on KH?
>DMCuck screeching because he knows if it was there DmC2 would be 4th place
It's one guy. Just shit on FFXV and he'll pop up
>>Tons of new players who have never played an AC game loved it
You mean 10 anons pretending?
>>Most people are brought into it by the music and enjoy it
Music isn't something that pulls you into games, most games don't even need it. The gameplay itself is what matters.
>>Tons of people like the games without caring about the planes that much
Bullshit when the man selling point is flying modern jets in HD
I legitimately don't see it as often as the other way around. DMCfags are happy to just shitpost in their own threads. KH3 and Sekiro players are the ones making constant threads about how they outsell each other.
>I legitimately don't see it as often as the other way around.
Look at this thread and the DMCfags shitting on KH3. There has NEVER been KH fans shitting on DMC because KH fans barely realize that DMC exists
>You mean 10 anons pretending
That's less than the anons pretending to have played it just to shit on it and be called out for not knowing anything about the actual game.
>Most games don't even need music
>Man (sic) selling point is flying modern jets in HD
What a fucking retard. Take my last (you), you faggot Belkan.
>can't even start KH3 threads on Yea Forums without some autist sperging about the game being a disappointment
A handful of anons took passing jabs at it, and you've spent the entire rest of the thread crying about it. Simma down.
>Can't start KH3 threads on Yea Forums without people talking about how it was disappointing
Nigga, I liked it, but I'd rather play KH2 a million times over than KH3 a second time.
kys flight autist and take your shitty sims with you
>taste as irrelevant and illogical
Based retard
>Backing down this hard after being exposed as someone who hasn't played it
Ace Combat sucks. Imagine needing music alone to pull the game for you.
>FFVI at 25
alright, I'm back
turns out it wasn't so different from the usual bait post I tend to see on this board. Though I did get a laugh every few posts
KH fags are autistic, whaddaya know
>100 people thought anthem was the best game of the month
DMC5 and it isn't even close. Just beat Sekiro: players press L1 twice.
I misquoted you. Meant to reply to the whining KH faggot.
for the luls
literally not true.
Can you imagine the absolute mega faggot casuals that picked a western game when it's obvious that Japan is clearly blowing them the fuck out of the water currently?
I just 100% everything in DMC5 a few hours ago and it took 74 hours
And blood palace comes out in 2 days which is another 6 hours just clearing it once on each character