Are you good with them? If you are you are decent player.
Dead or Alive 6
Other urls found in this thread:
Used to main them in 5 but now I'm full throttle on Mila
Its Amazing how they killed the IP.
Wonder what Is going to happen to the director.
>1st one is literally just punches for days
>second one is weird as fuck
>third one is a literal who that always gets you stuck in holds and throws
I got fucked in the ass by a mila player the other day
Who knows. But yeah, DOA as a fighting game is done pretty much for good now. If they do anything more with the IP in the future it'll just be Japan exclusive VV type stuff.
I don't know why but those models all seem boring and plastic.
The sad thing Is than Is like they realised how much they fuck up before they can Fix anything.
The good Thing Is than other developers would not make the same mistake.
Make sure to add this mod if you want to bully Marie, Honoka and NiCO!
Still its Shame how dead the game Is.
KT brought it on themselves by letting their American division initially call the shots.
They've still got their championship tour. They're even getting some pot bonuses but who knows how well it'll actually do.
I wonder if they'll end up doing balance patches even if it's still to early to call for nerfs or buffs .
I prefer little Kokoro and her stylish dance
I really enjoy read that DOA forum the time un time.
They are so delusional than its Amazing how much they want blame everyone.
They were the ones who convinced Shimbori and Team Ninja to go for this route. The game Is dead thanks to them.
That core values presentation didnt help that at all. They had Bass stuffing his face into Nyo a d panning it around giggling like middle school boys
pls post webms and screenshots of lisa's wedding costume
so , no bikinis yet ? well then back to VV
The best costumes aren't even close to bikinis.
Man Ayane wedding costume only make her boobs smaller than her normal costume.
Fuck the dlc AND this game.
Nobody asked for a serius DOA with horribles costumes AND dumb body proporciona reduction.
People wanted some good fanservice and some good DLC nothing more.
Any Tina shots in the wedding outfit?
Yea but they were trying to make it serious to get into evo. Then got btfo
Tina takes like 2 brain cells to play
>no lisa shots
I find it ridiculous that even Christie is in white.
There is NO way every non-clone DoA is a virgin.
My wife is so pretty
This is how i know you are a scrub
Let me know when you get out of E rank
>she's slow bro that's why she's hard
She has the best grabs of the game retards, she's legit top tier and easy to play
Japs have to keep their waifus pure, even the ones they really don't like.
I want to give Lisa's womb a shot of semen
>best grabs
Again, you are just a low level scrub, it shows.
I love my wife Honoka!
>he didn't say throw, your argument is invalid
>Not entry level
The best thing Is than SC got into the Evo.
They really ruined everything everything.
Best dlc.
Worst everything
It's interesting that she gets an elaborate, princess-like dress, while Helena gets a rather plain one.
God why her boobs are so small. She used to be one the bustier girl in DOA.
Size queen brides
You cant really compare x3. They inflated all the boobs for that game. Look at Momiji
Your wife was nerfed.
She Dieu deserve that.
Well she IS my princess, after all.
As if any girls getting married are virgins on their wedding day.
Why, really why only Ayane get the worse nerf.
Did Shimbori hate her ir something.
Even her costumes make her look smaller.
Yea SC is a freakin clown festival
Never played them. Nyo gets all my time. Also lmao at the ESL doomposting retard.
Ayane looks amazing in DOA6. Also she's fun as fuck to play. Pic related.
I worked with a moron and she said most of them in the community rush to get married before they are 20 so they can fuck
My guess is they wanted to go the lazy route and just gave her Kasumi's exact model so they can make dlc for both on one mesh.
Stop giving me free wins with your P+K, thanks
I knew what you meant but it's still funny.
Someone post the overlay animation that proves that Ayane isnt actually smaller than she was in 5.
the fanservice and marketing didn't help, but people are ignoring that the real reason the game failed is that it wasn't good enough
DoA5 was in 2012. 7 years later we get 2 new characters (but lose the three VF guests and a ton of DoA5LR characters)
we get the worst set of stages in DoA history
we get a fucked costume unlocking process
we get DLC out the ass before the game even launches (Phase 4 and Nyotengu not being part of the core game being the worst offender)
we get a half-hearted story mode that was clearly rushed and cut to shit and that retreads most of DoA5's story content
most characters get only 3 new moves, meaning each feels like playing DoA5 again
the texturing is still awful, and the game now looks dated, and some of the characters look worse (weird sweat effects, navel-gate etc)
sorry, but after 7 years and with a poor reputation due to DoAX3 you've got to bring way more than that to the table
Its the worst model ayane ever has un any game by far.
She isn't sexy at all.
That would explain why their model are so equaly ugly.
Thank god the sales of the dlc are abysmal.
I've only lost a few matches (so far) but never because of that. That's a move I rarely use unless I'm against a fast character and want to catch them off guard. My biggest issue is being too predictable with the ppp combo.
Sweat effects are objectively better, and the gane looks good overall. But yeah the gane was clearly rushed/unfinished which did it no favors. No tag, missing a few expected characters, too few stages, one win animation at launch, no losing animations, etc. It's a fun game but way too light on the expected bells and whistles.
Ayane's butterface in NGB is still the worst.
Their DLC pricing is a big turn off.
Why won't these 2 fucking spergs leave DOA threads once and for all or get banned for samefagging? What happened to the "post quality" rule?
How did DOA even attract resident, dedicated shitposting autismos in the first place when it was always so shill and niche? i bet it's that faggot that used to sperg aboud FSD, it has to be, DOA threads went to shit the minute he was banned from that website or whatever and started using this board as a platform for his autism.
And that's a bad thing?
PC + CreamAPI
No but the fatter faces are.
My wife Ayane is a good thing
It's pretty bad to do that.
Oof . no wonder this game bombed so hard
>I want a Yea Forums that's free of shitposting
You're retarded.
They have the perfect character model for her and then they ruined.
Thank god the game bombed.
Like why the fuck they ever Think make this move would give them More sales.
X3 ruined all of their faces. The game was shit and looked like shit.
Even the dlc Is bomb, yes even they best card failed.
Work on your English, Pajeet.
Post 30 secs of ANY OF YOU actually playing Ayane, without getting BTFO
-more characters than any other launch fighting game
-the stages are cool
-graphics are the best of any fighting game
>the game looks good overall
sure, i'll give you that. but the director specifically said that the graphics were the biggest selling point for 6, and in that context they fall flat - this is nowhere near the cutting edge of console graphics. back in the day DoA was really astonishing graphically, and even DoA5 could at least point to best-in-class character models for 2012.
but there are tons of games out there that look way. way better than this so they whiffed hard on what was supposed to be a unique selling point
Muh Esport.
>didn't post shit
>$90k fpr the whole tour
Gonna drop my full time $100k job for this.
are you a mod?
I'm guessing your girl didn't get in?
I think at this point they realized that it was alienating their fanbase and that EVO people are a bunch of hypocrites that will allow the estabilishment developers to anything (like SFV being shit at launch, SC franchise with notorius sexyness and BB Cross Tag with part of its rooster as DLC), but god forbid someone outside doing that, they will never allow it.
And now basically they have to fix this whole E-Sports failed tentative because its clear that the game was rushed just to make it in time (only to get kicked even by a game that doesn't have a set release date, god knows if its going to be a beta or final build).
This is not shitposting, this is literally on the scale of a organized defamation campaign only it's the result of some massive autism and the work of a couple of people. Shitpostig never meant this, it was mostly harmless and collective, it was part of the joke, not this systematic and continuous hammering that is practically social engineering. I shouldn't have used the term because shitposting doesn't even come close to describing what this Ayane faggot has been doing since the game was announced. It's not just DOA, it happens in practically every game now, but it's surprising to see it happen in DOA because the threads stood out among the generalized negativity that permeates this board.
Playing AS Ayane? Ew no thanks.
>but there are tons of games out there that look way way better
Bullshit. The only fighters that look better are the mega-budget NRS stuff. Tekken 7 is comparable, although I'd argue it looks a little worse. SCVI and SFV look worse by far.
>Why won't these 2 fucking spergs
Who the hell are you talking about?
I already said I'm a Nyofag. I own Fortune. It's a terrible game, somehow even worse than Xtreme 2 which was already worse than XBV.
>that post
>that lack of self-awareness
You don't even realize what makes DOAfags so easy to mess with.
The Ayane sperg and the Namco faggot, don't even know if that one is still around, but the Ayane censorship sperg clearly is.
Well sadly too late.
There Is no way to save the game.its already dead.
Maybe a rerelease in ps5 with more fanservice would help.
>mess with
Ebin troll XDDD
I am being honest you fucking child, i don't give a flying fuck about your (You)s. I'm trying to have a discussion, even if there are chimps in the room.
No, she's not. Her grabs are multiple stage one aka easy to break and yhe damage isnt great. Now an actual good grappler would be Bass, he's amazing. Good damage normals, great grab knockdown mixups and hes a heavy class so hard to juggle
Please make webms of Lisa's intros and outros kind user
>tfw can't get good enough in a couple months from near zero experience to pro
I like the game, but your response is a textbook example of thin-skinned DOAfags, You guys can't handle the banter.
Bass and Tina are both good, but Bass is harder to play since he's slower/heavier, but his damage is insane
Don't forget the world's only Gen Fu fan. Although to be fair he usually had valid criticism mixed in with the shitposting.
Well Tina is harder then the rest thus harder to play by your logic
>they killed the IP.
It's as if you don't realize that DoA6 Ultimate will come out in a year, and people will buy it.
Fighters arent as popular anymore so pulling in the xtremefags would help
Is this what you think banter is? Are you even old enough to be using that word?
>Bass is better than Tina
Damn, never change Yea Forums
You're hopeless, user. You think that if you scream loud enough people will actually listen to what you're trying to say.
All he needs is one opening and with normal grabs being 7 frames in this game you fuckin know hes gonna get it. And those 2 hit combos doing mad damage. God i love Bass, not the best character in the game since fuckers like nico can slap him constantly but he's really up there
There's a difference between skill ceilling, Ryu is easy to play in SF, but hard to master since he's too simplistic and hard to open people up
That guy was annoying but at least he had actual things that were based on reality and with some legitimacy to say. "Arguments" i think they are called.
Does anybody else think that Rikuto looks like a pedophile?
Nico and ayane top tier. Hmmmm
What did they mean by this?
Well now you are getting somewhere, you are learning, now tell me how that applies to Doa?
>hayabusa s tier
O i am laffin, hes getting fucked up hard right now, hes got a nice whiff punish and spacing game but rushdowns shit on him. Nico deserves that spot and ayane with her dodge baits and decieving mids which look like lows are mad dirty
>Nico and ayane top tier
Don't even make me post 90% of the tournaments with Nico at GF, not to mention the one with the Nico mirror match
>no cross play
>60 + 90 € price tage
>no keyboard support
>banned from EVO
I shilled this game to all my "steam / discord friends" who actually play fighting games. Not a single one wants to ever try it out, despite the free to play version.
Also pic related. We all know who the actual target audience is. Mixing porn and actual competitive game isnt a good bussiness practice.
Well, they are going to have to save it, they are already doing part of the stuff, FG titles tend to have a long support lifecycle nowadays, unless Tecmo decides to kill it around the release of Next gen to release a DOA 7 ahead of the competition.
But IMO maybe Dead or Alive 5 had a way too long run for it, Last Round only got two DLC characters, the rest were all costumes.
The base game itself already had an extensive rooster thanks to the Virtua Fighter partnership, most developers would have added more characters and stages instead of focusing on cosmetic stuff, or would end up making the next title.
Who's screaming? And actually, yes, they literally would. If i stooped down to their(your?) faggotry and samefagged my posts non stop 6 months in a row 24/7 i could could make people on this board accept almost anything. Social engineering is standard practice on this website, there is a whole board dedicated to it.
Tina takes 2 brain cells to play because she's easier to mash people out than Bass because she's faster and nobody below C rank actually blocks or holds. Good luck trying to out mash people with Bass against the Hitomi/Kasumi mashing parade, if you didn't knew about how the game works
Lobbys yet?
I want to marry and impregnate Marie
women in doa aren't even attractive. maybe if you're 40 years old. It's a sleazy "Ron Jeremy" style kind of attractive.
The costume designers wouldn't know anything about fashion or symmetry if it beat them to death. Nothing about dead or alive 6 is appealing, not even to a weeb like me.
>returning customers vs. one-time purchases
For once, an actual good decision from KT
english first
You are just a dumb scrub
They could make the same game with more sexy girls AND better costumes.
They wanted the serius Richter money AND they failed.
Nice argument, I really lost now
Please Tina too, webm user
That's too much of a word salad. I think you're just paranoid.
Are there any lobbies in this game yet?
Not yet
Ofc you dont find any of them appealing. People who are into 2D porn / anime dont like women with noses.
Years of porn / anime conditioned your brain to seek sexual release in completely different looking "women". It will hit you hard one day when you finally get gf / hooker and find out your penis is flaccid no matter what.
The costumes in basic version looks mediocre intentionally. You never release good costumes on day one. That way nobody would buy the new DLCs with better costumes.
The basics of any freemium economic game is to release barebones game and then slowly cash every single better feature to players. Better stages, better characters, swimsuits, music, you get the idea.
Its all based on shnken cost fallacy
>i already spend X dollars on this game, why wouldnt i spend few more to make it enjoyable?
What the fuck is it about this game that turned me off so much. I bought every single DOA game that came out in the past and loved playing them and I straight up passed on this one. I don't even care about outfits. It just all looks so bad, like it's the art direction and shitty gay stages and some things about the gameplay just appear totally wrong to me.
Why should I know? I'm not you
You are my knight in shinny armor user.
Then you are either dumb or dishonest
>not a single discussion about the gameplay, except about Tina
This is why fighting games are """""dead"""""" according to Yea Forums., and even shit places like FSD have more respect
I want to marry and impregnate Tina
no braps no buy
I know you don't play the game, you don't have to point it out
Did you say Tina? I love Tina!
This game bombed so fucking hard, I doubt we will ever get a DOA7. Beach and gachashit games will be all we get from now on
Nice going Hitomi player.
What do you think of Helena and Christie in DOA6? They're definitely not as strong as in 5 but how far do you think they've fallen?
Helena is legit great, Christie got mad nerfed (rightfully so)
Not at all still braindead and cheap. They're the reason the game is not respected and can cant progress.
i wasn't just comparing it to fighters, i was comparing it to everything. and they should absolutely be able to compete visually with NRS. they don't have the budget to do all that mocap, story, acting and writing but good engine design, lighting, texturing a few stages - none of that is particularly expensive if you have the talent. and if they don't have the budget to compete then frankly they deserve to die. i don't care what the budget of a game is, i just care about how good it is
I haven't seen a single Christie player winning a tournament
user you are doing God's work and it hank you for it, but wouldn't darker stages have better contrast lighting for the wedding dress?
>get thrown in the air
>lose half your bar
epic gameplay
>FR had almost everyone use NiCO at least once
Is NiCO the new Christie as some have said?
Well Sonicfox brother won almost everything in 5 and nothing mattered, in contrast look at the fame and prestige of Sonicfox.
Yes she is
We're talking about 6
Blessings and happiness to you kind user
>talking about 6
The game doesnt even have lobbies yet
cant even start the game, it crashes on the menu after a few seconds and it looks like it has to do with my card being radeon
it sucks.... I just wanted to slap lewd girls
We had more DoA 6 tournaments than SC VI now
Just stay away from her and she can't do that.
I heard that was something you could do but i didn't pay attention to what it was, try and google it user,
There has only been one tournament at Final Round
I honestly can't wait to see how good DOA7 will look.
Haven't had the time play DOA6 this week since Rising Storm 2 has been on free week but I'll get back around training and maining NiCo soon I think.
I really enjoy the smol Finn and her moveset. I just hope the multiplayer remains alive for months even with around 100 players around euro daytime players and should be all good. Not really any different how DOA5 was back in the day.
Do you have NiCo's wedding dress intros?
>banned from EVO
Can't wait for DOA7 being even more western friendly and still not being accepted on EVO.
after DOA6 flopping i doubt there will be another one
> he thinks getting EVO spot isn't just about paying up McRibs
Yes there'll be, at the end of PS5 cycle, since DoA 6 got made to enhance their engine for the next gen. Same shit happened with 5.
I hope you are not kidding user, gonna look for it
>this is the website of a developer that paid its way into EVO
>biggest anime game after DBFZ
I'm not but i don't know if it was your specific problem. Hope it works out for you user.
Yeah man, because everyone play Samurai Shodown and SoulCalibur isn't totally dead and buried now
They also need to be given a decent budget. It seems like they had more in previous games. Though that could also be a result of game development costs increasing along with technology.
For a while Japanese developers were trying hard to appeal to the west before realizing their unique perspective is what everyone wanted in the first place.
Maybe TN, KT, Shimbori, or whoever the fuck is to blame have been behind the curve.
literally yes? Why are you so desperate to paint the FGC as anything but the blatant amalgamation of corporate interests it is? Do you actually have anything at stake in pushing such a narrative or are you really just that underage?
SamSho getting in was bullshit but SC at least brings in viewers. When was the last time a DOA stream even broke 10k?
Thanks to the community working hard to expand and getting people to play UNIST. DOAfans did jack shit to grow their own.
i want to be bride lisa
>enter the thread to see some hitomi pictures before sleep
>no hitomi pictures
>break blow
>somehow nothing happens to my character
>two bars gone anyway
for what purpose
>but SC at least brings in viewers.
No it doesn't, here's how it has worked for YEARS
>new game?
pays to get in, Bamco paid for all their games
>+1 year old game?
Check the community, see if there's any players. UNIST has more players than BB and GG now, that's why it got in.
Does DOA have the mechanics to support really high level/tournament/Evo play? I always hear it's lacking but I've never played any fighting games at a particularly high level so I don't know what the problem is.
>it's rank up time at D+ to C-
>get paired up with a C+
It supports high level play as well as Tekken or Soul Calibur do their own thing, so yes. It's just purely been always the misfortunate one when it comes to being accepted for some reason.
>so I don't know what the problem is.
I doesn't hide the fact that it's RPS, most fighting games actually hide this fact
Incoming hot take: DOA is in a similar situation to MK, where it'll never be truly accepted by the FGC and needs to sell itself to mainstream gamers to be successful. MK accomplishes this by selling itself on its gore and characters. DOA has sex appeal instead of gore, which obviously is a PR nightmare nowadays. The DOA characters also aren't as well known. So how to draw in casual/mainstream players? I really think they should focus on the danger zone/multi-tiered stages more. Those are some of the flashiest things DOA has to it's name, and no other fighter uses them the same way. They should go all-in in making them numerous and impressive in the next game, and market that point heavily. Show how crazy and over the top the fights can in contrast to other games. They should be convincing people that other fighters are "boring" by comparison.
> UNIST has more players than BB and GG now
Which didn't fucking overnight, events all over the US had UNIST tournaments the past 2 years, with entrants going up across the board.
DOA5's biggest event after 5 years is a paltry 150. Who the fuck would give a spot for a game like that?
That's my point, DoA 6 is a new game with small community, like SC and SamSho, both paid to be at EVO, DoA didn't, that's literally it
>rank to B
>A+ next match
The game always feels very scrub friendly with the way you can hold out of combos which turns competitive players away from it. The mechanics are actually great but it will never be given enough of a chance for that to become common knowledge.
Also people who hate on it for being RPS are just in denial that pretty much every fighting game can be boiled down to that in some way.
you lose less point and wins more points, there's nothing to lose by rematching those
At what rank do the competent players show up? So far it's been only f2p scrubs.
holding is less effective at a high level than you think
90% of high tier matches are poking, throw baiting and the occasional juggle
C to B-
pretty much this, I'm all smiles when I see someone that likes to hold. It's only good with characters like Bayman and Mila, for obvious reasons
Since you can hold out of combos would a good idea be to launch the opponent ASAP? Then continue with a juggle?
Can you hold during a fatal stun?
That's what I'm saying. Once you really learn the game you realize that spamming hold is a great way to lose a round in under 10 seconds, but when you pick the game up it feels like people can just spam it to get out of any hit you make.
You launch to get guaranteed damage but you'll get more damage the longer you keep them on the ground before you launch. You have to spend meter to hold out of fatal stun and it's just a get away hold instead of a damaging one.
If the guy is holding too much, just throw him, if your character has godtier throws, or keep baiting and keep them in the ground, to add more and more damage until the launch
> Whiff a hold
> Bass throws me
> Take something like 60% dmg
Jesus christ
that's why you usually don't hold that much at high level matches
I want shillbori to fucking go.
he literally never appeared again after the game launched
God no. MK went back and looked at the basics of their appeal. DoA doing the same would end up with graphics, animation, AND sex appeal.
Graphics would have them really touch up those models, physics, and other technologies they use. They've already got quite a few, especially compared to other fighters and seem ok with making more, as 6 got the brusiing.
Animation could involve finding new styles for more fighters. VF isn't around anymore and Tekken has been going out there with new characters. Keeping it grounded could be interesting. If they want to go the crazy route, then they need to do more. Someone like Eliza stands out more in terms of moveset and design than Nico.
Funny enough, sex appeal is easy because they actually don't need to do much. It's not like there's tons of fanservice games out there like when DOA was at its peak. Not that I want less but they just don't need to focus on it so much during promotion.
How do I buy Fortune? You need the asian english version right? I'm in Japan, but I guess the Jap version doesnt have English option?
DOA threads belong in
why are you still here?
>tfw get to C
>immediately difficult and every match gets the adrenaline pumping
Why do nips love wedding dresses so much?
Looking glass into a fantasy.
Because women look beautiful in them?
>women with make up
that's not how it works
Why DOA6 thread instead of Venus Vacation? No one play this trash.
thanks for bumping the thread
DOA as a fighting game was already dead. Fighting games are a dying genre, even games like SF5 performed significantly below expectations.
Also, anyone talking about e-sports viability is a moron. Making less than 0.5% of your players the main target audience is moronic.
VV isnt a real game
>DoA porn is all 3D now
what are you even trying to say? Do you just want to start a random argument?
Webm user, do one for Kasumi if you can!
Do you per chance know how much money do companies like Bamco/Capcom get from esports? How do you know it's not more profitable than selling one game and getting 5m sales at long term?
Just did a search for CreamAPI. Any easy place to get the DOA6 DLC + an autoinstaller?
What happens at B?
You get A- to U+ matches
i thought creamapi didnt work with this game
I love her so damn much.
procreate with a real human being please
If you're already getting comboed is there any downside to trying to get a hold?
>Do you per chance know how much money do companies like Bamco/Capcom get from esports?
I don't need exact numbers when common sense is enough. Revenue for the entire e-sport market is expected to reach one billion USD this year. Most of that money ends up going to the big games, that means Fornite, the MOBAs etc.
>is there any downside to trying to get a hold?
You get thrown, and probably will lost 50% of your life if it's Tina/Bass/Lisa
*if you get thrown
especially if it's frame perfect after you try to hold
I never said they should take away from the sex appeal. Although if you want them to go back to the basics then they would do something closer to how 6 is. 5 was really an outlier in terms of fan service. 1-4 had sexy characters and a few lewd outfits (mostly in 2U) but nothing compared to 5's sweat, losing poses, and tons of barely-there outfits.
Thank you user :)
So if you're eating a combo best just to let it go unless you're almost 100% sure what move opponent will do?
tell me the left side isn't real
Those fuckers at KT NA should be hanged.
Any caps of the close-ups of the 3 yet? And/or videos?
hold low, since it dodges highs
All you have to do is literally be good with any character to be a decent player. But most people even at B have no clue the combos of the motherfuckers they're using.
No Gen Fu etc
So did they add the lobbies yet? Online still alive?
>and people will buy it.
Excuse me if I don't hold my breath. Though I think more people will buy it than the people who bought base 6 since some people I know are holding out because they expect a re-release.
the supreme autist woke up boys, pack it up, the old man lover is here
Supreme autist was already here. Geezer-kun isn't that bad.
What the fuck? The last time I posted in a doa thread was a week ago and I showed off eliot and phase 4 combos.
I mean I'll fuck off if you want. Sheesh.
>So did they add the lobbies yet?
Pushed to April because they weren't ready yet.
>Online still alive?
Neat. I've been out of the loop for a bit due to taking some time for myself for a certain other game.
Have they released an ETA on Mai?
probably some time in april
hope they announce the other character soon
>85 hours
How in the fuck
Sometimes you've got that itch that just makes you waste all of your free time and spend the following day like a coffee fueled braindead zombie.
For a large amount of time.
Both characters were going to be from KoF weren't they? That's a lot of candidates I'm thinking. The next season pass should be in July so they'll have to put out the characters either next month or in june. Or else they might have to delay the next season pass entirely.
i'd say late april mai then next character june
>march lobbies
I never had faith in March release of an entirely new game function to begin with. That shit takes time. More if they're starting at it from scratch. Rather than trying to get it out the door as soon as possible, they should probably just take their time. Especially when they're still working on it alongside their current season pass dlc release schedule.