Yea Forums guild?
Yea Forums guild?
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kill yourself t.quit
>Exp 2x to 1x.
onky way to play ms1 desu
t. casual
I just don't have that much time, just became a bowman and I'm looking to do quests because I have no idea where to go or what am I supposed to do, so I just kinda aimlessly explore the place killing stuff on my way.
t. autist
normal people play ms1 just to play it and have fun, not for "muh nostalgia"
>not playing AriesMS, MapleRoyals, or Croosade
Jesus Christ, Maple Story looks like a shit game. Honestly, why would anyone want to play this trash?
for the soul
>that one guy that accidentally jumped down to the golems while holding a ticket
>wasn't around in 2007
It's okay that you're young user
Yea Forums is playing maplestory again?
Only if something happens this time literally last time someone tried literally nothing happened we messaged like 3 times then someone else did and then nothing I waited like an hour to and literally nothing so if ur the same person fuck u
Uhh just noticed it’s not royals
>2x xp
Royals 4x is ughh as it is
Fuggg I will I guess but it better happen this time
Guys, I left Improved Max MP Increase at level 8 and I leveled up 3 or 4 times before I noticed. How much max MP did I miss out on? Is there a calculator somewhere?
A whole fucking lot
Your autism commands you to delete your toon and restart
What job should I bee?
Is ice lighting mage any fun?
Only jobs I have been in past is shadower and bowmaster so I dunno if I wana do that again
You guys still play regular Maple?
Like GMS or MS2?
nostalgia, that's why you play.
GMS. How is MS2 though? Does it capture the feel of the original?
All mage jobs are garbage.
Cleric is the only good one, but it forces you to be a party slut. I/L and F/P are fucking worthless in boss battles and exist solely to grind. I/L's "fun" is just spamming lightning on mobs and then spam ice once you reach 3rd job
Just play what you want to play
Don't listen to this retard It's not a big deal, especially in a pre-4th job server.
You are literally a complete idiot.
Okay but what about 4th job?
I'd play Reboot if Yea Forums was playing, but that isn't happening.
>How is MS2 though? Does it capture the feel of the original?
I'm hopping in. Scania or ?
mages are worthless deal with it noob
You spam map clearing ice
No not at all MS1 is still played way more MS2 is basically dead here and in Korea it’s totally different only some mobs and town names but it feels completely different I had fun with it for a little I played like for one day for like 6 hours and had fun but I never went back for some reason spent like half on my house though lol
Shut up Craig I'm not playing classic Maplestory with you.
I have a char but its fucking cringey honestly. Still fun kind of but theres no one to play with it's super fucking lonely
Soo don’t be a mage then? Because I don’t wana be a Bishop
>best farmers in the game by a mile
You're a complete moron, I get it.
Instead, you should kill yourself for being dumb enough to listen to a shitposting moron.
I'm gonna start on Oldschool Maple unless there's better alternatives that Yea Forums users go on.
So no 4th job and no Heroes. Will they add those in the future?
Fine I will bee a mage gosh :/
Always wonder what they are like lol
Wait what no 4th job
Mapleroyals is okay
farming is worthless when you're already geared up with a top tier dps class. keep farming for your shitty gains, bud.
That's why I play on 1/1/1 servers though. I'm not concerned about endgame content or anything, I just want a fun grind with some friends. Literally anything past 1x draws in tryhards that get to the hundreds in a couple of days and just want to fight bosses all day.
They're literally just the cuck class
You make a mage character, level up fast so you can grind mesos and then fund an actual character
Bishops are the only useful mage because they're actually invited to parties and can sell leech services thanks to holy symbol. Also, at 4th job, they grind just as fast as the other two mages, while still retaining their usefulness in parties.
I/L grind faster during 2nd job and 3rd job, that's all they're good for.
F/P's only advantage over the other mages is that their map clear skill book is less expensive compared to the other two classes (probably because no one gives a shit about F/P mages).
you will all quit within 3 days. pathetic
>when you're already geared up with a top tier dps class
Which takes a fuck long time unless you farm, especially on a server like this. Way to go, idiot. I look forward to you doubling down on your stupidity once again.
>4th job
How tiny is your brain exactly?
OP posted OldSchool Maplestory, a PRE-4TH JOB SERVER.
Even in bossing, the gap in damage isn't as big as it would be in Royals.
>there will never be a legitimately great private server
>forever doomed to having royals #1 forever
I remember
thats because maple is shitty and boring past the nostalgia
exactly, just enjoy the memories and don't waste your time trying to bring back the magic, it will never return
I was only planning to play for the weekend anyway
I agree with you for the most part, but a 2x or 3x meso rate only serves to make NPC shop prices slightly less brutal in the midgame and get enough free cashflow into peoples hands that they can start up the user economy without having to wait two years like the original servers.
Not gonna lie, very tempted to play it again. It used to be like crack for me.
Isn't it kind of empty though since the sever is located in the Netherlands?
Is there not supposed to be any health bar when killing monsters or beginner skills?
Are you guys making a guild or not?
For now we all add eachother as buddies. Guild comes when we have enough meso.
I'd play if it wasn't 1x
Okay I have really nooby questions
1. Are u supposed to not be able to jump down
2. Is there not supposed to be enemy health bars
3. Is there not supposed to be a quest helper that shows how many of x u killed or got
4. Is there not supposed to be beginner skills?
Or is my game just bugged?
All that stuff was added later
What's the endgame training spot on this server? Squids/gobies in deep aqua?
Oh gosh that’s really basic stuff :/
Is that being put in later?
Probably never, for that AUTHENTIC FEEL.
you made this thread 2 days ago, whath appened to the 6 people who joined?
Oh, right, they all fucking quit because these things never last.
stop trying.
Everyone add Daem, Fitguy and Calcium on oldschool MS.
You sound mad, raiuuu.
I actually made the thread a couple of days ago, but didn't make this one.
Let us have our fun, dude.
Someone sell me on Maple Story. I've never played. Or at least, I played less than 3 hours back in like 2007 or something on my shitty pc.
:( but that’s stuff in literally ever classic maple server
Isn't this server at version like .05? Most classic Pservers are at like v62 iirc
they d on't play for more than a day, why make these same shitty threads when no one even plays?
I don't play this game cause I played it in 2006, when I was a kid, like everyone else.
I cant get this server working... Honestly 07 maple was my favorite game of all time id pay like 50 bucks a month for a good classic server come on nexon
>mr sweatbottom witnessed tens of thousands of sweaty neets ERPing
Imagine living your life year by year and eventually forgetting all about maplestory. Eventually you're 70 years old and going through a box of old things and find an iPod with this song on it. What do you think that would feel like bros
Hey idiot, not everyone is braindead enough to play the game long-term like you are.
So why make the thread if no one wants to play past level 30? why try to set up a guild? what's the point?
If people want to try, that's their choice, and with a bit of luck, enough interest could be generated for 20+ people to play over a month. No amount of your bitching will make any difference, idiot.
Oh okay I get it now
Just seems like stuff that would have been in the release hahha
>enough interest could be generated
then why hasn't it, over two years of shilling these servers?
And don't pretend it isn't, these servers literally offer you benefits for paying them money.
Not that guy but I like to hop on these random Yea Forums guilds from time to time, cause I have a Maple Story itch that sometimes I need to scratch.
It's like playing any other game for a couple of hours then dropping it, nothing wrong with that.
>he witnessed the birth of 11 year olds me furry sparkledog OC and it’s first erp basically at the same time
Hahha oh no