July 1st 2014


>July 1st 2014

Where the fuck does the time go lads, I remember being excited in school waiting to get home to watch this.

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Other urls found in this thread:


How fucking old are you?

>I remember being excited in school waiting to get home to watch this.

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I still don't understand why Jon came on Suzy's face.


You need to be 18 to post here friend

I'm 22, I was 17 when the video released, turned 18 soon after

i remember watching metal gear awesome a few centuries back, but it wasnt that good

>latest episode
who could that empty slot be?

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>there are people who only know Egoraptor from Game Grumps and not Newgrounds

I want to go back

What went right?

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>watching new game grumps

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>I remember being excited in school waiting to get home to watch this.

lmao irl @ zoomers

you niggas didn't experience newgrounds, instead you have bullshit everywhere and oversaturated clickbait all over

i'm sorry

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remember that pic of arin going nose deep into suzy's cooch while she plays pokemon

They wouldn’t even make a new Mii to replace it? That’s sad.

someone linked it to me. i cant fucking stand those assholes personally

I honestly think Game Grumps is fascinating because of how obviously sick of eachother Arin & Danny are

I want to see Baba Is You on a shitty letsplayer channel. I would have preferred 2BF but obviously that's not going to happen. GG seems a better fit than OneyPlays.


FWOB is often called Blue Grumps, and are always compared to them. They did this as a joke.

i cant wait for that eventual break up.

Boat haha I'm groceries


I know. I just thought it was funny.

Oh look its a garbage eceleb with his unwarranted opinion.


Why would ANYONE ever care for Arin anymore?
Watching the This is how you DON'T play series of him in OoT and MM, really made me hate that unbased and bluepilled retard

Everyone gets sick of Arin pretty fast.

>Egoraptor thread is made
>People keep on trying to derail it with their favorite ecelebs instead
how many chuggaaconroychads are in this thread with me?

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Yeah but Danny doesn't get sick of the money from working 1-2 days a week, skipping every couple of weeks.

Obviously? In what way?

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*honk* *honk*
Daily reminder that Arin's antics and overall degeneracy earned him a thread on the infamous Kiwi Farms! He and his scummy wife have been envolved in numerals scams and scandals! Truly a deranged and depraved individual!

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Chugga was always kinda boring, nintendocaprisun was the real good shit.

Reporting in my nigger.
Been watching him since Mother 3

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haha you make the best jokes clown frog thank you (:

also pretty based, but I like how Chugga's videos also serve as walkthroughs with how much information there is

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Reminder that Arin only hates OoT because he sucks at it. Not even speculation; watch his playthrough and you'll see how garbage he is at it.

Honestly they should just kick Arin out and bring Jontron back in. I'd love to see Jon and Arin chumming it up.

Jon and Danny*

>was 16 when he released this terrible video
>Game Grumps started July 18th 2012
>was 14 then
Where has my time gone and what the fuck have I done with it?

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>I remember being excited in school waiting to get home to watch this

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Oof, that's a yeet from me famalam.

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Chris has a way hotter gf than Arin does

Oney isn't as burned out as Game Grumps obviously are.

Is that arm or leg?

>being in school in 2014
mr bones i want off this ride

Imagine having no cultural identity so you permanently ink your flesh with the iconography of trademarked advertisement imagery from an internet show that sometimes makes you laugh

So Is Arin going to kick Dan off of the show or Is he and Ross a package deal and Arin will bite his tongue to keep them both.

Ross hasn't been a part of the show for years, he is working on a comic that has been in development hell forever. His divorce really set him back or some shit.

Daily reminder that Egoraptor admitted that his wife is the first and only girl he ever kissed and when she wanted a "break" she moved in with some "bad boy" according to her own words and he wrote love levels to her, BY MAIL, every fucking day begging her to come back.

And after a fucking year of getting pounded by a chad she had had enough and agreed to settle down with him. He then drove all the way across the country and picked up her and her shit and drove them to his house.

Then he married her and she got fat. Also god fucking DAMN she got some steel wool tier bush.

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>Daily reminder that Egoraptor admitted that his wife is the first and only girl he ever kissed and when she wanted a "break" she moved in with some "bad boy" according to her own words and he wrote love levels to her, BY MAIL, every fucking day begging her to come back.
>And after a fucking year of getting pounded by a chad she had had enough and agreed to settle down with him. He then drove all the way across the country and picked up her and her shit and drove them to his house.
>Then he married her and she got fat. Also god fucking DAMN she got some steel wool tier bush.

WTF why are jannies deleting this

Arin did you pay the Yea Forums jannies to scrub this info?

how fucking old are YOU?
Get kids already fag

I remember that video. The comments made it worse since people made it sound like it was something out of a romance movie.

Has there been more controversies to them?haven't watched them in a year

Didn’t he make all those Mario Maker levels that raked in the views? He even said he gets paid for those. Plus he still does Ninja Sex Party

Reminder that Arin didn't even animate this. It was Barry and Ross.

Been out of school almost 7 years and I can't believe people still go to grade school.

The Mario Maker stuff was years ago, and Ross doesn't play a major role in NSP. They occasionally hire him to play a role in a video, or to animate a music video. They are still friends, and he rarely shows up on the grump streams, but he might as well not be a part of the grumps any more. At best he's a friend of the grumps.

I want a chad/virgin version of egoraptor and jontron

Well, he does get paid a lot for dealing with a shithead 1-2 days a week.

Why did he stop being part of the group?Is he getting paid for not doing the videos with arin and danny?Where does his income come from.

And I also didn't know he divorced.why did that happen

All my info is outdated it’s been years since I properly sat down and put on Game Grumps in the background. Are all those B listers from the St Patrick’s Day videos still around?

It all goes back to egoraptor. He's a fucking retard and can't manage his team worth shit. He's the reason barry went from an editor to part of the team and the main reason jontron left

>And I also didn't know he divorced.why did that happen
I forget the specifics, but they came to the mutual decision that they weren't working out... but it was either over something like having kids, or moving. I can't quite recall.

jon left because of barry?
i mean I know that jon didn't like the whole stream train bullshit but barry?

He wanted to work full time on making his own cartoon, no clue what happened to that. It's possible Arin is funding the whole endeavor? But between working on the comic, and Dan focusing on the main show + NSP + Star Bomb, Steam Train kind of died,

I don't think Kevin, the Asian editor, is with them anymore. I assume Barry is still doing... something? Their editors now are the guys from SuperMega.

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2014 wasn't that far away. I still remember the 9/11

Cartoon* I keep on calling it a comic. If he aimed lower and went with a comic he'd probably have a product by now.

oh sorry no, Arin is the reason Jon left. The prevailing theory is that Jon drank too much to get to their resigning meeting and Arin spoke for him and basically put Jon on the spot to say either agree to it or leave everything and Jon just left everything

I remember newgrounds you young faggot

It's her prosthetic dick

I haven't watched Game Grumps in about 7 years, has anything crazy or super great happened since then?


Barry is doing streams.
He earns more money outside of gamegrumps since he had a fixed income back them.

both are shit

Dude's bald now and his game looks not so great and his best friends are gone, what did go right?

it has gone down hill so bad it's almost beautiful

>People have come and gone
>gotten more tired and corporate as time goes on
>conspiracy theories as strong as ever

Not really. Dan makes music. Dan makes music with Arin. Guest Grumps might seem crazy from the context of when they started. They can get fairly popular people on their show - like the kid from Stranger Things or Grant Kirkhope. Weird Al, Dan Harmon and Steve-O have also been on the show. See: youtube.com/watch?v=QZ06yMergxo&list=PLRQGRBgN_Enq32ulNww6QJxdSp0cygD6m

Other than that nothing too crazy.

I like Danny but only really outside of game grumps, seems like such a lovely guy, everyone outside of Arin and Suzy genuinely seem like lovely people

somehow, as impossible as it is, arin has gotten become even more of a dumbass. He's the kind of guy that will put out a fire by slamming the extinguisher onto it

Come someone recommend me an LP channel that's close to the chill Jon + Arin dynamic?
Hardmode: No OneyPlays, Beard Bros, or Super Mega.

>actually lost weight

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There's nothing out of the ordinary.It's just sad.They are putting out videos everyday,get 200k/300k views every vid but it all feels mechanical to me.They don't feel like they give a fuck about the games.

>e-celeb friend simulators
you guys are fucking sad

suzy is such a cunt it's impressive

They are cousins tho,so the chemistry is a given


What's she done?

After the announcement of his game he obviously wasn't just let's playing all the time. He didn't drink the SJW kool-aid and he doesn't censor himself in the moment. He's just a funny guy, and has some funny friends as well.

Suzy worked as the hostess of their tabletop thing.

Friends Without Benefits. There's 4 of them, some combinations of the personalities work better for some people than others. If you like Mario Party, they're one of the few channels that actually plays it with 4 people (MP episodes include a previous member, his wife, and some other friends of the channel, so it's not the same 4 every time). They also did like daily Mario Party uploads for a year or two straight. Their new schedule was 3 uploads a day, with one always being a "pary game" / 4 player thing. They gave into the autism and started a Minecraft series so that's what going on currnetly in that slot, but it's not at all the norm for their channel.

If you're an edgelord, watch their let's play of game dev tycoon.
If you like chill commentary, you generally want series with Major on it (blonde hair face) or Don/Dad.
If you want two retards giggling for 20 minutes you want Cade/Weegee and Dillon/Deezus. They're also playing P5 on the channel right now together.... or look up Cats Epic Puzzles.

Oh, he's single now? Anyone know what happened to his gf? I know they moved to NY together.

>Banjo Kazooie shitty cash in took out jontron to appease people that wouldn't play their game
>hat in time went out of their way to get jontron to voice a character

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Excuse me? what's this hostess thing?

he was right about everything

I really like these guys, any playthroughs with Kyle Bosman and Michael Huber is really chill and entertaining, you can tell they're actually friends.


jesus fuck, was giving his chin as collateral part of the split up?

I don't see all the drama you people talk about.Arin owns gamegrumps,he invited jon to do videos with him and they got the same money for the videos.Same applies for Danny,it's just that Arin can pull the plug on them whenever he wants.Arin is pretty friendlike to Danny and pretty much everyone who becomes a worker in the ''company'' and I don't see why people keep shitting on him,he even mentioned on one of his videos that when the time comes to fire someone it is pretty hard for him to do so

That's a solid series. It's Major and Dillon. The whole channel is generally good at video games, but Major sucks at platformers and isn't so great at this game.

She's the one that ran their tabletop game series thing they did for some other company. Just hostess in the sense of a female host. She "ran" the show. It wasn't the worst. Look up "Table Flip". They did some weird pseudo time period cosplay shit for every episode while playing the game, so she was generally dressed up for it.

I didn't know him for sequalitis,I knew him for the metal gear awesome vids.

Zoomers leave, we PLAY our video games here not WATCH them. Back in my day if you were watching someone playing a video game you were either an outsider who didn't know shit about video games, a casual that got stuck and had to get assistance from someone better than you, or a loser because you lost your turn.

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arin shouldn't you be cleaning your wife's pubes out of your teeth?

She resold Chinese level jewelery as some special bullshit on her etsy for like 100 or so dollars over its actual price. Then had her husband bail her out when everyone started calling her out on it. Also it's possible he had Arin buy a bunch of her shit on etsy so her items would pop up more on the page.

There was also some modeling competition bullshit that she got real cunty overnight because lol they didn't pick her. Which she's real bitchy about the modeling shit anyways. Making fun of people over 30 wanting to be models and how certain people look when she herself is Cody ayyLoko

I hate his contrarianism so much. Like why go after OoT with a subpart video. It's like he just loves shitting on things people love but also doing it in a way that makes him sound like a retarded faggot

t.20 year old trying too hard to fit in.

to be fair he was still fatter before I think

>sings about piss and shit for ten minutes straight

And Weegee is terrible at P5. He's pulling an Arin right now where he says he beat it but I have a hard time believing that

And its kino everytime.
There is something about his old lets plays that are top tier comfy

I only periodically peak into the P5 playthrough. Admittedly it's a bad time to get into FWOB, their current series are kind of underwhelming. The friday streams are usually entertaining though.

He has different gf now.

Used to be a huge fan, but haven't been liking his recent stuff. Guess I grew out of it.

>when he had to tell off his viewers for making fun of the Kumatora drawing he used at the start of the videos.

Its one of those things, where shes uggo, but the more you see her, the hotter she gets with time.

>no collab channel with just Emile and Masae
wtf bros

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My nigga, he's such a wholesome guy, I may not be as big of a fan of him but I wish him the best

>it's yet another ncs says next to nothing unless directly asked a question by chugga or jon episode
I honestly sometimes forget he's even in these Pikmin videos.

Really how do you figure?
Haven't watched them in a while and only watched like 3 episodes of their sonic adventure 2 playthrough, before I couldn't stomache them anymore.
From what I saw it's just same old sane old to me.

Who on the game grumps team didn't fuck suzy?
Im willing to bet she /ss/'d Kevin by putting herself in a mom role to him

I think it was Duster, and to be fair it was a really bad drawing. Also bringing all his TGS friends to voice act the finale ruined it. Glad he learned his lesson.

i'm not op but it's my birthday today and nobody cares

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Arin literally treated Jon like a fucking fan,when he said that Danny was gonna be part of the game grumps Jon just noped out since he had no say in the matter

Hes just an awkward guy, nothing much he can do about that at this point.

Happy birthday. I hope you enjoy this year, and I hope you feel meaning in your life or find it soon.

Happy birthday user, here’s a coveted (You) for your gift. Hope today went well enough

Happy birthday my guy, I hope it's a good one

I'm not watching the Phantom Hourglass playthrough cause I'm not interested in Zelda much aside from LttP, Wind Waker, and OoT, but god damn I've been watching this man since late 2011. I remember when they only had two collabs on TheRunawayGuys as well. For whatever reason TRG got a little less interesting the past couple years but there are actual funny moments like with the Wii Party U collab. I'm starting to feel old on the Internet...

You have the same birthday as my mom.
Happybirth day.

>mfw GameGrumps is dying since the entire let's play genre is dying
It won't be long now, even Pewdiepie stopped playing games.

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Happy Birthday, wee penguin.

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>Also god fucking DAMN she got some steel wool tier bush.

>I remember that video
Hol up... you saying there's a video of Arin and Suzy fucking?

>fake boomer does not know about couch co-op
Well games don't do that anymore. So I don't expect zoomers to either.

>in 2019

they got shrek for momocon?

>steel wool tier bush
Lemme see that shit, link

thanks very much anons! i just wish i had some friends irl to play some old games in splitscreen

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...or siblings, or friends, apparently.

I feel like Tim's not talking enough and Jon's getting too whiny. I understand why Tim's acting this way and it should fade eventually but I'm not sure why Jon's so aggressive all of the time.

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What's the general thoughts on Danny (And Brian, I suppose)? I really love NSP since he introduced me into it, they really expanded my love for music entirely. Haven't really watched any Grumps since high school but I remember Danny having the best personality.


This is a fairly little known channel at 2,800 subs that has a buddy-duo dynamic with some nice uproarious laughter from time to time. They tend to play a lot of Indie games too like Hat in Time, Nefarious, a Tale of Two Brothers, and even Shantae. Their editing has been good from day one and most playthroughs don't take TOO long to watch so why not stick around?

Same user, Splitscreen is a dying breed and it's sad

There is one thing they mentioned I will always remember from a game grumps episode.
They mentioned that in some kind of game grumps asset contract it states that Jon is Arin's Fartner instead of partner which made the whole thing invalid and skewed in Arin's favour, but Jon didn't care because he thought Arin was a stand up dude that would never screw him over and he thought it was funny.
I remembered it, because I thought to myself it would be real akward if they ever split up and lo and behold.
I wonder how he felt at that time.

You talking shit about an old internet sensation?


I'm talking shit about using it in 2019, with a gif that didn't even get the dance right. I don't know how you fuck up something so simple. Hands on head, do the stupid motions. Not hands kind of raised, hands on head.


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Fuck the rest of this thread I want to see this Suzy bush video/pic

I know what you mean. Like, he gets legitimately angry when Chugga does something to fuck him over in Mario Party, and he complains about every little thing that doesn't go his way in pikmin. Also he cucked Tim.

look! two autistic males in their natural habitat. what a marvelous sight

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Brian while he didn't appear much made for a good time. I think since he has a Ph.D he sounded just that little bit more intelligent than the others (though for most of them that's not hard to do). I like the episodes where he brings his kid on the show cause kids are cute when you don't have to look after one for more than 20 minutes. His Twitter also has nice quips about said kid as well. Raising her well imo.

>Chugga doesn't pull off a speed running trick that he heard about 10 seconds ago correctly in Super Metroid
>ah man that was pretty hard, sorry for being an idiot guys, i dont know how you put up with me
>Jon attacks a bulborb with 20 pikmin and refuses to whistle them back after fucking up, killing all of them in the process

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he had one shtick that got old after 2 minutes.

People are calling out Arin and Dan (rightfully so) for such a shitshow of a playthrough of Sonic Adventure 2. From there, they will (and are) getting actually frustrated and pissed off about it because SAB2 is generally regarded as one of the best Sonic games for fans and non-fans alike. They will call out Arin more than Dan because of the "I 100% the game" comment in the first episode. Arin will either
a.) Ignore it and silently end the playthrough, much to the annoyance of the fans.
b.) Make a crocodile tears apology video about how he's so stressed and all that.

If "a" happens the fans will get annoyed but eventually leave well enough alone. If "b" happens however, and it has happened before, the fans will turn on each other and pull the "LEAVE ARIN ALONE" bullshit they always do, despite the fact that Arin has been running Game Grumps like shit for a while now and everyone can see it.

Arin is the CEO, he needs to make the executive decision to expand their horizons. Incorporate new shows, Game Grumps was best when it was Game Grumps, Steam Train and Grumpcade. I understand that, at this point, the original Grump teams can't do it anymore due to other commitments. So. Get other hosts. Make new series. Revitalize your brand. Because, at this point, Game Grumps is starting to pander. Arin and Dan are too busy with other projects now, and they need other people to take the load off, and other series to take the load off. Game Grumps, at its core, is a multimedia company and Arin needs to start running it like one and separate the workload.

dont post that reddit shit here

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>working hard on keeping his weight down
>channel doing well
>well maintained hair and clean shaven

>pic related
>fat again
>unkempt bird nest for hair
>shitty beard
>dying channel, relies on chugga for financial support
>jon married his oneitis

At least he seems happy. I feel like if he has to go back to working retail full time he might legitimately end it all. He was properly depressed back in those days.

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No, Shrek fell in love and got married to a girl in his movies

she heard that it helps moisturize your skin and Arin doesn't like touching his dick because it reminds him that he's a male

Will Tim make it, bros? I really want him to make it, I'd love if he got a gf but I fear he's too far gone. ;_;

you really think someone would do that? pay someone to watch them play video games?

If Dan could form his own opinions it would certainly help. If Arin says a game is bad, Dan will just blindly agree with him. Arin's managed to convince Dan that Sonic is the worst vidya series ever created, despite the fact that Dan has never played a single Sonic game.

>Also god fucking DAMN she got some steel wool tier bush.
Please don't ruin my fetish by forcing me to associate it with that Roswell freak

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>Tim's a fat wizard again while Emile's fit and has tons of fangirls thirsting for his mexican dick
it's not fair bros

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sonic is a bad series though

He's kind of bland and slightly autistic-sounding, but at least he seems slightly more competent than most famous LPers

what a time we live in

Unfortunately, he looks like this , he's in his 40s and has crippling social anxiety. He'll die a virgin unless Emile or Jon take pity on him and let him fuck Masae or Lucahjin.

you're effectively fucking a sentient jar of foundation at that point

>slightly autistic-sounding
user, I...

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Well yeah, but Danny dosn't know what makes it bad, he just blindly believes Arin on everything. Arin could claim that the best game in the world is shit and Dan would agree.

>the only 2 girls he ever talks too are both with his only 2 friends
there's no hope left for Tim

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>SAB2 is generally regarded as one of the best Sonic games

I still prefer Dan yes-manning Arin and then moving on to a different topic to Jon's "It just feeeeeels like it" type of pointless arguing.

>Shaves his head on a dare or something
The state of (You)

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Post the bush

Wasn't it for My Two Lovely Uncles? Or did he shave his head for something else?

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hes not bald anymore

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>2014 was 5 years ago

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Happy Birthday, you underaged, little PANGWAN!

Yeah, no shit, but I meant he's the kind of autism that's super-focused on his hobbies, which is at least a step up from Chris-Chan or TGWTG autism

>He'll die a virgin unless Emile or Jon take pity on him and let him fuck Masae or Lucahjin.
>let him fuck Masae

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Ross is employed by Game Grumps. The show he's working on for forever that's probably never coming out is funded by the company and the company will make money from it. On top of that, he's going to get paid for 1-2 months just to make Mario Maker 2 levels for Game Grumps, so anyone still watching can be graced by another 164 episodes of "fun," not counting it being played at live shows or now, streams.

What does Yea Forums even think of super mega, I see them mentioned but never discussed.

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zoomer faggots

their video game videos arent very good. but i love their podcast and live action stuff.

The thumbnail looks like MaCaulay Culkin and his hot asian wife.

Isn't it funny how the games Arin hates are also the ones he sucks at?

ugly deformed retard ching chong wife*

Ryan seems like kind of a fag. Matt is ok. They were good with Oney, but now they're too good for him so they are irrelevant to me.

Why the hate?

>game grumps
>so fucking dead in the water videos barely go over 50k
>have to actually do 10 minute power hours to sustain views
>doing streaming much more often to get some money

Their ride is over. They even said they have to stop doing episodes simply because views are so low on a series they are doing.

What does this shit have to do with video games


Can someone tell me


jesus. i need proof before i believe this

if you watch super megas latest videos you can see that they have hired tons and tons of staff as well for some reason. their economy can not look very good.

People on Yea Forums are bored and like to bitch about stuff. It's pretty fun, you should try it sometime.

Apparently they did a video about it

Actually he had this video ready since Jon was the not so grump in 2012, but he kept talking Arin out of it

Calling people zoomers won't make your hair grow back.

happy birthday user


>still wants to draw/animate for a living and not let GG be his legacy
>wants to fuck monster-girls like a true patrician
>isn't super PC and woke like Arin and actually treated PewDiePie like a human being

Ross seems pretty cool all things considered

I know this might come as a shocker but... there are people out there that don't age as bad as you do.

Anyone who can troll Arin and Dan to the point of rage is a good person in my book. Ross was always one of my favs back in the day at least.

fuck e celebs and the people that like them

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You really elevate yourself with wojacks, junior.

Who? Supermega or the grumps? Supermega's hired like 3 people no?

they work in the same office, and supermega has shot some videos from inside lately. there are people running around everywhere.

sucking his gut in lol

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I'd let her peg me.

I actually lost it in that power hour where they reused Ryan's fursuit though

me on the right

This shit isn't video games, fuck off.

Happy birthday user, it may be bittersweet but you should buy a cake for yourself. You'll feel a bit better.

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>marches pikmin directly into bulborb mouth

>those mantits

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nah, he just has weirdly large tits

>walks half of his pikmin into the water
>fights the snagret right after
>spends the entire fight fighting the base, only goes for the head once told
so much for being "the best at games" in the group, Chugga did way better with Metroid than anyone gives him credit for

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Happy Bday, user. Birthday parties are nothing anyway.

Lol thats pretty cool though. Its like asking a big bro to pass a hard part on a game

Is it true that Arin is a closet tranny?

Happy Birthday user. Treat yourself to some night of comfy vidya and a yummy cake friend :)

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I wouldn't be surprised. It seems half of every video game entertainer is a tranny.

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I was under the impression it was a joke when he dressed up. The D club is sus but If anything, just cements he's comfortable being a dude

He's dressed in women's clothing and makeup several times and always picks the female character in games. The possibility of him being an egg seems high.

This. Jokes aside men that comfortable in their sexuality to do that much gay shit and NOT get aroused? They straight af

Watch some of their Majora's Mask/OOT play-through, it's obvious Danny sees through Arin but isn't confident enough to confront him. There's a few moments where Arin goes on about how shitty the games are and Danny begins pointing out how shit he's playing them. He always gives up when Arin starts getting louder but he does call him out quite a few times.

Shaped like Executioner Smough’s.

take it to /soc/ kid

Every time I see an e celeb thread pop up and the amount of kiddies replying in earnest about their favorite e celebs, I'm reminded how shit this site has become. We went from shunning this stupid shit to majority of posters worshiping e celeb dick. Nothing more pathetic than cucking yourself watching other people enjoy video games.

Happy birthday. Try to make it an enjoyable one

Yeah yeah whatever, put it on your blog

>I haven't read through the thread
>But I'm going to post anyway

Oh so sorry, did I hurt your feelings? Maybe go cry to your e celeb friends, I'm sure they will give you a shoulder to cry on.

I graduated HS in 2011 shut the fuck up about time going somewhere

Shaking my head

do you think Ross ever regrets his life choices?

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>The mantits stick out more than the furfag.
Activated my almonds.

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I mean he married someone who divorced him for the dumbest reason ever so how could he not.

happy birthday frend

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you sound like the type of guy who doesn't realize YTMND in it's prime is just what instagram is now in modern form. It's a good thing and you just hate it. You grew up and out of touch.

Him and Holly got divorced? Why?

Happy Birthday hope your day gets better

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He was stressing the birds out too much, man

He somehow became a different kind of fat

Pink hair dye, do the math.

That's rough

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Remember when Arin was considered a good critic with an eye for game design?


It’s almost over, but happy birthday, user. Hope it was ok. Go play some vidya

And you sound like the kind of guy that would love get on your knees and take an e celeb cum bath. You can waste your time however you like, but e celebs are not and will never be video games.

Post Suzy

I liked them on oneyplays because initially it almost seemed like a parent company forced them to work together to boost views or something. In the first episode of the banjo kazooie playthrough Oney had to ask what Matts name was halfway through. Then in the sonic playthrough they got into that argument about work stuff. Matt getting genuinely flustered is funny.


what the fuck even is this channel?

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The tweet I saw from Holly was unironically "I wanted to move out of LA cuz my birds weren't doing to well and he didn't"


Here u go bibba

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Jon seems like one of those guys built so they look weird thin. Like he's still have a big head, so he'd have to go bearmode to not look like an AIDS patient

hbd my guy


Do not call me lad, boy.

Arin sucked at Sonic and the black knight.

He sucks at fucking everything. He refuses to learn games and just plows through only knowing 1 attack instead of trying the other buttons.

he just said school, not elementary school

Do not call me boy, kid.

how many lives has game grumps destroyed?

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>He sucks at fucking everything. He refuses to learn
This applies to everything he does, (games, rapping, humor, etc) because he thinks he's super talented at everything and can't take criticism, and has surrounded himself with yes men.

nigga got cucked by birds, should of known to be cautious around hair dyed bitches.

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This is the problem with success. Most people who have it never have to grow as people anymore.

He's the first LPer I ever watched. I still watch occasionally when he's playing a game I'm interested in or something. I respect how much effort and research he puts into his videos.

>that 5head
>that disgusting tattoo

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Post Suzy

I feel like hes trapped in this feedback loop of people saying positive and negative stuff about him, both with good and bad arguments you get to a point you don't even know who you should be listening to.

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It's already been done


It's so obvious that this Arin Hanson faggot is a closet tranny. He threw away a promising future in animation to make shitty let's plays and have his his faggotry exposed to the world, all the while breaking ties with people who were his friends. It's pretty sad.

Happy birthday buddy, get any cool prezzies?

You have the internet at your disposal and you've chosen to fap to Suzy?

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user, you can do better. Treat yourself to a woman

This nice dude wishes you happy birthday and you don't even wish it back to him? What the fuck, man.
Happy birthday other dude.

Post Suzy.


Their live action stuff is really good and their podcast is a good listen. Don't really care for their LPs most of the time though. I hope they get big enough to leave GG.

fuck off with that tranny speak


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Pretty sure he's just meming about the conehead pic. Am I wrong?

Why is someone who's fucking awful at videogames talking about what is good and bad game design?

Hppy b day :)))
stay safe and warm nwn

They peaked at Blonde Boyz

Reminder that Suzy said the N word ON STREAM with the HARD R

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Holy fuck, this!

I love supermega but god they were so try hard when they first started (They even admitted that). But now they are pretty chill.
I feel bad for the ross the most. Arin made money by turning this guy into a joke for the fans. Ross even calls GG "Onions Grumps" In a live stream. And that holly chick always rubbed me the wrong way, glad to know she cares about birds more than her fucking husband. (There was probably more but who the hell cares, this bitch rather be with her shitty birds kek.

me too


I can't stand his voice, he sounds like he's stuck in sarcasm mode 24/7

because i have no friends and they make me feel less lonely

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We care

Happy b-day user! I love you and I'm glad you're here with us.
Did you buy yourself something nice?? Play your favorite game!

>convincing yourself you are able to hurt people's feelings on the internet

Sorry I'm late, but happy birthday user

>gets a cuter girlfriend than arin
>does something he loves for a living
>still has a lot of cool old and new buddies around him
Nah, he's living the dream compare to your neet ass user


someone should write a fapfic about suzy pegging an user

There was also something about her throwing Danny under the bus when she was talking shit about the fans then blamed it on dan

Happy birthday buddy, stay safe

Have a good bday my dude

Happy Birthday user!

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GG has a lot of dirt on them. Like suzy reselling jewelry for literally 900% the original price.
Dan and Arin doxxed a guy
Arin made merchandise over shit talking a friend (Ross had no clue it was a meme until he saw an hour long comp of GG shit talking Ross with 100k views back in like late 2016 maybe 2017)

>being under 30
What a fucking faggot.

Happy birthday user! I hope you get to eat a delicious cake

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>Dan and Arin doxxed a guy
The hell, what happened exactly? And shouldn't they be in deep shit for that?

Forgot to add the

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Kinda honestly, heres the rundown
>Arin is doing shit at a Legend of zelda game
>Starts shit talking the Walk-through for saying an easy part was easy
>Arin dies a lot and says the guys username on a 12 year old Walk-through
>Autismo GG fans find the guy and harass him
>They find his mom and harass her too
>The guy responds pretty chilling saying "Lol i didn't expect anyone to car about my shitty Walk-through I made"
>Fans realize they fucked up, and start calling out those autismos who doxxed the guy and his mom
>Dan says on a video "Lol like we didn't even do anything, CHILL OUT GUYS"
>Fans nearly completely ignore that scandal now because "Dan said so guys!" instead of actually fucking growing up and telling the fans to stop being cunts.
It's pretty fucked.

2012 was 7 years ago ;_;

i feel like id get sick of danny after a day

>z targeting made combat complicated
I still have no idea how that makes things complicated.

i stuck my toes in with SA2. there was a soul crushing moment when arin is trying to remember something from another game, and he can't and says it's because they're all the same, then dan says "BUT THEY'RE STILL FUNNY ANYWAY!" and after an agonizing pause arin forces "...YEEEAH!"
i loved them, jon and danny era both, but i can't handle this, going back is too painful and it's nothing compared to what it must be like for them at this point

Why do you keep posting this, this isn't even related. Fuck off already.

Yeah it's called saying Vague, nebulous terms and having retards love you.

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Jesus, Suzy is right about the fans being shit. How autistic do you have to be to defend arin's incompetent in playing a game by attacking the guy because arin didn't agree with what the walkthrough said? Like holy shit, why are they such pussies and not crucify them for pulling that shit?

Like it or not that tattoo is more meaningful than most.

Suzy is just as bad for playing the fans as a personal army. On shitty Twitter when stamper called her fat.

He did this with Zelda too. Shit pissed me off.

happy birthday chap, hang in there. I know it can get dark and hopeless but remember somebody out there will care if you off yourself. I realised this and feel suicidal a lot less

Oh shit. Is there any screenshots of that incident?

Happy birthday my guy. I know it means nothing coming from an anonymous user on a public forum, but keep your head up, things will get better. Good fortunes upon you.

Glad to see Dan's finally embracing his furry identity.

They moved to LA and drank the kool aid

If it wefent't for GameGrumps he'd be living on the streets right now.

I don't have it but it was funny as fuck. Suzy was pretending to be sad about the Jap Earthquakes. and stamper said something along the lines of
"Maybe your dumb fat ass cause it"

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>wearing a bra but no panties

how come he's the only youtube animator still sticking to his trade drawing cell by cell animation and completely based?

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where is stamper and what is he doing now?

That doesn't sound like they did anything especially wrong. I agree they should have told the autstic fans to chill the fuck out but I don't see how them defending themselves is wrong

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Because the guy has passion and love for the thing he does. He may take forever to upload, but you can see the effort he puts in his content

Absolutely, he was always the most talented of that group and I'm glad he stuck with it because the stuff he puts out is always top notch

She looks like a skeleton with paint on her face

stamper got fired from his job and let a crazy woman into his house
how is stamper so based

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It's not your birthday anymore, faggot.
Happy past birthday.

he doesn't give a fuck ergo he's based. im disappointed that I haven't seen him in anything for years. the latest thing i could find featuring him was a game grumps board game vid from a couple years ago. do you know if he's appeared in anything since?

nah he got fired and have not done anything since instead of shitposting on twitter sadly

He voice acted as a narrator for that pit people game

shame, he was top tier sleepy cabin member

Was he?

The only relevant one there is ST kid, the rest or either washed up celebrities and the shitty part of R&M

yeah but only because of a stupid law i think, they did not want to fire him

Why is this alien threatening to vore me

Where was he working? Was it Newgrounds or some random indie game?

Is she our girl?


The hell? What law user? Now I'm curious.

It was only 2014? Couldve sworn it was like 2011, man, Time is slow

Same thing happens with me and Hila Klein actually. Like i know she's not good looking, but i like watching her for some fucking reason.

>being in school in 2014
you dont know anything about time flying you little zoomer

im pretty sure it was with the behemoth
i dont remember, i wish i had saved screenshots of people talking about him, but i have this image

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Man, what the hell is going on with stamper? He's even ignoring all of his friends?

that was 2 months ago so i hope he stoped doing that, he really needs to get his shit together

we understand user, happy birthday :)

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What happend to Rockcocks twitter? I know it was related to the NZ Shooter but why he restart

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he talked shit about pewdiepie and got alot of people to hate him, so he dissapeared from twitter for a few days and came back with everything deleted

True. But he also had that Twitter post about letting some random lady in his home with strangers coming after her? Makes me curious what he's been doing these past couple of weeks

he deletes every tweet he makes so its hard to understand what is going on, but im pretty sure he is moving to another city and was able to get that woman out of his house or something

happy birthmas user

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i miss stamper kino

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His father was in a famous band. He learned from a young age to do what you love.

Happy bday here have some popcorn nigguh

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veronica is fucking godteir, she has the same personality as oney and you can clearly tell theyve spent a lot of time together

lmao what a fucking loser

what the fuck was his reasoning i wasnt super invested in his twitter but he never seemed political what was his angle

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Isn't this like that killer 7 ad?

I know what stampers problem is but why did he separate himself so hard from everyone. I know he left first but the shit he appeared in afterwards early on he seemed fine.

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since this is the eceleb thread about animators

>Edd has been dead for seven years already

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Don't forget he actively supports child trannies

It's my birthday in 5 days. Will you come back here and say happy birthday to me? We'll have to make another hate Arin Hanson thread. That's what I want for my birthday.

>and since tomska has become a landwhale

>fuck DRUMPF and fuck white people
>btw did I mention that I fully support antifa and black lives matter?
>has anyone seen my DSA membership card?
based ryan

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Happy flipping birthday you sexy fuccboi

i get the feeling arin tried transitioning once when he was younger but saw how much effort it would take and gave up like a lazy fuck

I just want to feel and sniff that bush

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Okay I really wanna see that please tell me you have caps or a good paraphrase

I wouldn't be surprised if he was a closet tranny. Guy not only supports trans children, he also talks about trannies all the time on his feed, likes Anita Sarkessian, wears girl clothes a lot, and let his girlfriend get fucked by some chad for a whole year. His own Dream Daddy game reeks of massive faggotry. Nothing would surprise me from him anymore.

getting sex from syncope.

Having decided to start watching a few months before the MM situation, that is what broke me. They are only funny when they're both enjoying something, watching arnold scream and shit himself while somehow being a fucking retard got real old real fast

Sorry I thought everyone was still talking about Arin Hanson. Been awhile since I've been in this thread.

i don't care either

I wanna see that too what the fuck is that, why is former video game funny cartoon man talking about wanting child trannies

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didnt Matt tell a story about getting arrested cause he was in a trump rally on oneyplays?

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>Two years after game grumps started
>Five years ago
good Lord

>This is a 10/10 in the Emerald Isle

Happy birthday user

>Five years ago
Fuck man, time is not real

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Chris was right about being generic looking. I don't I could pick him out of a crowd.

>AHiT ended up literally becoming a hit
>YL was mediocre at best and has been forgotten
Funny how things work out

If they split apart, do you think the channel will finally end? Or will Arin ungracefully replace him with someone nobody cares about

He'd definitely find a replacement. And I'm sure Allie, the annoying as fuck social media manager that constantly interjects during streams and the 10MPH, with what she thinks is funny, would be the first to volunteer.

>Ross even calls GG "Onions Grumps" In a live stream
Fucking kek

They know full well how insane their fan base is, they should never have said the guy's name in the video.

That shit ended like four years ago

>Holly divorced Ross and left the state
What even is the game grumps dynamic

>Female Cohost
This would effectively kill the channel

Wasn't that in Sonic adventure 1? Or did it happen a second time

fuck does that mean

>see this thread
>wind up in crazy kiwifarms rabbit hole
>3 hours later
>I'm back
Arin is connected to some greasy motherfuckers and Suzy is Yoko Ono confirmed.

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Imagine how drastically Arin's persona would change to accommodate that.
>Arin was the straight man to Jon's wise guy
>Jon leaves, Dan joins
>Dan is the straightest of straight men so Arin starts acting like a spastic child to compensate
>Dan leaves, girl joins
I can only imagine what a disaster it would be.

Happy birthday dude, i know how it feels seeing people getting a lot of attention during their birthday and when your day happens it just is another shitty day

I really was going to ignore this post o condem you for trying to steal the thread, but fuck it. Happy birthday man. It's bullshit how little fucks people give. I once made a thread on my birthday a few years ago and the very first poster wished me a happy birthday and then proceeded to flood my thread with legit CP. dude got like 20 pictures in before the mods showed up and deleted the thread.

Make your birthday your own. Last year I saved up and bought myself a switch and an ounce on my birthday. No one can stop you from enjoying your day. Fuck them if they don't care.

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where do u live

Lmao we got a boomer over here!

>They changed the style of the grump heads a little after this

Happy B-Day

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You know the reddit "Lets call Arin by a different name, that'll show him" joke is beyond cringey right?

Happy birthday, user!

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Woah, this thread still up? Genuinely thought it would be deleted after the 15 year old post as I went to sleep. Does this mean eceleb threads are Yea Forums approved now?

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Eh none of them are too impressive, most were on just cause they were doing the rounds. SteveO was also on H3H3, Harmon was advertising his shitty YTRed series.
Only impressive ones were Kirkhope, who was just there for Jon, and Wolfhard whos jumped ship to Psychicpebbles

Eceleb threads are in eternal limbo because whether they come under 'video game culture' or not is entirely dependant on the opinions of whichever jannies are active at the time.

Post Suzy

make me