Is PC gaming a meme? The best looking game of all time is a console exclusive...

Is PC gaming a meme? The best looking game of all time is a console exclusive, so why would I spend $1000+ on a gayming pc when I could get better results for $300?

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Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 Crysis webms


>30fps locked

>paying online fees to play games with worse graphics and worse controls

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porn mods

name one pc game that looks better than rdr2

But RDR2 will look even better on PC when it comes out alongside the next gen versions. So you're hurting your argument

yep, stable 23 fps and still blurry shit
here is something from 2007!!

Attached: crysis.webm (854x480, 2.88M)

The Forest

>Thinking RDR 2 won't be ported soon
I play on PC because there's more games

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ahahahaha, cope

Shame that the 2nd half on the game blows

Mods and torrents. 60 fps is the meme.

I spent less than $1k on this computer, like 2 console generations ago, and I'm still playing new games on it

Cope with what? That I can't play RDR 2?

let's not go throwing aspersions about gameplay in a thread with RDR2 in the OP

Really not a strong argument in an RDR2 thread...

>The best looking game of all time is a console exclusive
Why don't you post it then, OP?

damn looks like I'm going to spend $350 just to play one game, what a cost-effective investment

Just get a used PS4 with the Bloodborne package. Cheaper and you get the only game on the platform for free.

>m-muh sub 60fps
>meanwhile 0fps on PC

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Come on man. Its the year of our lord 2000+19. Console wars are just as effective as the war on drugs.

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i played RDR2 on console and it looked like shit, plus the performance was terrible. These bullshots are staggeringly inaccurate.

BF 1 and 5, Metro Exodus, Witcher 3. And the games themselves may be mediocre or even shit, but if we're talking purely graffix, then RDR2 is almost last gen tier.

>that LOD
>those trees
>those mountains
fucking yikes

Vanilla Sekiro looks better than this. Various modded versions of games blow RDR2 so far away it's absurd.

>I play video games to look at pretty CGI real world landscapes

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Not that user, but what? Can you actually elaborate on that with proper language explaining what's exactly wrong with the visual fedelity there?

yet it looks miles better than rdr2

What did user mean by this?

Gist of it is hes complaining that the level of detail in the scene is trash, the trees and mountains are a joke compared to his ps4 game.

My game is not even maxed out and is at 1080p so I dont know what to say.

kill zone
uncharted 4
god of war
last of us

ALL look better than sneed seed redemption

>>that LOD
Looks good
>>those trees
Look great
>>those mountains
Look better than RDR 2

>the trees and mountains are a joke compared to his ps4 game
Yeah, but how? And what about the LOD that he mentioned? Like, what am I supposed to be looking at if comparing to the OP screenshot, to see that Metro looks worse?

It's not a meme when you can play Ace Combat 7 at 144fps like you're actually flying a fucking plane instead of 60fps with dips toward 50.

rdr2 will definitly be on pc...

Sekiro looks better

Since when did 60fps become not good enough? Fucking neckbeards

60fps is good enough, but that's all it is.

since good games that looked good played better onps4 like nioh or apex

RDR2 within a year or so.

I couldn't tell you. I'm not a high functioning retard posting garbage. Shit finding images of this game at 4k is a bitch apparently.

Attached: metro.jpg (2060x1159, 461K)

If you play competitive games where reaction time matters then having high FPS, even if your monitor doesn't support it, will still improve the input lag.

Here's my advice: don't ever look at a 120/144Hz monitor. Once you do it'll be like putting on glasses or contacts after being nearsighted for years. You'll wonder how you lived without them and feel the urge to see like that again, only to become addicted and never want to be without it.

Why do people who haven't seen high refresh rates comment on things like this? Just seething poorfags? If you haven't experienced a high refresh rate monitor next to a low refresh rate monitor, then don't comment. I use a 165 Hz monitor, and I use it right next to a 60 Hz monitor, and the difference is night and day. It matters.

Try going up against competitive players in an FPS who are using 200+ Hz monitors with a 60 Hz monitor, and you would be absolutely crushed.

>playing rdr2 in a year or more
nigger the fucking game isnt eve n out of beta and i already stopped playing it in january lmao

straight trash

Too late to grab a free CRT and too poor to buy a 144Hz GSYNC monitor.

>he thinks it's about muh graphics
>buy PC
>have access to the entire PC library which is already bigger than all current gen consoles combined+ the library of every console it can emulate, most of which play infinitely better on PC than their native counterparts

This. It's about having everything on one platform, with backward compatibility, and an infinitely customizable machine that can be used for much more than just gaming.

>no weeb games

i dont give a shit about minecraft clones and assest flips

PC has a load of weeb games, even if you ignore emulation

>sakura taisen
>vns out the ass
>uncensored hgames
PC is full of weebshit

Huh? Get off Yea Forums friend you appear to have brain damage because that makes zero fucking sense.

Literally no difference. Anything under 120fps in current year is unacceptable.

What do you play on? PS4? Do you realize the damage that Sony is doing to the industry with their censorship practices? The amount of games that might end up permanently changed with no patches/fixes could be devastating.

Stop giving Sony money.

but it doesnt have all of them

there are required reading weeb games coming out on ps4 all the time
you literally cannot call yourself a gamer if you arent playing those

>no weeb game
only jap games that matter are best played on PC in one form or another.
Persona 5 RPCS3 outperforms P5 on PS4.


Good thing I also have a PS4 for the few uncensored exclusives it gets.

Yeah, if you, personally, are so poor you can't afford one. Now where's my fries, wagey?

are you saying PS4 has all the weeb games? Or even more than PC?

Because you're buying a PC, not a console.

If all you want is good games, then yeah, buy a console. Nobody gives a shit.

If you want to play games, do your taxes, run some emulators, listen to music, and then, if the mood strikes, also MAKE some games, THEN you buy a PC.

Anyone who tells you
is just a console kiddie in different clothing.

>30 fps
>they had to nerf the graphics in the last patch

Someone post it.

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>good games
I'd argue it has well marketed games, not many good ones.

its coming to pc r-right guys?

Not even hard to find stuff that looks better then RDR2. Fucking most games at 1080p already make it look bad since the image is not blurry as shit.

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more good ones yes that arent on pc
literally unmissable
not talking about your interactive story vn "games" or youur malasian hentai gutter scum trash

ACTUAL exclusives high quality japanese ps4 only games

>they had to nerf the graphics in the last patch
Holy shit really? Imagine being a console cuck

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There's something absolutely satisfying about playing games at 120fps on a enterprise-grade network server which also happens to be hosting backups, routing software, website, and SQL database.

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Quit fucking moving the goal post and name them then you subhuman.

>they had to nerf the graphics in the last patch

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Thanks for Beta testing consoletard

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so what are they

Name 3 pc games that came out last year.

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the porn games

"PC gaming" is going on Yea Forums and arguing with people about how all games are shit and filled with sjws.

Return of the Obra-Dinn
Into the Breach

I would but theyre all still in early access

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Why can I play on my TV for hours, but PC gaming gives me eye strain so quickly??

>>>>>>>>>>>>Rage 2

you're sitting closer to your PC

also depending on what games you play on PC, they might have more information on screen to look at and absorb from moment to moment compared to a console game.

Sekiro running at 8k 60fps maybe the PS7 could achieve this. As long as art direction it is subjective I think Rockstar games look like shit. I think Witcher 3 on ultra settings looks a lot better then the PSOY4 version of RDR or XbonedX even.


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for the same reason it's the opposite for me

literal who games

>they had to nerf the graphics in the last patch
They do this with every fucking game, I swear everytime I update Nioh it looks worst.

anything multiplat might as well be a pc game

any one is better than any AAA garbage on a console

oh no!
what will i do with these

Mfw have both and enjoy both

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make some popcorn and sit down for a nice movie?


Oh boy is it time to bully sonyroaches?

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every dsingle one of thosse games is 50+ hours open world tho

Never understood this reasoning, multiplats always sell the most on consoles

a nice long movie

My favorite cope word.

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>Guild Wars FUCKING 2
I am now mad

god of war is literally GOTY & game of the generation
it is the best game in existence available right now anywhere

if you can't possibly understand what I said and the first thing you bring up are sales then you're a too far gone retarded braindead niggerloving zoomer and any discussion with you is pointless

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Your trying way to hard. Tone it down.

It doesn't even look good...
Metro just came out and looks thousands of times better...

>muh graffix
>muh frames

That's cool and everything but where's the games, PCniggers?

red dead redemption 2 is coming out for pc too you fucking bonobo

>b-but sales!!! they're not as popular among normalfags, literal faggots and gaming journos as my big dick daddy's games! *slurp*

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>gaming in double digit fps

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What is this no game meme you are on about.

a nice highly acclaimed long movie


What 1994 game is this?

>he still games in double digit fps




I can think of at least one game where it's the opposite

>only muh 2 and a half exclusive casual AAAA movies is games

Shadow Warrior 2. A game trying really hard to be like its '97 counterpart

>nnonn o
could use some work

>Crash Bandicoot
>COD Infinite Warfare
outdated as fuck


PC gaming used to drive the industry and where all the new tech was being pushed. That ended mid-2000s and PC has gimped along ever since. Yes, it's a meme.

modding and emulation are its best traits.

Even recent games on a high end pc look only marginally better than games on a 8 year old console at the end of its lifespan. On top of that pretty much every PC exclusive worth a damn can be played on a toaster anyway.
just look at this, all of these games run perfectly fine on your average shitposting machine.

Attached: 1553808531093.jpg (700x703, 113K)

here, have a picture of the PC version

Raytracing is being pushed by hardware devs and its the future so idk what the fuck youre talking about

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you need a pretty decent rig to run emulators well

>Even recent games on a high end pc look only marginally better than games on a 8 year old console

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>dynamic weather
oh no

so I can buy a cheap mid range PC and play those games or buy a high end one, play those games AND play every multiplat in the definitive version, got it

For the life of me, I don't know why companies get away with demo'ing console games on PC hardware
Any other industry, it would be considered false-advertising
But year after year, we get these bullshots, and people still fall for them
This is besides all the other shenanigans they pull
Industry needs a healthy dose of regulation

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newest consoles are just graphics baits for normalfags with gameplay on a wheelchair that anyone who has played a fun and engaging game in their lives would get bored with them within one hour

>no weeb games
>on PC
You mean ironic zoomer weeb games.
PC is the weeb platform

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Sums it up nicely.

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Yeah or you can just buy a console for modern games, use the old laptop you own anyway to play PC classics and still save more than 1000 dollars.

You can emulate PS2 games on a midrange smartphone at this point

what about the tires?

nah, I get games for free and save thousands

How can consoles even compete?

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So you can play Arma 3 and have actual playable framerates and actual big multiplayer games that aren’t restricted to just 40 players or something.

PC Tires are being affected by motion blur there

>Witcher 3.
yeah ok fag. Also, the other two aren't that impressive anymore

Attached: yw7D7wC.jpg (1920x1080, 297K)

Alright, here's a better looking game than your 1080p console shit.

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Because there’s a lot of PC exclusives and there’s a lot of games that are better with mods and mods don’t really exist on consoles. Even when mods got added to consoles for fallout 4 and Skyrim Bethesda went and ruined it.


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Looks good but not better. Can only imagine what this thing will look like on next gen ports and pc

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that looks like utter shit not gonna lie

mad max unironically looks better than rdr2

indie numale trash


Attached: RDR2.png (1274x661, 564K)

Lighting work in RDR2 is unrivaled

Maybe but it looks better than anything on the PSOY4

That's 5k ultra-wide screen, you can't do that on a console faggot.

What about them

bretty good

Attached: RDR2 storm.jpg (3840x2160, 328K)

Shadow Warrior 2.

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It's true since the moment you play on 144hz

when i browse Yea Forums. i use my laptop. because doing it on my gaming PC gives me eye discomfort. any ideas why? im honestly wondering if my graphics card (nvidia geforce gtx 1070) is to blame

looks worse than uncharted 4


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Should probably remove those.

>cheery picking an instance in a cutscene where even in the video they say it was literally the only place they found a single drop

Ni No Kuni II

As someone who was played both, lighting in rdr2 just crushes everything else and single handedly carries it's graphics. Metro exodus does not look better than rdr2's hand crafted and landscape ajdusted lighting engine even with rtx on.

So graphics matter or don't?

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Why is it legally acceptable to force me to update the video game I own?

I purchased the video game. I own the video game.
You cannot change the product I own or make it inert whenever you feel like it just because it's possible in the technical limitations of digital technology

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Lara Croft's butt in 8k, top that console peasants.

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L-literally no difference!

>Witcher 3
Maybe after heavy modding, but not vanilla.

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Yes, sure. Now go play your favorite console games again because you have n- I mean yes, absolutely, you're 100% correct, no doubt about it. That's why you felt compelled to make this great thread.

>heavy modding
It takes 20 seconds to add a lighting filter with reshade and freestyle idiot.

see, I have the reverse problem. My laptop hurts my eyes but I can play games on my desktop for 10+ hours without much discomfort

Literally any of them because FXAA is an abomination.

>Defending frame drops
Stop pretending to be into video games

Graphics are irrelevant when everything else about the game is complete garbage like RDR2. Besides PC already has the the game of the decade exclusively on their platform

Attached: Trails in the Sky FC.jpg (600x826, 537K)

Isn't that a PSP game?


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go play modded skyrim

Why can't sony into graphics? Arkham Knight was released in 2015 and it looks a lot better.

>I purchased the video game. I own the video game.

Why are PC gamers so cucked? They were the first to accept the digital distribution cancer, the rest of the industry picked it up after they saw the "PC master race" fell for it. Pirates are the only real PC gamers left.
Console cucks paying for online is just as bad as Valve drones paying for a download license, you are paying to use the internet connection you already pay for either way.

RDR2 is a technical achievement. It's amazing 3+ years of old hardware looks this good

Attached: 4en6Wpo.jpg (1920x1080, 185K)

>they had to nerf the graphics in the last patch

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It looks good, but that's not hard to achieve when you're running at a kinomatik 24fps

I have it in 4K.

Valve drones =! PC players

Rockstar are absolute kings at getting the most out of dated console hardware. Untouchable.

what no it doesn't wtf
>first half is your spessman wrecking human enemies and cars that you can kill with your literal bare hands
>second half is an even fight against aliens that can fly like you, other spessmen, and tanks
>occasional no-spacesuit humans caught in it to wreck
>soundtrack is perfect all the way through
>story is a meme but who tf cares

because then you can play all games from 1980 to today for free
why should I pay $400 for one game?

Yeah this desu. Even the 360 version of GTAV looks better than this

What are you talking about?

What am I supposed to look at, sprite leaves or perfectly smooth ground?

man Metro runs bad and I can only run it on Medium on my potato BUT
such a comfy atmosphere
you get to drive a TRAAAIN and it's got all these ornaments in it, shit's cute

>But RDR2 will look even better on PC
lol you homos haven't even got a port of the first game yet

>they had to nerf the graphics in the last patch
What do you mean?

we won't ever get the first one but the second will happen

>be me
>buy gaming PC
>play shooters with adapted Xbox controller
It's literally the best way to game.

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this. console kiddies can't even reply to this.

baste anime poster

The fuck is this

Attached: i have no idea.jpg (715x957, 147K)

Division 2 looks better.

>he fell for the gaming pc meme
>No games
>shitty autistic community (discord was a mistake)
>have to download at least 3 different launchers to play games
>having to worry if something is going to break or crash
>having to worry about settings and framerates
>not being comfy on the couch and a big tv
>”competitive” multiplayer
>dead playerbases
>no optimization from devs
>next gen consoles are going to be 4k60fps anyways

Goddamn I feel bad for you.

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Are you new to PC gaming?


You're right user, we should all be playing SNES.

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I would literally pay to NOT get RDR2 on PC

Excellent bait, deserves a (You)

Uncharted 4 had incredible graphics. I didn't even know games could look that good, let alone on a console.

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.03.10 - (1920x1080, 3.72M)

because if it's multiplat 99% of the time the best version is the PC one

It gets better because after a year, most of the games on Epic side will be released on Steam while most games on Steam will stay on steam.

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.03.10 - (1920x1080, 3.21M)

>Heavy Rain
When did Sony lose another one? And will Detroit be coming with it?

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.03.10 - (1920x1080, 3.64M)

Tomb Raider adjusts it's resolution to the size of your window in windowed mode.

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Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.03.10 - (1920x1080, 3.74M)

Why is his cloth hood shiny? Why is everything shiny?

not hating on PC but that guys entire channel has been suspect for awhile.
The numbers just don't add up

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.03.10 - (1920x1080, 3.22M)

Because ubi thinks that's what wet surfaces look like.

>consolefag thinks those shitty graphics are impressive

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pc has no games

It's called leather.

Attached: beverry-shiny-star-brown-leather-jacket-15baq1326[1].jpg (850x850, 87K)

This literally isn't even possible on console. These are PC screenshots with RTX enabled.

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.03.10 - (1920x1080, 3.39M)

>that head on the table

Which PS2 game is that from?

Last one for now.

Attached: Metro Exodus Screenshot 2019.03.10 - (1920x1080, 3.09M)

Then that is fucking abysmal. It looks like an upscaled PS3/360 game.

is this a joke? literal ps3 tier indie trash

Are the pants, pack and hat leather too?

legit the best graphics in games today. Dont know why hes posting 1080p though

>PC screenshots with RTX enabled.

Good God that looks like ass. Feels good to not have fallen for the RTX meme.

rdr2 on an emultor

Attached: hohoho.jpg (320x454, 74K)

I took these with a 2070 with RTX on. I could bump everything up and turn RTX off but I wanted to do a play through with it to see how it works.The implementation is (obviously) better in motion but yeah, raytracing still has a ways to go.


sure about that?

Attached: 24DB9618-E5B6-413D-85CA-42D872F5288E.jpg (260x445, 36K)

I haven't played Exodus yet but I saw my brother playing some of it on his Xbox like a week ago and it looked way better than that. I'm speechless the game looks that bad on PC with an RTX-ready GPU.

Someone tell this poster about Quake 2 with RTX
Its a meme currently but it will get there.

Your basically purchasing a lease to play the game. We lost the consumers rights battle a long time ago user.

sorry bro we're not all latched on to mommy's monetary tit

Less than 1% of PCniggers play at 4K.

Every dice game released in the past 4 years looks better though.

Anyone who seriously replies to these obvious consolewar falseflag threads is genuinely retarded.

I paid 1600 euros for an all in system (keyboard, screen, mouse etc) with a ryzen 5 2600x and a rx 590. Ill be able to play all games on 1080p60fps max settings for a few years, some even 144 fps, im playing sekiro now, but i also got free codes for dmc5 and division 2

i have been happy with it, i use my pc for tons of other stuff too anyway, this ssd is godlike, ill get a ps5 and play the ps4 exclusives if it has bc, ill get a new version of the switch too

im satisfied

Detroit: Become Human, Beyond Two Souls, and Heavy Rain are coming to PC, but only on Epic Game Store. I guess I will wait for them to release on Steam.

I can't believe that PS4 lost a lot of exclusive games to PC.

>R5 2600X and RX 590
Holy shit you're retarded.

There are many that look better but none of them have the quality as a whole package that RDR2 has. The open world is unmatched.

I agree with you that RDR2 is the best looking game to date. Imagine what it could look like on some real hardware thpugh. Yah it's amazing, but it could be so much better.

Crysis now and 12 years ago

idk, i got dmc5, re2 and division 2 for it so that was nice

my screen/keyboard.mouse was like 350 tho

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It is an amazing game though

>consoleplebs still trying to laud RDR2 as this unbeatable graphical achievement
call me when you can zoom out to see the whole map and still see details in it

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>I overpaid like 300€ for the hardware I got
>but I got 180€ worth of games "for free"
Good job.
Also I seriously hope you're not using that stock cooler because I don't see a CPU cooler on that list, just 2 noctua case fans.

the stock cooler for the ryzen 5 2600 is bad but 2600x has a different much more able cooler

also idk if you are american, tech prices are more expensive here and vary on each country..

rx 590 is like 15 percent stronger then the gtx 1060 btw, the nitro version is greta and silent

All stock coolers are just bad. You spent 1600€ for a PC and you cheaped out on a 60€-80€ cooler?
I have a 2600X myself, I know the stock cooler is fucking garbage that can't maintain 4.2Ghz on all cores when they're actually under full load.
Either get yourself an AIO or a push-pull air cooler since you've got plenty of space. Arctic Freezer 33 esports edition is a pretty decent and affordable option and it's got similar thermals to an AIO while being cheaper.

i just game nigga i wouldnt know how to use all cores even if i tried

again the pc itself was around 1200. 400 for the rest

You could edit the turbo profiles to boost a single core to 4.5Ghz and 3 more to 4.2Ghz while the other 2 are around 3Ghz if you really think no game is going to use all 6C/12T(and they soon will). But since you're running a garbage stock cooler you probably can't even go above 4.3Ghz on a single core for more than 20 minutes.
1200€ is still massively overpaying for that hardware, even with Europe's higher tech prices.

nah, sorry but you dont know what you are talking about on the subject of the prices, and i got the 2600x specifically so i wouldnt have to bother with technical overclocking shit, im not a nerd lmfao

peace nigga imma play sekiro on max settings 60 fps while my system is like 40 degrees and dead silent

>all stock cooler are bad
the wraith spire is comparable to hyperx 212 cooler sister, it's decent

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It's not the unusable noisemaker that intel's stock coolers are, yes. It actually does some cooling, which is nice.
But for any overclocking it's totally hopeless and even at stock clocks it'll get pretty toasty on a full load.
Why would anyone try to save (not really that much) money on a cooler then drop like 100€ on an RGB mechanical keyboard?

>The best looking game of all time is a console exclusive
Pic unrelated, right? I mean, nobody can actually be this blind and retarded, can they?

PC is the home indie games. You know why? Because aaa companies know pc users are just pirates.