Who's the worst gaming company right now?

EA's notoriously known to be one of the worst companies in America, but Epic are doing some really shitty things right now:

>suing 14YO kid for cheating in fortnite
>making outer worlds exclusive to the epic store without having any part in the game's development, setting a dangerous precedent
>stealing shit from other games, like ping system from apex legends into fortnite

Or do you think there's another company that's even worse than these two?

Attached: Epic_Games_EA_logo.jpg (660x270, 37K)

Why are Steam drones so cringe?

It's really getting embarrassing, Steamboys. You need to change your angle. More positive or something.

EA, Activision, Ubisoft.
The holy trinity of shitty AAA publishers.

>posts almost exactly a minute apart
Obvious samefag

I'm actually a PS4 friend, but the epic store thing might be a problem in the future if companies start doing that. You would agree, unless you're a dirty shill?

Epic still has a long way to overcome EA and even Activision, but they are doing their darnedest to reach the top of the shitpile. Give them a couple more years.

Attached: 1537575204096.png (719x720, 148K)

Consolefag here, why does the PC community hate Epic so much?

While epic are scummy they are not evil like EA

Because they're trying their damnest to bring console warring into pc vidya.

>steals your information without perimission
>forces launcher exclusivity
and on top of that you can't criticize it because the only response you get from epic shills are and

Epic definitely. They've introduced new dirty tactics into the PC storefront war and are arrogant about their total lack of regard for what consumers want and openly admit to basically just trying to force people to use their store through exclusives. What makes this bad is that now it's only a matter of time until other storefronts start to copy their tactics, so get ready for steam exclusives/discord exclusives/gog exclusives (if they can afford any)/Origin exclusives, ext. They basically introduced chemical weapons to the battlefront and now we have to deal with this shit probably forever. FUCK them.

EA has a longer trail of blood behind them, but Epic honestly could have honestly started the fire that's going to burn down everything that's good about PC gaming.

Imagine if there was no such things as console exclusivity since over 30 years. Now imagine if some fucking corporation out of nowhere launch a new console and buy out temporary exclusivity for many beloved franchises.

Obviously, launchers are free and consoles aren't, but the chaos engendered is the same.

CEO is a pathological liar
Epic Games Launcher is extremely shitty
CEO cares more about publishers than consumers
Epic keeps buying exclusives and fucking with everyone

GOG has exclusives already.

Because no one gives a shit about abandonware.

They have a couple little indie games before Epic started doing it but when Epic started poaching big titles it was a huge escalation.

tear gas vs sarin

I think they had a few indie games at some point that were GOG exclusives. Also I'm sure they've already made gangbusters on Warcraft II.

> Sony, EA, Blizzard, Activision, Ubisoft, Polygon, Bethesda, Valve

I thought it was EA but even they aren't trying to monopolize and railroad people into using their platform to buy games that they've taken hostage.

EA, it turns out, still has glimmers of being trustworthy. It just wasn't possible to see that until Epic came along.

They have no fucking reason to betray their hardcore fan by acting as our virtue signaling mom.
I'm so fucking mad.

EA is decades ahead of Epic in that race.