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James is literally the only worth watching desu

>Video games

>Game Grumps dying
>OneyPlays exposed for the shit that it is
>SBFP dead
>CowChop dead
get fucked

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same user, I like aleks too though
That's how they died user, they should've stuck to video games

Funhaus is getting more shit, but is still a thing

gamegrumps has been dying for years ever since jon left
nobody watched super best friends
cowchop was doomed from the beginning because of the intern presence
nothing with oneyplays ever happened though.

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Can someone pinpoint where it all went downhill? For me it was after they left the house. It was less "group of friends having a fun time" and more of a "scripted budgeted comedy TV show" kind of feel

didn't two of the members get exposed for being gay furfags? I'm pretty sure one of them had a tuba fetish too.

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>the chadootra vs the virjames

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The shit after james leaving has been pretty funny, sad it's ending this year

when james got butthurt because kootra was the alpha male of the group

The moment they left the house and stopped focusing on video games entirely which was the main premise of the show "Couch Co-op". I really enjoyed James and Aleks' playthrough of Shovel Knight & Dark Souls 3

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he looks like an alien without a red cap on

>What they jerk off too is their entire person
go fuck yourself in your fat fucking ass
Oney plays is still chill imo, what gets people off doesn't ruin who they are, I can still like them

>cowchop doomed from interns
Trevor was the most funny one and is still funny as hell whenever he happens to do shit.

you're absolutely correct on that
ding dong did something relating to tuba vore a long time ago if i recall correctly
julian is obviously a straight up furry and doesn't even try to hide it

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>that's what people consider "being exposed"
it's been common knowledge for fucking years, nobody with a brain cares because it wasn't their personalities and they kept it separate from their work outside of jokes they aimed at themselves because they knew it was silly
for a second there i thought you had something interesting to share

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Yea Forumsros... are we witnessing the end of the Let's Play era?

When CowChop is dead I wonder if James will have it on his conscience

They included too many new and forced members instead of going centering the show around themselves with support crew around them
I think if they do more shit like the river rafting they're safe

>kootra is a literal who now who smokes weed and makes under 50k.

>James farts inti a mic on twitch and walks out with 10k a night, and viewers eat that shit up.

Im thinking james is based

I fucking hate when streamers/YouTubers try to force other people into their content. It's even worse if it's their wife or girlfriend

The minute they let RoosterTeeth take over was the end. It went from friends in a house to coworkers doing the motions to get paid. Unironically it was creatures 2.0.

>gets cucked out of girl
>start new business for his friends, they leave anyway
>back pain cripple
>looks like a hobo

>was always the "leader"
>got pussy without even trying
>became a game dev
>got all the friends, people are drawn into his leadership
>roleplays as a cat

sorry bucko

Jordan please, this is embarrasing.

Wasn't there also drama with those guys? I'm pretty sure they left the channel then came back for a bit only to leave again. That seems pretty bad to me, I don't watch channels with huge drama like that, because it usually just means one or more members are dramawhores.

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You should try their A Way Out playthrough. Had me in tears.

kootra smells

>Nova has an actual hot blonde cutie gf
>Kootra has office used goods
>Nova had back pain, got so fit he fixed his issues
>kootra works out because he's bored of life
>Kootra always the leader got his friends drawn in
>Except he was a terrible leader and ruined his crew and his friendships
>James assumed a leader roll, and ditched his crew and they still look up to him as a mentor figure
>kootra became a game dev
>hasnt made anything ive ever heard desu
>james became a streamer
>james also makes kootras game dev salary in a week

Uhhh im thinking james is based

there was no drama at all. you're literally just making things up now lmao
they left LA because their living conditions were abysmal and their landlord was raising their rent as high as she legally could
chris asked them to come back to the show for a few final recording sessions to wrap up a few old series and that was it. DD even edited one last video for them before they moved out.
you really need to stop believing everything you read on here. not everything is some huge overarching conspiracy, as much as you'd like it to be

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literally quitted because he got cucked, if that's based to you that speaks lots of you

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It's freaky entering an eceleb thread about a channel that you've never watched before. All of the drama and comparisons between people feels so weird. I can read this entire post yet I have no fucking clue about what you are talking about.

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People think james got cucked over a used office whore he literally has come out and said he had ZERO interest in, james moved to LA, and is fucking an easy 9/10 fitbunny blonde
Uhhhhh im thinking james is holy fucking based

30 seconds in Google retard

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Lol seriously, literal who's in this thread.

can you point out to me where the drama is or did you not actually read his post

>9/10 fitbunny blonde

also reminder that nova started cowchop to help his friend (joe, trevor and aaron) and all left, and 2 of them now work with kootra. pathetic


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James has never come out and shown her because hes worried she'd get harrassed, but he got spotted holding and leading her and hugging her in a crowd on a pax east video, he confirmed it was his girlfriend but said he wouldnt release any more information in fear of his rabid fans harrassing her

Letting Brett have too much control. He's a funny guy, but unfortunately also destroyed them because he is the one who sold them to Roosterteeth and blatantly only sees it as a business and money making opportunity rather than a fun YouTube channel with friends hanging out which is what the whole thing was to James and Aleks. Just look at the way he talked about various people leaving, including James, as opposed to the way James and Aleks talked about it. Brett shit talked them for leaving and focused on the money aspects while James and Aleks were always depressed and viewed it as saying goodbye to a friend. This is no more apparent than what happened with Asher. Their CCTV episode about him leaving was James and Aleks being cordial and respectful of the situation, clearly unhappy about it, and Brett just going "fuck him, he's fired, good riddance". Sad but true that even though he is one of their best members, he's also a scumbag behind the scenes whose greed destroyed them.

Oh that's understandable

>b b but i got the 350lb land whale tho!! Kootra won he won!!! What? You make my whole year in a week? What you got a way better girLfriend? bu but YO UWERE SUPPOSED TO BE KEKED! NOOOOOOOOOOOO

It's a shame, their dynamic was perfect. The boys aren't bad at all though, better replacements than Danny

>joe, trevor and aaron) and all left, and 2 of them now work with kootra. pathetic

But they dont tho lmao. Trevor is a full time streamer, Joes a dad now and does other work, and aron is in IT. Sooo?

>Game Grumps dying
Whats happening with them?

Aaron is the twitter PR guy for the same place kootra game dev's for, check his twitter idit. As for Trevor all I know is he really doesn't stream that much and hangs out with Aaron and kootra more than any CC guys.

>tfw i remember coming back from school and wathcing the Creatures build their first tree house and making Sp00ns birthday cake
Fuck man

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Honestly the streaming era is better than the late let's play era
early let's play era was great though

imagine coping this hard

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What happened with OneyPlays?

Eh, they're pretty good still

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>ywn get hyped at another gay tony anymore
damn, it be ya own niggas

Pretty obvious something fucked up has gone on behind the scenes with them for the last year and a half or so. Like a constant sequence of them falling out with each other and people leaving because they don't all get along anymore. Doesn't seem like James and Aleks are even friends anymore, his reasons for leaving make little sense. Every single person that has left doesn't seem like they did so on good terms.

Haha I wonder what his mic would smell like after haha

Dude, no one their age just wants to fuck around on camera and hope things work out. They want jobs. Brett is needed to make sure the wheels are actually turning

Cowchop are just carving a path for the OG to return.

I hope Seamus is doing okay. Last I heard he was addicted to FFXIV

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>LPs are dying
>Acting like streamers are any fucking better

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probably her

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Less fame but wiiliketoplay also dead.

Games are losing popularity in online content. Journalists are mext and then games themselves will get to a point where cost is high but popularity dwindles due to rise of mobile ganmes.

It's all a part of the downfall of games

thank god

>watching raw, unedited videos of kootra, nova and sp00n playing zombies after a day at highschool

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James stop playing shit games youre a good streamer but holy fuck your taste in games is vile

Sure, and I get that. But all I'm saying is that there are better, less shameless ways to go about that and Brett led the channel down the soulless money hungry path instead. His views on the company and people employed there are impersonal and uncaring at best, evidenced by the various moments his true colors shine through outside of his comedic persona during sketches, which shows where his priorities lie in comparison to how the others obviously felt about their channel.


aleks got JUST'ed so hard lol

Tbh the board games like werewolf, spyfall, etc were the only good videos on CC

Nigga they literally joke about it all the time

Funny thing is, I always saw Aleks leaving rather than James. They might as well pack it up now though, their content is losing steam hard.

I can't even disagree with this, always so much funnier and less forced than anything else. Fuck their gross food lab videos too, the schtick of making disgusting foods wore out ages ago and are just vile to watch.

His girlfriend said soon™. He just doesn't know how to start.

>2 of then work with kootra

>Just Alon

Thats ine nigger got back to elementary to learn how to count HOLY fuck



tell that nigga to just stream dark souls shit, randomizers and shit