Bhuddist propaganda

bhuddist propaganda

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Seeing Senpou Temple unironically made me consider the Monk lifestyle

The monk faction are unambiguously baddies, what are you on about?

Buddha was a nigger

Because they turned away from buddhism and became obsessed with eternal life and centipedes were somehow involved.

>Fatass who sits around and does nothing all day
Sounds about right.

You spend a large portion of the game stabbing monks and monks that have centipedes in them

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I'm already in fountainhead palace, am I locked out of all the secret endings?
Why the fuck do you need to eavesdrop npcs at certain times, I didn't even know I could eavesdrop them at all.


Why would you be obsessed with immortality when that's part of the Buddhist beliefs in the first place?


During that time Buddhism was the biggest religion in japan(and still is I believe).The game is set in northwest japan where buddhism was most prelevant, so yeah.
I kinda liked senpou temple/mt kongo.It was so comfy.
I was kinda expecting them to insert some christian stuff but they never went all the way

>sacred/holy niggas corrupted by power/immortality
>children are molested/abused

I believe Sekiro is a critique on religion

you're ok until the end of fountainhead where you have to hit "pray", go to Kuro and Emma asap before you forget though.

I didn't say the game made a lot of sense. It suggests the monks turned to occult means to reach it when that other monk gets to have it just by being blown away by you.

From game stories are always a messy collage of half cut and half implemented ideas and the fans turn it into a good cohesive head canon.

i don't see any buddha

Attached: yoshihiko.png (413x412, 374K)

>bhuddist propaganda
Fuck China
Free Tibet

Seething mahommed

You never really find out what happened to the kids. There are a lot of bodies with their hands bound in senpou and that monk laments the kids going, with jizou statues all about but that's it.

Centipedes are symbolic of decay, also associated with dragons in korea, and chink black magic uses bugs.
So they're probably just there to reiterate that monks turned to black magic in pursuit of dragon heritage.

Christian propaganda

Attached: the-lord-of-the-rings-book-cover.jpg (1024x1326, 325K)

Reincarnation is not immortality.

It's implied they went to heaven, aka hall of illusions. That's also where you send the pure fat guy who took care of them.

I guess Castlevania is Christian propaganda then