What are the best games set in Mexico? Also, any games with Aztec culture/mythology?
What are the best games set in Mexico? Also, any games with Aztec culture/mythology?
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I want to rest my head on her lap
I want to penetrate her while on top of one of the pyramids.
>Any games with Aztec culture/mythology?
Donkey Kong 64
I want to fuck her and don't really care how, where, or when.
serious sam
So fucking disrespectful to other peoples culture and heritage, fuck white people
mexicans don't think like niggers and are not easily offended, they were probably admiring that huge ass and tights fit to birth 20 generations
call of juarez: the cartel
red dead redemption second act
no,fuck off beaner
age of empires 3 has an aztec faction
Why does she love Mexico so much?
Who dat?
everytime this question is asked the poster always ignores the most obvious reason
its a BORING shitty setting hence why theres not alot of media in general set in this time, letalone vidya
just come to terms with the fact the bean people cant devlop games for shit
There are several games like Guacamelee, Mario Odyssey, Red Dead Redemption 2, Metal Gear Rising, etc.
nice job, you just proved my point. Those are only very short sequences in each game, and even then are still relatively boring sequences - its not like they made a big impact on people is it?
>aztec setting
Imagine being this retarded.
Red Dead Redemption segment in Mexico was Kino
People loved Mexican Mario
Mariachi Raiden was epic
What are you smoking?
you're right, theres so many interesting aztec games and movies
>names 3 tiny segments in a sea of 1000's of games
hahahahahaha imagine being this much of a mexifag
Red Dead Redemption had a huge part involving Mexico
Tostarena was one of the biggest kingdoms in the game
Yeah, Rising segment was short but there are other games
nah shes probably a Mexican who hates what the Spanish did.
hahaha pathetic
ill give you RDR tho
only amerifats give a fuck about mexico, for the rest of the world its literally a "who?" nation
there are, you are just being a fag
There are more like Guacamelee, Call of Juarez, etc
Just five cultures in the world have arisen to form civilizations, the mesoamericans are part of that. Way better than some random, primitive ass Germanic tribe like the celts.
Basically. It's chicANOs and retarded 2nd-3rd gen immigrants in the US that play the ethnicity card and join SJW ranks.
Here in Mexico, no one gives a fuck, hell we're bigoted against each other.
She's Hungarian
Any game realistically portray Mexico?
>t. commieblock shithole "nation"
Need a game about cartels fighting other cartels. An RTS with Mexicans taking territory from other Mexicans.
she's a hungarian/russian/mongol
Is that a wildfire in California?
Wasn't Hellblade some south american shit?
nice try shithole beanman
oxford university is older than the aztecs.
YFW your country has a cooler theme song than everyone else
wow, ur right mexico is such a great civilisation
wonder why no games or media find it interesting
How do I an Enji gf lads?
>oxford university is older than the aztecs.
this kills the beaner
Mexico is so aesthetic
>Welcome to Juarez
I’m sorry that Germanic tribes lived like savages till the romans came and civilized them. Don’t get so ass pained by history, snow nigger.
i believe it was a concert fire in taiwan
Is this a dank meme?
Did she fall down seconds later?
>Germanic tribes lived like savages till the romans came and civilized them
they literally didn't though.
t. White faggot
Mexicans do not care.
imagine being so salty about how shitty your history is
you don't have to be trapped by it bro, you can escape your beangenes and not be a shithole
Doom, but set in Mexico. Think about it.
more like why do i love her so much haha
enji night
>call of juarez: the cartel
the next one is pretty much set in modern day mexico, they changed the names so SJWs dont get mad
when has mexico ever been civilized
You've been teleported to Mexico and have to make your way out. All you have is:
1. The last weapon you use in a videogame
2. The last character you played as is the only guy that has your back
How dead are you?
how DARE you mexico is very civilised right now, its not a death ridding hellhole corrupt joke of a country
>only amerifats give a fuck about mexico, for the rest of the world its literally a "who?" nation
But that's literally wrong retard, Mexico is well known in the world, i is more popular than Spain and it's the most visited Latin American country
1. katana
2. Sekiro
even with his revives and shinobi powers id be fucked against the gangs, corruption, illiteracy and poison water
I only said that each of those 5 civilizations arose indecently from each other which isn’t common in history at all. The Aztecs had no contact with other people and came with a lot of shit on their own, even compulsory child enrollment. Look it up, is admirable regardless of how you look at it.
>RS2 Vietnam
>Some random redneck who got the draft and is now a Vietnam vet
I guess we're ok.
ah yes, before they were civilized by the romans they were shit eating barbarians who could barely build the mud huts they lived in
Whats sl hard to digest ? Tell me the earliest written records ever found of a Germanic tribe vs early mesoamericanas like the Mayans or olmecs. Go on, show me.
You and him would be massive targets (by virtue of being white with guns) and would never be seen again.
remember when they came into contact with the spanish and got BTFO'd by superior technology and the flu? lol what a good civ pretty funny when that all got replaced by euros
I'm already a white in Mexico, just lack the guns
those filthy uncivilized snow niggers
The flu absolutely devastated them for sure, no way to prepare for that. There’s no denying they had way superior technology, I mean no shit, they have been exposed to countless cultures at this point, like the moors who invaded then successfully for 800 years.
dude they couldn't even domesticate or farm animals, they did human sacrifice and lost a fight with the Spanish. Might be the most pathetic people of all time.
It’s not about coming up with fancy looking ornamental shit, but the very structure of society we live in is very influenced by the Greeks and then the Romans who took their cultural mantel and made stuff widespread like plumbing and shit.
Play King in Tekken, nigger. Tightest fighting game character ever and he's confirmed bean.
>80 posts in and not one cartel webm
surprised desu
They domesticated the dog, the corn and shit ton of edible plants, they essentially bred the corn out of an inedible plant
white people are the only reason why you're alive right now fuck you shitskin garbage
this is why the beaner can never progress, no gratitude just bitterness and resentment
I wish mexico wasn't a shithole so we could appreciate it's culture
Also, the Spanish didn’t dominante with technology right out of the gate, their main reason for success was their alliance with other indigenous tribes (a shit ton of them) and in fact where almost defeated in the “night of sorrows”
You've got the 4 woman one in a picture and the mock up of the chainsaw one in another picture, people don't want to get banned and have to bother evading.
Friendly reminder that:
Mexico has the cheapest vidya prices in Latin America and the most affordable ones
Mexico is also the Latin American country that had contributed the most to videogames
Just last year, we had the best indie game according to Suda51, it was so popular in Japan that it's getting a physical release via Play-Asia
Guacamelee main creator and programmer is Mexican and it's a very successful indie games, it's getting a physical release
We have Kerbal Space Program, the best selling Latin American game on Steam and the most successful one, it has sold over 3 or 4 million copies
The first videogame Latin American company is Mexican and it's called EVOGA, they worked with SNK
We had AAA Lucha Libre which is arguably the Latin American game with the biggest budget ever
Also we have created some games for PC and PS4 too
This one came to Switch/Xbone/PS4 and PC and got good reception, it's the best selling Latin American game on Nintendo e-shop and it's being published in Asia too
Not to mention that we have one of the best KOF AND SMASH players in the world
The guy who beat all licensed NES game is Mexican:
Also, Mexico is the biggest vidya market in Latin America
She loves the BMC
what did white people accomplish that did not involve ripping off more developed people off their nations and inventions?
everything good about the modern world. Your welcome.
There's nothing to be grateful about, specially not to trailer trash such as yourself.
Tell me what other race was more advanced then whites back then
>Mexico is also the Latin American country that had contributed the most to videogames
you mean the only latin country that isn't in 100% disarray but just 99% nightmare mode
yeah all of these points are setting the bar super low bro, sure mexico is great if you compare to some even worse shitholes. Globally, its still a shithole
She fucks black men only.
Even a single trailer trash life is worth more then billion shitskins
all of them
science is a non-white invention
shit b8
try harder next time
That's a pretty shit dab
>That's a pretty shit dab
She isn't dabbing, most likely doing an unique pose.
The way things are going everyplace is going to be a shithole in the near future
Spain here.
No os voy a pediros perdón, que os jodan.
That's all.
>click this shitty off topic thread
>3/4ths of the posts are autistic samefag
good old Yea Forums
If it leads to a dystopian futuristic aesthetic I’m all for it
you know what gets me.......when white mexicans or brown mexicans act like they are even Aztecs when most aztecs if not all got killed by the spanish and their natives allies
Egypt? Persian empire? Babylonians? Hittites? Assyrians?
>white mexicans
no such thing
larping as aztecs or anyone other than spanish, man mexicans are even dumber and more shameless than we thought
conquistadors are pretty cool, specially as undead in fantasy
there's nothing good about the modern world
>muh shinies
Face the facts, snow nigger. Even Africa had more advanced civilizations during the time snow niggers were living as actual niggers.
so how come so many mexicans look like tropic inuits and not like spanish people
does this look like a hidalgo to you?
sounds like you have a resentment problem bucko, time to sort yourself out
you mean the postmodern world
this is poor even for bait, we are shitting on mexico here not africa
Post more qts or go away please
Let's not act as if the spaniards eradicate 100% of the indigenous population.