Post the best hidden gems in the world, or I'll eat your soul

Post the best hidden gems in the world, or I'll eat your soul

Attached: sonic2.jpg (350x236, 29K)

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Desolate Hope was nice.

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Lost in Vivo.
Try it, it's super good.

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Toy Story 2 for the PS1

PS1 Disney 3D platformers

It's a ton of fun, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about it.

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That Blade Runner game from the late 90s made by Westwood Studios, shit was cash.

this game really needs more love

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.02.02 - (800x600, 31K)

Basically any of those computer games they were including with cereal boxes in the late 90s early 2000s

This game was the shit.

Graffiti Kingdom

Night Slave on PC-98
Enemy Zero on the Saturn
Ghost Hunter on PS2

my nigga

Gtfo and kys

Released 2 days after 9/11.

Attached: oogabooga-cover.jpg (300x296, 34K)

Best 3d fighting mechanics I've ever experienced.

Attached: !!e!UntQEGM_$(KGrHqV,!hEE0gg7CBHtBNP3eddsIQ___1.jpeg.jpg (264x266, 30K)

Attached: Iggy's_Reckin'_Balls_(EU).jpg (500x333, 37K)

Golf Story

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so hidden im the only one who ever posts it and never get any replies

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50 Cent Blood on the Sand

Niche, not a hidden gem.

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Aight user, you've got me. Why's this one so good?

never post again you fucking retard

why so hostile

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just trying to save your soul. that boring, overrated garbage is the opposite of a hidden gem.
you too, that's part of a well known franchise and is rarely mentioned because it was a huge letdown after front mission 3. that doesn't mean it's "hidden" or a "gem"

Attached: ghs.jpg (350x500, 54K)

you just have crippling autism
>part of a well known franchise
lmao thinking anyone knows FM
>huge letdown after front mission 3
lmao being this much of a pleb

Dark Messiah
Gunman Chronicles
Robot Alchemic Drive