Monster Energy drunk
Sunglasses on
Goat Legs stacked
Soldier Stims injected
Yup, it's Merc time
Risk of Rain
What does "a celestial orb appears" mean, and what do I have to do for it?
imagine making a risk of rain thread with a DMC image
Post them swordboys.
is there any reason to play artificier
Dibs on best girl
>Wait out of danger for team to near kill boss
>Walk in
>Drop the grief totem
>They all die
>Finish boss
>Pick up totem
>Steal all the drops
>Call them bad in chat
Why was this item added its like crack for people like me
like other orbs, finish the level to get a portal
That's clearly Mercenary
EU FAGGOTS GET IN 109775241000916093
shhh let the dmc fanbois drown everythinmg in dmc and circle jerk each other
Pretty sure that's the Merc portal, just charge the teleporter and it'll show up.
Forward all newfags this.
Sneaky extra codes for poorfags are done now that the offer's over?
I like this trend
more female characters when
What's the point of the shrine of mountain?
>post yfw this motherfucker grills your ass from the other end of the map
Double the boss loot.
Honor and Glory
spawns another boss at the teleporter
I found a pressure platform in the sand level behind a rock. Me and my friends do not know what it triggers. Is it used for opening the door or some other shit?
If you have a question about any of the items, please check the log from the main menu first. They offer better explanations than any you'll get on here as well as provide you with specific stat increases.
I read it opens the door, haven't tried it myself yet though
So far I only like playing Huntress and Merc, working on getting the wizard but he looks decent
It gives more items at the end
>reach level 7
I haven't seen a single pub group make it past level 5 though
Are combat shrines broken? Aren't they supposed to drop items if you beat the enemies??
Does it matter this much to you? It's a fucking OP image
>girl coming over to fuck in a few hours
>all i want to do is play RoR2
Fuck my life
there are two button, push them both to open the big gate
inside is a room with two elite elder lemurians
kill them to unlock some items
tell me how to get the rock monsters as a follower like the drones
Bend that thot over and rest your keyboard on her back you spineless fuck.
>played for another 8 hours straight today
>come into the thread to talk about it
>see fun shit people are doing that I want to try
>instantly want to start playing again
Fucking christ this is the first time I've felt this way in a while. I feel like I have to force myself to take breaks so I can remember to eat.
Combat shrines are just monster parties for extra money/XP.
not in this one. They're just there so you can get some extra cash while waiting for spawns
Someone please post the mod
the blue portal can spawn randomly, you don't need to spend a coin
It's a rare drop from the beetle bosses. It's called Queen's Gland (?) I think. Spawns a beetle every so often and if it dies, it'll respawn.
donated a coin to an altar and msg says blue orb spawned. What happened? at lvl 2
>cant disable bloom in the graphics settings
how do I remove the cape
What item exactly? Sounds funny.
what does the combat shrine do ?
That's a newt altar, you spend coins at them to open up portals to the lunar shop after you finish the teleporter.
Best drop early game. One you get some movement options you just end up leaving beetle friend behind every level until he gets picked off and dies though :(
greif totem
its a lunar item
I love you. Thank you. Had no idea it was an item. Sorry
na east
should I enter it? I only have 1 coin left
what's a good way of doing the merit crab challenge? I thought the robo dash would have knockback but it seems like it does, so how am I supposed to shove all these fuckers off a cliff?
totem of the grifer or similar. looks like a little grey gnome, using it makes a big glowy pillar. the pillar tarpits your allies so they can barely move. you can use it to pick it back up. dont think it even has a cooldown
>armour reduced by 20
there's fucking armour in this game???
>this on Mercenary
Here's another good one to fuck with people.
Wait until you wrap back around after level 4 and hope you get the plains. Usually a lot of crabs and if you run at them towards the edge it's pretty easy to get them to run off. I wouldn't expect to get 20 in one game though, just do it whenever you happen to roll plains.
It's like an old friend at this point.
>when you're 8 stages in and you see an army of titans and golems closing in on you
So what's in the secret corridor thing in the abyss?
Ive seen it open once or twice, and blinked through the gap on huntress when it's closed, but ive never seen a single thing in there.
There's a green and red item printer in there if you want to try and get one. There's really no point in not going in there if you already spent a coin.
anyone else find the secret skeleton room or just me?
there was armor in the first game too, and in both games it's a weird stat that's never really explained or mentioned much
Will it be possible to increase max players?
4 is kinda small.
Please tell me i'm not the only merc who loves fighting worms
>Noting lots of feedback about 4+ player lobbies. Have to consider best way forward - most likely would be a private game only option with a disclaimer.
not yet, but soon maybe
They said for private games
There was a post on the discord about being able to do 4+ but I believe they will only allow that in private lobbies at first they said.
>amazing run
>killing everything instantly
>insanely tanky
>hour long run so far
>get to the third stage on my second loop
>see weird shrine
>offer lunar coin to it
oh no
somebody please edit this one
>he doesn't play MGR soundtracks when playing Merc
just wait until you fight an overloading worm
its truly an amazing fight
>one of the best games of the year
>the best Yea Forums threads of the year
Hopoo is fucking based
wait why is that bad?
Get succ cube and pull them off
good point thanks user
it changed all my items to those items
I swear I've never gotten a good roll from one of those shrines. I feel like if I ever come across one I'll only use it if I feel like my build is absolute shit in hopes to maybe salvage it. Last time I used it I just had all my items turned to sodas.
Tougher Times is the most BASED item and you can't change my mind
>unlocked artificer
>never saw a lunar drop since
>gotta get to 7th teleporter to get merc
Can you just do that shit on easy? Still learning and 6th is the furthest I've ever gotten in a team of two
oh yeah I forgot about that, that's a good idea
>couldn't find teleporter in swamp after first cycle
>killed instantly by burning beetle queens
>Risk of RAIN
>Hardest difficulty is even called Monsoon
>posts Rules of Nature
Shame on you user.
Will Risk of Rain 3 be in 4d? Judging by how fucking good Hopoo transitioned into 3d, I wouldn't doubt it.
>hit 93% blood altar
>free money
retards only
tried to use one earlier cause I had shit items. got a bunch of syringes. as artificer.
I can't find the blue orb. is it a pick up or something?
the other items your can buy with lunar coins get unlocked for ever and show up as random loot afterward or it's just for the current run ?
>Tougher Times(9)
they seriously need to make attack speed charge fireballs faster, it's a completely dead stat on her
Risk of Rain 3 will take place irl, cost of the game will be the price of an interstellar ticket on Hopoo Spacecraft that drops you off on a distant planet where you have to fight for your life to survive. Final boss will be the Hopoo devs in a giant mech and if you kill them you get to take all the artifacts back home to earth.
Git decent
Well said.
crab should be telegraphed
>first game as merc
>already love him
yes but don't do it
109775241000955979 AU
im so lonely
Europefags get in here
Vets only. Testing Monsoon. Please don't join if you're a brainlet.
>see a single fire lizard
>die in one hit through bears and eng shield
What do you guys think about them adding a pvp game mode? Could look something like this
>two teams of 1-4 each start on a map twice or three times as big as the current one, chests / bosses constantly spawn in as difficulty rises
>teams have a set time limit to fight both each other and pve mobs/bosses while collecting items as normal
>killing someone on the other team gives you one of their random items
>team with most kills by the time the game reaches the time limit wins
I think ror2s 3d, highly movement based gameplay would work great with pvp/pve arenas
It's at the teleporter, the portal will open once you charge the teleporter.
US btw
>hey look its 3 bronze contra
>instead dead from sextouple bronze ball to the face
Kinda just want to do it online on the medium difficulty but I get the feeling people are just gonna be shitters and hog the loot
two more.
>he actually thought it would get like 10k players tops
>instead its almost 80k
Jesus they struck gold
>start first teleporter
>blazing titan
Sounds incredibly unbalanced and you would snowball extremely fast.
any tips on high solo runs?
all my pubs are "lmao let's not look for the tele" tier
69,694 all-time peak
holy shit
>wake up
>see ror2
>what the fuck i didnt know it was already out
>buy instantly
Judging by the quality of this thread im going to say this is GOTY
Second try
Let's hope the lobby won't be fucked this time
It beat The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. That's insane
We just chillin' waiting on two more brave souls to test Monsoon with us. Please dont join if you're a brainlet. US btw.
I mean it's literally called the effigy of greifing.
She STEALS all your Lunar coins and hides them in her fat ass.
It's a shame that RoR1's modding opportunity just started.
youll faggots have no clue how to really excel
hunt down teleporter, opening every chest you find on the way
prioritize drones over chests if money is low
activate teleporter, murderize boss
scour the level for every other chest
use 3d printers if available
>taking artificer into monsoon
oh no
Man I want to like Artificer but she's so difficult. All the other characters feel like they can make do with pretty much whatever they get, but with her I feel like I NEED mobility items and I need them asap, otherwise I can straight up die before the first loop. She's so stressful
I just made it. Lots of lucky drops for everyone. We were all able to deal 5000+ damage that run. We had two TI-280 drop ships, lots of healing, gunner, and missile drones, and several beetle guards. I had six feathers, and energy drinks and an item that would let me drop kick people.
It was fun.
merc is so fucking fun to play as
To be fair, it's only half the amount of purchases that you'd expect though. Because of the deal. But without that deal they probably wouldn't have spread so quickly and they're probably going to make more money now that people were streaming it and talking about it.
What's a better experience? Playing in quickplay or playing with Yea Forums? I'm not talking about skill level or the ability to get far, I mean which has the least people being intentional assholes?
what I can gather so far
>there will be 6 players max
>there's a developer console, not sure how to activate yet
that is all
Still need two people to join
funny, it seems like time is playing a role in the LORE of the game.
Can you get b&'nd for tinkering with your config files to unlock characters? I assume lunar coins are stored client-side and those impact gameplay, so the de/v/s might give a damn or two.
>Doing some early morning (aus time) runs just now
>Perfect loot RNG, get tesla, ice relic, b behemoth, and full syringes and glasses
>Eviscerating everything half the time just by existing nearby it with exploding chain lightning
So what do you do if a run becomes too easy? I just ended it on the obelisk after I passed the one and a half hour point.
Tell me how cool your stupid heal shit will be when an Imp Overlord comes over and slaps his big dick on the table and fucks your ass.
yeah they really nailed it
I really hope we get more melee characters, bring back han-d, acrid and miner
na east
open again, get in
>So what do you do if a run becomes too easy? I just ended it on the obelisk after I passed the one and a half hour point.
Does the game have a final boss yet?
>join randos
>they steal all of the items like locusts
>take 2 of boss item because I have nothing
>one of the fags spergs out immeadiately, even though he already had 8+ items before boss shit
you know the drill boys
There's room for one more
Room for two, US West.
Does activating 2 shrines of the mountain actually do anything? I've only had the chance to do it once and it spawned a stupidly tough boss that killed us, but I am not sure if that was just bad luck or not.
You keep going until you get two overloading lava worms that plummet directly into your asshole at mach speeds
Yea Forums is mostly filled with insufferable asswipes. But RoR with Yea Forums is really chill
technically Aurelian boss after buying a gold orb, but he's just insanely strong and leads back to the loop after you beat him
imp overlords are too fuckin retarded 90% of the time and just float around trying to swat drones
2 slots left
>finding a syringe 3d printer
how the fuck are you supposed to stay under 10% health for an entire teleporter
what the fuck
did I do good?
very carefully.
Yes it keeps stacking upwards with boss difficulty and boss rewards.
I don't think I have ever done anything but convert all my white items into syringes when I find one. It's so fucking beautiful.
Literally who?
>Play my first multiplayer game after unlocking all the characters
>Die on the first level like a retard
>It's 10 minutes in and they haven't gone to the second level
>mfw open a box and it's a fucking mushroom
>mfw this happens multiple times in the same game
Saw someone asking how to play Enforcer in RoR1 last thread before 404.
>never use shield, you'll just die. pretend it doesnt exist
>get at least one goat hoof ASAP or you'll die to magma worms
>abuse his core strength of having the only naturally piercing ranged attack (until CHEF)
>learn and abuse bounce angles for his grenade, AoE stun is nice and it does really good damage if you get a scepter
>peel and group enemies with shield bash
Enforcer relishes in fighting meatwalls due to his natural piercing and his ability to both keep enemies off him (and allies) AND group them up at the same time.
He's not the best character in the game (CHEF is pretty much a straight upgrade, only lacking the long ranged stun), but he's not the auto-lose that most plebs will claim. His only true flaw is the mandatory Goat Hoof due to his poor base speed.
i don't get it at all
if you spend more than 2 seconds without getting hit your natural regen will bring you back up
most enemies hit for like 10% or more of your max health anyway, so what the fuck hopoo
Such a clusterfuck
still open, get in here fags
An user managed to get the console working in an old thread but never revealed how
Health->Shield relic.
How the fuck do you avoid the giant wave of the Wandering Vagrant? I'm tired of being one shotted by it
Ror2 is meh/10. I'll pick it up again when it's out of early access
Have you guys found this shit yet? I found it just now after accidentally falling down at the start of stage 2.
Take cover.
And then get bopped out of cover by a rocky boy.
Line of sight. Just like the golem tracking lazer. Find a rock and hide behind it
ive taken her to solo monsoon up to the 6th area
shes fine really
some bosses you really gotta play really safe
dropped the ball with engi that run and quit out of shame
will practice in pubs and come back
based potis poster
More bosses followed by more items. you can even find multiple shrines in a single level and they stack for more loot at the end.
ster you fuckin newfag
what's the point of this besides being a literal griefing tool
Is multiplayer shared items like the first game? Or does everyone get their own?
Get behind something.
If there’s nothing to get behind, sucks to be you.
i would have thought that wouldn't work
if it's really that simple then why is it even an unlock at all
*steals your lunar coins and items*
get fucked
It slows and debuffs enemies and bosses, moron.
>27 Banners and 19 stealth devices
Dmcfags are almost as autistic and annoying as smashfags. Flinging their shit everywhere thinking every game should be like it. Just sage, filter, and ignore, those normalfags'll fuck off.
Does anyone else have issues joining Quickplay games? It always boots me back to the main menu.
you can get to 10% as soon as teleporter is about to finish. It counts this way
t. got it accidentally online
Yea Forums has its fair share of kikes
hyperinflux, rayfex, michael phelpz for example
>boss is kill
>huntress picks up all the boss items
fuck y'all
Any tips for killing a boss in less than 15 seconds?
Unless I'm slowly going insane, those images are from the base game
i feel like the aoe that disables chests on the tele should be removed
you need to go fast so your levels carry you
but you cant get items if you go too fast
>hurr durr just get items on the way to the tele
getting to the tele takes like 10 fucking seconds i cant barely get any money in that time before all the chests are locked
>had this build
>died upon even brushing past an infernal greater imp
i am so fucking mad
Easy mode is too easy
You can't not become a god past a certain point
oh man thanks, i thought you had to be under 10% the whole time
I read the all characters as only as in yourself and allies, since the other items usually make the distinction
use your character's iframe skill
or get behind a pebble
fug, with that you can increase max players to 6
nigger after you clear the tele the chests open up again
in RoR1 it completely disabled shrines the very instant you activate the tele
bare ass artificer is definitely a mod yet no one is posting it
that's literally impossible unless you pick no items at all.
>Had 4 h3ad-st, 3 feathers, and 2 quil
>Felt like a actual wizard
GG bois
Thanks for the game EU bros.
who gives a fuck if it opens the chests again
the second its charged and the boss is dead people instantly press it to go to the next level
>somehow have 3 turrets now
no idea how the fuck this glitch happened, but i'm pretty sure it's a glitch since I don't remember grabbing anything that affects the R skill
>inb4 drizzle
it was originally a short run to get the rings from the desert secret but then it snowballed into other achievements like crabs and 20 stages
JUST START WITH "-console"
Yea, because i spent 30 fucking minutes trying to find the teleporter. Really hope they tweak the locations, it ended up being in the swamp where i couldn't see it among the trees and rocks. And before anyone tells me to look for red particles, there's red foliage all throughout the swamp so that doesn't help.
I just did that last run.
>play engi
>shroom printer on third level
>get 14 shrooms
>get spookymask of summon ghosts
>get queen's gland for an antlion guard
>turrets keep all my shit alive
that was a fun run
I died because some shit knocked me out of my turret's healing range which was fucking gigantic, and I was burning, couldn't get the shrooms to trigger on me fast enough to survive
You really need those teddy bears as Mercenary and even with them you're living on the edge as you dash into Lemurians.
Is there no way of knowing what the maximum amount you can stack an item is while you're playing?
Do I need to memorize the log book?
Alright boys, let’s figure out how we can open the console for 6 player lobbies
Happened to me before, shit was beside 2 trees blending in. What does the item for that secret crying ass skeleton shit do? Haven't seen anyone talk about it yet either
Does the pirated copy work online?
You got a celery stick on one hand, glass of oj on the other, lets game
Read about it in the logs, spent I dunno how long trying to find it. Where exactly? I tried looking around the edge the most. Do I have to jump off and then shift in towards some hidden shelf?
launch with "-console" or "-console_detached"
what are the commands
109775241000916093 eu lobby open again, 2 slots
I spawned on the 2nd stage, got hit by some knockback thing back, thought I was gonna get tp'ed back up but just took a shitton of fall damage instead, figured I was on some kind of weird balcony that was part of the balcony, walked in to a cave and a crying skeleton, killed to get the achievement
KB+M or controller for this game? I tried both and can't decide
The water map with part of the ruins hanging off the edge
Specifically what is the command for 6 player lobbies
Let’s get this shit rolling
>magma worms take ten years to kill
boring game
How the fuck do you evade the massive AOE of the Vagrant ? Cause it seems to be impossible to evade it even with Huntress' Blink
why would you ever use a controller for a 3D game
I have no idea yet, still reading
sv_maxplayers 6, probably
>being retarded
Okay but here comes the real question, keyboard+mouse or controller?
the circle it projects out is double the size of the actual aoe
Oh yeah
The golem beams will track you 100% no matter how fast you go, you can literally cross the map in half a second but it will stay trained on you.
Fucking bullshit is what I say
I hope they add some skyboxes. RoR1's backdrops were aesthetic as fuck.
this game is making my computer heat up to 200 degrees
help me Yea Forums
>controller in a shooter
I agree, using a controller is retarded
>3d platformer
It's a lore thing. If you find a scanner, expensive to activate, on a world/level you'll get a bit of a story. Someone killed folks and hid them in that place, a shrine to something/someone.
this is why I always use the on use healing fruit on engi
getting knocked out of your hugbox is all that can kill you
Engineer: hold M1 or multiple clicks?
Frame limiter
why contain it
KBM, seems like huntress is the only one semi suited to a controller because of the lock on.
but really just play what you're more comfortable with
Hunter desperately needs to be able to target something other than the center of enemies. Tired of not being able to shoot big bosses while using cover.
isn't that source talk?
thoguht this shit was made in unity
Engineer is fun
Three Overloading worms is not
Well either way, the aoe size seems to be big enough to get me even if I use Huntress blink ability which seems to be pretty fucking bullshit
109775241000916093 EU GET IN GET
Merc feels amazing because it feels great to be mobile in this game, and because he can dodge. I don't know how they're going to nail HAN-D though considering he's more of a heavy brute kind of melee rather than a nimble assassin. Maybe he's just going to be abnormally tanky?
I know what map, but I don't know WHERE on the fucking map it is. I just want to unlock the item.
You need to aim with every class except huntress, and even with her the ability to rapidly and accurately snap to any point for blinking is useful. Kb+m is always going to be better in this game.
unironically really happy for hopoo
I prefer KB+M since there's aiming involved, but probably depends on the character you play the most. Huntress is controller friendly.
>tfw actually passed up on one in stage three
It says in the code, the cvar thing is named 'sv_maxplayers'. It'll tell you if you get a syntax error
>Blazing anything boss
>have what seems one hundred times the health
That is not the stack limit. That's the highest count of the item you've stacked.
Terrain blocks it, just take cover.
You can hide, but you can't run.
I appear in the lobby for a moment and then it kicks me out
>tiny ass dev's make a good game and actually get rewarded for it
Granted this happens, but not nearly as often as is should.
>I don't know how they're going to nail HAN-D though considering he's more of a heavy brute kind of melee rather than a nimble assassin. Maybe he's just going to be abnormally tanky?
They deserve it, game is awesome, I hope this game lives on forever.
Let it be known that THIS is how you improve an already existing franchise. S*kiro fags on suicide watch.
>blazing golem appears
I see it happening, no idea why, others could join fine.
>get waxed duck thing and h34d 5t
>jump off ramp like obstacle
>reach escape velocity and hit the skybox then bootyslam back down on some poor lemurian
Nothing will ever be more fun than this
Nigger, that was referring to the datamined "Assassin" class that didn't even have a finished model.
>Terrain blocks it
so you can just hide behind a rock like with Colossus giant laser ? That's neat
>try to rush for timed chest
>wetlands aspect
>teleporter boss is TWO blazing brass contraptions
no, i think im going to just restart
>Get dagger in the first stage.
>Fuck yeah.
>It's pretty good.
>Second stage.
>"You have been sequenced..." text appears at the very start.
>Turned my fucking dagger into a behemoth, which I already had, and 13 leeches.
Come on I barely had time with my third huntress' arm.
Anyone unlock that timed chest yet? I can never get there fast enough.
Is Merc hard to play or am I just bad
It's okay to be in denial.
There's like the side of the building hanging off the ledge. You look under it and there's an another edge with like cob webs and such.
just go MUL-T on easy and rush the tele
What happens when you fall off the obstacle course at the current end of the game? I only reached it once and was too pussy to try it
just play on drizzle
it basically gives you a shoulder mounted death star as a use item
>engi run
>get a shit ton of cautious slugs and no shrooms
Hopoo please
>swamp level
>Teleporter is barely sticking out of the water
Hopoo come on
>Magma worms spawns in a cave
Hopoo is this a joke to you?
>Teleport as a turret kills a little lemur and drops a lunar coin
Hopoo am I a joke to you?
Here's a tip: if your dash hits an enemy, you can dash again
Just turn on drizzle and bumrush the tele. You get the BFG from the chest
we're hitting thicc levels that shouldn't even be possible
It's not too hard to make it to if you just rush portals. I got the Preon cannon from it. Was cool but not worth it.
On my last good run I actually avoided the laser, it required a ton of feathers.
Strafing and jumping just above their heads seems to be the only way to keep just out of their sight, needs more testing though since it could have been a fluke.
Sekiro is still has more players though
Oh shit.
Outstanding usernames
I engi rushed it on normal. Engi don't need no pussy ass items.
EU lobby that's not been blocked by article 13, GET IN
>infusion printer
do i do it boys
>get laser ball thingy
what a shit game
East coast lobby let's go
Aight, I'll check it out. Cheers.
So what's the consensus? Better to rush the tele or get all the chests first?
Nothing. You just try again.
Just play on Drizzle to unlock the characters if you're desperate for them. Crank the difficulty back whenever you're not playing exclusively to complete a challenge or snag a character.
i really wish it doesn't drop to hard after this week
>hughe AAA studio with a bunch of legendary titles
>3 fags in a basement
yeah sekiro really kill RoR with those sad numbers
i've never played ror1 and new to ror2 so i have some questions about the design:
is equipment not droppable?
are transfusions/printers intentiontally randomly chosen items (a gamble)?
it seems i can stack the same equipments indefinitely, but is there a limit to unique equipments?
is "stealing" equipment something people dealt with in ror1 and i must learn to live with it?
thank you.
That I realised midway and it helped a lot, but it just feels so hectic and suddenly I'm dead
oh shit you're right dude
try again nigga
>have some fuel cells
>pick up Meteorite
ah yes, my own dedicated Fuck You All button
can't get the console to show up fml
How do you activate the console? What hotkey once you are in game?
On second thought, I give up. If anyone wants to host EU, please do.
found this in a tiny lil cave thingy on the fourth stage (haven't looped), anyone know what's in it?
1. no
2. yes, but only for the rarity that the item is advertised as, e.g. you'll only randomly trade a white item for a white item, etc
3. no clue, we're not that deep into this yet
4. yes
EU Server
Gold chests always contain reds.
>all these streamers playing /ourgame/
Wow Hopoo really made it
can i unlock achievements and characters through multiplayer?
legendary chests are garaunteed red items
Why do I want to play this game literally the next day when the offer is over. It sucks being dumb.
Anyway, I think about picking this up tomorrow. I have a question though, can I increase my attack speed as an archer? I’ve seen people run around like crazy but their attack speed was still so slow
I got yote off the map by an enemy and just barely caught myself on some walkable cliff terrain. I stumbled upon the cave by skyrim walking back up the cliff.
It's a guaranteed red, costs a fuck-ton but it's usually worth it
there's not hotkey. You need some way to attach the command console to the program, which is annoying because it detaches when you try to run it from cmd
Hopoo was already a millionaire from the first RoR. He made it ages ago.
>meteorite is in this game
>reach abyssal depths
>spend 10 minutes skirting around the map looking for the teleporter
>can't see shit because it's dark and murky and shitty
>getting raped in the ass by roaming gangs of elder lemurians
>teleporter is actually in a spot I've passed 5 times hiding behind a shitty rock, barely noticeable
wow what a great map haha
not that user but i happened to be record right before entering
>yes. rng is a major part of the game
>yes. that's why quickplay is garbage and you should always play in private matches
2/4 get the FUCK in before I lose my temper
The entire game was made with multiplayer in mind, so obviously.
how much time do you spend on each level? Playing with my friends and they love to spend time searching the entire map and wont leave stage one until the 6-7 minute mark some times. we usually dont get to stage 3 until 18-20 mins in.
Why don't my turrets get their own beetle guards this is bullshit.
you guys like keyboard and mouse or controller more
>there was armor in the first game too, and in both games it's a weird stat that's never really explained or mentioned much
Yknow when a monster has a white border? That just means damage reduction from hits. The only thing not known are what armor values the monsters actually have but its like 0.5% reduction per point of.
What are the other 26 characters going to be?
hol up
how many melee characters are there?
Currently my situation now. Going to have the biggest aneurysm when I eventually find this fucking thing.
>can I increase my attack speed as an archer?
yes. stack syringes
25 chefs and a sniper
Never expected to have a run that lasts an entire hour, shit was cash
>tfw 21hrs in and i got everyone except for merc
i have a feeling that everyone except me got him already
>When you get desperate and start mashing m3
This is almost as bad as finding caches in Warframe
I cant wait for the mods that make enemies playable. It's completely possible with how they're handled.
26 different bandit characters each with a different hat
>No damage effect on screen
that's a heap of a lot of projecting you're doin there, NGfag
>hardMaxPlayers = 16
I don’t know what those are yet, but thanks for letting me know it’s possible
-console and -console_detached does nothing in launch options help
local play confirmed ?
So how can I get the console working ingame so I can get my 16 player lobbies?
>To be fair, it's only half the amount of purchases that you'd expect though. Because of the deal. But without that deal they probably wouldn't have spread so quickly and they're probably going to make more money now that people were streaming it and talking about it.
I dunno what to tell them honestly. RoR is one of the best roguelites ever made with a really slick gameplay loop.
>Engineer can sprint while charging his grenades
Bug or intentional?
>cheat engine works
wonder if it's just visual or i'll actually be able to get like 50k hp from these if i live long enough
open again
round 2
whys the game revert my settings from 144hz to 60 when i close the menu reeee
It flat out says you can do local in the description for starting a private match
Shit's gonna get CUHRAZY
you should easily find them as they're pretty damn common
16 mercenaries when?
Is this one of the most successful indie titles? I don't recall any other indie game ever reaching the top charts, not even Binding of Isaac
Same happened to me, curious what the item does
2 slots open
Uhh shovel knight cameo, chef, bandito, gear box character cameo lol, umm playable golem, sniper, miner, and a guy who throws playing cards
t. Hopoo's son
>no buckler
The optimal way to play is to bumrush the teleporter but then step outside of it, farm cash from the boss and increased spawns, finish charging, then sweep the map for items. And that's a bad thing. Feels all the time like i'm wasting time and that I have to cheat the system. Hopoo pls unrestrict interactables while tele is charging.
>played for 3 hours
>found literally 1
but yeah thanks for all the bustling fungus you stupid game
>how do i find the teleporter?
once you learn to watch for its particle effects it's easy af to find
play on easy and rush the teleporter
Git Gud
or play on drizzle
cheaters are dicklets
Shit disables during teleporter for the same reason you need to charge it in the first place: Hopoo wanted the teleporter to be a big event that the team groups up for rather than having 4 players who never see each other because they instantly split to the four corners of the map like in RoR1.
Look out, I think MUL-T MUL-T likes you
Here he comes!
i do that anyway because fuck fighting the boss lol
Play drizzle and pick whatever you're good at
If you're equally shit with everyone, pick huntress because her mobility is broken and the ultimate is solid damage while you can focus on not dying
Two slots open
>getting a second goat hoof doesnt change your other leg
shit game
how does unlocking the Berzerker's Pauldron work? do you have to be at below 10 percent the whole time or just when the teleporter finishes?
no u
Get in
Isn't there a risk of ban if you do it in multiplayer?
>decide to waste time on a drizzle run to get the 20 stages completed chievo so I can start getting the fucking leaf
>use the robutt for extra ez mode
>first level had a 3d printer for syringes and a newt shrine
>threw a coin at the shrine to get to the bazaar
>mother fucker selling shaped glass
>some number of cycles later, get a teleporter up and a celestial portal appears
>hop into that shit since it counts as a stage clear for some reason
>chievo text for 20 stages in a single run pops up after loading in
>do the honorable and fitting thing and commit to off'ing myself at the altar
Man, this run was fucking disgusting. I mean yeah sure, drizzle, but I wasn't exactly expecting it to get this degenerate.
It was fun monsoon bros.
>hardMaxPlayers = 16
>recent post on steam suggest they're planning to enable player cap increases in private lobbies
this will make this game my personal goty
Is the value 4, 8, or float?
US. Quickly now, it's starting to rain.
>models ripped already
huntress buttjob when
artificer thighjob when
>team is struggling
>some jackass pops the mountain shrine
It's mountain shrine or nothing, you filthy casual
1 more
if that doesn't work, some hexediting might. It seems like only one value should need to be tweaked unless they decided to hard code it in two places.
>pops shrine
>is first to die
eat my dick nigger
>Beating warframe
Based as fuck.
>>mfw open a box and it's a fucking mushroom
>>mfw this happens multiple times in the same game
>mfw I'm Engineer
Where the fuck is this dude?
Need one more we don't have a mul yet
you expect me to believe this shit
Dead. I personally killed him.
Fire damage is fucking broken
In Hell. Because he died in the first game.
I accidentally killed him hiding behind my shield
>kill wurm
>next level
>generic worm spawns
>kill it
>hit teleporter
>4 wurms spawn
so what's the story here? why are we returning to the planet?
>fucking stupid ass imp walks by me
>toe touches a little puddle of fire
>drop dead instantly
>MUL-T first run
>gain health back for hitting enemies
>black hole
>3 syringes
>3 bleed on hit
>missiles, sticky bombs, stun
dear god. i had to throw myself at the multitude of bosses that were spawning themselves just to finally die
So I unlocked the robot, archer, and the sword guy, but I think I like the default person the most right now
US West Lobby
One time I got 13 Teddy bears from the shrine of order and became unable to die, Finally ended it all when I spawned a celestial portal and my buddy wanted to unlock mercenary
>die 5 levels away from 20
I could've cried when i saw my engi's limp body fly through the air
holy shit those thighs agghhhhh
Bros I need glass and spite already.
>had 5 sips, 4 goat feet, and 2 red whips
>STILL couldn't outrun laesr beam
Dio's Best Revive (the revive). If a turret dies and you place a new one before it is resurrected, you can have extra turrets. Probably not intended but I just had my longest run ever thanks to that. Turrets get pretty nutty in single-player when you can deck em out with tons of items
Getting invalid lobby
not entirely true, the people who got it for free likely have less interest in playing it than the people who paid for it and therefore its more likely that people playing are people who have bought it
>tfw wax quail
>happiest mask proc on overloading worm
Are you just editing bones in unity?
btfo'ed by survivor with 11 glasses
Host when?
>xxx prefers to play on drizzle
>lowest difficulty is called easy
Hoppo you dumb fucks.
are there no additional levels? no teleporters like the first game?
the black beetle item sucks ass
that's not mine, If it were me I wouldn't be a faggot and would have shared the mod
t. retard
early access bud
>dual brittle crown
if you find it let me know man
it's hard coded in two places
RoR.RoR2Application and RoR.SteamworksLobbyManager
RoR2Application is what I showed earlier, SteamworksLobbyManager is just this one value
Is the promo over already?
>checked behind every rock in the aqueduct three times
>still can’t find the second pressure plate
gosh DARN it
Are lunar coin drops random?
Found it, thank you.
I've only used it 3 times and 2 of those times I got 14/17 lenses, only both times I was squishy as fuck, one time even had glass shard so I was deleted pretty quick
No idea if I can host properly.
Brazil btw.
NA East Lobby
Come die
thats a little too much ass
>Load into quickplay
>Game starts
>Guy is playing bandit
my penis is erect with anticipation
take pictures you dumb animeposter
Screencap or you're a lying faggot
>Didn't record it
It was like an hour ago. I didn't think to screencap it or anything, but I died and got to watch him play. All his skill icons are from RoR1, looks like they haven't done new icon art for him yet.
get in
Good fucking lord I can't wait
Is there a fucking sceptre in this one, it's pretty important to me
>doing really well, making ym way to stage 20 unintentionally after getting [REDACTED]
>randomly die in midair from a crab
do these fucking blaze niggers have gigantic damage aoes or something because this isn't the first time i feel like ive died from literally nothing
i do not believe you in the slightest
next time at least try with your bait
I just get a black screen then kicked out, wtf.
Why are people saying MUL-T is OP?
But we do already know he's in the game and people have already done some testing with him.
i'm googling the basics of cmd as fast as I can, give me time
Aite I managed to build the assembly
could some niggies join so I can see if this shit actually works or not?
I have high doubts it'll work but might as well try
oh, so you were lying
whyd you even bother with such a boring exuse
So the mul-t autofire mode snaps all your buffs at the point of you starting to fire, as long as you don't release lmb it will keep them forever. Pretty good with the ocular 100% crit buff.
fastest rof and most HP
Invalid ID.
he needs the least amount of items/easiest to get items to become op
and i know that that user is full of shit, as anyone would screenshot in that scenario
that's one of the like 3 bugs in the game that will be fixed in the coming patch
rehosting, lobby glitched
109775241000915944 na east
>try to look for the red/orange particles
>in the map that's already dark and extra red
>with 20 ft tall fire lizards shitting more fire
>casual magma worm floating around just to make things more red and orange
Fug u, I like es.
You're mother is an invalid ID.
>Invalid ID
yeah that means it's full so doesn't work
I don't have it, either it's a shop or the creator is a faggot who won't share
invalid id
NA West
You are minding your own business playing the game when suddenly this fellow, wearing a very nice hat, swoops in and steals the red item that you JUST bought. He then promptly disappears in a puff of smoke and leaves your surrounded by every monster he aggro'd on his way to steal your item.
What do?
Do people find this dick difficult? I am usually relieved when I see it spawn instead of the fucking Greater Wisp
Alt F4 and play a better game.
Like RoR2 for example.
>Doing wonderfully as engineer
>Feel good on my loop
>Think I'll challenge the mountain
>Mountain spawns five Wandering Vagrants that all do their AOE at the same time
>Get - 500 HP
I angrily cry MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! as the image as the wrong thumbnail.
Is there any way to look up people you've played with? If there is I can find the guy who was playing bandit.
They're both pretty easy.
Vagrant and Wurm are my two most hated bosses because of the aoe nuke and fire damage.