>nothing tops him still
How can a starter be so fucking based?

Attached: 1553977524131.jpg (700x700, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I wish he would top mr

Venusaur is Red's canon starter
Sceptile and Swampert are better.

Attached: Du85ThEXQAAQA_Z.jpg (1080x1080, 301K)

You could just ask for a daddy Charizard thread

Attached: 1387065364095.png (1400x1400, 1.28M)

>>>nothing tops him still
>jobs to fucking rocks


Attached: stealth rock.jpg (259x194, 8K)

charizard isn't even the best fire starter, genwunner.

Attached: F7345009-94CD-4B70-91BF-EF060CA04319.gif (540x304, 1.15M)

I know that Braixen bottomed him ;)

Sinnoh babies are coming with their pathetic taste and their Empoleon shit

I don't see what the worst fire starter has to do with Charizard.

I don't know what that is, but it's probably some zoomer trash. End your life, kiddo

Attached: victory through culture.png (680x378, 389K)

Confess, user. How many times have you jacked it to the zonkpunch animation?

Attached: Savior.jpg (531x710, 290K)

It's shit but at least it's not blastoise
god that old promo art makes me want to cum

Attached: 1514001507663.jpg (300x436, 46K)


Attached: emboar-clipart-1.png (1615x1000, 927K)

1. hes one of the worst characters in smash
2. i want to top him

probably at least 10 times

>jobs to a fucking mineral

Attached: 7AFB3303-22F4-4B58-91C8-ADB4A36DD6EC.jpg (275x183, 7K)

Bulbasaur line is trash
Yiff in hell

Absolutely, unequivocally based my friend.

>hes one of the worst characters in smash
His down-b in ultimate is amazing though

Attached: emboar_by_endlng.png (500x548, 153K)

Bulbasaur is number one, gay retard.

Attached: giphy (14).gif (390x400, 397K)

stealth rock or a pebble stops it

I can literally smell Charizard's sweaty cock musk and feel the radiating heat
Uh I mean Braixen must be really tight and stuff

Time for gay onions furry onions onions onions thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1553725676496.gif (500x375, 987K)


That is a frog
It hops

This, only well endowed trainers pick Bulbasaur. Gay cucks like go for Charizard.

yes, bulbasaur is a frog.

Attached: 15.jpg (364x501, 53K)

I sure do wonder if the artist who drew this has a thing for feet.

Attached: shrek face.gif (200x220, 1.09M)

No fucking shit, dragons are fucking dope.
Now If they made a T-Rex starter, that might go toe-to-toe with Charizard.
Maybe a Centuar. Or a wolf.
But the problem is that GF's designs have been shifting to different artstyles every gen, so we may not get something as aesthetically pleasing as Charizard ever again

it hops in let's go eevee

he does it for free
>4-energy attack that does 60 damage
the tcg before powercreep is beautiful

Attached: 1532460289555.jpg (640x426, 30K)

>Not even the best starter of its own gen

Attached: Blastoise and Squirtle.jpg (2000x2000, 474K)

>razor leaf critical
>poison powder
>leech seed
>strong against brock, misty, and surge; teammates can reliably cover weaknesses after
>strong competitively

>4x weak to rock
>lives in fear of sneaky pebbles
>weak to brock and misty
>brainlet gameplan of just spamming damaging moves
>worthless for many gens until XY

>tfw you will never have a symbiotic plant within us and gain energy when we rest in the sun

Attached: PLS HALP sad cat.jpg (749x694, 59K)

>tony the tiger lookin furgin bait
holy cringola

>Become a standalone character in Smash 4
>Then went back to PKM Trainer like a basic bitch
>Meanwhile, Greninja got introduced in Smash 4 as a standalone and remains a standalone in Ultimate
>Got a new FS while Charizard got shit
>Frequently banned in competitive Pokémon due to his strength
>Meanwhile Charizard only has one viable build and gets destroyed by a few rocks

Charizard is old and busted. Greninja is the new hotness.

Attached: Greninja Set XXII 5.jpg (794x1123, 144K)

Attached: 1534460227519.webm (640x360, 854K)


Attached: 250px-286Breloom.png (250x250, 48K)

that's called vitamin d son

Attached: sun chip.jpg (960x720, 118K)

the only furshit i'm seeing is from charizard fags, who are now posting literal scaliefag porn.

Vitamins ain't SHIT give me ATP

If you're gonna falseflag at least post something higher quality.

Attached: 7247696.jpg (1200x900, 907K)

you aren't a true patrician unless you pick grass starters

Attached: grass.png (810x795, 488K)

Genshiter, pikachu's number 1 obviously.

Attached: vrtf.jpg (1884x964, 224K)

Not even a genwunner but big yikes

Attached: e54.png (640x360, 278K)

I don't like Chikorita, Chespin and Snivy tbqh.
Gator, Empoleon, and Greninja were my picks

Charizard needed two megas to become kinda viable. Base Charizard has the literal same stat spread as Typhlosion anyway.

Leave Charizard to me!

Attached: Scorbunny.600.2508823.jpg (490x600, 46K)

>there are people who don't mod themselves a different starter

Attached: 1553114473442.png (318x350, 50K)

You think this shit is popular cause of Smogon?

Fire starters are consistently garbage after gen 2 for some reason.
>dude what if charmander was brazilian lmao

Attached: 250px-390Chimchar.png (250x250, 44K)

>unironically using a starter

Die you fucking poketard

Attached: 03442_0.gif (650x650, 452K)


Attached: __gardevoir_and_mega_gardevoir_pokemon_drawn_by_daiquiri__4b3699e33e7c86088487cb79b4ad7c67.jpg (1200x935, 652K)

Only edgy retards with tiny dicks picked charetard.
Bulbasaur was for women and faggots

There's only one bro

Attached: 1864567.png (197x204, 47K)

t. homestuck tranny

Attached: flabbergasted.gif (200x200, 2M)

Blaziken and Gardevoir ruined pokemon tbqh

don't be a faggot, pokemon can be dogshit without the players being competitive


Attached: yikes.png (385x458, 101K)

Best pokemon of all time.

Sweaty move over for the superior Mega

Attached: 0b0b81cf-dc87-4fd2-8295-39c4b3f33c8a.gif (540x300, 1.16M)

Attached: 1553916662441.gif (480x332, 105K)

based. snivy is absolute dogshit and chikorita and chespin are forgettable but the rest are kino as fuck.

Attached: pokemonster_hunter_charizard_by_arvalis-d79a3u7.gif (3000x1314, 2.16M)

that's called gen 5

Literally the only thing audino is good for is exp farming

literally a gay furfag KYS

Attached: 1553915676619.gif (350x480, 9K)

>People who lewded them ruined Pokemon
They actually have nice designs

>#1 VGC
>#1 in refresh
>meanwhile charizard nowhere near the top
ooooooooof........ yikes..........
yeesh.......... *wincing* yeah that's a pretty big ouch from me.........

Attached: 1540808268164.png (497x362, 144K)

Attached: 650bb1ceac2934837f544481c30f9ce3.png (534x1200, 193K)

Attached: 1527699935589.jpg (1000x1000, 787K)

based! now THIS is what a real starter looks like!

Attached: JOHTOOOOOO.png (240x240, 5K)

i judge on the final product, and torterra and chesnaught are the only non-shit ones so far.

>Literally one of the shittiest in gen one
>Nothing tops him
Uh huh.

Attached: 1551731880892.jpg (600x600, 61K)

Kinda what I had in mind when OP said nothing could top him. I wasn't expecting furfaggotry.

Yeah, best fire starter is Infernape, I agree.

Infernape and Charizard are the only good fire starters

Arcanine and Talonflame are cooler than any fire starter

Attached: typhlosion-gif-12.gif (500x370, 1.85M)

No she's a great wall and not many people expects anyone to use her

commit die

That's Emboar you retard

you're naive. charizard is only behind serperior and decidueye on the list of starters with the most degenerate fanbases.


>> homestuck, furries, pokefags
We are just missing some ponyfaggots so that this thread becomes objectively the worst one on all of Yea Forums right now.

>yes, I'm a Chad type, how can you tell?

Attached: 220px-Emerald_Sceptile.png (220x258, 68K)

Attached: 1482107666125.png (1800x1578, 199K)

>Charred lizard
The virgin x4 weak to Rock
The chad neutral to Rock

Attached: PUAHK PUKAAAHK.jpg (640x480, 149K)

Cute feet

>not deliberately going into threads to dab on losers


Attached: 1553522229062.gif (460x460, 304K)

seething genwunners will reply to this post

Attached: 281246865456.jpg (1920x2676, 843K)

Blastoise is better

I wish Infernape had more porn...

Unova had the worst starters overall.
Piplup is top tier. Chimchar is garbage.

*Block your path*

Attached: 65465651.gif (500x281, 2.93M)

what? changing to squirtle?

Very unrealistic robot.

NOBODY wakes up with a smile.

Same, but using those monkey feet

Infernape and Blaziken are the only cool fire starters.

Attached: 1393615788620.png (325x276, 111K)

these designs make pokemon look decent lmao

Attached: bleurgh.gif (477x268, 1.06M)


>picking the most common type in the game
Why bother? Blastoise is a basic bitch.

i'll concede that chimchar itself looks retarded but infernape is kino
so is empoleon and torterra actually

Attached: d423c654b9f4e05e5b46a371c08eb73c.jpg (500x544, 57K)

Oh I beg to differ

Attached: wagecuck.jpg (409x409, 42K)

>Cool grass starters
Venusaur, Sceptile, Torterra, Serperior, Chesnaught, Decidueye

>Cool Water starters
Blastoise, Feraligatr, Swampert, Empoleon, Greninja,

>Cool Fire Starters
Infernape, Blaziken

If you'll notice, fire starters are fucking trash.

the designs are good tho

Attached: 05826.gif (650x650, 75K)

Reminder that not only is he more popular in VGC, he's also more popular in Pokemon Refresh. There is more data backing up Incineroar's popularity than Charizard's in the present.
Crawl in your coffins already, genwunners. You're in our world now.

Attached: 1536942806849.gif (540x304, 2.6M)

Must be a gender dysphoria thing

Being a neet sucks.

Little did you know Charizard, my stones were INCOGNITO.

Why are the Unova starters so fucking rancid?
It's probably the only games where I actually despise each starter.

>How can a starter be so fucking based?
I think it has something to do with how is sex appeal is through the fucking roof compared to all the other ugly fucks.

>if you don't like Infernape you're a genwunner

Attached: 1552916838161.png (850x1096, 806K)


Attached: 651651651.gif (500x292, 358K)

I work 6 months a year and would have lost my mind were it not for the other 6

Reminder that he probably won't get buffed much anymore and will always suck.

Attached: D26OOjFUwAAT4c5.jpg (1000x790, 80K)

I'll probably start dumping porn if the thread becomes worse, if you want. It might be deleted before that, so eh.

>dumb waifufagging infernigger can't even fucking read and process a small paragraph
who would've thought

Attached: 1530718987609.jpg (628x628, 70K)

Tier whore detected.

Attached: emboar.png (600x600, 307K)


Attached: grookey bang.webm (852x480, 49K)

>more popular than Charizard
I bet you if you asked random people on the street who each one is they'd most likely know Charizard but not fiery wrestle cat

If I was a tierwhore, Charizard would have been included. Charizard is objectively the best fire starter.


>Reminder that not only is he more popular in VGC

Why does everybody hate this guy?
Is it just the boring pose?

Attached: chestnaught.png (925x864, 467K)

Just looks shit
I don't need to justify my subjective opinion

>he's also more popular in Pokemon Refresh
cringy furfags wanting to pet their furbait is not proof of popularity among normal people

>incineroar literally THE vgc pokemon
>"charizard's objectively the best!!! please!!! he's still relevant just believe me!!!!!"
objectively the best at dying to incognito igneous

Attached: 1542535196868.jpg (540x540, 37K)

Bruh, c'mon now. Of course Incineroar is the best in VGC. VGC is a meme format that nobody cares about. Singles is the way pokemon was always intended to be played.

He just looks ugly.
Chespin's cute, but I really don't like any of his evos.

Charizard > Rayquaza > Every other shit Pokémon that I can't even be bothered to name

Attached: 1551594578956m.jpg (1024x910, 91K)

Charizard posters are unbelievable, I bet if a charizard squashed them like this they'd be totally happy about it.

What losers.

Attached: charizard.jpg (1200x800, 87K)

I bet it would be much more loved if it had the shiny as its original color scheme.

Cute pic but Blaziken looks like a Digimon.

Attached: 1531084852833.gif (500x376, 672K)

Sadly he's just not cute enough. The Fox and Frog already stole the audience

Attached: 1352972356.pudding0728_○-炎武王2.png (830x784, 358K)

Only if he was hot and sweaty and kept growling at me~

Attached: 1552511658301.jpg (466x466, 43K)

>m-meme format...... nobody cares about it....
that's why they still hold tournaments for it every year right

Attached: 1536371342467.gif (500x334, 264K)

>being a bara shitter
Why not let a fem zard dominate you instead??


I wish Feraligatr wasn't in the same game as Quagsire and Lanturn.

Attached: DHKUwYpVYAADHI1.jpg (2048x1526, 277K)

Because Salazzle exist. You fucking degenerate.

Attached: f8d4469822a7415914745a118ac72785.jpg (700x716, 58K)


>Pokemon: sun & moon, sword & shield, knees & toes

Attached: pokmen.jpg (600x716, 285K)

I know, right?

Attached: 1540015385275.png (1200x850, 589K)

Attached: thinking about stuff.png (546x454, 223K)

People really exaggerate these things, but looks like shit from Steven Universe

? line is fucking based tbqh


Attached: 1541941640304.jpg (900x437, 290K)

It's sad that James is bogged down by Team Rocket. He could actually be a great trainer or some kind of pokemon caretaker if he ditched that stupid shit.

Furfags get the rope

Attached: e18a84be9c22ebddc9fc959f3ae053c0.png (3000x5022, 1.25M)

Source pls

Tied into a knot daddy

It's pretty much said over and over that all 3 could get rich pretty easily if they stopped chasing Pikachu.

Attached: Pokémon.full.80861.jpg (800x590, 271K)

Not even the best Gen 1 pokemon faggot

Attached: 26-Raichu.png (300x278, 62K)


Attached: aggron_dab.png (480x480, 4K)

Furfags are degenerates

Attached: 1553397647764.jpg (975x696, 200K)

I wish there was still the option to play him solo. Pokemon trainer is great and all but the two others take some of the spotlight from him. I hope he gets buffed some.


> He picks pokemon based on their stats, movsets and I/Vs instead of if they're cool or not
> He looks up tier lists to see which one is "The Best" and then uses it religiously

That's why i prefer a literal goddamn fire dragon to a weird stripy wrestler thing. But that's also why i prefer to have Onix in my team, even though he's like the weakest pokemon in existence.

Attached: 1553367170210.jpg (326x400, 96K)

>hmm my report did nothing
>well I'll post homestuck to show how not mad I am

Beat all of Fire Red with him alone and I'm fucking proud if it.

>kono image wa ~8 years old
just krill me.


Sans lives with them.

>energy trans
Ugh, fucking liberals.

Riachu is the pokemon mogged hardest by an earlier form.

What do you mean before powercreep? Powercreep already existed in the form of Hitmonchan and Electabuzz.

Is it safe to post Charizards again

Attached: 1551230478521.jpg (1200x1400, 188K)

Why exactly does this generic dragon appeal to you so much? Nostalgia is the only reason hes beloved.
He is one of the only decent fire starters. Every fire starter after Typhlosion is a fucking travesty

Attached: 1553837708931.jpg (2560x1440, 188K)

They're holding hands, that's too lewd.

>Why exactly does this generic dragon appeal to you so much
He looks like a freind. And an even better boyfreind


Attached: 1551769000955.gif (500x450, 880K)

The simple design is the appeal.

Attached: 1551023784214.png (1045x605, 705K)

Chesnaught and Decidueye are fucking horrible

Good artist.

Attached: D1IpMmmU8AA9azK.jpg (1200x900, 138K)

GOD I wish that was me getting smothered.

>want to play a Pokemon game with Litten
>...don't want to play a Gen 7 game
Help me.

Attached: dsnjdnjs.webm (840x720, 2.92M)

Isn't he actually the shittiest of the 3 in game? Like by a long shot

who is the artist

>when the lizard switches in


This. Also Infernape/Blaziken are better fire starters and Blastoise is better in Gen 1. Not to mention

>Please do not reprint without my permission.


>Seed Pokemon

I really don't get artists who don't want their art on every site possible.

Some of my favorite artists have actually abandoned the internet because some of their completely untagged and impossible to find art left pixiv. What's the point of learning to draw if you don't want anybody to see it?

Attached: 64474835_p3.jpg (1494x1074, 896K)

Wrong. Level 5 Geodude used Rock Throw! Charizard fainted.

Attached: best burd.jpg (1274x964, 187K)

Attached: 0d478cc72d6ec53dac7cd8f13e7a94f5c24f2bae.png (1240x1318, 1M)

>letting competitive viability cloud your judgement of the visual, audio, and character design of a Pokemon


>before the powercreep
Surely you jestin'

Attached: BlastoiseBaseSet2.jpg (751x1050, 212K)

Grass type is unloved.
Weird noodle limbs that don't have joints.
Not the best color scheme.

Fanart makes it look decent.

Attached: 1537000722080.jpg (1100x1412, 247K)

You're right but it's odd that you'd post the worst one instead

Attached: 1552968366097.png (800x600, 447K)

>Play the GB TCG games last summer
>Decked the psychic leader in the first one because he couldn't damage Wigglytuff and just kept redistributing damage from Alakazam
>Porygon is a 40 HP wall in the sequel because it can change its resistance

Attached: 1531599367964.gif (294x233, 452K)

I don't understand it either, posting it on other sites will only boost their popularity cause people who like the image will track down the artist. If someone reposted my art somewhere else I'd be super happy because that'd mean my picture is worth saving.

Lmao imagine thinking generic dragon is the best pokemon

Attached: b5ebeef009a067177287e668554a76dd.jpg (1366x768, 328K)

I'm still mad that Sakurai didn't make another pokemon trainer with the Alolan starters and not only Incineroar, or another fighter that is multiple characters in one.
Also lmao at the janitor who is too busy monitoring this thread to notice this

Attached: 1529362348922.jpg (340x340, 11K)

Hes not just simple, hes bland. Something simplistic doesn't have to be boring, but charizard is beyond boring. Venusaur and Blastoise are infinitely more interesting and creative. Charizard is bland but i wish modern fire starters were more bland because the second they add detail they get repulsive.
Typhlosion>Charizard>Delphox>infernape>emboar> blaziken>Incineroar

Attached: 1553019039058.jpg (499x498, 29K)

But thats a Resident Evil comic.

Only the OP. After this post everything goes to hell.

the whole point of LOL threads is to post comics that activate the almonds

What a cutie

Attached: 1549360985374.jpg (4095x2993, 568K)

Based and Breloompilled.


Attached: DwI91dXUwAAMeHb.jpg (1134x700, 132K)

Cyndaquil > shit > the other two


Absolute TRASH opinion

what is this totodile being self conscious about

Attached: totocute.png (500x458, 49K)

Hey, Bayleef is BAE

Attached: 1495032641287.jpg (640x480, 31K)


Attached: D2UBoU8UwAACIDR.jpg (1610x887, 283K)


>Typhlosion and Delkphox top 3
>Says Charizard is bland but like Typhlosion

This isn't just shit taste. You're mentally retarded.

They used to have comfy storytimes too and post obscure comics. That thread can't be considered a LOL thread since people is more busy talking about politics than posting comics or complaining about them being shit.

hes boring, but theirs nothing wrong with him. Him and charizard are both really boring but at least they arent disgusting like every other fire starter. Who do you thinks the best? all of them except charizard and typhlosion are hideous.
Both are bland but i just prefer typhlosion. I dont really like either of them that much fire starters are just beyond terrible so being bland is a blessing.

Attached: 1552177383311.png (459x351, 229K)

He used to be a human, but one morning he woke up as a Pokemon.

Attached: 1546740827535.jpg (3615x2843, 411K)

evolving and becoming ugleh

Why do so many faggot losers hate Blaziken? It's literally a 10/10 design.


Attached: DdK5rJkVQAAik-j.jpg (4096x3201, 803K)

Blaziken is up there in popularity so he brings out the contrarians

Attached: 1534502951302.png (1640x1360, 1.7M)

>It's literally a 10/10 design.
You could swap Blaziken with Delphox, Emboar, Incineroar and possibly Infernape and it'll get as much hate as them.
Its only saving grace is that he came out before the community got a hate bonner for bipedal fire-starters.

I wanna lick his little slit until he cums.

Because Blastoise is far and away the coolest Water type of its generation, while Charizard gets stomped on by based Arcanine.

oh it's TF fetish art.

I see.

Attached: my mistake.png (327x452, 148K)

Have you never played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

Attached: 5c474b1da95fc6392243e76271ab4cb771b50dfb_hq.gif (500x282, 1021K)

blaziken and sceptile always disgusted me. I hated them to begin with but i wont deny their popularity made me hate them more. Their's much worse pokemon like the genies and barbaracle, but people can generally agree they're an atrocity. When a pokemon that's almost as bad is generally liked, it brings out my inner contrarian.

Attached: 1553450124444.png (390x326, 320K)

No. That’s blastoise. Charizard is competitive with Venasaur gens 1-3 and 6 onwards, but really fell of in 4 and 5 thinks to sneaky pebbles. But charizard has mostly been a good but not top tier mon. Poor blastoise has always been crap though.


>pick the fire bird thinking I’ll get some cool fire eagle
>get a disco chicken
I’m still mad

That's just nasty

Attached: 1534439356583.jpg (495x464, 29K)

Its training. Pokemon get stronger with love.

how could you not like gay disco chicken

Attached: 1530645820745.png (799x899, 626K)

that's the plot for the mystery dungeon games, and it gives you a cute little personality test to choose what you play
i played a shinx!

I'm not gonna lie to you user I have literally never played a single pokemon game in my life I just shitpost chubby charizards on Yea Forums.

Attached: shporo.png (374x376, 270K)


Attached: 14728260.jpg (700x700, 121K)

Blaziken is objectively the best starter in singles
Incineroar is objectively the best starter in doubles

>gen 4 starters
>base two of them off of mythology
>base the other off of napoleon
i will never not be mad, broke a cool theme for a stupid pun

I fucking wish he made a male/male version too

how many times have you fapped to him?

Attached: 1548715753753.jpg (755x934, 88K)

none, im not a furry or straight

None, it's one of the ugliest Pokemon

Gee I dont know let me check my fucking fap charts fag.

Some number over 20 I guess.

Attached: D13MVXRU8AArEv_.jpg (980x1060, 82K)

>his starter didnt go on the camping trip

Attached: 2007.jpg (1024x621, 344K)

0. I don't like him

Attached: 1537111890037.jpg (800x878, 93K)

Once and only cause it had Krool and Bowser

lol bara

Attached: 00eb1fa7917197a6be799a1d9ed6e922.jfif.jpg (1000x600, 111K)

Zero, not into Bara and I'm not a fan of the fire cat.

Fanart fixed that.

Attached: 211232302.png (866x588, 233K)

A lot. Especially to him + Pika Libre.

>Blastoise is far and away the coolest Water type of its generation
Nigger you what?

Attached: gyarados.png (812x812, 674K)

>ugly soiface chink propaganda
>cooler than based pure-blooded American tank turtle

Attached: 1530741447489.jpg (640x186, 23K)

It's a japanese turtle, retard.

Attached: braviary america fuck yeah.png (846x700, 672K)

For me, it's Infernape.



We get it. You like attention.


I like him as well. though my favorite Fire Type is still Arcanine.

Attached: Marley_Arcanine.png (1566x881, 2.09M)

>iPhone filename
>is a colossal faggot
Like poetry.

Attached: 1541016290058.jpg (1136x640, 57K)

>Yea Forums
>not full of colossal faggots
How new are you?

>can nut to bowser np
>can't nut to edge cat because of obnoxious af posters

Attached: foxgirl sad.gif (540x304, 2.05M)

I think y'all are degenerates but the pokken community is filled with furfags anyways

so just gonna point out Charizard is swole as fuck and almost looks like that in Pokken and as a competitive pokkenfa, it's really, really well designed for competitively play: It's got a stupidly well balanced roster, even the bottom half of low tier is viable in high level play and can make top 8's at majors; and in general most top 8's have likre 3-4 mid or low tiers making it, and the characters all play extremely differently, some with anime-fighter levels of gimmicks, it's got a lot of systems and mechanics that reward good fundamentals, neutral play, and adaption: The whole 2d-3d phase shift system means that on top of of frame data, damage, etc, each move has a phase point value, and you need to weigh if you want to shift phases faster or stay in the current phase (certain characters and matchjups favor one or the other, and shifting gives meter) and change up what moves you are using and your combo composition accordingly.

Pokken's attack height system also functions differently from other fighting games in that there's way more height categories, and height interactions occur between moves (IE, for a move to pass over or under other moves based on their height values) rather then on block/to bypass blocks, which also does a lot to encourage a wider use of your characters tool.

The problem (beyond the fact people mistakenly think it's a casual arena fighter when it's not, it's a legit traditional fighter; people misunderstand the phase mechanic and mistake the RPS stuff in the marketing to be meaningful when Pokken isn't any more RPS then other traditional fighters), is that as a casual title or for single player content, it's pretty shit. I'd reccomend it if you plan on actually getting into it and at least lurking amongst the larger community (discord.gg/pokken), but if you are just wanting something to play once every few weeks and that's it it';s not worth it

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There's a difference between being gay and being a faggot. Gays love dicks while faggots love iPhones.

I fapped to this.
Does that count ?

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Post those names for Stealth Rock. I’ll start with an ol reliable one

Pesky Pebbles

In general I usually just assume that people who post completely random porn from their phones want threads deleted.

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More like Gyarados.
It's pure existence just feels like an insult to Feraligatr.

>iphones are the only devices that spit out uuid filenames
why are sataniaposters always tech illiterate retards?

>implying I was talking about gays

>I think y'all are degenerates





frustrating flintstones.

god I just wanna rub my face in a blaziken's pubes

Bothersome Boulders

I like that model.

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He looks like a fan made megaman boss

Pokken Charizard makes me tingly inside

Sneaky sapphires

I lost count to be honest.

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>Charizard will never fart on you face
Why live, bros?

0, because i'm not a degenerate.

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Pokemon Reborn

>because i'm not a degenerate.
Then get out of this site, moralfag.

0 times
he's a shit

So get the games anons, as I said, it's fantastic as long as you are willing to put the time in to play at least somewhat reuglarly and lurk in the community

I like it because of how good it was on my US run and because it honestly look pretty good and i don't see anything wrong with it's design.

I fapped many time to Gardevoir and Sabrina tho.

Attached: Cross Chop.gif (480x270, 867K)


Not as many times as I fapped to other pokemon

more than 50 this year probably

that designs looks really bad

Is this the designated furry thread?

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No, this is

I think only to null-ghost's pic of him.
