Plays High Elf just to piss everyone off

>Plays High Elf just to piss everyone off.
Pure mere

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it's too easy to tell which of these are made by reddit, the majority of them aren't even points about their appearance, and when they are it's not even properly aligned, like the 'gross red eyes' leading to the stomach
it's not funny, that's always a giveaway too

>not playing as chadgonian
pleb tier to be perfectly honest with you

Eh, Yea Forums's been over run by "normies" and shills i for one came here in 2015.

>Not playing as the slavegonian who's master are is a swamp tree.
pleb tier to be perfectly honest with you

>imagine playing a race that is weak to poison and disease
>imagine playing a race that can't breathe under water
>imagine playing a race that uses shitty bows and cowardly magic instead of glorious spears
merfags really are disgusting

>i for one came here in 2015.
I'm not even sure if it's bait or not

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>kara boga's your mainland territory

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I'm a 2018 oldfag, myself.

John Titor here, came here in 2030.

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Breton are in fact the master race.

I wat to rub my dick all over your spats John

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TES mer > other elves

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I was quoting what oldfag weirdo Yea Forums webs call to us.

Literally a walking banana.

God I wish I were her bike seat

Reminder that he takes it up the ass willingly from Molag Bal.

>imagine willingly playing a slavegonian serving swamp trees
>Imagine depending on a tree for your gibs
>your lifes to serve a tree, lul
>said tree doesn't even give a shit about it's slaves, and only uses them for self preservation.
>slave to a tree

Like i said pure mere

>tower is crystalline masterwork of architecture and magic

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whoops, meant to post this buttplug/transcription error.

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>not playing khajit

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Didn't they end up retconning the retcon that was the transcription error?

Where my Breton niggas at

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Busy doing chivalric deeds and beating orcs with baller magic.

Warhammer Fantasy High and Drak Elves are TURBO CHADS of the elven world. They would take Vivec and shove the murata up his ass till he exploded like a shitty daedra.

Master Race Tier (apex of civilization in Tamriel, Conquered the Continent)
Dwemer (historic)
Ayleid (historic)

High Tier (have advanced culture within their provinces just never established an empire)

Mid Tier (less advanced culture, but still maintain permanent settlements, not slaves):

Low Tier (has some culture and permanent settlements, but have repeatedly been enslaved or conquered)

Nigger Tier (uncivilized living in huts and organizing by tribe, widely exploited by better races as seither slaves or mercenaries, bottom of the barrel primitive culture)

Dunmer were never really conquered by the Empire what's more they provided Tiber Septim the golem that allowed him to conquer other provinces.

You're already a faggot in the real world, why would you want to play as one in a fantasy world?

They weren't conquered militarily. They were still diplomatically annexed into the Empire in return for the Dunmer being allowed autonomy

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I never said Dunmer were conquered, just that they never established an empire that covered the continent the way those 4 races did.

But faggots are inferior, confused, gay, and deserve to be hanged.

The Dunmer can't go around conquering because of religious reasons. Their faith and culture is tied directly to the land Veloth lead them to.

Bretons are the master race.

also a big problem is that they do not even get the joke.

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>Pete Hines
ayyyy hold me

that doesn't change fact, they're not a master race, and their culture falls apart in the 4th Era afte the Tribunal is gone and Red MOuntain lays waste to the province.

>their culture falls apart
You mean their home, their culture survives and will most likely never be allowed to fade as the Dunmer are the favorites of many mighty Daedra.

skyrim ruined altmer

>2nd and 3rd Era Dunmer
>refined speech, fairly eloquent
>4th era Dunmer
>speak like Cletus from Bumfuck, Alabama

That would be on the writers not the lore. TES has experienced a dramatic quality shift with Skyrim

you failed to prove your point opinion discarded

most things kept character with the previous games. Dunmer voices changed dramatically because the raspy gravelly voice they used for Morrowind probably was awful on the actor's throat so they wouldn't do that again, also more voiced dialogue since III so it'd be even harder on the throat, but in the games they are treating it like Dunmers are losing their civilization, their Gods died a natural disaster wrecked their homeland and they got conquered by their former slaves.

They're as of 4E basically a dying race, going the way of the Aylied.

Breton are the virgins of the elder scrolls world

I'd play as an elf in Skyrim if all the males didn't look like aborted fetuses


ESO has good looking male Altmer (chiseled features)
Skyrim had good looking male Bosmer (rugged looks)
Nobody looked good in Oblivion
Dunmer looked good in Morrowind relatively speaking.

altmer are ugly pisskinned lanklets
Dunmer and Nord a best