Which race in WoW do you wish was real?

Which race in WoW do you wish was real?

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Human female

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Although, I wish the in-game models looked better. Cow girls need to be thicker.

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Hell yeah. Dude everyone wants the blue humans, the long-eared humans or the purple humans. Taurens are the way to go. Imagine the femdom material.

Time for an ACTUAL answer.

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Draenei or Night Elves

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>that animation where she ties you up and rapes you pov style

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Based stunties. Only dwarves are true allies to humanity in fantasy.

Draenei. Just the females though. With giant horse cocks of course.

user..i have something to tell you.
They are real


>No chubby panda gf to ride your cock for some dumplings and stew

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i dont like that this is making me hard

Troll girl footjobs

Nigga she'd be cooking you that shit for free.



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For me, it'd be an orc.

Imagine you against the back of a wall, her pushing her toned ass against you, grinding your cock up against the front of your pubic mound, precum drooling down onto her and she just reaches back to angle your cock downward as she pulls forward and you just sink fully into her while she pushes onto you and slaps you back against the wall.

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based and orcpilled

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Heeeellll yeaaaa.

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The last character that WoW hasn't ruined

Kind of wish Fem Orcs could look a little more bestial. They're always just humans with tusks. I like when they have fucked up faces.

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They exist, they're called niggers.

Blood elves

Sadly most of the art I've seen of Orcs really do just the human faces with tusks.

That's nearly the only pic I've seen where an Orc has a non human looking face

I've never seen a nigger do anything productive unlike how Orcs are portrayed

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night elf girls would have the cutest feet

Yeah?! Well where are they HUH?!

Warden armor never became available or warden class playable

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Requesting source or name or something

We have enough subhuman savages as it is, thanks..

>They are real
If an "average" looking man somehow managed to get an average looking GF, and they decided to take a walk down the street, they would look like a man taking his grotesque creature for a walk. There is a reason only women complain about "unrealistic standards".

Human women are not real.

i'd thighfuck a tauren lady ngl

>human women are not real

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>Human women are not real

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vrykul, but only the women

undead, im afraid of death


night elf females

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post more draenei pls

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>impling orcs do anything productive besides rape and pillage

>ywn have a draenei wife that towers over you

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based fuck women and fuck 3dpd

I don't care about race
I just wish Sylvanas (undead) was real


>You will never settle down with a Night Elf wife in old Teldrassil




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Draenei so i can worship the musky futa cock!

the fuck are you talking about?

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Draenei women. No cocks.

Imagine being the little spoon for your 7' tall fit nelf wife.

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You're a retard if you think Niggers are anywhere close to the attractiveness of Orcs.

Is that an edit? Looks a lot curvier than the models I've seen.

>ywn be sandwiched between two horny Tauren men

Take that crazy shit to /x/

Vikings were pretty productive.



Imagine how much time it must take to get that thong off to take a hot steamy shit.

the duality of man


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Looks like your graphic card is shit and your bra texture is not loaded.

Guys, if you go for a higher res transmog for all for it. It looks like shit when some of your pieces are from 2019 ant others are from 2008.

Night elves. I want to fuck those big amazons and lick their long ears. God fucking damn, if only they were real.

Tyrande ruins everything.

half of draenei's have cocks now, you won't actually know till you get them into bed though
also they are hyper aggressive when horny so no backing out

Wow an actual schizophrenic

It's worth the rectal prolapse and broken teeth IMO

Vikings only become productive after they stopped worshiping their nigger religion and learned about the holy words of jesus christ

dragon girls

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the nipples are poking out so probably

>he doesn't know about the healing properties of futa cum
i mean its also super addictive but its alright since the supply is huge


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You know it, brother

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yeah and its good post workout protein too, way cheaper and easier to get than powder


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Dwarves so i dont stand out and theres more manlets in the world other than myself

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>Cow girls need to be thicker.
They should be taller too

me taking the picture

>wanting to increase the amount of misery present in the world by increasing the amount of manlets instead of reducing it

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me under the bed

You wish

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>healing properties of futa cum
I need to get glazed by several draenei futa then

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Now post the other one. If you dare.

I really wish they made them look like smaller vrykul. Sturdier than the average human, not super bbw and not some inhuman and freakish bodybuilder. Just the right amount of muscle and thickness.

me as the person who sold them those bed sheets last month

me as the landlord to who they pay rent to every month

I laughed ten seconds straight at this.

So basically regular human models as they are now?

Sorry, I'm too much of a pussy to post the foot long futa one.

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For wife? Draenei
For fug? Nelf
For rape? Belf

Draeneis, elves, but only the females and only if they're over 6ft.

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tfw these are the only wow threads i can tolerate these days

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That's bullshit, but I believe it. They know healing magic right? I'd prefer avoiding having my walk tell everyone who sees me I got powerfucked by a qt amazon draenei last night.

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>think she isn't that big
>check the picture and compare the proportions to typical female draenei height
Fuck. I want it.

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Yes but taller

Cute elf

dumb cockslut

The only race who's females are canon sexpots, because otherwise they'd be fucking extinct.

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see the cum itself will heal you, don't worry about all the other side effects though

Even if draenei girls weren't hung like stallions and "merely" as big as humans on average, you'd still be looking at about 25% bigger dicks.
Now I need somebody to explain why I jump on these threads like a dehydrated man run to an oasis. Especially with draenei OPs.

my nigga

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Leave draenei alone you disgusting futa faggots. You're ruining perfectly fine waifus with your degenerate faggot fetish.

Belves are the qtest.

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>letting a fat chick ride you
l hope you have some iron hips

because you are a futa addicted fag

>user is that erection because of me?

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Hello is this the draenei/elf posting thread?

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I wanna make goblin babies

if they were Incase gobbos, sure


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Like it matter which race became real, none of you would get even remotely close to any females from that anyways lmao

>why I jump on these threads like a dehydrated man run to an oasis
Because strength and exotic beauty together are an irresistible mix. Or maybe you just got trained by futa cock.


Iv'e had a fat chick ride me. They grind they don't ride and it's an awful experience but the weight isn't an issue if you're not a skellyman.

I just want to suckle on Jaina's big firm salty tits.

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Eeeh, I also like women and twinks. Draeneis are just the best, you know?

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Bullshit. Where’s your proof?

Tauren's big tongue

oh so just a cock addict, got ya

If I ever have to choose between a big spoon futa optional draenei/night elf amazon and a qt slender and tall belf I don't think I'll be able to pick.

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>a hung draenei will never give you bedroom eyes like that and then lean back, spreading her legs when you come closer

Amazons are more fun because trained bodies can go along with more extreme and kinky positions easier.

Rude. Just because I enjoy getting butt stuff doesn't make me an addict.

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noname55 does horrible things to my dick
Watching Assumi getting railed by a Worgen is the hottest fucking thing

Why would you post this without giving a source

imagine sticking your dick in her empty eye hole while she licks your balls haha

Read the reply to it

Draenei/Nelf are just like crack to me since they combine tall girls and exotic skin colors which both are some of my favorite things. Belf girls are still really nice though.

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Draeneis girls aren't /literally/ hungs like a horse, right? That's just campfire stories, right?

There is not a single night elf-human couple in canon. High elf-human on the other hand, there's plenty. Hell there's more orc-human couples than NE-H

why is there so many futafags in wow community?

Kill em all

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Post discord.

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>used goods
>used by a dragon goods

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Which are more sensitive: nelves ears or draeneis horns' bases?

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No he's right, they could only raid during certain times of the year because they were too busy farming and fishing to go out raiding.

Poor little belf

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yeah nah Cristin
Jaina only had Arthas and that was almost 20 years ago

I wonder why

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My nigga


I'd say a third or more ITT would give up anything to be in her place.

Why is she so smug?

Vocal minority/epic memelords.

i want to pierce and bully a nelfs ear!

sargeras so he could end my suffering

Because she's got the missing ingredient

Them and Blood elves. THEY DESERVE DEATH!!!

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Because apart from the grind, wow is built on cheesecake.

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Serious question. Why WOULDN'T someone pick Tauren? Do you not like milkies?

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Belf tummy

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Some of us aren't furries, or rednecks that enjoy plowing their livestock.


I wish there was more good warcraft art. Most of it is trash.

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god i wish that were me

why the fuck is everyone on this fucking board so gay

windrunners are human sluts

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I blame reset era and discordtranny

can't beat the cock

nope, not the cock

Panda and tauren

This is one of my favorite 3D draenei and I have no fucking clue where she's from.

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most of it is done by sweaty neckbeards and fujos, ofcourse it's bad

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Looks like someone that creates their own models for the OC and shit

Yeah, but fuck, I'm still miffed that wow art has so much overwhelmingly bottom-of-the-barrel-tier shit for how popular it seems to be. It was big too soon, I guess, to catch when fanartists really started making bank.

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Living sluts into the trash can, none gives the head as undead lady

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calm down buddy

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What a qt

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>he doesn't want a drow waifu who can rip his dick apart with the powers of the arcane

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Who'd you pick if you could have a made to order warcraft sexual partner?

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Don't know how I'd pick desu. Draenei, nelf and belf are all great and I think even some troll girls can be cute.

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Why can't there be just one animal that's hot? Imagine how easy life would be if you found dogs or goats sexy. If you liked touching dogs as much as you like touching tits. Imagine that. Just one species besides human we want to fuck. One humanoid species with nice tits and butts. Why are we not selectively breeding one? Some functionally retarded species that looks really close to human we can all just fuck. Imagine that. Imagine how much better society would work.

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fuck off you furry degenerate

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all their spells have been taken by other classes

Dwarf, because dwarves are cool and if I was gonna pick up drinking, I want to nearly die doing it

night elf gf

wild yet refined

Since it's a package deal Draenei are a no go since draenei men would exist then.

No, the correct answer here is Gobbos.

>Gobbo Bros but also stacked Gobbo Grills

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what a cuck

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These people have the right to vote.

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i wuv my milkies

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In that case just pick NElves
>Ugly men sleep all the time
>Handsome ones out and about
>More women than tbey can handle alone.

>no draenei gf to train you to enjoy getting your insides rearranged for her pleasure

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Good lad

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>implying it'd be for her pleasure alone and not yours too

>literally impossible to talk about Draenei females by now
Think I'm just going to kill myself and get it over with

Actually I'd take Gobboz or Dorfs. Preferably both.

The only two races that have fuckable women but also have bros you could call m8s with societies that could function with ours. Everything else is too crazy, too annoying, or would end in disaster.

Orcs would make literal world of warcraft, Trolls kind of in the same boat, Tauren are okay but the nature worship / furry creatures factor is rougher, all Elves are dickheads of magic or nature variety, Gnomes are legitimately too god damn short, Undead don't even need a mention, Werewolves have the same problem as tauren but kind of work, Pandas are better off compatible personality wise than tauren but still retain the furry problem.

When you get down to brass tacks, Goblins and Dwarves are the only races that really could function.

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goblins couldn't work irl, l2goblinslayer

Worst taste itt.

>he never animated this
Fuck you noname


Undead. Then have them turn me undead so I could play video games forever.

Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka. Not hentai, it's an edgy magical girl series where magical girls fight terrorists. Goblinos only show up in 2 episode (ep 10-11) though.

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does she actually get dicked?

I want to pull a draenei's tail.

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Because of homosexual futa fags

You can talk about them as much as you want, no one is shouting you down. Unlike you straightfags do to everyone that deviates from what appeals to you.

100,000g says they actually like it.

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Not on screen but it's implied.

200,000g says she take advantage of it to do something to you in return.

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Just ignore them?

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>I like Draenei


>Classic: Exists
>Goatfuckers: instantly BTFO'd

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>people are posting about dicks and pussy on goatgirls while a couple idiots scream

dont worry
classic will be a huge success and they will release tbc servers after that

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And then WotLK and onward

>implying you want to go onward from wotlk

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Ah, probably something like hand holding then.

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Yeah Classic will be huge, with it being on the updated version of the engine that massively lags and has over 2second spelldelay even in a 40v40 BG, imagine world PvP with this bloated nu engine chugging.

So what's your ideal size?

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that one where assumi and the night elf are getting bred by wolves and they kiss half-way through

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9mm, ammo is inexpensive and most handguns take it.

They wouldn't fuck me even if they were real


That doesn't even look like anything in-game, and theres no bulge down to her knees.

7 feet tall with blue or purple skin. Pale is nice too.

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>Horde tattoo on thigh

Why do I get painful erections when I see Night Elves held down and fucked by less civilized races.

For me, it has always been draenei.

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7ft tall is good, but she could be a couple inches taller too

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>hating goblins and dwarves

Weak user.

Classic TBC is coming because we already know Classic Vanilla will be a decent sized hit and Activision will absolutely force their hand into the lower effort reworked assets for additional money content jar.

It's probably why we got Classic in the first place, super high profit to work ratio.

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God I wish I could have a worgen gf
Imagine that soft fur

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Here's your draenei user!

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>pretending goblins aren't unsightly abominations
>liking shortstack at all, ever

That's a half-Night Elf actually. The sissy elf genes got rid of tbe dick she'd normally have.

Where's the dicks



>wanting dranei
you cant even suck their toes

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Sure, even taller is great too. Draenei girls are perfection after all.

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How tall are draeneis anyway?

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Not possible.

Draenei women have dicks that measure a minimum of 18 inches. They wouldnt all be hidden in that picture.


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Guess I'll just have to settle for her cock, then.

Inches. Eleven inches of dick.

Right around seven feet

It's not shown because this is a family friendly christian board.

That seems pretty big. Are you a size queen, user?

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Best thing about Classic is all the futaniggers and 80% of furries will be gone.

Then post the real version, I'm sick of people pretending Draenei don't have dicks

Well, some people find niggers attractive and fuck them. And they're animals that do nothing but ruin society

is there one like this with night elves?

Yes. I don't mind smaller, but that's the ideal size.

You think a dwarf gives a fuck when some humie calls him a manlet? No, he punches him in the dick. Be like a dwarf.


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I've seen blood elves.

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I want a qt belf waifu to bear my children.

They're for Human husbands.

FYI, a normal flesh and blood human can practice to fit upwards of fifteen inches of silicone horsecock and ride it to anal orgasm. So, even though 11 inches is *huge* for a normal person, a buttslutt will eventually find it a nice comfortable size.

The absolute state of the WoW community.

>ywn go to a Booty Bay Brothel and spend the day pounding goblin pussy

Attached: goblin1.png (285x645, 231K)

I'm pretty sure it's not restricted to them. Some people just like big cocks, user, nothing wrong with that.

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I'm pretty sure I want to marry and impregnate a Void Elf.

made for human men

>biggest tits
>biggest dicks
>fluffy and soft, yet hard and firm at the same time

Only downside is their size would kind of hamper their ability to get around in our world as it is now. They'd destory homes, cars, businesses, and infrastructure with their weight. But they're still the best.


that fat ass nigga is straight up the lorax with tusks

Personalmi is cheating.

I want to drink draenei milk straight from the tap. And down below too.

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This. I don't even play WoW. I just like big cocks and strong, sexy women.

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Cute space goat

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Are draeneis fond of bets? Asking for a friend.

But nelfs are futanigs also

Shh, you'll break his heart.


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Dumb goat doesn't even know how to eat a popsicle.

Elven superiority

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They're pretty nice

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Maiev hair is white though.

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Why the fuck can't they be real?


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Ethereals. They probably have lots of cool shit and space travel.

You're in hell, user.

If drenai have horsecocks, then It is possible to tuck them. They must have considerable control to be frolicking like that and not have raging erections.

>tfw no tall draenei wife whose tits are at your eye level

Based as fuck.

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the only difference would be youd get called a pedophile more often

I should've fucking known.

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Probably pandas. They seem pretty bro.

Draenei of course. Everything about female draenei is good, the horns, the eyes, the face tentacles, the tail, the cloven hooves, all along with great boobs and butt.

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What class should I make my female nelf?


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>Warden style glaive is available
>demon hunter only
Warglaive weapon class was a mistake
Demon hunters were a mistake

tauren women were built for human men

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>Everything that is left to discuss about WoW is porn
What went so awfully wrong?

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They made good women.

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But what about the actual game that contains those women.

This guy gets it.
>never have to go out to buy milk again

It's fun.

>the sheer fucking EYEBROW on that space goat
b l y a t
moy chlen

Attached: 1537021241742.png (434x725, 294K)

Female tauren are over 7ft tall. That's pretty damn tall.

Doesn't look like it since nobody cares to talk about it.

>Tauren futa

Attached: 1547975281942.jpg (620x466, 113K)

I'm gonna be original here and say Blood Elves.

Attached: digital-art-artwork-video-games-women-wallpaper-9eaaa4aefd6fe8a3ac524e54945426fa.jpg (3072x4590, 678K)

Everything but elf women, they're just pointy eared models and we already got that.

Attached: 1415233366355.gif (500x313, 1.35M)

I already did. There were 3 WoW threads up earlier, and an almost constant one for Classic. Let me talk about the women if I want to.

Attached: 1496066224468.jpg (530x288, 79K)

I could get behind that
Or just let it get behind me

Attached: 1436387291246.gif (280x224, 842K)


They're talking seriously about a level squish. How low could they make levels in order to make leveling rewarding again?

Attached: 1548018912563.gif (350x488, 1.08M)

>not MOOED

Bring it back down to 60, I don't give a fuck.

Also, are they really talking about it? Because I was just talking with my brother the other day about how fucked it is to make a new allied race character, level up ten times, then realize you have another NINETY levels to go before you're caught up. It's so fucked.

Ion mentioned in an interview they were seriously talking about it.

make it with stars instead of numbers

everything about them is top notch

Attached: 100982746.png (778x1100, 1.23M)

The blue one is really nice.


Attached: Untitled.png (176x185, 68K)

I know.

Attached: 1375073249509.png (438x325, 162K)

The plural or draenei is draenei you idiots

OwO what's this?

lmao @ your life

I love my Void Elf wife

I have 7 Void Elves in-game, too. Because they can only be 7 classes.

lmao does anyone have that artwork that one guy commissioned of his 6 different blood elves (male) and one tauren?

Its 10 blood elves and 2 tauren, fag

There's 12 classes

Fuck off Tony I see you

>tfw i wont be able to roll my female blood elf priest in classic
she was such a qt its not fair

Be careful what you wish for. "Blizzard" made the Demon Hunter class by completely gutting the Warlock class. They'll just do the same for Wardens.

I played WoW from vanilla to WoD and never once had as much fun as I did during the days of warlock tanking. The skill prune turned every spec (and what felt like every class) into the same "spam your spam ability, maintain 1 dot, and nuke when available" boring rotations.

I don't think the female human models look anything like the thicc fucking vrykuls.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1005x833, 462K)

Some specs were always that. In contrast dps warrior feels better than ever.

Attached: 1448495366229.jpg (170x45, 5K)

Some were, but the three lock specs all had significant variety. The day even affliction, the most unique caster spec in the game, turned dots into no-damage buffs for your channeled "dot booster" spam ability was the day I finally quit the game. I was absolutely stunned. A full 30 seconds of waiting out a dot only did 25k of someone's 450k life. Less than the damage of a 3 second shadowbolt over the course of 30 seconds.

And at the same time, maintaining all 3 dots was done via one ability, so it was the same "spam your spam, maintain 1 dot, and nuke off cooldown" of the other specs at that point.

Gnome cuties

Attached: tumblr_nb3atodwee1t01ojso1_r2_1280.png (749x900, 1.03M)


They should be about 70ft at least

definitely orcs
aggressive muscle women would btfo lazy human women big time

in my dreams too user

This. Why are humans so hot in that game

>you'll never have a human gf
why even bother

Attached: 1553890151785.png (655x675, 466K)

Attached: 1543741205613.jpg (1000x782, 265K)

Me the skin mite on the bed

based draenei spammer

Attached: resub.png (894x1502, 764K)

I want to marry and impregnate a Draenei

holy shit, it's been 10 years since i've last seen this.... did the artist decide to finally draw porn for them?

two warcraft succubi, one pink and one blue and both with HUGE BOOBIES

>the entire human species in the Warcraft universe is composed of ultra buff bara mode males and big booty double Ds stacked females even the old and ugly

how do we achieve this?

Attached: 1543230653893.png (480x360, 132K)

eat more raw fermented meat & organs

I need a Draenei wife so badly

Is there more of this?

night elves desu

Attached: ne be 41414124124.jpg (1200x675, 356K)

draenei but not futa

I need to make half-elves with this goddess.

you're gay dude

Dwarf female.

Attached: 1532918341164.jpg (1448x2048, 286K)

i hate that horsecock draenei are the meme
i just want to erp with draenei girls without having to worry about dicks

I hate the Horde with a passion, but Horde women are clearly superior in every way.

I would kick a Nelf bitch out of the way to get Tauren milkers.

Attached: dat good succ.png (918x822, 1.2M)

Back when I played WoW, I think I would have considered playing a female draenei if it wasn't for their shit ass animations. I dunno about you guys, but I couldn't stand their running animation or any of their melee/casting animations. Night elf was definitely a lot cooler in that regard.

Attached: 1424035600475.png (311x291, 99K)

I love my Draenei wife the way she is.

Attached: WoWScrnShot_032918_045646.jpg (1920x1080, 308K)

Dorf had the coolest animations of the alliance and they can only be Priests.
They cant be Mages or Warlocks.
Even though the WoW beta had dorf mages.

>ctrl+f eredar
>0 results

Attached: 1550586728433.jpg (529x1112, 324K)

yeah a meme... hah....

Attached: 1470715728887.png (962x1500, 775K)

but female eredar are scary and blue skin is prettier than red skin





Tauren males would be so cuddly :3

Female Eredar remind me of this guy way too much

Attached: UkMki0M.jpg (600x400, 65K)

see, that girl would be perfect if not for the horse tube

is that tauren made ice cream?

>all those retards who were begging for Eredar on Horde because they're "cool" and want the Draenei model

you're doing god's work user

fuck me I forgot these red draeneis had a different name, now a new window filled with porn is open to my dick and butt

I mean nothing makes sense anymore since TBC, so why the fuck not.

one 8 feet tall Draenei gf plz

I don't want Eredar to be with the horde though. They'd make more sense with the Alliance, being brought in small numbers by their Draenei and Lightforged Draenei cousins over to the good side, but still wielding the same Fel energies as before.

>tfw I keep going to goldshire to erp like a degenerate begging futas to break me apart

Attached: 1528800831313.png (877x1240, 859K)

Orc females within WoW are consistently ugly, but the idealized winner is clearly orc dickgirls.

People begging for them to be on the Horde don't give a shit about what makes sense.

We're talking about the same people who want Dwarves on the Horde "because they're the only cool Alliance race and I don't want to be Alliance"

My wife does not have a dick don't use her for your shitposting.

blood elves are fine too

Attached: ne be 142121414.jpg (1280x1811, 579K)

>dwarves are the only cool race on Alliance
wow they really don't make any sense

That's spectacularly retarded, as expected of horde players. It never ceases to amaze me how they LARP themselves into thinking the horde isn't evil. Sure, it's not Legion-tier or Old Gods-tier evil, but it's still very much fucked up and evil. This is the 2nd Warchief they had in charge that's just ruining everything possible, and I'm not sure they can just pull out of this one with "We were following orders" .



forced pregnancy

I want to get bitten and turned into a buff wolf man dude.

Thats gonna be my rogue in classic

I quit wow when Ulduar released (unfortunately given how it turned out) because they started reducing the number of dots to maintain (I think it was immolate and UA made mutually exclusive and SL bundled into corruption). Also my guild disbanded due to lack of recruitment pool. If I had ever returned I would have been horribly disgusted given the golden days of juggling five dots of different durations and fitting in mana management together with as many shadowbolts as possible or the aptly named JOHN FUCKING MADDEN.

Back to vanilla now playing warrior and it's pretty satisfying too. Charge, bloodrage, thunderclap, demoralizing shout, sunder, sweeping strikes, cleave, whirlwind, mortal strike and all the requisite stance dancing. Feels good.

>blizzard will never let us undead fuck off with sylvanas and proceed to kill literally everything
look bro, I served the light faithfully all my life and I ended up a zombie
time for some payback

>they will release tbc servers after that
Home.. at last.

i want draenei being reverse gendered to be canon so bad. Lithe 'feminine' ones weilding big thick horsecocks, butch delta ones being the ones penetrated

It'll never cease being amusing to me how whoever is in charge of populating the world must not like Ion because they keep showing up in Alliance settlements.

Most likely though we'll get High Elf customization option for Void Elves, like they said in a blue post a while ago. I have no problem with that compromise since I already have 7.

Attached: WoWScrnShot_091918_074201.jpg (1920x1080, 259K)

How is it the Light's fault for some retarded bitch bringing you back as an undead?

Very nice.

Attached: 12435675676.png (640x478, 286K)

Draenei of course. Horns to grab onto. A tail to tug. Eternally beautiful like elves but not dipshit elves. And lightforged ones glow in all the exciting places.

Attached: 1488562536537.webm (640x444, 596K)

>lightforged ones glow in all the exciting places
>get her pants off
>Her literally divine pussy made for bearing half-human children is emanating a light like the briefcase in Pulp Fiction

Attached: elv.jpg (242x303, 21K)

I planned on playing vanilla WoW after eating. Stop making me want to jack it instead.

Masturbating is how you play Paladin in Vanilla

What the fuck is going on here

Attached: what did you said.png (472x406, 264K)

I considering saying that I'm not playing paladin.

Hunter alt.

based, horde women were made for human (and dwarf) cock

>tfw human male
>tfw keep getting bullied by draenei women wherever i go, they keep saying blue is better
>tfw almost got raped in goldshire while doing my quests
>tfw human females already fell for the goatcock meme
>tfw getting uncomfortable from all the stares when i'm the only human in a party full of these goatlegged fucks
how do we save the purity of our species from this extraterrestrial menace Yea Forums

Only Blood Elves were due to their High Elf genealogy.

how many gallons of cum does it take to imp regnant that one?

>I would kick a Nelf bitch out of the way to get Tauren milkers.
I wouldn't.

Attached: wc3-night-elf-full.jpg (1214x1200, 178K)

orc here, you don't know true suffering until you've seen all the fucking britney spears and leggy blonde knife-ears running around all over the place trying to jump on grugak's sack

me just want good orc woman to settle down with. keep safe brother

well how many orcs do you need to feed

This and this

I want to make a Night Elf a mother after marriage

The only acceptable answer is futa draenei with horsecock. Everything else is cuck shit

By getting married to a human female, impregnating her half a dozen times before you are inevitably kidnapped in the middle of the night by a Draenei who then proceeds to brainwash you into worshiping her.

Attached: Draenei_Female_art.jpg (1535x2000, 485K)

>High Elf customization option for Void Elves
I agree, it is a good compromise if they do not want to make high elves their own race.
Very nice
I am glad there are so many well minded people

I wouldn't pick a WoW race to be real

Attached: tumblr_pajdlmV3Mn1utrj7jo1_1280.png (1170x1373, 632K)

I love my pure Draenei wife, please do not imply that she has to manipulate me.

one of the best things to come out of that trash game and almost no one draws them
god bless snowskau

Give yourself to the light and you have an easy time getting a pure Draenei

absolutely best first post

I already have a Draenei wife who loves me very much, and I love her.

An excellent man of taste, now where's my fucking sadistic inquest gf

Attached: tumblr_poxhzqBauZ1w83quxo1_1280.jpg (1000x1776, 170K)

They put something in the Noggenfogger Elixirs

What's wrong with the thumbnail, bro?

Attached: thumbnail.png (800x395, 148K)

That's just a facade to lull you into a false sense of security before they completely dominate your life to revolve around themselves and pleasing them in any way they demand of you.

See this Draenei in the picture? Her husband-to-be had no clue as to how many times she would almost strangle him with her tail while riding his face.

Attached: 1551647255277.jpg (1280x720, 337K)

You misunderstand the Light, it is all about the more assertive one taking lead the lesser are just to follow with devotion. Look at how Xe'ra and Illidan went, if she was strong enough the narru would have a Demon Hunter devotee for good.

When I say Pure, I do not mean pure in bed.

Actually I did know. I also knew that she'd use her tail to jerk the base of my dick off while finishing inside of her to try to get as much out of me as possible.

>Her husband-to-be had no clue as to how many times she would almost strangle him with her tail while riding his face

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Attached: 12343567867867.jpg (1200x2253, 558K)

EXTREMELY unbased and angelpilled

Attached: 2579142.png (621x475, 186K)

Go and stay go. You don't belong here and aren't welcome here.

Keep seething, shorturd.

Attached: 123456755678.png (800x800, 531K)

So what you're saying is that all human men should be subservient to Draenei women?

Attached: 1462156994287.png (1247x1920, 1.46M)

me curled up in that pillow

Pandaren are the best race
Meditate on this

I already am.


Attached: portrait.jpg (133x200, 8K)

me in front of my computer, grabbing my dick

>tfw no draenei mommy dom

Attached: 1541800314503.png (824x1084, 121K)

This wouldn't be a loving mother, user. This one would enforce her iron will on you, she'd discipline you as she pleases, the slightest infraction would earn you a harsh telling, telling you to to sit down even though she already towered over you. More serious misdemeanors would undoubtedly earn a more hard-handed approach to correcting your behavior.

Easy question,

Attached: cheongsam_pandaren_by_menhou_dcw4l1r-fullview.jpg (1024x1211, 164K)

All I am saying is my human character is a paladin

I want to impregnate a panda

I want pandaren husband

Whos hyped for WoW VR in 20 years? We already have haptic gloves that emulate touch as seen here.


It is only a matter of time until we can touch our favorite wow races

Make sure to stay healthy anons so you can enjoy this tech to the fullest extent.

>imagine being a wowbabby

It's okay if you don't know the answer yourself, but it's not a reason to get so mad.

>tfw finally managed to get out of chains to type this message
pls lads don't go for blue pussy she will own your mind body and soul it's not worth ti

now this.
is cringe.

>t. goatslut

look at that head
>do what you must I have already won

>on top of the shitty horsecock meme now people are forcing an even shittier "Draenei are slave owners within their own faction" meme
Fuck off already

Attached: Dryarae portrait.jpg (3508x4961, 1.13M)

/wowg/ doesn't count

/vg/ is literally just /trash/ if it weren't hidden

Waifufags are mentally ill.
That includes you

/trash/ actually posts decent porn every once in a blue moon

"Vikings" means "raiders." The Norse civilization were trading, colonizing and exploring America.

Everyone was raiding their neighbors at the time too. The Anglos and French were so traumatized by the Vikings because they didn't have the seamanship to strike back. Hell, you still call the entire civilization "Viking." It's hilarious.


Technically, it is documented in I.R.A.T.E. that my status as chancellor is "retired" and that I am "vacationing in the [UNDISCLOSED] region of the Maguuma post-draconic remilitarized zone, but if there are any incursive, inexplicable accessions to my retirement stipend, surely I would be impelled to investigate, should it be large enough?

Attached: everything the alchemy touches.png (1366x768, 1.85M)

that armour looks like something a 15 year old mod creator would make for morrowind in 2003

Imagine, getting a piggyback ride from your big tauren bro because both of you missed the buss due to playing too much vidya

I personally just want a draenei gf to have biweekly sex with until I can take her to the hilt. And be her little spoon every night.

I want a goblin wife.

Attached: tumblr_o14tnlTvyq1rd8llro4_r1_1280.jpg (1280x1280, 302K)

Shut the fuck up already, Draenei women don't have dicks.

Just go to USA then.

Listen, when I played, you had like a total of fifteen sets to choose from per armor class, and you had to fucking mix and match, okay?

I mean -- How rude. Drag your knuckles whence you came

>Yea Forums - Futa Horsecocks

how do you know?

honestly if you dont want a draenei to stretch you out and clobber you with their nuts i dunno whats wrong wtih you


As they should be

With how omni-pandering wow is I'm surprised there's no dedicated twink/bishie race.

Attached: 1442395260527.jpg (800x1000, 499K)

Having eyes.

Every other female Draenei player in-game is using an absurdly skimpy transmog. They're not hiding anything other than a pussy made for bearing halflings.

WoW has always had a race comprised of only females

Attached: Blood Elves Zuldazar.jpg (1920x1080, 249K)

What on earth are you talking about?

He has been drawing porn for all of them for ages now and the comic is still going

Attached: 115d810c6ebbb4f6be298dd1659b8260.jpg (825x1275, 135K)

>comprised of

I hate that this version of Illidan reminds me on Hades from kingdom hearts.

Not always, and male belves are literally even more of a legend than male draeneis, just not as ugly.

yes, user...if only they were real....

Attached: 1490282677816.jpg (784x579, 70K)

>Barafags love them
>Females love them because of how rare they are, especially Night Elf women
>Outnumbered by their own women 3 to 1
Male Draenei are pretty legendary, yes.

Attached: WoWScrnShot_022718_054310.jpg (1920x1080, 417K)

draenei males are daddies

I ERP as one

It's the best

Attached: 1552419465316.png (736x925, 846K)

i dunno that last thing i remember from that comic is a big competition between the two farms and the miltank somehow won because her milk had more heart or whatever.

so there's porn...

Attached: 1553803555217.jpg (500x741, 81K)

Someone's gotta take the first step user.

>so there's porn...

>He seriously didn't know about all the fucking porn that Chalo made during all these years

Boy, are you in for a treat

Attached: cd39d6454a3f85a7a9aede1a553b68a3.jpg (800x1224, 806K)


Why do Night Elf women love them so much, anyway. Whenever a non-Draenei woman lvoes Draenei men, it's usually them.

isnt that kinda gay thouhg

None. Humans irl are even more racist than the ones in azeroth. We'd have hunted them to extinction or bred them off the planet. L

>Fucking women as a male is gay


Often those night elf women are played by actual real women

Draenei males are really everything a woman wants in a man

absolutely based and redpilled. all women are whores and witches

>the landing strip
>the thigh fat

Attached: FI1otY.gif (320x240, 972K)

That actually makes the most sense.

I've never met more women in WoW than I have ever since I moved to an RP realm. They're just as degenerate as me, if not more so.

>imagining a man's penis and thinking about how it feels
sounds gay to me

Good porn thread.

These threads are fun but they make me sad.

Attached: 9340477.jpg (848x1200, 239K)

cursed image

I want to impregnate a Blood Elf after marrying her

I wish human females actually looked like this.

Attached: 1507810413234.jpg (1920x2716, 501K)

me in the picture

I wish Vanessa was my wife

extremely wealthy elf seeks companionship
must be cute

Attached: mommy.png (1036x709, 1.04M)

Literally just an Undead Rogue using Orb of Deception

I want to bang a femundead rogue

>draenei futafags
You're a fucking homo, that's all you are. If you just wanted to get your prostate pounded she could do it with her tail, but you just want a massive dick because you're a gay.

Attached: 956435498332.jpg (351x351, 21K)

tails are thick or hard enough to pound prostates idiot


The only legit answer in this thread

you rang?

Attached: zommy.png (941x663, 1007K)

Attached: 1505609463466.gif (309x238, 1011K)

A finger is enough to cause internal bleeding if not careful, retard.


Goblin women breed like cockroaches

What will you do when she drains every last drop out of you?