I see a lot of anons here say that Borderlands 1 is better than Borderlands 2? Is this actually true? Why?

I see a lot of anons here say that Borderlands 1 is better than Borderlands 2? Is this actually true? Why?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Revolvers were better. No memes.

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Better game feel, less means, less gays

Yes, it is.
Why? Because I said so.

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It has less shit that pisses me off.

No. 2 is miles ahead in terms of gameplay and design. 1 is only viewed as better as there's a lot of cringe / bad writing in 2 such as tiny tina.

no cringey dialogue or story
better atmosphere which took itself a bit more seriously
relaxing wastelander kind of game

I thought the gunplay was better and the game's writing was absolutely superior in every aspect. Borderlands 2, Pre-Sequel and Tales from the Borderlands feel like the Colbert show in comparison. Forced and tryhard.

I played it recently and it was fucking boring and hollow, the ending was atrocious too

>game feel

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>I see a lot of anons here say that Borderlands 1 is better than Borderlands 2? Is this actually true? Why?
Basically no leftist shit being shoved up your ass.

There is no better feeling than when you find a shotgun with 80+ accuracy

What is the leftist shit in BL2? Never played it


how can they get away with this false advertising?

Different stats.

Except thats wrong. BL1 is a boring slog after you beat it once, and its kind of a slog the first time too. BL2 has far more replay value, better classes, and overall more variety.



borderlands 1 becomes the most boring game ever made when you get to this big dust bowl area and you have to drive around and blow up mercenary cars. It is so unapologetically boring, that I quit every time right then and there. Mainly because shit fps on modern pcs, and really shit dated controls.

Guns feel better, no retarded level scaling. Better loot system (at least on release BL2 dunno if they changed). While enemy variety is complete ass, there's literally only 1 enemey in the game with homing bullshit and he's just a mook on a turret in one location so the game works better as an actually shoot and loot even at higher levels. Far better writing.

Fortunately the gameplay and the garbage final boss are both being fixed in the remaster which is FREE for current owners (on PC)

>what is hyperbole

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because muh writing
bl1 is acutally fucking terrible compared to 2
the skills/guns are no where near as interesting and until crawmerax the game is a steamroll compared to 2

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Is not strictly better
Weapon balance
Enemy scaling
Better atmosphere
Better weapon generation
Better writing
Less quality of life (auto pick up, fov)
Less end game content
Less plot
Worse enemy variety
Worse graphics
Worse environment variety
Less content still alot of content tho
Optimization problems

They fucked up the balance in 2.
In the first game you could find weapons early that could be used late game.
In borderlands 2 you need to pick up a new weapon every 10 mins of progress

because it's less popular

Basically this. Borderlands 2 has its faults but Borderlands 1 isn't any better. Level design was the same boring shit, it was so easy it didn't matter what guns you used, and it was mostly forgettable. It was no wonder people here called it boring at launch.

2 railroads you through a worse intro level 1 has less autismo weapon rng as said before

I can't wait for the video once the remaster comes out.

Both are great

It's a mixed bag. Weapon variety and atmosphere were definitely better in 1, but 2 polished a lot of the rough edges, has more content and is overall more fun to play despite the boring loot progression and insufferable characters

no bl1 is meh
the gameplay is extremely dated
its just the same old good new bad type of retards

Better writing (mostly the setting), and way better scaling for items. There's also some better guns, like the eridan stuff that never came back or the old revolvers.

Remember when Gearbox paid shills posted the fucking Borderlands cover every fucking day on Yea Forums when it was new?

it ain't

Eridian stuff was horrible

I had more fun playing Borderlands 1 than Borderlands 2. Dunno if that was because it was actually better, or if the gameplay had started to get stale when starting BL2

Borderlands was much better written than any following game. It was an actually serious setting that had wacky shit in it, not 100% wack all the fucking time. And people weren't all bisexual or gay.

Much better tone, balance, and most importantly, guns.

Attached: bl1 gun gen a best.jpg (1657x1112, 304K)

Nope, 2 had better character skill trees and the gameplay was a lot more fluid as well.

>In borderlands 2 you need to pick up a new weapon every 10 mins of progress

Yep. If you got a purple it might last you for 5 levels. A legend (if you somehow beat the stupidly outrageous low droprate in bl2) could maybe last you 15.

A good gun in bl1 would be useful into the next playthrough, rolls depending.

Anons have good, clear taste. bl1 wasn't straight better but was great for pioneering it's genre. Bl2 kind of shat over alot of it and the scaling issue was extreme. Even getting a pink, ideal weapon was useless when you leveled once.

Never understood why people act like bl2 was obsessed with memes compared to 1. I kinda guess they played bl1 like an mmo and ignored all the quest text, because that shit was infested just as much as 2 but no one noticed since it wasn't voiced.

Like, yes bl1, I will race around the ludicrous speedway, fight skagzilla and then fight mad mel in the underdome. Even the first boss is introduced as having 9 toes (and 3 balls) yet somehow it wasn't filled with memes according to the internet.

Apparently if it isn't voiced then it doesn't count.

they both suck

I remember before it came out, the Game Informer article about it. It's tone was so serious and grim, I don't remember anything funny about it. They even mentioned Helena Pierce and her outpost, my friends and I were so excited for a sci fi post apoc looter rpg. It wasn't nearly as grand and serious as we expected when it came out, but it was genuinely enjoyable for four teenagers to cruise around in cars and blast bandits with dank guns. We didn't go full autism though, just beat beat the story and got to max level and done. I think my friends going full autism in the second (trying to get legendary loot drops on our first playthrough pre level 30, that was AIDS) kind of dulled it's enjoyment for me. Wish we could have played it like we did the first time.


Classes were better. Siren didnt suck. 1 didnt memespout nearly to the extent 2 did. 2 only had more weapon types.

>People only hate 2 because of the writing and memes
Legit shut the fuck up, you non-Borderlands playing fags. Anyone who's dumb enough to pour hundreds of hours into this franchise knows that loot is fundamentally fucked in BL2 - And with loot being one of the most important things in a loot shoot game, it makes sense a lot of people would claim the original was better, because the loot was.

Fuck no, gameplay wise, it was so much slower. Being level 18 and still only being in the beginning area was so fucking sluggish.

I hope they'll change it in the remaster. Writing? Maybe, but in gameplay, 2 is far and away better. Going back to 1 after hours and hours of 2 felt like sawing my legs off.

I hope BL3 has a weapon system more akin to BL1, and scaling too. It was far more linear than exponential.

also the game had a better visual style
it was like a light comic book doodle with muted and more intense colors sprinkled instead of full on tacky black lines everywhere garbage and ui cancer that was in bl2

>Getting Atlas weapons early on.
>Jakobs rifles.

It's not different stats, but different part configs, rather.
All companies have their identifiable weapon parts, and every weapon can spawn with different part configs. For example, a Jakobs rifle with a Jakobs barrel will be a Muckamuck. Or for example, the Pimpernel has a unique Dahl barrel despite being a Maliwan weapon, and so on.

>but no one noticed since it wasn't voiced

That's a big factor. BL2 most of the time has some 3 NPCs screaming "PLZ LAUGH AT MY EPIC MEMES LOLSORANDUM" on your radio simultaneously, it gets much more grating.

everyone is gay

>no retarded level scaling
Until you start the DLC or Playthrough 2 and every enemy is 20 levels below you.

We're all hoping user. No slag in the trailer, at least.

Personally I want explosive back as an element as well. And explosive S&S sniper was my raifu in 1.

First was a drag to play through and ultimately the entire borderlands franchise is trash. Your either shooting the same shit or throwing out rainbow glowing gun for another rainbow glowing gun that does +2 more damage while hearing a metal box on wheels say some cheesy boomer jokes in between fighting capeshit tier bosses on design par with fatman in MGS2. Get smoked nerds.

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When does it come out?

april 3rd apparently
its also free if you already own the games

Unless fixing that final boss involves getting to actually fight Commandant Steele before she gets kabob'd, there's really not much they can to make the Destroyer a threat.

At least the compass is getting replaced with a proper mini-map, but they're also adding the SHiFT chest.

I want revolvers and snubby shotguns to be their own thing and then have a class specifically for that.

the shift chest does literally nothing though

Tell Gearbox that.

does that apply to people who don't have any dlc?

dont know

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Linear scaling means a good gun can literally last you one-and-a-half playrhroughs, loot feels more meaningful, story and atmosphere is more sparse spaghetti western than lol whacky memes.

Yup, you also get the dlc with it.

Weapon drops really were better in bl1, had some great times with friends in knox racing to open boxes.

If they can make weapon drops good and keep the writing free of American cringe politics ill buy the game.

i hope they dont fix the timer skip in fort knoxx

Yeah, I own all three

is 2 worth 5 bucks? I dont have any friends to play it with

The writing was acceptable for the main campaign, but they started cranking up the wackiness in the DLC and it's pretty much been the Borderlands standard since.

Yeah it's still fun to play by yourself

the atmosphere was better in one, the story was also better and less tumblry. it's kind of a shame the game didn't stick to it's more serious tone that was shown in earlier development but it turned out pretty good regardless.

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Yeah, you can play it solo but like everyone will say, it is better with people. I'd recommend at least 1 playthrough solo, then any other playthroughs have an open lobby so people can join and you can snag better loot. If anything you can just join someone's open lobby and roll with them. $5 is worth the amount of content.

It just feel better to play

I'm sure they put that gap in on purpose, they knew what people wanted.

Then join random open games, the game is shit on single player

People like to pretend they're too cool for 2 but let's agree on one thing; borderlands 2 was funny as fuck when it released. Shit had me rolling

Pickup groups are a thing user

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>Get a legendary gun at lv5
>It's effectiveness and output so good it'll last well into the 20's thanks to how slow the % differents is between levels, and how drastic the changes between gun tiers are.
>This in turn means that you can feel good when you find a legendary that you like and start aiming for stuff to work around it, and that will work even while your leveling up

>The different in tiers is small, meaning the power a legendary has over a white is only fractions of a % at the same level, but it's the guns effects that matter more
>Yet in turn, the difference a single level makes to all gun tiers is so drastic that within just 2-3 levels the highest legendary becomes overshadowed in damage by the weakest of whites, and when foes HP scale so drastically as well, it no longer becomes about 'selecting guns that you like and working around them' but 'using whatever the game tosses at you and making due'.

Each one has it's pros and cons, but a ton of people who loved what BL1 was doing got shunned off from BL2, and that was the tread at the time with looters in general as well (The difference between Torchlight 1&2 being the most obvious, but even Diablo 3 had this issue at launch) , so I can't shame BL2 for it directly, but if they do this again I'm going to give up.

if you can push past the first 3 hours of bl2 and not want to turn the game off at least twice you're probably deaf and blind

yes, despite its awful writing the gameplay more than makes up for it plus Handsome jack alone is worth full price of the game, literally one of the best video game protagonists in existance

Just like how Pokémon advertises billions of different Pokémon, right?

lack of story. Don't worry about chapters, just go shoot something. There's an important guy you could shoot, but there's no real rush or railroading. The only thing you actually care about is better/bigger guns and things to use them on

>keep the writing free of American cringe politics

that would be a fucking miracle, probably won't happen though.

My personal hopes and expectations for this:
>Adjusted dialogue tying into later events from BL2, TPS, and Tales
>Secret stash for swapping gear among your own characters
>More Fast Travel spots in the DLC areas
>Fixed level scaling for when going into DLC and Playthrough 2
>A proper Steele battle before the Destroyer
>Repeatable Playthrough 3

retarded monkey nigger

they're both really bad, it feels like playing a singleplayer mmo

How many of you play with the Community Patch or mods?

yeah i think that too
i hope its still in the remaster

BL2 had much better maps and playable characters, and quests were more varied.

The mechanics are make and break though. Balance between HP scaling and gun scaling, level difference between guns, FUCKING SLAG, and anything but nozzle/harold being basically irrelevant really made it unfun.

I think BL1 had better scaling and overall tone, but some of the missions in BL2 were just way more fun. Only times I had as much fun in BL1 was probably fighting Atlas in that one city. Oh, and Dr. Ned's zombie island.

What is that? I never heard of such a thing.

1 had better base classes and the campaign was just right. BL2 has an absolute fucking slog of a campaign and the dlcs are nothing to write home about.

Reminder that leaks said everyone (except bandit, fuck bandit) is coming back

/S&S/ bros sound off

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Is it possible to address the scaling issue in BL2 with mods, or is that shit hardcoded?

there is a gap in the floor with no collisions so you can get into the giant loot room without the timer going off
giving you infinite time to loot the place

Atlas is where it’s at.

you can glitch into the armory and steal all the loot if you really want. guarantee they will fix it

Hmm. And how would you leave once you've had your fill of loot?

there are a bunch of weapons that look like bandit shit in the trailer though
it also seems like cryo is back which the leak also said wouldnt be in the game

TLDR yes
Bl2 is a much more polished and smooth experience overall but Bl1 had less cringy humor and much better weapon rng systems. (basically more weapon variety and viability)
I also say this with hundreds of hours on my old consoles alone not counting pc hours

Attached: bl2.png (236x101, 40K)

quit to menu

hoping for some cool vladof/hyperion weapons

What about lasers?

>but some of the missions in BL2 were just way more fun.
Agreed. Rising Action is honestly one of my favourite sequences ever.
Executing phase shift and that massive Catch-a RIIIIIIIIIDE! gave me chills.

Fuck Ellie's segment though. That stupid fucking fetch quest.

also seemingly in the trailer
it seems like weapons are actually gonna be pretty varied this time
some of them have a bit too much going on though so if you prefer bl1 weapons then you are probably gonna get disappointed

BOI you missed out

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fuck off reddit faggot
all of that shit was cringy as fuck

Can this be done whenever, or only during one of the three missions where you can hit it?

BL1 wasn't a masterpiece by any means, but it was a solid start for the series

Now in BL2, everything else like the writing aside, they fucked up the most important thing in a looter shooter, the fucking loot

Combine cancer tier loot droprates, only a handful of guns being worth using in a game about randomly genned weapons, enemies being enormous bullet sponges and absolutely retarded level scaling and voila, you've got BL2 past the first playthrough

Still, all of that didn't stop some autists from grinding this pile of garbage for literally thousands of hours until they'd developed some form of stockholm syndrome

its dont just before you actually enter the loot room
you just skip the trigger that starts the timer
you can still finish the mission after leaving the game and going in again

i dont mind the grind
i think its a nice break from the terrible story

Bl1 weps had aesthetic but that wasn't the draw. They were actually a lot more unique in composition/genereation than bl2.

What, you didn't like Lily phase shifting an entire city to another continent after a genuine fucking plot twist in a game that had been fairly unexciting until that point?

Attached: fun.jpg (914x600, 119K)

no because the characters are cringy and gay literally
the story is garbage and their stupid attempts at being cool is literally "hello fellow kids" tier

BL1 - Playthrough 2 starts with enemies 20 levels below you (assuming you did all DLC in PT1), so nothing actually poses a threat until maybe near the very end

BL2 - TVHM starts with enemies close to your starting level, but quickly cranks up to absurd exponential growths. And fuck Rabid enemies.

>gay literally
>"hello fellow kids" tier

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Make a thread on Yea Forums, and I or some other anons will play with you


>how do I play a video game
>what am I even doing here
>I could be sucking chad's dick right now

Mashers was just broken

Mordicai had a shit action skill and like 80% useless skills but just because he has a revolver skill or two it doesn't matter. So hes number 2 best charater right before lilth just because double anarchy were even more dumb

This gist of it is that Borderlands 2 fucks up the higher difficulties and its sense of humour is infuriatingly annoying.

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Yeah once you get to OP8 the only way to really do anything is to spam your norfleet.

Killing revolvers and removing ammo regen class mods pissed me off the most.

Kind of true

At most if you get something busted it should last you a few levels max but nothing beats getting sledges shotgun and still using it until salt flats

>80% useless skills

>mashers broken
Difference was that every gun worked well enough anyways, not just like 4.

Mordicucks Coping

Every charater in bl1 had a shit ton of worthless skills, mordicai just had more.

Forgot the mid-mission quips again.

>"Oh, by the way, the monsters ate the fuel."
(You kill them all)
>"Heh, thought they'd explode more."
(Monsters explode)
>"There we go."


Thats a good line tho

I like bl2 but I get when people say it had cringe in it, but every autist on Yea Forums never says one of the actual cringe lines like


Are you retarded? Both the left and right tree consist of solid useful skills except for Smirk and Lethal Strike.

naw every charater at op8 has 1-4 diffrent playstyle at op8

axton can just do tediore reloads
gaige has shock pimpernal snipers,
maya has trickster, cat
sal can use a lot of guns cause double dmg is a p good action skill
zero has melee, and sniping is kind of usable
kreig has melee and hellborn

its a lot harder to pull off than just left clicking with a norfleet but its not unviable to do anything else

No, it's just one of those things Yea Forums loves to say. Try it for yourself, though.

OOF Now i know your meming

Theres a reason your charater has like 6 skills related to sniping but just using masher is the way to play at end game

>Yeah once you get to OP8 the only way to really do anything is to spam your norfleet.
All characters have a build at OP8 that is more than usable for mobbing if you aren't playing like a retard.

Thank you for further confirming your retardation. There are multiple viable ways to play Mordecai at max level, you're very narrow minded.

Sure pal

Bl1 Isnt that hard compared to bl2 you could also say melee mordicai is viable if you really wanted

but His sniping sucks dick compared to just using the masher

It is better in every single aspect by far except the gameplay and game-content honestly.

You really sound like you've never played Mordecai before. His sniping is completely viable, moreso than melee. Please don't ever act like you know what you're talking about again.

The tone/style/writing is much better and so is the level balancing but bl 2 is a much much better overall game

Is pc gonna get the source raw textures for BL2? alongside with the engine "upgrade" might replay bl2 after years since my last time on xbox

I don't think there's any sort of engine upgrade, just a 4k texture pack

Whether it was originally on purpose or not, they definitely deliberately avoided patching it afterwards in the final updates

>a build
In a game about millions of guns. That’s kind of the problem with 2.


Me making fun of melee Mordicai and saying you could say its viable if you really wanted was a fucking joke to show how dumb you sound

yes sniping mordicai is possible end game because bl1 isnt that hard, but its garbage compared to his masher playstyle so every sniping skill is Useless in comparsion

How do you not get this? I mean the best skil lfor snipers more critical damage is literally in his pistol tree

The absoulute state of Mordicucks

also bloodwing was shit and im glad its dead

Literally only attacks the thing your aiming at but at that point why dont you just pump up your masher pistol skills and kill them yourself?

Is it? You'd assume you need min-maxing skills and the best gear to stay relevant in the harder modes.


Why in this optional difficulty mode is it harder and requires more specific builds?

Wat the heck

Well, millions is a lie anyways. If I have 2 of the same legendaries that are identical in parts except for the barrel, they count that as 2 guns for example. A build was kind of an understatement on my part, all characters pretty much have multiple. Doesn't mean you're restricted to a few guns though, Zer0 can use guns like the Quad, Snider, Striker and Butcher just fine at OP8.

Does it look like in 3 they're removing the rocket launcher class and replacing it with "Special" class? I got the feeling that the shoulder-mounted stuff and the cannonball launcher (and probably some other shown guns) are from the same class.

Less memes, cringe and SJW stuff. As a game 2 is much better.

I’m so fucking tired of the bl2 intro mission

It's actually counting identical guns at different levels as unique. If you don't do that, 1 only has about 250k guns rather than the 17mil advertised.

With lasers, all elemental types from previous games and a higher level cap before any DLC is considered, hitting 1bil wouldn't actually be that hard.

I mean, I get what you're trying to say here, and I'm pretty much in agreement, but the legendary component of guns in BL2 is locked to the barrel. If the barrel were swapped, it would no longer be the same legendary.All of the other parts, barring some exceptions, only have the barrel locked for legendaries. (And bodies, but that's manufacturer specific.)

playing quake

People say that BL2 is better as a game, disregarding overhyped bullshit writing and memes, but I just am not seeing it.
The games are basically about guns, but BL2 guns are so overgimmicked that it's like you're using magic abilities or some shit. Like can I just get a gun that shoots bullets that hurt people? Does everything even moderately decent need to be a shotgun that only works at 2 feet range, shoots tiny slow moving rockets instead of bullets, and makes a big farting noise or something every time I click?
Except for that to work you need to apply FUCKING SLAG first.

Jakob guns are the best you cant probe me wrong


Hyperion/dahl weapons(and most torgue) are just worthless to me because i hate the gimmicks
thats half of all weapons

jakobs gimmick is fine in theroy but the whole point is max damage but it doesn't do enough dps like vladof, mailwan end game. also the gun parts visaully look like shit compared to 1. too goofy and can i get a shotgun that shoots 1 ammo per click

the most hyped weapon in borderlands 3 trailer is just a standard pump shotgun for me

Exclusively talking about story and enemy scaling, yea, but in everything else 2 beats it.
2 is a genuinely fantastic game held back by end game balance and terrible writing. 1 is a good game that could have been great if they tuned the gameplay up a decent amount.

Anyone who says otherwise is fucking retarded.

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I want them to waaaaay tone down/get rid of gimmicks in 3. All the available weapons from all the manufacturers was so satisfying. The fact that BL2 felt like there were less weapons was a goddamn crime.

There's an item bank in the Moxxi DLC, I'm also hoping for an easily adjustable fov slider.

That would be nice. I'd love to see jakobs+dahl RL, hyperion assault rifles and especially vladof shotguns.

Yeah, but only for the character being currently used. You can't switch gear between multiple characters in BL1 like you can in the sequels.

Oh, I always assumed you could, guess I never tried.

Is solo Zer0 any good or does he require a team to fully effective?

Wait, wait, S&S is coming back?


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A reminder that Vladof is the best manufacturer and /ourguys/

Best fucking manufacturer. I missed them in 2, but am also glad they did not go through the simplification everyone else went through.

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Sniper zer0 is fantastic alone and melee is pretty good too. The thing with him is that he requires a ton of set up to do anything substantial. He's not like sal where you just press F and go ham, you gotta think. Go into deception, apply debuffs, chuck nades, aim exactly where you need, etc. Nobody else really needs as much time to do well but when he does well he shits out damage.

BL2 was so fucking lame

>nothing but fucking fetch quest
>cringe dialogue
>forgettable characters
>lame soundtrack
>boring story

God damn did it fail

>inb4 they make them all super shitty to "compensate" for the big clip, like bandit weapons but reskinned

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i only ever played mordecai back when i did my BL1 playthroughs because i was an autistic child at the time and did not consider how fun siren would be. should i play Lilith when the remaster releases?

I thought it was said they went out of business between games.

Solo zer0 is retardedly OP if you can line up hitboxes for his top tier penetration ability b0re.

Lilith is cool. Elements are actually pretty useful in BL1, so it's fun to just shit them out.

No, play brick and blow shit up.

I think the idea is that the old companies have been bought up and restarted. That happening to Atlas was part of Tales From the Borderlands

I know that's what I'll be doing. Not only is she busted, she's also SANIC AS HELL.

Attached: sanic.gif (320x180, 1.7M)

I always thought, considering they were never mentioned after BL1, maybe they were a small Pandora based company instead of an intergalactic company, and that they just got absorbed into Bandits/Scav

i think lilth is boring too desu

Blastmaster brick with the speed glitch and roland to shoot 200 bullets really fucking fast in someones head is where its at

what about Maya? i never got around to doing her either, only gaige, krieg, and like half a zer0 playthrough.

shes alright

The tier list for 2 is something like

1. salvador

2. zero/maya

3. krieg

4. gaige/axton

FOV slider was confirmed on twitter. Thank fuck.

BL2 trying too hard to be funny on the writing front really took me out of it, despite better guns/item management which were my two main complaints from the first game.

Shame they kept the fucking terrible Halo vehicle controls in the series though.

>gaige on bottom tier with fucking axton
user, please

>better guns

Spot the pleb

>all this whining,
I have a feeling this guy played with a controller and was upset his friend was sniping as mordecai with a mouse.

Cope more dude honestly

Its like i never seen someone trying so hard to ignore everything someone said

Mordicai is shit and was hard carried by the masher being so fucking broken

get over it

I'd say axton is a little better than you give him credit for. Sure he's not amazing or anything but he does stuff like tediore reloads, explosive damage, slagging enemies, etc, he does really well where gaige just has anarchy because her other two trees are fucking awful.
Also put a power gap between sal and everyone else because he's just that fucking good.

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idk about all this, but I remember raging in Old Haven trying to snipe with Mord, cause all the enemies have accurate burst weapons and every hit you take makes your sights fly upwards. I couldn't hit shit

there both bad compared to everyone else we can least agree on that user? Im just in camp axton isn't 100% worthless

Am I retarded or is BL1's camera fucking awful?

Maliwan home world is the big cyberpunk city you see (and the neon robots) in the trailer. So they're definitely there. Bandit/SCAV/Eridian are going to be combined into Children of the Vault weapons. Which look like bandit weapons mashed up with the alien weapons you see in BL1 (also in the trailer). Hyperion and Atlas are probably going to be one brand as well, since Rhys ended Hyperion and owns Atlas. There are Hyperion looking guns in the trailer, but they're probably under the Atlas brand. Vladof will definitely be there because one of the new vault hunters rep that company. Jakobs will be back because it's in the trailer too. The walking gun is probably a Tediore reload.. I can see them cutting Torgue, and I didn't see anything that looks like a Torgue weapon in the game. I remember in BL1, the S&S having glowing tubes on it, there's some of those in the trailer so that could be a thing.

It looks like revolvers are coming back as their own thing. And laser weapons. You also see proper gatling guns. In the quit cuts if you slow the video down you can see what looks like flame throwers too

>b-but that one time he said butt stalion made him trash

It's true. Check the timers.
All Gaige has going for her is the shitty Anarchy gimmick. She was designed for shitters.

yes. remember how they are doing the same thing now?

Late game mordacai is using the masher

You can make sniping mordicai work but theres no reason to when masher is just a better sniper and easily the most broken gun type before the double anarchy

its the same story with lilth what makes her stupid broken is her smg skills with the anarchy and a few skills

Nah it's really bad. 1 was barely changed at all in the pc port, it's almost DaS1 tier bad.

I play with it. You really won't see the difference from normal gameplay unless you go co-op.

Butt stallion was fine until fucking Tina's DLC.

the fov is really stupid and a quater-half of the screen is covered with your weapon

Slag was a mistake. It should've been left as Jack's secret sauce rather than something that's pretty common.

>elemental skill tree is bad
Interspersed Outburst does away with this argument almost completely
the most i'll say about BFF skill tree is that it's just kind of boring. you're right about anarchy though, i never was able to finish a playthrough with it because i would get so pissed about losing a ton of stacks.

t. anthony burch

If they don't fix the camera/FOV in the remaster for BL1 I am not touching it.

BL2 has some awful design decisions that go from being a complete non-issue to nearly gamebreaking as you advance up the difficulties. There's basically one way to play and everything else will range from being a chore to outright impossible. The writing is also so bad that it's the only time I have ever gone out of my way to mute all character dialogue and turn off subtitles after my first playthrough. Makes the game much more enjoyable that way. All that considered, it's still probably better than BL1. Both games are a real case of "what could have been", which I think is why so many people still have hopes for BL3.

Borderlands 3 needs hirelings. I want to play with teammates but don't want real people with me.

>going through almost an entire tree of sub par at best abilities just to get a mediocre skill

Nah man, she's just not good. I like her and all but she's the worst in 2, no contest.

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you dont need slag if you just 1-2 shot them with tediore reload axton tho user

regardless axton and gaige are clearly worse then the other 4, and its really just semantics to say which is worse than the other

>arguing about BL2 characters when TPS blew them all out of the water

I only played one and the tales game. How bad is the writing in 2?

play robobro

besides jack and athena the rest of the tps crew is boring or on par

also who gives a shit about tps or its best charaters nobody is replaying that shit ever

You absolutely need slag in UVHM and even late TVHM, regardless of class. The reason why Sal is so good is because he can pretty much always hold a slag weapon in the left hand and a high damage like the DPUH in the right.

If only you knew how bad it really was.

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TPS was absolute suffering to play through and I don't know why when I liked 1 and 2 a decent amount. It was just so fucking boring.

Yeah, didn't see Torgue's checkerbox design and the slow gyrojet shots. It's possibly that they toned down the designs of the guns, Torgue's was decaled like a NASCAR car.

Torgue, well really all explosive weapons really got the short end of the stick in 2. BL1 explosive element was the shit.

BL1 is simpler and more "raw" in game feel if that makes sense, but the biggest issues between games is how abhorrent the level and loot scaling and loot drop percentages become in BL2. In BL1 you could pick up a great weapon and it would be useful even 10-20 levels later and legendaries dropped at an acceptable rate. In BL2 certain legendaries took days of grinding specific bosses/areas to drop, and when you got one it would only be useful within 2-3 player character levels because the enemy scaling was so harsh that if you didn't have a weapon within 1-2 levels of the mobs you were fighting you'd be doing way less damage. Even legendary weapons and their effects were useless compared to a normal weapon more than 3 levels above it. All of that made post game weapon hunting and "overlevels" frustrating to play through.

Those who are concerned about the armory glitch, they're leaving it in!


(also guy confirms FOV slider on all systems)

Not-Jack is legit one of the best characters in terms of gameplay in the series, claptrap is a good meme character and I like wilhelm in general but the game has no fucking content. What it does have is good, I mean the claptrap dlc is top tier for sure but it has so little.

you right it was built to always need slag but saying gaige has a skill that slagged for you makes her better is retarded

axton turrnets with the throw anywhere at all distance with slag skill does gaiges slag skill to shame and if you really need slag just use magic missles on tediore reload axton and you will go from 1-2 shotting trash mobs to 1 shot and 3-5 shotting baddass to 2 shotting

It's not the meme filled writing Yea Forums says it is, memes are contained mostly in challenge names actually, but i can best describe it as what a teenager would write when anyone but Jack is speaking: overly sarcastic, trying to make witty quips, and self observational
Speaking of Jack i can say that there's a tangible difference in style when comparing him to Burch's writing, because Jack's VA improvised a lot of his dialogue rather than followed the script

This cap is so fucking accurate it hurts

All over the place. It's essentially different action setpieces that's stringed together by a simple story.

>It was fixed for a moment, and then we realized what we had done and broke it again.

I know it's fun to hate gearbox but this lad is alright

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even more floaty jumps+boring looking enviorments and somehow even more cringe jokes(everytime jack said taint i actully wanted to just stop playing) Also fuck janey spring

Jack's VA deserves some mad respect, he did such a good job with him in all the games he's in.

>1 billion guns
>only 10 are viable

>not jack
you mean definitely actually Jack.
And he was great but TPS was not good.


2 be fair

higher difficulty should mean actual higher difficulty and needing more specific builds.


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>used to be a macfag, had to cherish the few games we got
>have 575 hours in BL2 because of this
>only in the last ~75 hours did I stop and think to use a save editor
I think the breaking point was trying to get a slag rapier or specific sandhawk elements. I sat down and alt-tabbed over, and over, and over again until I finally got one with the right element, it took me about 2 hours. And then I realized I would have to restart the campaign and do it again.

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Robo Hobo seems like your speed, maybe the Deus Ex guy if his gadgets are drones and robotic based
I don't think much can top an instant mech on demand though

Guess it tainted your experience

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>In BL1 you could pick up a great weapon and it would be useful even 10-20 levels later
That's bad.
>and legendaries dropped at an acceptable rate.
This is also bad because your idea of "acceptable" is retarded shit like "has a chance to drop from literally anything."

Gun drops were better. I think Shift codes were honestly a crutch in BL2, and also just a retarded mechanic.

No? Why don't you retards get mad when you need a meta build for Poe

People asked gearbox to release higher difficulties and they did

now there mad because those higher difficulties are difficult

if your talking about 10 guns being viable in true or normal, than your retarded you can litterally run though those modes with anything with relative ease

>That's bad.
When the alternative is "pick up an OP weapon and it would be useless 3-4 levels later", it isn't. Do you know how much retarded re-farming for gear has to be done in UVHM?


>not playing with community patch or overhaul mods that rebalance the game for extra difficulty with reasonable mechanics

>Borderands 1
>superior writing
Pick one you fucking idiot. What writing did that game even have?

False dilemma, homo.
>UVHM bitching
Just don't buy it.

that one guy screeching about his teddy bear is possibly the least funny thing to ever happen in media

hope that sliding doesn't fuck with the gameplay like anti gravity and slamming did in TPS

any one know if the Borderlands remaster is going to be worth it at 30$ i have a 360 copy i could play on my base X1 anytime thanks to the backward compatibility but if i got it for my ps4pro would it be worth the 30 bucks thoughts?

All the characters are gay yet somehow manages to be the biggest faggot here.

it was all in the reading parts

honestly a good amount of it was good and straight to the point and the dlc for bl1 is top notch humor

That's the one where he goes splat right? That mission was a pain in the ass.

How is it a false dilemma, you cunt? It's both comparing the useful life of guns.
>just don't buy it
I've played BL2 extensively. I think I have a solid idea on what the flaws are.


noone plays the community patch for the difficulty increase they play it for the new weapons and skill tree changes

I can't even play 2 without the reborn mod anymore my dude.

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To be fair, "higher difficulty" in Borderlands 2 means slag becomes a necessity, enemies are bullet sponges, and you barely do any damage. If you're not duping, using gibbed, or downloading save files, it could take 12 or more hours for xbox or PS players to get the specific gear needed.


>it can either be useful for 10+ levels or trash after just 3 there' NO ROOM FOR MIDDLE GROUND
You don't have an argument. That's why you're relying on fallacies.

its the one where jack airlocks the scientists at the end

Thank the fucking lord

Are you stupid? That's simply how it is in BL2, user. I'm not saying it has to be one or the other, but when those are the only options, I'll certainly take the one with less farming.

In reading it was fine, but Borderlands "story" was the most boring shit ever. "Hey, go here, do this, it's over and there was nothing in the vault."

At least with 2 you felt like there was an actual story, a villain, and interesting twists.

It's memes are dated as fuck though, I'll give it that.

yeah? That's what people wanted and considiring bl2 is still alive 6+ years later and only recently dipped below 10k players at all time. It did its job perfectly

It might be bullshit difficulty but its still more difficult which is what bl2 needed at the time

I agree with you

I actully like bl2 story and a decent amount of the jokes land just fine

In bl1 if you don't read which most people don't do. 1 min your getting vault keys the next your picking up beer bottles and its jarring

honestly just don't try to teach ignorant douches like that user, they're too thick headed to figure it out

my personal fave when playing co-op
>bloodwing spec'd
>only 2 points in extra bloodwing damage so enemies don't immediately explode
>5/5 in the attacking extra enemies and loot drop skills
>com to boost those two skills specifically
>group of bandits
>skree- skree- skree- skree- skree- skree- skree- skree- skree-
>watch the ammo, health and money drops fly out in vast quantities

not the strongest spec but it's definitely a blast watching all that crap fly out of them while also keeping your team topped off in health and ammo

unironically bl2 endgame is unplayable without gibbed because it takes too long to get gear that's good enough for endgame.

There aren't only two options you dipshit. That's what makes it a false dilemma.

Unless you're melee krieg who really just needs rapier and rough rider, with a really strong RL to get out of ffyl.

The people that play Borderlands 2 today are mostly ignorant, low level players that are still learning the ins and outs of the game. It's a fun game when you first start playing. Then you'll eventually hit that wall where you keep getting stomped by unfair AI. It's mandatory to research on Google or watch YouTube videos in order to do well in UVHM. It goes on sale on Xbox once in a while, hence the sales.

were not talking about fun Retard?

Were talking about the masher being a crutch for an overall terrible class with mostly useless skills

which it is. if that revolver type didn't exist Mordicai would be the worse class in bl1 by a large large margin instead of number 2

also again bloodwing was a bad action skill why use it when you have to aim at them when you can just shoot them instead with your masher

it literally makes no fucking sense why they added that restriction to bloodwing instead of just having it attack near enemies without needing to look at them

For these two games, those are the only options. You play 1 with gear that lasts forever or 2 with gear that lasts 3 levels.

Krieg loked fun, but by the time he came out I was bored with the game. I also liked Axton but he turned out to be the worst character in the game so I lost notion quicker than I'd like.

They're different flavors of the same flaw. Extolling one over the other is stupid.

any UVHM tips

it really isn't if you count out norfleets

It takes a lot of time but its END Game I exepct needing to farm a bunch to play it well. if you dont want to play a harder difficulty than literally don't play it

Its 100% optional its crazy this is a discussion that's like people saying dark souls is hard so they should make it easier even though the hard
Difficulty is why you buy it anyways like buying digi peak

actually not a good example people do do that for reason

Krieg is my favorite character in the game, no contest. It's so fucking fun running around like a retard bashing people's heads in and making them explode, only for those guys to make more explode and so on. He also basically never dies with his mania capstone, cept against like raid bosses. Honestly his playstyle is so much different than everyone else I'd say it's worth it to run through again as him. Plus he's got the best voice lines.

wow you are just terrible at any game you play, huh
get out of your glass house bro

I felt Borderlands 1 was better than Borderlands 2. I played Borderlands 1 through until 50. Borderlands 2 I went through 1 play through.
Borderlands 1 had better gun balance. There were more interesting choices when it came to which gun to use and the various guns felt more unique. The builds seemed to do more interesting stuff too. The enemies in Borderlands 2 also get a lot more spongy.
Borderlands 2 had more of a focus on the story over the game play. They had a strong villain, but some things were really hit or miss. The main story was longer, which ended up hurting it because it had some low points that dragged on a bit much.
Better gunplay and gameplay wins over the better story.

I honestly don't get how people play flame of the firehawk Maya or Krieg without suffering seizures after a few minutes.

Not when one system requires hours upon hours upon hours of farming to play with.

I don't think anybody is complaining about difficulty my dude, we're complaining about the super limited weapon choice and the grinds to get them. You know as well as I do that's not equivalent to difficulty.

But you have to that every season with other Action rpgs yet bl2 is the only one that gets shit on for players needing specific builds that actully make sense for extreme end game

Always be on the lookout for new guns until level 72 because the scaling is fucked, slag literally everything, even fucking psychos, make sure you match elements and bring a moxie weapon everywhere, regardless of if it's underleveled.



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BL1 guns were guns foremost and gimmicks second. That's one of the reasons to like BL1 over 2, given how they're core to the gameplay.

The alternative is gear barely mattering at all.
>Game 1 is braindead easy
>Game 2 is too hard and tedious
You can prefer one or the other, but at the end of the day they both have a problem with difficulty. Same case with Borderlands.

>That's bad
Sounds like you don't understand the difference between "useful" and "optimal". In any case great job not even bothering to explain your point.

>This is also bad because your idea of "acceptable" is retarded shit like "has a chance to drop from literally anything."
And that's an amazing job of putting words into my mouth. You clearly don't understand how debating works so don't even bother responding, I won't reply.

How the fuck is this even about my skill level

jesus stop taking it so personal because a video game charater builds suck ass compared to everyone else and only get by bacause an overpowered gun that he synrgies with exist

that was fast.

Uh yes it does?

op8 is harder than ultimate-true-normal

and it limiting viabilty is part of that

if you could beat op8 with white pistols than it wouldn't be hard, would it?

>don't even bother responding, I won't reply.
Cool, easy last word and win for me. Wish all you retards gave up so easily.

I said I want options and I don't want to spend most of my playtime grinding, I didn't say I wanted to be able to beat the hardest difficulty with vendor weapons.
But now that you mention it, some really good RPGs will allow you to win with shitty weapons if you have very good skill and tactics. It would be very HARD though.
You know. Because grinding isn't the same thing as difficulty, and limited options aren't the same thing as difficulty.

forced grind =/= difficulty
it's like people who think they're badasses for beating RPGs when all you have to do is gather resources and level up enough times so you can brute force your way through anything

that doesn't apply here though
even with the best gear and shit you're still going to die like a moron to raid bosses

grinding is unirionically the appeal of this genre

the reason bl2 has so many players still is because there grinding for perfect guns to have highest chance to beat the highest difficulty with more ease/run with levels on highest difficulty with more ease

if you could beat op8 with any build and gear. nobody would give a shit. bl2 needed a hard mode and it got it

You don't need to play it, its literally 100% optinal for people that wanted it

and limited options = more difficulty

I don't know what reality your in where you think not having perfect gear doesn't make any game harder. your also overestemating the gear you need to beat op8. it helps to have literally everything but a decent purple valdof pistol will get you though the game as a trickster maya just fine

salvador can literally just use almost any unique or legendary and be just fine

kreig doesn't even need a gun

axton can tedidore reload his way relative ease

and most builds literally require 1-2 main guns, and a grog or ruby which are quest rewards that take zero time to get

everything else is just optional to get. to help you out like a norfleet for an easy pick-me-up for instance

Grinding is the appeal of this genre?

you know that right user?

and no op8 is harder than ultimate even with best gear possible for your build

Borderlands 2 is the only loot shooter I played so I can't comment on that.
Still, the first game was fair. It's widely accepted that UVHM is unbalanced.
UVHM is unbalanced. If you're playing on console, use Salvador, Maya, or melee Krieg to get to level 72. Get all the gear and weapons for each character after you reach level 72. Start with Zero's items first. Just look online. It'll take you over 12 hours for each specific weapon and item for Zero alone. Like I said, grindy and unfair. Just stop at 50 if you're not up for it. It's not worth it in my opinion. Gearbox hates solo players. I did it with Zero and it took me over 16 hours to get everything. I did over the course of 5 days. Afterwards, I felt burnt out and had no desire to play.
I mean, I got everything that works anyway. So much for "bazillion guns". What's the point after that?

Alright, well you're entitled to your faggy opinion. Here's to hoping BL3 will be better about all this

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imagine thinking farming isnt what keeps people playing borderlands

your actaully retarded dude, people were mad bosses werent farmable in pre sequal until they were forced to patch in bosses respawning

bl1 wasnt fair

it was just way too easy with zero end game content because there was no reason to go farm higher tier gear

That expressly applies since you're required to have the best gear to even stand a chance. It's called artificial difficulty. The "difficulty" isn't overcome by your tactics or ability, it's a wall that's only conquered by getting very specific drops.

fuck you all

BL3 better, FUCKING BETTER be back to BL1 levels of damage

i was sick as shit of seeing millions of damage flying all over. stupid big numbers shit. fuck you.

If you're a kid, fat, and/or unemployed without a social life, you can do well in this game. I know this for a fact, because I grinded on xbox to get everything for Zero, and then beat the peak on OP8 while I was still living on campus. I had a lot of time. After that, there's no incentive or time to deal with any of the bullshit.
Bad game design. The average player, even a competitive FPS would be better off playing a different game.

And no ability to farm higher-tier gear because of the fucked-up level curve that never seems to get past 60.

>you're required to have the best gear to even stand a chance.

This guy gets it. I 'member the first time I hit a 2 in runescape. That shit was dope. Nobody remembers the first time they hit 100000 in bl2.
Sure would be cool if you could farm without it being like 95% of the game. still got hopes for BL3.

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No it's not, it's a shoot n loot. FPS fans don't play BL2 with the expressed interest of fighting the same boss/enemies for days for a specific drop. Why do you think so many people are complaining about the very things that make the game grindy?

I think the only numbers they are adjusting is with the final boss.


if anything, its super quick your hitting 1k's and then 10-30k's then fucking 100k+.

ill take like 10k to 20k tops with like launchers and shit.

People don't want borderlands to be a 2000 iq game. They want it to be a game where you autistically tweak your charater with more broken gear that you spend hours farming comfy with some music on

I hope sliding will give slightly higher movment speed and more unique enemy types to use diffrent parts of your build to overcome with more fun varied bosses to farm

but op8 was just a way to test a charater and an excuse to farm more. It was a success for what borderlands is to most people

people dont know what they want most of the time
People play poe and its literally the same thing, of just farming for more powerful gear to make a build you need to overcome a harder difficulty

>People don't want borderlands to be a 2000 iq game
Exactly, which is why they don't want to sit there trying to figure out the best builds and which enemies have the weapons they need to augment said build and figuring out optimal patterns of farming enemies/bosses to obtain said weapons and then have to do it every time they hit the next OP level. Niggas just want to SHOOT n LOOT.

You right tho?

Like borderlands isnt a competive game, its a comfy farming simulator with some quirk and charaters people genuinely like overall.


and most people do just complete normal or even true difficulty by just shooting and looting? there not hard like someone earlier said you need slag for true and thats just false

true is literally just 2x hp and nothing else

but then a decent amount put on some music and farm for best gear to try there charater at the harder difficulties

its why bl2 has such a massive community still, even there subreddit has a dedicated stickied thread just for what loot people got

And in this case I know exactly what *I* want, which is a loot/enemy/level/damage system closer to BL1 than BL2. Going more in favor of BL2's system sounds like a setup for lootboxes and gatcha mechanics, which I'm not in favor of.

make up your damn mind

bl1 wasnt a masterpeice tho?

I like bl1 more but bl1 needed something like ultimate difficulty and less skill points.once you hit max level there was nothing to challenge your charater so you came accross the problem of

well i got all this cool stuff but it doesnt matter cause i baiscully 1 shot everything anyways. guess im done playing

literally the only thing was the underdome, and people fucking hated that

This is a world where people are bitching that your required to farm in a game where the biggest appeal is farming

Its a clown world.

Bloodwing deserved better

Not him, but once I could solo Crawm consistently, (without that dumb cliff glitch), had all the DLC skillpoints, and finished Moxie's I made another character. It took a lot of work, and seems good to me.

same user adding onto that

Its like if people bitched that you had to farm in diablo, its an arpg. its why your here

im all for having more fun combat/movement but bitching about harder difficulties because there too hard and your forced to farm in an arpg to meet that difficulty is fucking retarded double that when the difficulty is literally an optional dlc your not forced to buy

Yeah because the underdome was exactly what BL2 OP levels were, grinding the same spot ad infinum trying to get superior drops.

You can't just /thread yourself retard

shoot n loot =/= farming
why do you think people are making distinctions between BL1 and BL2

>literally the only thing was the underdome, and people fucking hated that
Not looking forward to that again. I only ever cleared one of the three 20-round arenas.

Going from Borderlands 2 to 1 is a huge downgrade. I beat the game with Lilith, Mordecai, and Soldier man (Roland). Did the DLC. Then went to 2. Going back to 1 is really hard.

reminder that only shitters hide behind the excuse of "you need all these items to be viable in endgame."
even worse if they explicitly name crutches like the harold

t. jrpg fan


Can't wait to see you lads when the remaster drops

Does anybody know if mods will still work with the remastered edition? Is it just a few modifications to the game files, or is it a new game on steam that somehow prohibits it? If you can't install custom weapons and areas and stuff, I think I'm going to keep with the base edition, even if I have to fix the fov every time I enter a car.

Farming isn't the problem. The drop rates are. It shouldn't take more than an hour to get something.

Hi I come from DFO and my soul twitched a bit reading your post

Why should any video game cater to a small minority of no life try hards?

I spent 6 hours farming for a bee one time

not even that rare of an item

but chatting in mumble whith music and a group of freinds its one of the most comfy moments one can have when it finally drops

because those small minority are still the ones playing it years after its release and the ones the op8 dlcwas targeted at that casuals are bitching about now

Imagine a dlc literally made for hardcore farmers and no one else is getting bitched about by casual lads cause its too hard and requires an actual decent build.

Op8 is a dlc made for hardcore arpg gamers that love to farm and tweak there builds

Its not made for you
normal and true are

one person said only the norfleet was viable higher up in the thread

O My Lord

I don't see how they can make the Destroyer more threatening, since all its attacks were pretty much one-hit kills to begin with but were very slow. Maybe they can make it attack faster, but that's about it.

make it not die to everything

I just replayed bl1 as roland( the worse class) and still killed it with just shooting its eye in a few seconds, and make it actully drop things would be nice

Every game, no matter how shit it is, is fun with friends. Weak argument.
>only a certain group of people still play the game
Doesn't sound popular. Sounds something like Tekken or H5. Only the sweaty kids are left.


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The friends was an addon(I farmed dozens of times with just music and by myself) and my argument isnt its fun. Killing the same enemy over and over again isn't fun, that's not the point. The point is finally getting something after really wanting it.

Almost 10k players before the big jump from bl3 hype years later with zero content even tf2 couldn't do that. Take that as you will, and lmao borderlands isnt a pvp game how the fuck would it be sweaty when your not competing with anyone?

My bad, a shooter arpg

Don't be such a fucking sperg, the game was literally sold as a diablo with guns

played both borderlands 1&2 had golden keys and when me n buddy played coop, i would like get 2-3 free keys everyday

>Every game, no matter how shit it is, is fun with friends.
Not true.

Kill the same enemy a thousand times in order to get something. That's what you're defending. Insanity.

Still not much more than a flimsy band-aid to the real problem: that it can't pose much of a threat unless you're just too slow.

Your trying way to fucking hard dude

People enjoy it

Op8 was made for people who enjoy it, not for you

get over it

what you call balance, others would call a shift in focus. the point of BL2 was the sheer variety of weapons. part of getting the player to experience that variety was pushing them to constantly upgrade their weaponry. so, yeah, giving a player a gun they could use for 60 hours sounds fun, to you. to me, that sounds tedious as hell. I don't care about having to shift my inventory, because that means I have and endlessly renewing variety and a constant drive to alter my strategies. when you get into one pattern with a set of guns, the guns age out, and you have to learn a new strategy.

this can actually be fun, because you might never experiment with different weapon types, if you aren't forced to use different guns to survive.

how do you know they are paid shlls, and not people who actually love the game?

Oh, wait... you are paranoid and think everyone is out to get you. nevermind

>Kill the same enemy a thousand times in order to get something.
That's part of the genre's appeal.

>Don't be such a fucking sperg
take your own advice lol

BL2 had more memes because more people played it. you notice 1 has a fraction of the fan art that 2 has.

"no u"

Gottem dude

what does anyone think the word "meme" means, anymore? do you think it means "joke"?

2 be fair

one of rolands first lines is a skyrim arrow in the knee meme

Do you not think the fucking family guy quest in TPS is a meme?

>family guy quest

Yeah, it's pretty easy when dudes sperg out like that

quest to go fight a monster in a trash compactor

alright sounds likea fun fight with a timer

Named meg with a hat to refrence the family guy star wars movies for no reason

thats not a joke

thats just a "hey look this is a thing, u member"

fuck the pre sequal

You kill a thresher in Helios's trash compactor like the dianoga in Star Wars, but it's named Meg because she was cast as said dianoga in Family Guy's Star Wars parody.

It's like 95% true.
Small minority. Bad for longevity. Nice Reddit spacing by the way.
>Kill enemy
>Rinse and repeat hundreds and possibly a thousand times.
Except it's a videogame so you're not actually earning anything. If building a tree house or painting a portrait took half a day to complete, that's fine, because you're actually getting something out of it, possibly money.
Doing the same thing over and over like that for hours is nuts.

I love when retards come at me for stupid shit i tell them off and they go in defense mode

Get the fuck out of here lmao

Also, was the game designed with the intent that the player should save and quit hundreds of times? Or will you admit it's bad game design?

make me pussy lmao

i REALLY want a girlfriend.

exepct its not since bl2 has 13k+ peak players every day since release at the very least just on pc alone with zero new content and bl2 is like 6 years old now

"muh longevity"

and i know for a fact someone using Yea Forums isnt talking shit about any other website like this one is any better
Stop Being a fucking faggot, and stop talkiing about a dlc that wasn't made for you

all video games are a waste of time if someone want's to spend there day playing bl2 farming for an item they want how is that any diffrence than spending all day trying to beat a sekiro boss for instance

You get nothing irl either way

I physically cant

so its at a stand still, but ur retarded still

i only took it as a star wars reference
all the games are chock full of pop culture references so i don't really see what the problem is. like how the fuck could anyone be mad at all the tombstone references scattered throughout nisha's tree?
wish they'd be contained to flavor text and item descriptions but that's just me.

because that "bad game design" is the reason people play arpgs

How do you not get this

Op8 is not for causals

Its for people who like to farm

Get over it already

yeah that's what I thought, bitch
you sure getting defensive though


>hardcore gaming is arguably save scumming

Yeah sure, man
that's really defensive
Look, whats your problem
U literally are starting shit over the smallest thing as calling a arpg an arpg
Get called retarded
and now ur calling me defesnive?

Like whats your end game here

If your doing it for a few hours on end until you get a drop just to tweak your build a little

Then thats not really being a casual, now is it?

13k PC players who aren't spending 8 hours a day farming. They don't have to worry about bad game design.
Why not have a 10% drop rate, or have the boss respawn? I'll ask again, was the game meant to use save and quit continually?

>implying that abusing system controls to reset spawns to offset piss poor drop rates is somehow good game design for a hardcore arpg experience

Attached: 2399874239874.jpg (351x329, 18K)

>no cringey dialogue
speak for yourself, I played the entire game with sound effects turned off because the crying that claptraps make is fucking unbearable
ESPECIALLY in sledge's hideout where you have to GO THROUGH A FUCKING MAZE to get to him
fuck whatever fucking braindead nigger put claptrap noises under SOUND EFFECTS and not VOICES

Both games are shit. Only thing gold about it was shooting and looting
To level up your guy. Litterally everything else was horse shit.

what the fuck do you think quitting does?
it makes the boss respawn you retard.

Do you understand the point of arpgs?
Like really
Do you?
Its so weird, like imagine someone going in a poe thread and bitching they don't like farming or tweaking their build. you would be called retarded almost instantly. People play diablo 2 to this day just to farm 1 boss bahl or whatever his name is and literally nothing else.

and cmon user 13k people just playing normal difficulty for 6 years not farming day in and day out. How hard are you reaching right now?

and yes the game was ment to save and quit if it wasn't then why would bosses respawn at all?

Implying diablo 2 the game that made this genre didn't work the exact same way

alright dude cope some more

I dunno man, doing the same lame shit over and over while not really progressing sounds casual as fuck to me. At the very least it makes you sound like a shitter.

the side that blames op8 is too hard is calling me a casual


normalfag shit

>Implying that just because it existed in Diablo 2 means that it isn't god awful game design
You do know you don't have to defend every single aspect of farming right?

So why not make the boss respawn so we don't have to save and quit?
What's wrong with having the bosses respawn? What's wrong with higher drip rates? The game doesn't take skill and isn't competitive.

point out where I said that retard

wants to play a genre based on farming
"Woah pal, i don't really want to farm"
How fucking retarded are you
real talk

like your still spending hours tweaking your charater in poe, regardless if drops come from one source or crafting or from anywhere or traiding. the goal is still to mindlessly kill mobs/bosses in hopes of drops, its literally just Semantics at that point

because if the goal is to spend hours getting drops to tweak your charater
and you get that drop in 10 mins
who fucking cares
again you don't really get why people play these types of games

>again you don't really get why people play these types of games
sounds like you need to get a better taste in games if this sounds like fun to you.

It's because like you say, it is voiced, you notice absolutely everything when it's voiced
I don't even hate the meme speak, it can be cringey as fuck, but to me it's a charm and guilty pleasure bit I get why lots of people fucking hate it all

They do respawn on their own after a long while. It's just faster to save and quit, then reload and try again.

theres like 10 anons piping in convo and the overall theme is "op8 is bullshit because you have to farm a bunch"

im on side op8 is not made for you people and is made for people that like to farm a bunch to tweak there builds as much as possible

and the side i think your on is
"wah wah wah im a casual arpg fan and this optional hard mode dlc should be made easier just for me" or "i know the point of the game is to farm but what if we take that out?"


Still waiting on you to respond to or you can keep quiet and let me know that you assumed too much and were wrong.

>wants to play a genre based on farming
>"Woah pal, i don't really want to farm"
Correction, I do want to farm and want to maximize as much time as possible for the best output of drop rate ratio. What I don't want that to entail is having to waste time to abuse the system in a way that is not inherently designed to be played just so I can farm faster.

I'm a different user, I like farming, but you defending savescumming as a legitimate design choice for farming is fucking baffling.

Why spend hours when you can spend 10 minutes? It doesn't take skill to waste your time. If it makes you feel more like a man, why not wait 36 hours after you get a legendary item. That way you'll feel better about yourself-accomplished.
The rest of us can enjoy the game. Both parties are pleased.

because that's not how probability works.

So who's looking forward to 3?

What world do you come from where QoL improvements are a bad thing?

Why not just put the bestest guns behind lootcrates and let you purchase happiness?

>you people
Still making assumptions even though I caught you on your shit. How about you stop sperging out trying to prove you're a hardcore gamer and actually be one?

its just entertaiment user just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others can't. I don't like rthyem games, but you don't see me bitching in threads that they should add random drops or something

also borderlands is more than just farming. even with all of the cringe humor, ive grown attached to the characters. some jokes don't land but a lot actually do, and i don't think bl gets enough credit. and there is 2 difficulties that don't requrie massive farmfests for all of the causal shooters fans

just stop bitching about harder difficulty when its too hard for you, and clearly not made for you in mind

there are 13k peak players every day for borderlands just on pc. people clearly like it

so just stop

user come on now

Again people who don't like the genre, or get why its fun to some
want it to be changed for them in mind
you are literally worse than trannys

To the idiots arguing about farming, you're literally arguing about Sisyphus. "Dude why doesn't the rock roll down faster so you can just push it back up faster and accomplish his goal?" "Dude why not just enjoy rolling it up the hill, why are you in a hurry to let it roll back down again"

If your goal is to get the best guns, just save edit them in. That's all you have to do. Asking why the devs didn't give you an option to get the best everything with no effort is stupid. Why make your bed when it'll get messed up again? some people just like to do tedious shit to waste time. it makes them feel better. you don't have to understand it or like it. that's why people are different. grow up and get over the idea that you're going to be okay with what everyone else does. or that your way is the best way to do things.

I'm not the idiot that tried to claim someone asserted a position when they didn't. Maybe next time they'll know better than to assume things they clearly have no idea about.

>comparing an eternal punishment to the "enjoyable" gameplay of BL2
how fitting

>you're literally arguing about Sisyphus
This is one of the worst analogies I have ever seen.

Honestly the only complaint I can have for BL1 right now is General Knoxx, despite being good, has no teleporters, so you have to walk to get anywhere.

Almost bad as food analogy.

oof clevar
see you turned this back to me even tho you baiscully ignored everything i said
op8 isnt made for you
its made for people who like to farm and tweak there charater for an extreamly difficult optional difficulty
your not one of them
Actully just get over it

Just proving his point that you don't have to get it
I like listing to music or just talking to friends and killing the same things
running though the same levels until i get that sweet dopamine of that good Loot drop
Its fun and very comfy

>Is it true?
Two reasons:
Brick is more fun to play than a dual wielding midget, and Slag.

>Try to drive to the prison area.
>50/50 chance that the road is blocked
>If blocked, must hike around the bridge and have grunts waste time shooting at you until you're clear of the barricade

>BL1 has Eridian weapons, literal alien guns that shoot energy and have alien energy cells that recharge over time
>BL2 replaces these with E-Tech, shitty mods on guns that make them shoot energy but use twice the ammo

Whose idea was this

Attached: file.png (1255x703, 558K)

Read the Myth of Sisyphus.
>In the essay Camus introduces his philosophy of the absurd, man's futile search for meaning, unity, and clarity in the face of an unintelligible world devoid of God and eternal truths or values. Does the realization of the absurd require suicide? Camus answers, "No. It requires revolt." He then outlines several approaches to the absurd life. The final chapter compares the absurdity of man's life with the situation of Sisyphus, a figure of Greek mythology who was condemned to repeat forever the same meaningless task of pushing a boulder up a mountain, only to see it roll down again. The essay concludes, "The struggle itself ... is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy".
Fucking brainlets. This is why you should do stuff other than play games all day.

They were shit guns in BL1, that's why they're all green rarity. You get a few shots off, they weren't that powerful, and then you have to wait 10 seconds for them to recharge. They're a novelty. Eridian weapons in 2 were much more practical.

Why not put the best guns behind bosses so we don't have to have loot crates? Also, because it's a loot shooter, why not give the player a fair and reasonable drop rate for those said guns like the first Borderlands? 10-15% seems fair to me. Like I said, just wait a few days, or even years for that matter until you use your new item. It'll suppress the OCD.
I'm an advocate of fair and reasonable drop rates, because I have a life. I've already proven I can kill Doc Mercy. I shouldn't have to kill him 500 more times.
Maybe go to a casino if you like gambling so much. I think that's your problem. You get a dopamine rush once given the illusion that you achieved something, or when you get lucky.
You hate skill and fun. You like gambling.

What a faggy trendy Yea Forums word lmao

>This is why you should do stuff other than play games all day.
Ironic considering you're defending a gameplay style that encourages nothing but mindlessly repeating the same mission for hours to accomplish anything.

orange rarity eridian guns were added in Knoxx

>Read the Myth of Sisyphus.
How about you read the actual myth of Sisyphus instead of taking a french philosphers views on the world and using the legend as a backdrop.
>One must imagine Sisyphus happy
He wasn't.

Sisyphus is pretty much third grade stuff here. Which country are you from my dude.

Why does it make you so mad that people do things you don't like? Why does it matter to you? What do you hope to accomplish here? For everyone to delete BL from their hard drive and play the games you like? You're grinding this thread. You've been replying for like 2 hours now. How's that for irony, faggot?

I dont give a shit about either
Borderlands 3 is coming out may 17th

It's literally nothing to do with difficulty, it's everything to do with having to get a competent team together to grind for weeks to get a decent drop you can actually use so you can do the endgame content reliably without dying in one hit. Once you have ONE set to use, it's not awful because then you can DO the content without having to play perfectly with 3 randos who also have to play perfectly.

The loot curve is completely busted once you hit endgame it's like a fucking wall.

I never heard such retardation in my life ITT. Theres farming and then theres being a overweight virgin.kek

No doubt but I think I fucked up leveling as him and I just gave up or something. Might try it again later, but I got what I wanted out of the game and nobody I know plays it anymore.

>Also, because it's a loot shooter, why not give the player a fair and reasonable drop rate for those said guns like the first Borderlands? 10-15% seems fair to me.
Not only are you retarded wanting BL1's shit in, you're a double nigger for throwing out random numbers without any consideration.

>op8 isnt made for you
its made for people who like to farm and tweak there charater for an extreamly difficult optional difficulty
And I have never disputed this. You're a fucking retard who keeps assuming that because I called you out on your autistic elitism. Like I said, you should go be this "hardcore gamer" you keep opining about instead of arguing about it here because you clearly don't understand how to have a proper dialogue on a weaboo message board without sperging out and making false accusations.

That's literally artificial difficulty you brain dead child of a mongoloid rice farmer. It amounts to the fights not being hard but you just not having the gear to deal with it and, BIG SHOCK, need ot rely on OTHER PEOPLE and dumb blind luck to even begin to play the fucking game at the higher difficulties ESPECIALLY the bosses.

The best BL2 gear is the fixed rewards for completing quests. Farming's okay if you're that determined, but I'll sooner stick with things with reliable attainability like the Heart Breaker and Gwen's Head.

His point being that Sisyphus is actually having fun and everyone else just doesn't get it? lol I don't think so

>tfw sandhawk with the bee

oof the "i have a life" user your on Yea Forums arguing about a video game
stop lying to yourself
You might be slightly better off then some other people here, but so am I?
But no real successful 100% adjusted person comes to Yea Forums enough to argue video games

The diffrence between me and you is i understand why arpgs are enjoyable, and like to farm for a few hours because i find it fun and relaxing
and you don't get the point of why these games are succesful and think adding "skill" in them is what missing while also bitching that op8 is too hard

Borderlands? More like Boredomlands

Attached: Naamloos-2.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>guy in a thread searching for meaning doesn't get it and spergs out at everyone for the past 3 hours
>"guys this analogy is so dumb lol"
You're so close.

I'm not even the guy who started this conversation, I'm just baffled by people who subject themselves to this kind of shit for fun. To your point, your life I guess.

Krieg has a 12% chance to hit himself in the face if you spec into 'Silence The Voices'. From my experience, I can usually melee about 15 times before it procs. Sometimes it procs 3-4 times in a row. Sometimes after the 5th melee. So yea, I think a 10% drop rate is more than fair. Like I said, if you feel like you got a weapon too early, just wait one week. Then use it. Get your addiction treated.
OP8 isn't that hard if you have the right gear. Whoops! You have grind for it first!
You lose again, Reddit

wow, you really need to kill yourself, I'll give you like 8 bars of erridium to do it

Get fucking good you shitters. You're the problem, not the perceived lack of gear.

Do you guys think the remastered patch for bl1 will let it be more playable on modern computers? You get frame dips like crazy no matter how good your pc is. Bl2 has the effect too, not as bad. Hoping the update to bl2 also fixes that issue. Tps runs flawlessly. No frame dips for me on max everythinf, even physx. But bl2 dips even on low physx, and bl1 dips on low everything

As opposed to posting on Sri Lanka water purification board?

Attached: 1507972211957.png (265x292, 109K)

Man of Low Moral Fiber plays on PC. Nice try, Reddit.

Oh, and show me a melee Zero play through on OP8 without the Rubi and Rapier.


Grinding for a week??
Needing a team?
Playing with Randos

user what game are you playing cause its not bl, the drop chances arnt that low for 99% of the gear with only the hive, cobra and norfleet being up there. the norfleet isn't needed and its just a crutch and the other 2 are kind of bad

Considering Arpgs are extreamly popular because you can farm a lot, and you don't get it
Yeah checks out

Nobody said it wasn't artifical? Lol its number increases lmao but its still harder

Its trendy because its a fun word, and it desribes somethings too well
Get over yourself, and stop trying to seem cool on Yea Forums of all places

Why is Borderlands 1 not on sale but 2 & Pre-Sequel are? Which one is the best for coop with randoms?

>moving goalposts this hard

Just because a philosopher says something about someone else's parable doesn't make it true. But you'd know that if you actually had half a brain and weren't so easily influenced by bullshit.

>git gud
>in a gear based shooter
unironically killl yourself you planetoid sized meat mound. When they find your corpse floating in space because they couldn't burn it for fear of igniting the earth oxygen, and they mistake you for a planet, they'll christen you planet involuntarius celebatus.

your learning user
In a game about billions of guns
your guns matter
and getting them is fun to some people

also isnt it cool when retards try to start shit then ignore your entire comback and pretend they win

Who is this again? The face looks familiar.

>car drives over rocks

Man of low moral fiber is such a retard.
>only plays zero
>says zero is the best character
>wont ever consider another character
I saw this dick head commenting on a youtube video of a teacher doing something illegal and he commented something about how all teachers are useless and how public school is such a horrible expwrience to a young boy. he even said he shoulda dropped out of high school when he could. Dude is mentally fucked and got stuck in 2013 or whenever bl2 dropped. Probo hates school because it took time away from him playing as zero

He uses gibbed like everyone else. He has the best weapons and didn't have to grind for them. Even the white ones. Video is invalid.
Show me the melee video. I'll wait.

Man you're stupid. You keep trying to argue about something I'm not even say it. It'd be funny if you didn't try to play it off as being more intelligent than anyone else.

>white weapons are the best

>Considering Arpgs are extreamly popular because you can farm a lot, and you don't get it
Sisyphus was being punished for eternity. Do these people who grind BL2 do it against their will? It's an absolutely retarded analogy.

Becauase not many bought 1 on steam and they gotta make their bl1 remastered revenue somehow. Bl2 is just getting a UHD texture update, while bl1 is esswntiqlly being remade.

>also isnt it cool when retards try to start shit then ignore your entire comback and pretend they win
you are so painfully dumb and ironic it's not even funny. kill yourself cupcake, you know, that is if you can even figure out which end the bullets come out of, what a safety is, how to LOAD the gun. You know what? Just try to breath water, you can manage that right?

Gameplay was way more kino and less flashy bullshit all over the place.
Honestly the more I think about them the more they honestly feel like two vastly different approaches to similar ideas.
I recognize the value in 2 but even the gameplay is too over the top. I miss doing runs through crimson lance with my maliwan toxic revolver and the satisfaction popping off a single shot on each gave
I really wish they did a remaster or whatever because I don’t have my ps3 anymore.

And you can't do anything but call people stupid. I'd tell you to articulate the point but we both know you don't have any.

dude he made fun of yoteslaya like 2 months after he died cause he was still salty that yoti said the infitny pistol was good a few years ago

something not right with

and im p sure yoti was playing true vault hunter mode where the infinty pistol was good on zero when he made that video

>I really wish they did a remaster or whatever because I don’t have my ps3 anymore.

>more writing is superior regardless of the quality

If it was literally like Sisyphus, there wouldn't be a need for an analogy. Learn how analogies work you autist. You draw comparisons with something else that everyone understands via similarities. They don't have to be identical.

You're arguing with people about how they're arguing. I feel like I'm being punished for eternity when I read your stupid posts. Get off Yea Forums and go for a jog or something. You're so far up your own ass right now you must be suffocating.

still gnoring my response

The state of this man

You'd just talk around my point and make up your own version of what I said anyways. So there's no point.

Ya uh, must be sleeping under a rock bc remaster of bl1 was announced a few days ago.

Either way, bl1 has some shit mechanics like gun proffeciency, cars driving like fucking dogshit, and ridiculous defense on some enemies forcing you to only hit their rng AI baswd crit spot.

He sounds like a retard and doesn't take criticism lightly. But he's right about Zero. If you have the right gear, he's the best character. If you don't, he's the worst. Krieg is the only other character that's really good without slag despite what everyone says.
He has good weapons in that video. They're OP8 weapons too. You still have to grind as you go to get to that point.
What the fuck?

Until you hit the DLC, at which point it becomes cringe humor akin to what the sequels shove at you constantly.

white weapons are not good they're the worst.
have you LITERALLY ever played bl2 before? it don't sound like it. methinks you're a stupid faggot.

So people who grind BL2 are being punished. Thanks for clearing that up.

To the guys still sperging out and losing their minds over people playing Borderlands: I'm going to go play tomorrow with a friend. And we're going to have fun doing it. And there's NOTHING you can do about it. There's no recourse to take that will invalidate my experience. Let your powerlessness wash over you.

yeah man low moral fiber is an actual fucking autstic man that takes any thing remotely negative about zero personally

Yeah, man of low moral fiber is such an unappolegetic asshole. What an incredulous waste of youtube space. Iirc, dude never stopped making bl2 videos and still makes them to this day. He is a edgy teenager still stuck in his highscool days. What a fucking loser

Please read the original myth. Sisyphus pushed a rock up a hill, he wasn't playing a video game. Your analogy is invalid. lol

>Let your powerlessness wash over you.
I'm quaking in my boots.

bl3 please have fun driving

just some natural drift and weight

they added a lot of new cars but it doesnt matter if it isn't fun

1 billion Pokémon

luke is fucking based unlike you fago losers
let's see your fucking youtube channel kids go ahead and post it oh huh guess you don't have one too bad

probably a side effect of your AIDS medication


Luke are you past your bedtime again? You should really go to sleep you have many hours of zero tommorow to play

Borderlands 1 had better weapons and better humor.

The only based borderlands youtubers was yote and morninafterkill

Gothalion is cringe and wouldnt shut the fuck up about how much he fucks his wife, he must have been bullied as a kid and is insecure.
Bahroo turned out to be a scumbag and used mak to get money.
God yote wqs so based. He was a great dad, why the fuck did he have to do something so retarded.

jealous af poser bitch

One of my biggest problems with new borderlands is how they distribute legendaries.
I know it sounds stupid but it was always way more fun doing Knox runs for guns than it was to kill a boss and reload the same area and enemy 40 times in BL2 just for a shitty chance at a guaranteed drop.
The random nature of legendary drops in bl1 knock it far above bl2 for me.
I know faggots are gonna complain that it’s harder to get their favorite gun but I miss it
Plus everyone can suck my cock the thanatos was my shit and S&S was the best manufacturer.

What happened between Bahroo and Mak? I didn't even know they knew each other

Derch is a cool guy.
I don't know who this yote faggot is but he deserved it for drinking and driving. Let that be a lesson to the rest of you kids.

My analogy is invalid because I never made one to begin with. The problem is the analogy some other dipshit made.

>more fun to play
Total disagreement

Bl1 had better legendaries for sure, but the uniqueness of legendaries in bl2 is also a lot of fun. Purples in bl2 are essentially the pale legendaries of bl1

Some user gifted BL1 to me on Steam here a few years ago during Christmas, and because of that, I will be getting the remaster for free. Thank you, user.

They were good white weapons.
Last time I heard that was 8th grade.
Yea, I used to watch Yotas videos too when I first started playing. Fiber also made a video about Krieg. It's hilarious watching him play Krieg like Zero. Another anti Silence the Voices moron.
He sounds like he takes cock up his anus and so do you

Idk if it’s more fun but it’s leagues more comfy

dude he made fun of a man after he died who has kids, and honestly was a p chill and cool dude if i might just add. because the man said a gun was good on a fucking video game character a few years back

luke is an autsitic bitch and i hope he dies next

retards that die because they were stupid enough to drive while drunk deserve to be mocked.

Bahroo freaked the fuck out and said MAK cant be part of the destiny stream club cause hes bad for his image a day or two before they agreed to stream the game together after years of friendship

Bahroo mak and goth were a trio. They had one bad stream and ended friendships. Goth and mak still are friends but wont stream together at the moment. Bahroo saw how big mak was getting based on how he was exploiting destiny on twitce so he kept pming mak about streaming together since bahroo's views tanked. Mak figured bahroo only wanted to stream just to make money, not make up, so he cut all ties and called him toxic.

Its basically highschool drama, but honestly on mak's side. I wouldnt put up with that shit

He didn't deserve to die. I drove drunk before. I'm sure a lot of us have. He just got unlucky. And he had kids I think. So fuck off.

user the edge

he didn't deserve to die sure but he deserves to be mocked for his stupidity.
>I'm sure a lot of us have.
speak for yourself moron.

he was with freinds living life drinking, and made a stupid mistake

Your never going to exeprience something like that user

Your always going to be angry little man on the Spreading really edgy shit

play stupid games, win stupid prizes
anyone that drinks and drives is retarded, especially when they have a family to provide for.
it wasn't "an accident." he wasn't "unlucky." he was a fucking moron, did something stupid, and paid the price. it's not edgy you fucking girl. it's common sense. actions have consequences and no one is immune to them.

and i agree with you it was a stupid mistake

but mocking a dead body that belonged to somebody that was in life a p chill guy

user your an edgy retard, and there is better use of your time than being a massive dick

Bl1 never had anything close to torgue

the dead aren't immune to criticism. if he was alive what the fuck would you expect him to do? argue that it was SMART to drink and drive?

It’s gonna look even worse in 3

You’re right let’s use it like the original Dawkins coining if the term because words don’t change overtime
(Unironically in the original usage, the changing of the meaning of the word is itself a meme)

>he didn’t love fatman

I don't know what the fuck this conversation is about, but I can't let this shit stand.
>I drove drunk before. I'm sure a lot of us have.
No, we haven't. This kind of thinking is exactly why people still drunk drive, and why people are "tragically" taken by drunk drivers regularly despite everyone knowing drunk driving leading to this shit. You are unironically part of the problem.
>He just got unlucky
No, he drove a car while drunk. There is no luck involved. You might as well be saying people who play russian roulette just got unlucky when they finally shot themselves in the head.
>And he had kids I think. So fuck off
Having kids and being dead doesn't magically make you a saint. Dead people can be idiots. Leaving kids behind and dying is the height of failure as a parent.

We were over this
it was a stupid mistake
Your just a fucking retard that is trying way to hard to be edgy

You remind me of that kid in school that says stupid shit like "we all die" like we get it? Your not being deep or smart. your just an unsociable retard

Namecalling isnt criticism.

Unironically jack is really shit tier until the second he does that shit with bloodwing. Honest to god changed my entire opinion of the game and his character.

imagine this dude behind his monitor

Literally thinking hes being some voice of reason or objective thought of life

if you make a really big fucking stupid mistake like that, especially one so easily avoided, then yes, you deserve to be called a retard for it.

If it is patched I’m not buying the game
It’s as simple as that. What a lot of people forget is how much better the game felt because you could break it with shit like this and the sledges shotgun thing.
By no means am saying it’s bad baseline but gearbox struck gold with how much more fun and even somewhat balanced the game became with the glitches and exploits
Brick is a fun character only when you get his speed boost

Only problem with open games is everyone playing these days has glitched equipment and will kill bosses in seconds for you and then drop their spawned in ultra guns

Thats a big oof dude i hope you look back on this and cringe because i am right now

fuck off retard i'm based and you're not
i shit on you
watch as i shit on you
yeah took a big shit right on your post lol
got the last word in as a bonus. don't even bother replying cuz i won you lose.

Now im double cringing user

user i get luke has autism, but I hope that didn't wear off to his viewers too

Biggest problem with the story of 2 is hyperion should have been the new atlas.
That’s what the story of 1 was literally all about.
Atlas discovered a vault and used it to make the weapons they made which is why they were leagues above.
Every other manufacturer tried to rush to find the next and Hyperion was it.
Hyperion should have atlas tier shit in 2.

Cant let how he died be the only thing to define him. What he did is dumb, stupid, retarded, one of the worst things you can do. Being under influence without a designated responsible person around to protect you is a bad idea. He did so much good in his life to simply be labled a retard that died drinking.

What he did was dumb, but all the name calling is pointless. Its just being edgy. Your message comes off pointlessly harsh but adds nothing to what you are saying.

Thoughts on Pre-sequel?
I want to play a BL and I'm leaning towards 2 for now.

Handsomejackguy(?) was good
Guy who did bl1 legendary weapons guides.
He was just a kid but it was always super comfy watching/listening to his shit.

never played BL 2 but liked BL 1. I will say that DLC is ruining the second hand market. BL1 is like 2 dollars. BL2 is also like 3 dollars at my local exchangge, but if you want BL2 with the full content it's over 20 dollars because it's 15 bucks to dl the DLC, and it's not like you can buy the dlc second hand. even a 10 year old game will cost a premium because the online marketplaces don't adjust the prices according to games age or demand.

Have been sleeping under a rock.
Just got back from a long SCUBA trip in a place without WiFi or service.
So stoked that they’re remastering

pre-sequal is hot garbage and if you think people cant stand bl2 humor you haven't seen anything

Atlas made few guns that are strong. They are rare.
Hyperion made tons of effecient guns, and hail tecjnologically above pretty much any other manufacturer except for maybe maliwan. The vault lead to consumeristic domination for hyperion

He is good, just hate his name.

Handsomjackboy, sounds so lame doesnt it?

atlas literal gimmick was just being good

hopefully there more rare in 3 since there restarting up and it keeps just being good

Bl1 legenerdaries were plenty unique. Less gimmicks and more useful shit.

Pretty sure pale legendaried werr less gimmicky and more stat. ased upgrades than anything else

how many defilers, equalizers or volcanos did you get user?