Why did it die?
Other urls found in this thread:
shit management, shit community, political bullshits more important than actual lore, lootboxes, terrible balance, unfun gameplay mechanics...
If you want a real answer I think people find the siheld meta & the "wait for ultimates" game loop to be boring. Some of that would be gone if they pushed out heroes / maps way more often but the core game would still be bland.
I just saw a tournament of it on mainstream TV last week. I think its far from dead.....
Post the whole stuff.
that sums it up pretty much perfectly
It's dead? I thought normal folk were still eating it up.
It's not a moba. Free to plays that aren't mobas all end up dying
I wish my dick was the water bottle
whoever is in charge of balance @blizzard is fucking retarded. that goes for all their games.
beta was the most fun
that;s it user
If it was F2P it would thrive again.
>the two most boring and vanilla characters possible
i wish i was mei or d.va
I do this with my gf all the time.
not enough girls
overwatch is only good for the porn, i want widowmaker to sit on my face
It's been 'dead' for 2 years.
>yet ANOTHER obvious waifuposting bait thread with an unrelated OP
Too much esports, not enough updates. Like bruh, I don't care if ji sun yoo beat chang yee bong in OWL. Just gimme them skin tokens nigga
With or without the big blue futacock?
either works
Slow walk speeds
Rock/paper/scissors hero interactions make you helpless in certain situations
Novelty wore off
Relatively high density of support roles
Nonexistent community content
Tanky health pools + cooldowns and special abilities make the game more about coordinating when to have a confrontation rather than individual contributions
Senseless clusterfuck for spectators
Emphasis on team play turns the online into ceaseless whining
You should have known what was wrong with it within twenty hours of playtime.
With, obviously.
How do you say OI MATE in korean
"why did overwatch die" is a meme, i hope you guys know youre posting in a meme thread
For me? It's Widowmaker.
You can pretty much time the death of Overwatch with the porn ban on Tumblr. There isn't a reason for anyone to be interested in it anymore as it's more difficult to come across the porn.
Fit and toned but not overly muscle-y. Perfect.
Reminder Blizzard should have deleted the stupid commie chink from the game in beta. It's not fun dying to a character that slows you down to a crawl and just aims at your head for ez headshots
buy game say word
I bet you like that sweet futa cock
ANY game where teamwork is mandatory to win win will always harbor the most autistic and toxic community. It's even worse when you have ranked mode and written in stone metas because every match turns into the same shit. It turns the game into a job, where winning just brings you relief and losing just makes you wonder why you bother. The skins and events last year were dogshit so thankfully I finally weaned off that shit, I'm sticking to friends only when it comes from online games now.
Because Blizzard mishandles everything nowadays. They mad a giant push for e-sports but that literally does fucking nothing for the game everyone else plays. Updates are just rehashed events and one hero/map every four months even though they've made billions since release and increased the dev size from 70 to 100+. Even the sad fucks that care about the "lore" have gotten the shaft.
The game was made for children. Children often want something different after a while.
no 24/7 2fort
I wish that was me
>They mad a giant push for e-sports but that literally does fucking nothing for the game everyone else plays
A thriving e-sports scene keeps people interested. The problem is that OW is so teamwork dependent that the view of any individual player will be senseless and incoherent, so if you spectate OW it's just a clusterfuck. Counter Strike can be fun to watch because at it's most complicated it's two or three dudes running down a hallway trying to get headshots.
Best girl
I would choke on her cock any day of the week
For me its Ana
based and mommypilled
i wanna make her face white with my cum
True, I guess I've never really paid attention to e-sport stuff with games I've played before. You're right about the rest too, the people that watch OWL see that as the way Overwatch is meant to be but then jump in the game and get a fat load of shit right on their face that even people involved with OWL teams admit and everyone else agrees with.
good stuff
>Young Ana
Might as well jerk off to Pharah you fucking philistines.
Imagine shilling for porn artists
Based, Old Ana is way sexier. My favorite skin is Merciful.
For me its doc mercy
are overwatch lewd games a thing
God I fucking love delicious brown women with abs.
>Tfw I'd betray my race for a woman like pharah
Good lord.
I don't think Overwatch is dead yet. It just has big lulls where there's no new content and people get bored by repetitive match comps.
joked on you, I fap to both young and old ana
Because it's SJW TF2 with worse gameplay, balance, graphics, etc. Only good thing about Overwatch is the light years of rule 34 we got out of it.
>All this fucking modeller talent wasted on the bland bimbos of OW
it wasnt good to begin with.
the characters are good, and the porn of it is even better, but that only get you so far, the gameplay is what keeps alive a game, and OW has serious balancing problems.
Literally not even joking when I say this. You're a homo. You're literally gay. Not even a shred of straight in your DNA.
>ywn have a threesome with Pharah and her mom.
Because niggers like you killed best boy
>blizzard says they don't believe his 1 shot is good for the game
>immediately release a hero built around 1 shotting enemies
God I fucking love Arabian women now
>Tanned bitch with an eye tattoo
>Not bland
Unironically watch more video game porn, you fucking casual. This is like bottom of the barrel preteen fap fuel. I was fapping to shit like this while you were a twinkle in your daddy's ball sack.
Wait, you mean making all the characters gay didnt attract new players????
>fake tits
I’m 58
If that's true, you should be ashamed at how vanilla you are. Thirty years of internet access and your taste in porn is barely above a 12-year-old. I bet you don't even like armpit hair.
Who cares.shes the best we have in Muslim porn
Porn is the only good thing about this game
I wasn't interested in it because you could be banned from the entire game for being "toxic", and because it was a 20tickrate matchmaking game. I'm not a fan of matchmaking or tickrates below 60.
Letting people host and join each-others' servers, where you could set your own tickrate and manage your own banlists, would've convinced me to give it a go.
>browsing Yea Forums
horrifying if true.
>He thinks he's free to leave
Based, I literally live just for armpit hair. I'm 23.
Sorry they aren't making furry porn like you want.
>browsing Yea Forums
based if true
>Thirty years of internet access and your taste in porn is barely above a 12-year-old. I bet you don't even like armpit hair.
not him, but there is a point where i was fapping to tranny midgets with amputations and then got completely disgusted at what kind of shit i was fapping to the point of not being able to enjoy it anymore, now im back at vanilla stuff, sometimes i feel more turned on by implications rather than explicit content.
romantic stuff really gets me hard as diamonds fast as fuck.
>43 when this website was created
All it had going for it was blizzards name and big tits
Oh boy another overwatch porn thread.
I bet you're that 58 year old boomer
Why can't you die, OP? You post this shit every single day. I know this is Yea Forums, but do you have something else to do with your life?
>romantic stuff really gets me hard as diamonds fast as fuck.
I'm at gruesome necrophilia and the tunnel is only getting darker.
The only reason it died is because they complete fucked anything that was enjoyable, fun or balanced in the game forcing people with any sort of creativity to follow whatever team compositions reddit says is "OP" when really its like at most a 3% increased success rate over just being good, but honestly that 3% just kept increasing with their retarded decisions so much so that they just fucking decided to remove individual performance SR gains from competitive at Diamond + which completely fucks actually being good at a character you enjoy and just forces you into playing the retarded meta.
Seek Christ but unironically
Fortnite and Apex Legends were free and took all the teens away. People feel better about dying and starting a new game/rarely winning or all oat winning in a pool of 100 then they do performing their firmly defined role in a 6v6 where you have to push carts instead of collecting kills.
anneyon faggot-mida
too much gay shit
why is pharah so fucking perfect
I stopped at Daisy's Destruction
>delicious caramel
>tall for a woman
>probably fit
Based and truthpilled.
How the fuck is that watermelon slice so goddamn puny?
I want to watch Pharah get BLEACHED
Imagine working out with Pharah.
Luck for you that's like 95% of her rule34.
It's a lot of fun to jump into from time to time. Multiplayer shooters get stale for me after playing too long. But I'd play a lot more if they brought back the old quick play and stopped punishing fun. All I do is mess around on arcade.
>be 19
>be short manlet
>tfw no tall older phara mommy to bury my face on her tits or abs
Im fucking sad
Jesus that’s good
It's my favorite animation. The ones doubling with Mercy are really good too.
Is her skin supposed to be bubblegum pink? It might help me interpret this as Princess Bubblegum getting fucked.
It just wasn't that good. It was fun for a bit, then you settle in and get a feel for it. Then you get stuck doing the same old shit on temple of anubis over and over again. Even if you get all your friends together and fill out a team it's still a drag.
Some of the players are incredible sooks and throw tantrums if every member of the team isn't playing whatever the meta is and working like a well oiled machine to win them yet another meaningless round. Never mind what they're like on the actual "competitive" mode. You get some salty little boys in any game but damn if OW isn't just filled with them, must be all the estrogen in the fanbase's diet making them emotional.
The PRC uses a system called state capitalism.
why did you just dump dolphin porn?
They're a Socialist Market Economy
haven't played in a long while, any confirmed dickgirls yet?
She's strong. Sexy and would make for a good wife. And the broken English is hot as hell.
gonna need sauce on this fampai
Vanilla porn and cheesecake are truly erotic in a way that explicit hardcore pornography just isn't
Yeah, the latest patch added a bulge to Widowmaker's crotch that expands whenever she's on fire.
Finishing up with sex-cardio
Because you're a beta faggot
they should change the name
And how does that make them not Communists?
i want her to motivate me to get fit
They are sinking money into this at a far faster rate than they are getting anything out of it. It is trying the MoviePass tactic and failing.
Their still commies, but their market is a lot more free then it use to be
To be fair, they're blocking canola oil exports from Canada now which is solely a political move and they've detained several canadians without reason
Might briefly reinstall for that Talon event in April, since it has the best game mode and skins, but that's about it.
not enough of this
god bless
So you came in to join or...???
kinda old, isn't it?
>um ackthually it's not communism because it's not schtateleth and wageleth
utopians begone, the state ideology is marxism-leninism and the goal is communism
I don't think the Canada thing is an ideological political move, it's just geopolitics to cuck leafs
You may laugh now but in some years you are still going to come here, take my word.
Everybody, I order you to look at this cute girl Olivia
Daily reminder that this game is nearly three years old and still doesn't have
>custom maps
>any option to choose what maps or game modes you want to play in casual
>autobalance or vote scramble for its horribly unbalanced casual matches, but you still get penalized for leaving them
How did Blizzard make an entire game out of stolen ideas and not understand what made any of them work?
cute pits
that was a shitty ahegao, you instathot
Man fuck moviepass
This but gameplay was actually fun in the beginning for about the first month on release.
Tell her to fix her fuckin hair.
I still fap to the porn pretty much weekly, haven't played it in months.
Christ and his followers were fucking cannibals, you're not gonna make it better for him.
>Updates are just rehashed events
This shit really gets me, why just repeat the same shit after the first year? Why couldn't they fucking add new events and remove some old ones?
They have paid for millions of peoples movies and are losing everything. I don't really feel any reason to be upset.
>every dva cosplay is just wearing that shitty ass mass produced jumpsuit with no actual definition to the parts
This. I got sick and tired of 90% of my attacks just slapping against shields. Especially with Orisa.
>t. Catholic
Name me a single nation where the proletariat have seized the means of production. I'll wait.
Yeah actually it is political, theres no reason why they'd stop taking canola oil and arrest random tourists for spying
It's all because we arrested that Huawei spy, it all started after that when China made threats against us
Has nothing to do with cucking, just China bullying
Because all their resources went right into the esport scene, useless stuff like the endorsement system and cinematics that aren't even funded anymore.
>muh reinterpretations!
When you're alone in the desert there's nothing to eat. One of your followers dies. You eat him. Then you invent religious excuses as to why God allowed and encouraged it. This is how human mind works, there's no dodging this. All religions are death cults preaching submission or abstinence that benefits someone else.
Fit brown girls are becoming more popular, and I'm excited to keep living
Huawei's pretty fucky, didn't they do something in Africa where they gave them a building but rigged it to shit and had all the data sent back to China?
>All I ever do now is DM.
>All it ever is now is Hogs, Reapers, Moiras, Tracershit, one punch Doomfist and Right Click Mcrees.
I know the game isn't balanced for DM but shit man if would be so much better if it was.
Hell awaits the deceivers.
Blizzard should hire you to make more of the same shit maps they make. No need to overpay some "professional" map designer lol.
How can men compete?
Now blow yourself up, your god demands it.
People knew orthodox Marxism was a fucking meme by the early 1900s, which is why both Leninism and social democracy/democratic socialism even exist. It's why fascism exists too, by way of Sorelianism.
Refusing to support countries that seek to improve the lives of their people with state action because there hasn't been what you consider to be a proletarian revolution is exactly what I would call utopian.
I wont as long as I can watch.
post more pharah
What these two said.
>posting blendershit artist
This is SFM country faggot.
>>muh reinterpretations!
>makes up his own interpretations
what did he mean by this
Like this
It's true, I can't stop fapping to bleached.
For me, it's Ana.
If one is valid, then all are valid.
>frogposter hates waifuposting
What a fucking surprise!
>a meme
Communism has STARTED to flourish in places like El Salvador, Cuba, and Venezuela before the bourgeois crushed it in infancy.
I posted a far more cropped and censored pic a few days ago than any of the ones posted here and was banned, yet these vids and pics remain. How are mods so inconsistent?
It hasn't, but honestly the biggest reason for its decline is t hat the devs have no idea what game they're making. They're trying to appeal to everyone, and because of that the game is stuck in this weird middleground where it appeases no one.
>cuck fetishists are a ok
>but dom fetishists are bad alright?
Just pay them whatever Blizzard pays them to shill their porn here.
I think you meant 5'8"
yours isn't
>that armpit
>those abs
average height
ultimates were an awful idea
Got more arguments, cuck?
I haven't heard of that particularly but I'm really inclined to believe it based in what Africans have told me
They're essentially a branch of the Chinese government, all their phones allegedly, send the data back to China. They've been banned from use by quite a few governments for safety reasons.
I never said I was a dom.
Because you just posted an abomination
No they're both bad and easily at least as cringey if not more so than blacked cucks. Like fuck dude can't you like exotic women without plastering that stupid queen of hearts signs and "awwrr mistah white man i ruv your big white cawk" all over everything?
your shitty aussie internet probably doesnt help
I can't stop it, I love it to much
It's all I can fap to anymore honestly, it pathetic but it feels so good
I can barely even cum with normal stuff now, has to be a dark skinned man
bleached literally sprouted from insecure whites being buttblasted at blacked. cope harder sissy.
t. blacked cuck
But He doesn't.
>that tattoo
>culture creates counter culture
>waaah how dare you!
Literal nigger tier intelligence right there.
For me it was the complete lack of "depth" of gameplay.
I hate to make the obvious comparison but when side-by-side with a game like TF2 the shallow nature of Overwatch gameplay really shows.
For instance, in Overwatch, Pharah flies to out herself in advantageous positions, this vertical lift is achived by simply pressing a button. To achive a similar effect as soldier in TF2 you must learn how to rocket jump, air-strafe and be able to pull the manuver off in a fast enough manner to get shots on target. This is only one example of the absence of any kind of substance to the gameplay, which could be described by the phrase "a mile wide but an inch deep".
>yeah dude lmao why doesn't an agrarian society that was mostly based off subsistence farming just jump straight into Socialism
I just tried a few matches after not being on for a couple of months. It just feels dull now. The only modes I like are Total Mayhem and the PvE. I have no idea why they don't make a permanent PvE mode for people who don't want to stress over QP or Competitive.
>turd dick lover
>queen of spades on nigger characters
Just like Dota / League, it's not a real game unless you're literally playing with a full team.
One single person can waste your entire session's time. That's not a video game.
I think the Chinese have earned that information anyway. Just look at all the investment they're pouring into developing nations.
Oh look, another /e/ thread on Yea Forums
its a heart
That's a heart you blind fuck
>The Chinese are giving away money for free
X doubt
It's fucked. Time to welcome your new Chinese overlords
>loses an argument and starts chimping out with buzzwords
We have an actual nigger here
Keep crying sweetie
I am trying to nofap and these threads are making it hard
>counter culture
>literally aping a shitty fetish but turning some symbols upside down and changing some words
Wait is this bleached stuff for black guys with a race cuck fetish? I really can't imagine any other explanation.
That's a heart you idiot lmao
Why? Doing what's best for everyone is what Communism is all about.
Ults are way too strong.
isn't blacked just other whites being obsessed over blacks anyway? i'm pretty sure the average nigger dosen't care about raceplay that much
One of the only reasons to browse Yea Forums unless you're a culture war obsessed faggot.
I literally dropped the game when they nerfed Roadhog. Worst decision they ever made.
ohnononononono, they're fuming.
I don't like that shit.
But they're illegally taking data, you just said that your self
Why? They're based in London.
They need it more than the Africans.
Eh. Niggers thing if they fuck some white crackwhore they've somehow won against whitey. If whites watch nigger porn it's because it's a fetish similar to beastiality
It's colonialism. They 'invest' in infrastructure that nigger countries can't possibly pay back and then when it's built and the countries default they take possession of the infrastructure.
Which is fine and all, it's giving Africa infrastructure the only way it'll ever get it, but it's not some act of Communist generosity.
And besides, property doesn't actually exist. That's capitalism's fatal flaw.
>why did it die?
Then they're not giving money away for free, user.
Nice Q-user tatoos
I love my BWC-obsessed Twitch wife D.va
>property doesn't actually exist
What do you mean? As in property is a spook?
Why does Genji get to negate the cooldown on one of his skills?
Why is Genji the only character in the game with this feature?
You mutts are really pushing it
That chin could puncher a tire.
It died ? i see the SFM comunity pretty active
>having tattoos
You mean small pecker.
Boomers begone
Ninjas cheat
Yeah they grant more projects to countries that vote with them in the UN
They use debt as leverage to get whatever they want, they've taken ports illegally(Sri Lanka, they just look like niggers but aren't) and have built bases in Africa
>romantic stuff really gets me hard as diamonds fast as fuck.
You are a scholar and a gentleman, goddamn you have good taste
I don't have an ft subscription rip, I appreciate the effort
Tfw poorfag
Man I wanna fuck Mei's tits.
It's funny watching the Chinese realize what we did 200 years ago about niggers. They're no damn good at anything except being farm equipment
So what was Queen of Hearts? White guys only?
Is that what the counter-tattoo is?
>communist intellectuals
Is your cock big enough?
who the fuck would pay to use some random fucking news site
The niggers are really pissed, they tell me they preferred the whites cause the whites had to care about keeping them alive, the Chinese don't give a single fuck
Post the full thing
I need to fuck Pharah
She's almost two feet shorter than I am. Of course it is.
no, and i love that.
It's comforting to know that if white people die the Chinese will pick up our slack and eventually wipe out the Jews.
Weird. It works for me when I click the link on google, but not when I click the link on Yea Forums. Try googling "African Union accuses China of hacking headquarters"
Exactly. The whites actually treated niggers like humans, albeit fucking retarded humans. Chinese don't even treat other Chinese like humans.
>One QoS picture gets posted
>Bleached fags come out of the woodwork
>W-w-w-we're not secure
That's gonna be a yikes from me.
? Where's the correlation
>being this triggered by a word 'white'
even a nigger cum is white you know
>people ruining good art by editing their shitty fetishes on to it
Are you like seven feet tall?
because it's boring
Taller people have taller body parts, dummy. It's simple geography.
Thanks, I hate it.
Yeah, and I only saved those images because of how pathetic the concept is.
Lol okay little buddy
6'6 so pretty close.
OMG, literally me.
I thought I got bored of vanilla porn after several years of only watching shemales, but now romantic/sensual/passionate porn with straight or lesbian couples gets me so hard I could pierce God with my cock
t. seething manlet
Nah dude. Chinese are easily on par with niggers when it comes to just general likability. At least when they get together in groups. I'd rather Arabs take the throne before the bugmen.
You just KNOW
You're very insecure. It's cool bro. Tell everyone how tall you are and how you're guaranteed to have a "taller dick"
Be real you thought they were spades
>manlet doesn't know about height magic
Could be a pomelo you fucking uncultured tard
dumping bizarro cuck
I dunno, that's just what comes up when I click the link
I don't support journos
I want to be that water bottle
Arabs are okay but they have the problem of being barbarians who think they're civilized. Plus Jews can camo as Arabs just like they can as Europeans. Chinks are immune to the parasite.
Ah thanks I'll read it
The African union is pretty minor at this point,but it could gain a lot of political power
Absolutely, Chinese don't give a single fuck and will wipe out their own people in concentration camps to make way for their "culture"
did she learn this in medical school?
I can only assume EurasianTiger made these
Shit looks awful
Who and why sits down and writes this shit
for me it's the lack of community content
imagine a map workshop in overwatch. people would make maps way better than the unga bunga throw ult at choke/point maps blizz makes.
hell there's probably TF2 maps that'd make better OW maps than the ones in the game.
but blizz is too retarded to understand that if someone makes 2CP_NIGGERFAGGOT it's not their own fault. because a basic "you're on your own out there, kid" disclaimer for community servers/maps is too hard to write or something
Chinks are only immune to the parasite because they have no souls. A vote for the Chinese is no victory for humanity. It's like a draw. I'd rather the last people on Earth be our distant barbarian ancestors than fucks who take pleasure in torturing animals
It lacked personality and seemed clinical. That's not a good combination for staying power.
EurasianTiger hates white people though, he makes blacked porn.
Why so angry?
>He doesnt know
why do americans have such cringy fetishes?
Didn't pander foot fetishists enough
>someone made this
his isnt
but mine sure as fuck is
>I would choke on her cock any day of the week
Which means he nuts to bleached porn in the same way pol nuts to blacked porn
what kind of autism is this thread
overwatch and wow are only good for porn
Okay Sigmund
This. I've seen it all and yet one of my favorite JAVs is just upskirts of girls riding bicycles.
overwatch player-level autism
geopolitics+raceplay porn+/e/
I fucking swear if Mei was real I would plough her until my dick fell off
this is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen
you can tell this was made by some micro limped dick cracker butthurt about seeing bbc. the entire thing oozes of his inferiority complex.
The kind of autism you get when /e/ threads aren't deleted from Yea Forums but on topic posts are
m-more please
>upskirts of girls riding bicycles.
what's the best place to get something like this?
seething white cucks
imagine the roller coaster of emotion that goes into making these
But then you couldn't fuck her anymore
I'm so sorry that you're black
So is this cuck shit a way for people to combat overwatch threads or are people really this autistic that they have to make these godawful edits on everything? But to answer the op the game's horrendously repeititve at times, there's very little variation on how each match plays out and because of the strict meta and limited picks you can easily tell how a game will go just by the picks alone. Orisa is the only reason why I play that game.
They reject the reality behind changes in birth rates for some "inherent racial fertility" concept
It is very much a fetish
i will never have a gf
No you wouldnt, because that would be my job
mentall illness
Not enough porn
Both are just autism.
>/pol/ nuts to blacked threads
How can anybody take you seriously ever?
It's way more likely that the fetish of an asian guy inspired him to make all that shit
It doesn't even get back at black people in any way
Prediction before I open the video
>yes non-whites in developed countries have higher birthrates than whites
>and yes we're importing them from countries where they have staggering birthrates
>and yes we're trying to reduce your share of the population to disempower you
>but their birthrates go down too so it's okay shut the fuck up whitey
Really not seeing how this is relevant to a discussion of fetishes though, you're just doing the gay pop-Freudian shit where you pretend hating something actually means you like it
Go to your favorite jav search site, seach for the SLAP code, and go from there.
unironically this
all they had to do was releasing a sexy black woman character with a huge afro
>"""white""" amerimutt culture is literally devolved into screaming "bleached" at random brown women
I mean, fucking well done kikes.
Unironically me
>copy BLACKED fags
>think its acceptable
kys you degenerate
Yeah, think of all those niggers in Africa with computers
Blacks like the one you responded to are incredibly insecure about other races, literally every other race.
Amazing, your attempt to argue is based entirely on a strawman instead of the actual content
>Only niggers can be happy when they get to fuck the superior race
I guess that makes sense, because who would brag about fucking a shitskin?
>racial fetishists
>sexual immorality
you are all going to hell you filthy ass faggots
Well, was I right?
I don't care enough to watch the video but that's typically the excuse given.
>thinks it's the actual creator after poster calls it bizarro cuck and accuses someone of making them
Mercy should be the worst healer in the game and only good for casual e-girls that are too shit to play anything else. The fact that she's the most picked hero in the game is pathetic. Blizzard can't balance games for shit.
Everything this guy said.
I'd like to expand some more though
>They rushed out too many "new" heroes at once instead of making it a slow trickle they fine tuned. As a result the buffed and nerfed almost weekly. On top of that they straight up changed how certain characters played all together. If you hadn't played for a month you had no clue WTF was going on.
>Then salty community managers banned people for everything thinking the only place the game could go is up
I stopped playing because I couldn't be casual and understand who did what in the game anymore. Nothing made sense and I was just annoyed
Of course you're right. Anybody who isn't braindead knows importing shitskins is just about keeping the population from leveling off and keeping the exponential debt and growth going.
The video is nothing to do with fucking immigration you obsessed blackedfag
It's about debunking the overpopulation meme
>not getting the point
based retard
So it was completely non-topical?
Cool, fuck off retard.
and in both them in that image they have dicks
>The world isn't overpopulated
>China alone is going to destroy it with pollution
>ban people for playing the wrong character
>ban people for not being a team player
>ban people for bantz
>ban people for what they say on twitter
>be surprised when no one is playing a game run by fascists
It is on topic because it debunks /pol/'s gay ass fetish of hyper fertile niggers and sandniggers
>every thread dissolves into random inceloids talking about niggers and birth rates
What the fuck happened to this board?
sorry sweetie but climate change is for cuck soiboi npc libtards, remember?
Shit mods and people
The only thing that keeps niggers in check in the US is the massive amounts of abortions and all the gang violence.
More like what happened to this world
You just come out of cryostasis from 2012?
In other words, it's completely non-topical except in the world you've constructed in your head?
Dabbing on the jannies took its toll
The only reason the climate isn't a huge part of conservative foundations is because liberals still think Antarctica is going to melt and kill Florida in 20 years
Damn, they're really prepping you guys for a civil war.
delicious snack
Who needs a fat virgin who can one shot someone while you can have a BBC African man who one shot fist someone to death instead?
Yea Forums is the only place where I can get an economics lecture and delicious brown titties at the same time
There's nothing to talk about with OW. Nothing about it is interesting anymore. Who the fuck cares about balance changes anymore. The new hero is boring as fuck. I don't even give a shit about the next event which is the best one out of them all. Also esports lamo
>tfw it's unironically dead in Twitch.tv with a total of 14.8K viewers
>it's been like this for about three weeks, going between 12K to 18K
No, because both mainstream parties in the US are completely controlled.
Neither left-liberals nor right-liberals give a fuck about by the climate or other environmental issues as demonstrated by the former's proposal of completely unserious lifestylist positions and the latter's total refusal to treat with the issue at all.
The bilebears deserved it. Not torture.
>Not realizing it wasn't going to last when it's 6v6 in current year
I want to breed Ana
Not enough content of Dr. Jamison "Cutest Scientist" Junkenstein
Its because they are not true Brits, as true Brits worship Allah instead of being degenerate infidels.
Post more OW map design
Most conservatives outside burgerstan accept climate change. You fags decided to plant your flag on the anti science hill to appease christcucks and big oil.
Also al gore pretty much made a burger lefty thing for some reason
>during the pig-disgusting release of that new support hero, it hasn't spiked at all to 20K, it stayed at 18K the whole time
>she'll never get a kino revenge story
fuck blizzard
I'd be described as far right and Im a hippy boyscout. It's not a left or right issue, but the left makes it one. No, neither party really cares.
I love him so much
So many of the problems with 2CP could be fixed if blizzard bothered to give proper spawn timers. Why BOTH attackers and defenders get 5 second spawn times is beyond me.
The gameplay was only fun in the beginning because people didn't know how it worked, so they didn't use the unfun mechanics to their full advantage.
Just play FF6 it'd basically be the same thing
Conservatives outside the US are gayer than conservatives inside the US and that's saying something. They just go along with the unserious proposals of their liberal peers.
Yeah. Liberalism in general is woefully unequipped to deal with climate change and with pollution.
real answer: oversaturation of porn, literally all porn thats still made of it is all the same thing done with all the same models done in the exact same engine.
And everyone knows overwatch only became popular because of the porn
quality thread OP
The maps are fucked. Changing the respawn times won't be make them fun
nice tits
>27 citations
BUILT for white cock
>that botting with OW's esport
impressive that it went unnoticed
who's this artist? I've seen those lips before but I cant pin it down
qoh threads are only good for finding brown girls, this is just retarded
Massive kek. This game is dead. Holy shit. Imagine dumping all your resources into competitive game design and having it flop THIS bad. OW devs need to take basic classes in game design. This is just embarrassing
>when she sees your dick for the first time
There are no conservatives outside the US. We killed the last ones 80 years ago.
fotm battle royales
Fascists aren't conservatives, they're revolutionaries and that's a good thing, conservatism is destined to lose by its very nature. Revolution or reaction or bust
If you kind of overlook when the insecure white author has her obsess over white dick, its actually a decent story of a slutty D.Va. I actually enjoyed it.
Make sure your game has soul instead of pumping money into attracting the ADHD twitch crowd
There were so many mistakes made from the beginning. Nobody on the development team has any experience with first person shooters. It shows in almost every choice they make, especially brig
>t. insecure white
This is honestly p good
Fascism is what happens when you fuck over conservatives.
t. dicklet
>blacked porn is made by pathetic white bois
>bleached porn is made by pathetic white bois
Fascism by it's very nature is just extreme corporatism though, how is that a good thing? Most of these gay revolutions are destined to collapse in on themselves in the end anyway.
It's pretty simple, because the game is just a clusterfuck. This has always been the issue and was the primary complaint since beta and even the 'pro' players start admitting this when they're sick of the game. Majority of ultimates are literally I WIN buttons that require no skill or effort and cannot be countered outside of very specific situations like one specific character saving their own ultimate as a retaliation only. It's just annoying.
Balance of the game is terrible and the very few changes that get made take fucking forever. Certain skills or characters can just be either completely broken or completely useless and they will stay this way for MONTHS and MONTHS it's inexcusable.
Blacked porn is made by/for cucks to enjoy BBC. Bleached porn is made by insecure whites to combat Blacked porn.
>they tell me
Kek, whose they? Does your dad work at African Union?
lamo microdick
corporatism =/= corporatocracy
But fascism was great for the German people while it lasted, and that's all that counts.
Imagine some overweight white NEET on his basement typing this out in Gimp. I can only imagine what he's thinking
>heh, that will show those niggers that women like white men more
it hasn't died, it's still really fun :)
is that a manilla pepe?
I would disagree. If conservatives turned into fascists just by getting fucked over, NRO would be Der Sturmer tier.
Fascism is rightist, like monarchism, but it is not a reaction from liberal conservatism. It's a separate political theory.
Corporatism has a different meaning from how it's commonly used. To a fascist (and to non-fascists of the fascist epoch), "corporatism" and "corporate state" evoke images of a state that functions like a body (corpo) composed of smaller corporations/groups like workers' syndicates, the state church, etc. The state is not run by joint-stock corporations, rather it incorporates the nation. It's actually a Catholic idea iirc.
It sold over 40 million copies, sure they're sad it didn't last as long as their previous games, but it paid for itself tenfold.
Yeah ok sure buddy
So basically it's always whiteys fault and blacks/asians never get gross fetishes, got it
>I-It paid for itself
Are you a stockholder in blizzard? Why do you give a shit?
I actually enjoy seeing white guys dominating girls.
I think it's weird how you project your obsession with black guys onto other people.
Not really. Nearly half of the GDP was spent on military and that was before WWII had even started. Their entire economy was basically plundering Europe for riches and resources.
I don't, but to say it failed is fucking retarded. The person who claims that is just desperate for Blizzard to die.
You can see the difference in the topics. In blacked, the focus is on cuckolding and the inferiority of white men. In bleached, it almost entirely focuses on self inserting as the white men where non white women compliment them. I'm 90% sure the first is made by cucks and the second is made by white men self inserting.
Its literally a counter to blacked and queen of spades. I was there at the start, before the whole clusterfuck got moved to /trash/ from /hentai/. Everything from the tattoos to the "bleached" clothing to the tattoo edits is a rip off blacked.
Yes but remember
the original barbarians ended up forming the white nations of Europe.
Give it a few years since the Arabs are already surrounded by civilization to learn from, and they'll be in a good spot to take over.
Fascism is definitely a more coherent ideology than communism/anarchism. Shame the Germans came around and fucked it up like they tend to do.
Whats with blacked and bleached porn? why can't I just enjoy vanilla without having racefaggots just ruining everything with their dumb card symbols and raceplay?
Neither is good, they both just show and brew insecurity over sexual prowess and dick size
Its all so tiresome
>Their entire economy was basically plundering Europe for riches and resources.
This is a common canard but it has no basis in reality. It's like saying that since England was on a war footing at the start of the war it would have collapsed after the war. England did not collapse and Germany would not have either had it won the war.
Unironically because Fortnite came out. Battle Royale games in general, really. Very unlucky timing and now it got flossed by cringe zoomers that'd rather buy skins in Fortnite.
It's dead. That's all I said. lrn2read
Finally, one user speaks sense. I don't even want weird fetish shit anymore, just good vanilla art.
I really need more blacked OW girls, please.
I like one, I don't like the other. I don't find black people attractive and find the overtones of bleach to be sexier.
You're imputing motives to me that don't exist.
no K/D/A display in a competitive shooter
Yeah. Aesthetics aside I still love the Third Reich's look even if they fucked it up the Italians and the Spanish really did a better job with fascism.
>overwatchfags are cuckolds
did Jeff put subliminal messaging in the game or some shit? why the fuck hasn't this been moved to ?
sauce on image
This. The world wars were geopolitical, the first one was about European dominance
Blacked showed up, started just making a ton of edits to stuff. Bleached started making a ton of edits in retaliation. I like bleached just for the edits of the dick color just because i can self insert better, but yeah if both were gone it would be best. I hate cuckshit with a burning passion and when they start branding girls with swastikas
If OW battle royale happened before Apex it'd have made a comeback but now Respawn already filled the hero BR niche and it's an oversaturated market at this point.
user you are standing from the position of a white man that can self insert into vanilla porn all the time.
They may be niggers, but every man deserves the joy of a good fap.
>Tfw mulato
>Skin color right in the middle of both
>Can fap to both with no problem
>Because I'm 184cm, dick is 17cm, which gives me no self-esteem problems other than a slight curvature to the right.
Feels good.
The world wars and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race
>that solid 150k every time
what the fuck how obvious you got to be that you're botting
I'm not talking about the screencap, I'm talking about the user one reply up nigging about insecure whites.
>tfw no best timeline where the European nations realized their fuckup during the Christmas truce and called the war off
The world wars lead to the fastest advancement of human technology ever
Imagine chaining her to a post naked to do whatever you want to her.
I've never played this game and know absolutely nothing about its story or characters, but it is probably the best of all the vidya porn ever.
What if technology isn't the problem, but humanity is it?
I just saw Captain Marvel had sold out tickets at my local theater. I think it's far from a flop.....
And also to the modern hell world in which we currently live. World War II is used as a creation myth that has twisted society into an unholy shape.
This guys right though, even Asa Akira said the guys with the biggest cocks in porn are the ones 5’7-5’10. And that girls seen hundreds.
Sorry to tell you guys but cock size does not stay proportionate to height.
Ask all the chicks who fuck basketball players.
>put a sniper nest inside the spawn point of a map on the first point
>defending team now awkwardly has to defend the first point from behind the point or else they get sniped
>0 ways to actually punish said sniper because they are both in their spawn and in a spot only mobility heroes can get to.
And this is Overwatch's "good" map.
The majority of people on the english speaking internet are white. Thus, the majority of content produced is by white people. I'm sure there are some blacks, asians, and other minorities producing degenerate content as well, but their numbers pale in comparison. Also, it doesn't make any sense personally for a black man to fetishize the "size" of a white dick. If a black man were to fetishize anything about white men it would be about a quality inherently belonging to white men. Which is why my immediate thought is that a white man wrote it, to combat the stereotype of white men being less than.
Yes it was both a good and bad thing, as all complicated topics are
Humans are way too tribalistic for that to ever work
I quit playing it like a month after launch.
Is it really dead tho? Or is it "dead"?
no such thing as talent, pleb
>defend from behind the point
Nigger, just play around the hard cover on the right side and the rein shield if they have a widow. It's not rocket science
>see Pornhub stats for 2018
>interracial is one of the least popular porn genres
>but somehow on Yea Forums IR porn i seems popular because it's spammed everywhere
Fucking why?
I'm not saying you or the subculture is attracted to black. I'm saying the whole thing started as a response to blacked.
>mods delete the doom thread
>this shit is still up
How much are they payin' you hot pockets? I'll pay double if you stop fucking deleting VIDYA threads while blatant shilling like this stays up.
Damn Yea Forums would be a terrible mortician
>yup this guy's ded
>"sir this is a hospital, these people are just aslee-"
There are races besides white and black. Not everything is about you and the war you fight in your head with whitey, Tyrone.
I don't see how that post talked about projecting black obsession.
>Also, it doesn't make any sense personally for a black man to fetishize the "size" of a white dick.
Why not?
Bleached people are very sensitive about this thing.
It died when they started recycling the same events every year, they just add new skins so paypigs open up their wallets for the retarded loot boxes.
With how slow balance and content updates are, it's clear they're just trying to milk the remaining whales dry before they close up shop and shit out a sequel.
Based trips
Because the commonly held belief is that blacks have bigger dicks. Facts don't matter when it comes to that.
It's the guy who makes those blonde lesbians.
No one plays shieldbitch in this game.
Mercy is LITERALLY perfection
>non-blacked mercy
>swastika and QoH
you know ((((why))))
People will fetishize whatever they want user
why do you think micropenis is a fetish?
May bad, interracial wasn't even on the list.
It sure is odd that jannies only delete posts that btfo niggers
That's the fucking point, you commies are gullible retards that follow totalitarian sociopaths for the promise of free shit. You will never have your utopia because you'll always get conned and can't do anything yourself.
wow that narrows it down
>christmas cake
>doesn't age
>German/Swiss accent
Fuck off with this cope shit
Blacked will always be more popular
I love Mei but I mean, I'm mature enough to accept the fact that she is obviously built for black cock.
>it's not fair, i b-b-b-b-b-tfo those damn niggers
Don't you have some gun training to do for your next shooting, limp-dick?
>london team
>all chinks
>no sandniggers
What bizzaro world have we slipped into?
Commies are always upper-middle class spergs with a messiah complex that inevitably gets BTFO by one ambitious poorfag psycho that wants all the power. Case in point Stalin
>Not deleting your history and clearing your cookies regularly
Is anyone really this retarded?
>Actually trying to converse with a not real communism brainlet
Don’t you need to hide so you don’t get shot in a gang related drive by, you swarthy monkey?
>decent overwatch smut thread
>derailed by the cuck meme shitposting
why am I not surprised
It's been like this since moot left.
Quit complaining
Can’t come up with anything better? As expected of a boon
ice is white/blue and cold
blacks aren't white/blue and came from a hot continent.
The true answer is she was made for widowmaker.