Was he right?

Was he right?

Attached: half life man.png (1025x647, 577K)

Yes, I don't bother with piracy anymore now that buying legit is more convenient and I have disposable money.

Yes, Netflix came in and movie priacy went down. Now it's on the rise because everyone and their mother wants in and people don't want 50 different subscriptions to deal with. Same shit will happen with too many Launchers/Stores.

>disposable money.

Yeah only poor people use that term


i pirate games because i know that my 60$ will not make a difference to the developers.

I'll pay money for a game that isn't fucking dogshit.

>he only plays latest AAA games

Attached: 1553555417132.png (829x890, 105K)

trips of truth

stop pretending stores are gated communities

You underestimate the laziness of people

>he only replies with reddit wojack images

he's right otherwise steam would have failed because they steal 30% from the devs

I know exactly where those eyes come from.
You're playing a dangerous game there user.

30% is standard in online distribution, Epic is the exception

Not him but just look at sports.
Subscriptions for PayTV are down as hell.

>fan of a club
>want to watch all their games
>back in the days i could just watch them on public TV
>later the license went to Sky (payTV) so i bought it
>but nowadays the rights get split between multiple stations so Sky is only getting like 28 out of 34 games
>the other 6 games are split between two other payTV stations which also have their own receiver and subscription model
>have to pay 20 bucks a month for each as well in order to watch those games
>end up cancelling my Sky subscription and now i am just watching all that shit online via stream
>most coworkers are also doing the same thing because nobody is willing to put up with that shit

>could download the game from the internet sitting on your ass, with some time investment
>or drive to the next store to pick it up
Now steam comes and says
>you can download the game sitting on your ass and you don't even need to do anything but have the money

Not that guy but spoonfeed me.

30% isnt that much. Before Steam games were distributed physically. Then you had packaging, marketing, distribution, game stores and everyone else taking a cut. Publishers were mandatory. Steam drastically decreased how much it costs to release a game, with the added bonus of steam having a large audience and keeping your game on the shelves for longer than a couple months.

The style for those eyes is from the show my little pony and in particular a specific crop of one of the characters looking unbelievably smug, don't ask me how I know, I've known some really strange people in my time here.

Attached: 1415812000832.gif (853x480, 185K)

Piracy is indeed a service problem.
Just look at PC gaming before Steam happend.

You bought a game which turned out to be massively outdated so you couldn't even play with others. There was no patch on disk so you had to download the recent patch from one of those shady third party sides which usually try to also install a bunch of malware on your PC with the same installer. And once you updated the game you had to struggle with the shitty on disk DRM because it either fucked your harddrive (StarForce) or it limited your installs to a low number of machines (SecuRom).
So don't forget to get a recent crack which might also come with a few trojan horses and other shit. And once all of that is done and you finally enter a server you instantly get kicked by fucking Punkbuster because Punkbuster is a fucking joke.

>there are people in this thread who want to go back to those "good old days"

Above all else people are willing to pay for convenience

And porn oddly enough. Wonder if that'll change when the last of the boomers passes.