ITT: Humor only gamers will understand

ITT: Humor only gamers will understand

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not worst than Hanzo

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I zozzled.


literally what did they mean by this

oh cool more wojaks

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They targeted gamers. Gamers.

it's time...

theyre all ragecomic though

Your image makes me irrationally angry.

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Rage comics are just protowojaks. Projaks.

yeah, wojaks

gamers were persecuted by society. SOCIETY

I've seen this image a hundred times by now but I have no idea what it is or what it's supposed to mean.

The atari console that never came out. Or at least I think.

i love gamer humor

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It was the google streaming console announcement earlier this month.

this was removed from youtube for promoting violence lmao

All three of those were considered commercial failures. The dreamcast can be argued to some degree but the ET game and the power glove we're objectively shit.

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Dreamscast is objectively grrat. Loads of good games. It just failed to compete with the other consoles

True, the Dreamscast wasn't bad, or a blunder for that matter. Unfortunately, it wasn't good enough to save Sega from itself.

legit chuckled insensibly

gamer clan ain't nothin to fuck with

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upvote me if you get it

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they already knew it was going to fucking suck, that's why they showcased a bunch of video game products that flopped

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Why do you guys hate yourselves so much

This *wojak* needs *wojak* more *wojak* wojaks

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upvoted!!1 lol!!!


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>crosshair is where the gun is aimed at after firing

CSGO fags seething

because they gave up their souls for essentially nothing.

I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of these were made ironically.

Shut the fuck up you fucking twink level nigger faggot

is this loss?

That Battlefield sniper trajectory was kino tho.

Cringe but also redpilled

I don't get it

Boasting in an epic bread

So ornery.

Not when all weapons had sights zeroed at 0m, and bullet velocities for rifles were slow as fuck.


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Console aiming aids are the work of the devil.

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It was a weird advertising display for the Stadia reveal, which seems to compare Stadia to the Nintendo Power Glove, Atari ET, and Dreamcast - all products known and remembered primarily for having being enormous flops. Dreamcast was Segas last console whose failure saw them leave the hardware market, Atari ET is often credited with precipitating the first great Videogame Industry Crash, and the powerglove was basically a joke product. So apparently Google is fully expecting Stadia to be a catastrophic failure which destroys them, if not the entire gaming industry. Or at best to just be an absolute joke.


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The wii u should be there

oh that is fucked up

wtf reported

More like so HORNY because thats what you're making me, little faggot boy

>/kspg/ somehow managed to become the first general to ever get a "permanently ban and delete all threads related to this forever on sight, THIS FUCKING NEVER HAPPENED" ruling

I still can not accept mentally they managed to somehow be worse than /ksg/, /ddlcg/, and /ug/ combined to warrant this shit.

What did they do? I remember hearing a story about them dumping tons of horse porn but that's it.

I never kept heavy tabs on the general. What exactly happened to it? The few times I was there it seemed decent enough

Oh dear~

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>uses creepers because they drop ash
I see

>they're all creepers
holy shit

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Kill yourself if you unironically call yourself a game

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New Zealand's prime minister is outside my house wtf

fuck, i better call up Triple H then

Shut up and eat your cracker, cracker.

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gets me every time

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Lets slow down and get on your level then my dear zoomer.

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i FUCKING HATE this meme the coke, objective one is so much better.


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It's, cake is A lie. A mother fucking A are you retarded? Do i need to call your wrangler? How upset would your mom be if she found out you got out of the shed and FUCKED UP on the internet?

This happened to me and by the time you are able to actually finish the whole thing, you can just do it again no problem.

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Tsk tsk

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Do you think one day console-tan will be a reality?
It would only take for a big media corporation to buy a sex doll company, which will probably be a rather big industry some day as we are getting closer and closer to the mouse utopia each day.

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almonds = activated

really makes me think

wtf mario's an asshole

Really makes me think.

Based and redpilled

I fucking hate you faggots

are pacifist runs of mario games a thing?

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It's like, mario was like, the bad(ass) guy all along.

Is there anything worse than an Italian on mushrooms

I like this one.

Tell us what happened uncle user! Tell us tell us!

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Hit me right in the nostalgia lol

this is so sad can we nuke italy



this makes me hard

+1 upvote for you good sir.

I also gift you with 1 internet as well!

Be sure not to spend it all in one place XD

Timeline is wrong

I dont get it

I thought he used creepers because the people were self destructican americans

Nayrt but I heard they went on a long and relentless shitposting spree with cat gore. I'm sure you can find more details if you search for "catfuckers" in the archives.

Taken out of context.

b-but what does that have to do with ksp...

Don't mess with us...

typical snoy fan saying video games are bad. How would they know?

>not user you replied too
Did i get that right? These acronyms are getting ridiculous just type it out nigger.

the cat is hot and so is spanking



They are the ones who did it but I'm not sure what started the conflict.

Yes, I simply can't be arsed to type it out desu

Forgot pic.

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Puto el que lo lea equis de

gamers rise up

That's it I am going to bed.

Spank you very much medic

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>humor thread
>trannies post unhumorous things

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whoever added to this past ancient completely missed the joke




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no, because that's still N64 era

it's just that it becomes less funny because cutting things off at portal is funnier than cutting them off at OoT

It was the darkness.

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he he he

this is deep, but bro, dude what if the mushrooms were drugs

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one of my first faps was to the luigi's mansion comic where the pink cat gets her pants sucked off. not even a furry but I have a panty fetish and even though you don't even see them I think the implication was enough for 11 year old me

omg that happend to me to

Danke, Herr Doktor.

Attached: tyt.jpg (3264x3264, 601K)

>not humour

gamers hate anime AND girls u idot

>it's gamer time
>not its

why is her ass sparkling?

Make your choice, gamers

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back in the day parents used to hit their children on the buttocks as punishment

sometimes this got taken too far and they just had had sex with them instead. that's what happened here

Holy fuck I just realized

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Blue pill how is this even a question

Damn, nice catch!

As a side note, does anyone else think this was the best Batman film?

so if my mom fucks me in the ass then I'll start pooping stars??

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I still can't believe that gamers really did rise up...

the dark knight trillogy are the best batman films, but thats not saying much.

Maybe if I had terrible mouse grip. Whew.

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You would, you fucking cock munching faggot

Indeed fellow gamer.

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What if I am older than all of that?

What if my jam is



I went in there once because I wanted to discuss some bullshit challenge runs I was doing.
Out of 750 posts, literally 2 mentioned the game. The Op post and mine.
It is not an exaggeration. 748 fucking posts discussing soup, owning snakes as pets, molesting your cat, whether vaccinations cause autism, and arguments over the morality of pedophilia.

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no, if you don't have some kind of callus there that's noticeably absent on your left hand then you're either a casual or a zoomer who is too busy with his phone to know what a mouse is

This truly is dark knight rises, gamers rise...

What if I've been using a mouse near constantly for the past 15 years and still don't have a noticeable callus?

>left handed
Hitler should have gassed you lot too.

Nah, I tip grip. I keep my wrist and elbow elevated. I keep my posture upright.

If you've got that callous you're a palm gripper. You're probably a rank amateur at everything you play, too.

Attached: Running to Gamestop.jpg (606x960, 63K)

your body doesn't lie

>Here we see the chimpanzee getting aggressive; it is none too happy about its territory being infringed upon, so it lashes out its rival and his mate with fury. When another chimp appears to diffuse the situation, she too is struck down with impunity.
Man, nature documentaries are the shit

I see Google is anticipating that loss.

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Does it count if I have pain in my hand from using a mouse too much even if I don't have a callous?

>using a meme grip he learned from an infographic
how about we introduce a new option: callus or carpal tunnel.

16 years, no callouses to speak of. Maybe readjust your grip.

daily reminder that gamers posters are the same people who browse reddit and resetera

The absolute state of nigger insults

Took me waaay too long to get this.

Don't have carpal tunnel either.

I've been gaming like this for 20 years.

Don't forget to rise up in the morning.

I use a finger tip grip and I never have wrist pains or callouses. Perhaps it's not a meme after all.

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Do you actually believe this shit or are you just repeating a cope mantra?

yes, because the joke was that "gamers" don't play games from before 2007


>Hey so maybe re-think this one. No shame in the re-grip
no. although I do note that if I'm standing up I do actually use that meme grip. there's no way I'm going to use it sitting down 16 hours a day

the tip grip is an extremist fringe grip. the general rule that you can identify a rising up gamer from their callus does not change

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Red pill and I'll save the world from very specific Jews.

SOUL vs Cuntless

is that a boy


racism isn't funny, not even as a joke, society should shun anyone that pulls shit like this, they shouldn't even get a job, I don't care if they starve to death

Do you really care?

yeah i hate boys


It's the one case where that is, in fact, a girl. In her 20s even.

>the only way liberals can process reality is through harry potter
>the only way the edgy right can process reality is through minecraft

i want to fuck that girl or boy so bad

Sides absolutely obliterated.

I would kill for that tummy


risin up n sheet

With all of the sex negative moralfagging these megacorps have been doing more and more over the years, I highly doubt it desu

Lighten up faggot. People will always make light of tragedy, if you can't deal with that maybe you should leave the internet.

You mean that Sony has been doing?
She's 20, I guess. Not "in her 20s".

I see no proof that there is no penis.

you are a massive fag
most gamers dont have a bitch callus, not even ones with triple your gametime

Wasn’t the context behind this one that those chicks did something fucked up to the guy’s autistic son or something like that?

She really looks like one. Honestly thought it was a dude until someone finally interviewed her.

NTA but just use NTA motherfucker

Is your desk made of sandpaper or some shit?

The first one who got assaulted is a guy, but it's possible.

As bad as this is, he's right. Just look at HWNDU.

Then I guess you're just not a real gamer you fucking stupid incel.

I don't get it. It's a mass shooting reenactment I guess from the comments, but I'm not familiar with one that had a full video from the shooter's perspective.

There's other videos where you can see there's no peepee.

literally learn to maintain correct posture, you're spending your entire life doing something then you might as well do it without injuring yourself.

Think recent.
Think New Zealand.
Subscribe to pewdipie.

fuck you, society will teach you that facism has no place in society, soon you can't hide behind free speech anymore, and society will be better for it

group 1:
unironic gamers rise up. Generally clueless underage normies

group 2:
gamergaters who unironically want gamers to rise up but it's actually about ethics in gaming journalism.

group 3:
politically motivated progressives who derisively mock "gamers rise up" and conflate all the other groups with each other. This is the reddit and resetera group

group 4:
neo-alt-classical-centrists who dislike both group 2 and 3 because they don't take convicted stances on anything

group 5:
people who unironically want gamers to rise up, stop playing video games, and gas the jews. This group hates all the above groups

all these groups except 1 can see the humor in gamers rise up memes, but groups 3 and 5 are doing it in a noticeably more asshurt manner. the best gamers rise up parody material comes from groups 2 and 4

says the kid with faggy delicate woman skin

Agreed. Free speech is a crutch for cowards.

>politically motivated progressives who derisively mock "gamers rise up" and conflate all the other groups with each other. This is the reddit and resetera group

Didn't bother you last night when you were armpit fucking me for six straight hours.

>muslims are the type of enemy that blows up
Nice touch.


not cowards, but murderous bigots spreading a toxic ideology that will again lead to mass murder if it isn't stopped.

If only those rage faces were wojacks, then it would be completely acceptable!

i know this is bait, but, what the fuck facism has to do with this




>find the group you dislike
>apply the boogieman label

today i will ham mmm ham

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Luke Cage?

Normally this shit isn't all that funny, but having the victims be creepers is a little clever.


And trannies and Mexicans shouldn't have free speech either.

the mass shooting was a stunt to recruit more people to the alt-right, it's fucking obvious

Haha sure
In 5 years, you'll have two children with some flabby roastie, breeder boy.

>shitpost by alton

so you're a bigot, that comes as no surprise

I laughed at the webm and I laughed at your post. Back to trannyera with you

Why did I laugh?
I don't even like Sony.

I think I might be a retard guys.

no its just to piss you off

and I will laugh when the last republican walks out of office

It worked too. Look at all the incels in this thread who were indoctrinated by pewdiepie and then completely brainwashed by the mosque video. It's chilling

lol imagine flying into a rage and ranting about throwing away the foundation of law over a minecraft shitpost

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>implying Im american
I am laffin

it made me roll my eyes if that counts

quads confirm

>Caring about politics
Woah-ho! Who invited mister boring?

Your laugh is going to have wait quite a few election cycles with the complete disarray the dems are currently in.

It is really cringe, but on the other hand 100% correct.

>Tr*nnoids this upset over a few muzzies going byesies
Free speech is going be around forever, soon people will become desensitized to faggot tactics like doxxing and contacting employers when they realize how often and how petty the niggers are that do it.
Join the 40% today.

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>Inc*l thinks his opinion matters

what's the boogieman label? progressive? they would call themselves that. politically motivated? they would also call themselves that. resetera? that's the kind of person you'll find there because everyone else gets banned.

reddit? this is the most blanket label because reddit has countless boards that all hate each other and don't really have an underlying shared culture the way Yea Forums boards that disagree with each other do, aside from the culture that the le upboat and post history mechanisms subconsciously force on them. but I was literally just copying the "reddit and resetera" classification from who I was quoting to describe to him where the group he's talking about falls, regardless of whether his description of them is accurate

as a side note I dislike most of those groups. the radical political ones (there were two) especially

You're correct. But your argument is invalidated.

>posts hateful content
>lol it's only a shitpost
do you people lack self-awareness or something, are you fucking dense?

Based and cringepilled

Wow you sound like a fag. Nice blog loser.

Those mudslimes are eating dirt.
Free speech will NEVER go away
Trannies will die

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>they can't see the humor in the absurdity of recreating a shooting in fucking minecraft
I pity you, I really do.

But they're all still historically relevant.

lol fuck niggers and fuck you

it's not humor, it's a thinly veiled exuse to promote hate

zoomer post.

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>it's not humor
Gamers ROSE UP.

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>resetera? that's the kind of person you'll find there
Like all /pol/tard boogiemen, resetera isn't responsible for even a single % of posts that get accused of being from resetera.
Only retards believe that this website from the other side of the internet keeps raiding Yea Forums to trigger incels by fighting against sexism and racism.

>reddit? this is the most blanket label
It's a meme word for "outsider" and thus a cope.

You're right, and the fact that someone thought the best vehicle to do it with was minecraft is fucking hysterical

But consumer reviews aren't journalism, so it can't be about ethics.

>someone said something mean!
>quick! shred the constitution!
your brain is fried.

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based and dare I say redpilled

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You're right, but I want to point out describing posting on Yea Forums as "fighting racism and sexism" is laughably stupid.


That's why only retards believe that some outside force is doing it.

It's usually just me and I'm doing it for (You)s

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so are your jokes

Read his post again.

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Muslim isn’t a race.

it was a cringeworthy joke

Fucking rt

I'm going to anusfloof rape who made this!!

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>resetera isn't responsible for even a single % of posts that get accused of being from resetera.
No shit? Did you read this part?
>I was literally just copying the "reddit and resetera" classification from who I was quoting to describe to him where the group he's talking about falls, regardless of whether his description of them is accurate
And also, did you even read the the part that you're quoting?
>that's the kind of person you'll find there
I wasn't saying literally everyone who's progressive posts on resetera. Or even that they post on resetera and reddit. I was describing the kind of person who posts on resetera.

If I say "you find only red birds in that tree", it doesn't mean literally every red bird in the world is from that tree. This is just you misinterpreting what I'm saying because of your own failure in logic

>Like all /pol/tard boogiemen,
Dripping with hypocrisy

>reddit? this is the most blanket label
It wasn't even my word. I was just taking his description. I wouldn't seriously conflate all of reddit together because so many boards there hate each other. But I would never post there and could never like it because of the mechanics.

I'm just identifying that he's talking about the people who are butthurt over non-progressive gamers (which he calls "reddit and resetera"), and explaining to him that they aren't the only ones who post ironic gamers rise up.

not as cringeworthy as you

Usually "the shit" is a positive thing to say.

Your reading ability is definitely not the shit.

so you want to ignore the fact that all of the victims were arabs

You cannot grasp the true form
of Giygas' attack!

Were they? Not memeing, I genuinely don't know and don't want Google to see "were only arabs killed in the new Zealand mosque shooting?"

>it's not humor
hey guys, Fifth Circuit Humor Judge here, AMA

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well, he did shoot up a mosque
dead arabs aren't a problem though, based brendan did the world a favor

The creepers was a nice touch

Can I download this map? Also what mmod did you use?

Yeah you would just sit there with your hands in your lap if someone fucked with your son. Oh wait you don't have to worry about that because you wont be having kids will you.

Islam is popular amongst black people last I heard

So if antifa kills all white supremacists, they're racist because all the victims were white? Or if a guy just goes on a random shooting rampage in a country that's 95% white, and he happens to be black, he's racist because all the victims were white?

He was racist but that doesn't logic follow

I don't know the story but if he chimped out because someone messed with his son he should've handled it like a human being, not an enraged monkey

You're just proving you're no different by using racist language and perpetuating hate crimes and murders.

>Actually including 60s Batman Joker
