Now that everybody agrees that Sekiro is the best game this year, what are its most kino moments?

Now that everybody agrees that Sekiro is the best game this year, what are its most kino moments?

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TLOU2 is the GOTY and it doesn't even come out for another 5-6 months

>kill the guardian ape

why is the fog gate still there
oh no

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kenshi is better

The Last of Us shouldn't get a sequel. The best part about that game was the ending.

but that's wrong, user.

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Sekiro is far superior to Devil May Cry. DMC is easy, derivative, and it has a bad story.

Let's see that DMD ranking.

>killing the great serpent, causing a giant blood spray and making it rain blood while soaking yourself completely red

what is this digimon shit

stuck on that dumbass right now. have first phase down and got him >10% on phase 2.

really rustles my jimmies

>The year isn't over yet
user, you do realize GOTY is worse than the Oscars for judging how good a game is right? TLOU2 is going to have LGBT relationships. A game with great gameplay and an OK story just won't cut it in 2019, bigot. And that is a good thing.

fuck off to your general filled with reddit memes, I can't believe I waited 10 years for this pile of shit.
dmc 1 and 3 are the only worthwhile games

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>unironically using metacritic
What are you, a consolefag?



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Not him but Sekiro is simply a better game.
You need to beat DMCV twice before the game gives you a real challenge.
Sekiro is automaticlally on easy mode by not letting you remove Kuro's charm until ng+ and it's way harder than DMCV.
Ranks don't mean anything I know it's hard for autists like you to swallow but it is true.


ghost of tsushima will kill this game

>Press X to samurai

Killing that giant carp then returning to see gramps dead with his daughter by his side

>press R1 to deathblow enemy

Fighting ninjas is always kino, every time.
If you do the flipping monk-style jump kick on them it's like ninja vs ninja.
BTW look at how much FUCKING posture damage this kick does to him on the first hit. Jesus christ

Attached: high monk kick.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

>best game this year

lol no

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I kekd

>best game


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Lmaooo look at these shitty cinematic movies